r~ LAUGHLIN HEALTH BUILDING DIRECTIONS FOR REGISTRATION I -- \ @.... - -- UNIVERSITY CALENDAR First Semester 1969-70 September 13 Saturday Registration of part-time students for night and Saturday classes September 15 Monday AM Freshman Orientation begins Monday 1M Orientation of transfer students September 16 Tuesday AM Registration of seniors and graduate students Tuesday Registration of juniors ans sophomores September 17 Wednesday AM Registration of juniors and sophomores Wednesday PM Registration of freshmen September 18 Thursday Registration of freshmen September 19 Friday Classes begin (M-W-F schedule) September 22 Monday Last day to register for a full load September 29 Monday Last day to register for credit October 13 Monday Student who drop courses after this da te will automatically receive marks of ''E" in the courses dropped October 20 Monday Freshman grade reports to Data Pro­ cessing November 17 Monday Mid-term grade reports to the Registrar's Office November 26 Wednesday Thanksgiving Holiday begