MISTER SNITCH HTS HERE HE'S THERE HE'S PICTORIA Firm St., M ue P WHERE! Volume 8, No* 37 emao FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1966 At Batata*, N. J. TEN CENTS THE OLD man Is going •round talking to himself. His friends wonder/why. It's true tie was a success- ful Misinessman. it's true he cannot read or write. p he must bare done something right because be HOLY NAME rsdced himself from a dtah- washer to owner of the swankiest Joint in the county. However, the _ause of his present discomfort is his son. He sent the kid to tile best school - educated hint well, only too well. The kid became a CPA and he went to work MARCH for dear old Dad. He kept the books aad had the mak- ings of the best bookkeeper IB die world. Only there's s rub here. He kept two UNDER sets of books and the pro- fits, while large, became only a double entry. The cM man sold out with a SUNNY SWES huge gala* but te cannot fee over die fact mat he paid for the kid's educa- tion which led to the short- ages and double books. Pa- pa, you are well fixed, so HDBOKEN POLICE OOLOR CfUAR= zagent o. pc Hair Name ALL PHOTOS BY MJ. stop your lamentation and Society parade in which more than 1,500 Hoiy Name men marched i be happy in retirement. Af- ter all is said and done, toe kid couldh are become an alcoholic. Too, be could have married the blonde widow with five kids. Thus, T well that ends well. THE new aad the old. Or why worry about me old - especially if he is a sugar daddy. The new romance is young, strong and will- ing. She got lonesome in the gorgeous apartment looking in the mirror at her Italian style hairdo. The young guy takes her places shows, night-clubs and pubs. Yet, the old flame is paying the high tariff - the rent and overhead- Her problem is how to keep tbeaa frost bumping into 1 GRAND MARSHAL rf Hob** * IWy »*»« aide: Rev. Anaaad Sanaa*, paator, OPM, ci«r.; R«r each other. The younger •ms JoseiMi P«p. €l St. Prw* BjrUA, Sdmn, moderator, OFM, Coav.; Graad Mi lover l« her real sad tree St. PnweU Partoh coatlnga* «es WUIUBB WUUam Bergea, Cbtries Paaqmle, aide, aad romance. It is ratner un- usual how mey get together. They use signals. If she wafts the dog - a cuts fox terrier - without a leash on the Blvd., the time is appropriate. However, wfaeatbe dog has the leash on - mat's the time for the younger guy to move along about his other business, fbe otner day tike dog was along the blvd. without the leash. Woes the guy went to make his move, the old geezer who is footing me bills came along aad called the dog. This, indeed, was the call of die wild be- cause die younger one waa wild - disillusioned In his expectations. Yet, be philosophized "Every dog has Ms, day." L**e U «a ifltaagBjl*, *aid the Brae and greets of a but it taint seeiettg tf HOLY NAME SOCIETY parade manual for Our Lnfe ofCrace Robert McLean, pwaldeac Fatker Jata F. Mee,a»dbr«on Pat L. at the end of a'taoNta to keep pariah wax Andrew Van Spnug shswa with hi* two *o», Rtcterd Leonard, vice prsstder- s«3 Joseph CalUgT. sacretary. It" ••*• on left who ««« tntrfbal^ aide, tod RoDert. le back row i.-e 68 (Cosdooed m Page Parade P* "** Hobofcen Pictorial Friday, October 14. 1966 Page S st. and William Howard Sander, son of Mr. sad Mrs. William Sander of Weehawken.Thecoupie WED IN CHURCH GUISEPPE McNAMARA wlU rer'de in Fairvlew on their return from a honeymoon to the Poconos and Canada. -.. •• • ..•••'•.• H you are begtnatBg to f eel the pinch from rising coats of living, THREF Hoboken High School bear In mind that there are many students received U.S. Savings Km. They are Oaatel T. Zane- ways to economize. For example, • Bonds at Columbia Day exer- tieht , S» Bloonafield «., Michael you can save $1,000 by not Join- cises. First place wbtner was J. Tottro, 524 Adams at;.Dennis ing the President's dob. I Browne, 165 3rd St., William was Lucille Aaaretta; second was 8 Rene Corrado and third Prances E***^ ? J*««« «. and Definition No. 217,843. series Dupas. • P. Johnson, 153 Willow N: A pessimist is a person who has been burned by the lamp of REUEF for the relief rolls experience. PROUD PARENTS at 710 Hud- of the ctty is to sight if the son St. are Mr. aad Mrs An- Federal Government advances thony RotowB. They have an ad- A scientist believes super- the HOPES program $112,000 dition to the family in the per- germs are being evolved. Per- to be used for oo-the-job train- son of Lisa. Mrs. Rotondi is haps so. It well could be that tag of unskilled workers. the former Mary Dowses. Ma Nature has got fed up on • • * man's learning so many of her TRYING TIMES are making the secrets and has set out to do PTA of Stevens Academy will him in. lives of the city's detectives sponsor "Back to School Night" uncomfortable with the contin- on Oct. 19 at 8 pjm. at theschool uance of breaking and entries "The fellow who talks loud," reported. $382 worth of tools says Old Sorehead, "Is trying to A HINT to all sew brides. Dont attract attention with bis voice were stolen fa two entries, the bang on to all that sterling silver moat recent. Just for special occasions. Con- because Ms ideas won't do so." tinued use will beautify them over WHO was that lady i saw you the years resulting in the beauti- An optimist tells us not to with? That was no lady, that was ful patina so treasured to solid worry abour these troubled times, my secretary. When this bus- silver flatware. pointing out that a superlatively inessman becomes her husband, wise man centuries ago said, he can say, "That was no lady, "This, too, shall pass." The that was my wife." A psychologist says you can trouble Is, though, that we may * * • often tell the personality of a pass before "this" does. ITS off to the sunny shores of man by the c*r he owns. It is Florida next roonthfor Erie Law- assumed if he owns two striking- tor- and his wife. ly afferent cars, he has a split personality. National Zip Code Week will TWO youths arrested for being begin October 10. It Is suggest- under the Influence of alcohol "Eating liberal quantities of ed that the Post Office Depart- were also found to be In pos- spinach will Improve a person's ment ->b" ve 'Ms week by in- session of more than 80 bar- looks," says a dietitian. It cludii '. ,--.;>• postmark the biturate capsules. B these fel- M> co« -'r.^.isr at the post- hasn't done much for Pop-Eye, off lr lows would only realize they the Sailor Man. ••• pass this way once, how much *•• w nicer to leave the world ta a Against their chairman, Adams At this time of year the hope Clayton Powell, member of the b«*er way than In which they of an early frost causes certain WEDDING BELLS rang out recently for Maureen Joyce TrunceUito round tt. House Committee on Education hay-fever victims to have fewer and Labor did a great deal more daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. TraveUito of 9i4 Hudson St.. Hobokea dark thoughts of committing huffing and puffing than Mowing irjJf w^r^J^* * mUiam l1awUTd S«»der.s°n<*Mr. Some months ago it was learned suicide. down. and Mrs w. Sander of 30 Clifton Terrace, W^bawken. on October that the earth is lopsided, and •*• i at 4:30 p m. in Sts Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church. The now Luna Orbiter reveals this JOSEPH TUBTFO, son of Mr. "New York City wUl no longer couple went on a wedding trip to the Poconos and Canada and will is also true of the mjon. It and Mrs. Nicholas Tublto, 116 give VIPs a key to the city.*• reside in Fairview when they return. - may be that lopsidedness Is char- Clinton st. middle-aisled it with It has never been necessary to do acteristic of heavenly bodies as Miss Brenda Payne, daughter of this, as New York has always well as of people Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Payne, been a wide open city. of Jersey City. They will re- Most Vice Presidents have not side in the city at 116 Clinton been well known by the public, st. LIGHT FINGERS were busy v 'Want SomrtkiM but there are said to be some *• • • a parked trailer owned by Eisen ! AT' prominent Deraocrate who fear ON A HAPPIER NOTE. Miss Bros. Furniture at 16th st. and that Humphrey is becoming too Jo Ann Mascolo, daughter of Willow av. Someone helped them- well known. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mascolo, selves to $903 worth of new THE SLEEP SHOP 418 Adams st. and Frank Daur- furniture. S&JCERE CONDOLENCES to the la, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor 503 Washington Jit. Hoboken. N J. family at Lt. Robert Brockmann Daurla, 712 Adamsst. are honey- who was killed by a Viet Cong mooning in Puerto Rico. They Redwood Lounge £ - sniper last week. will reside in Jersey City on 01 9-5503* their return.
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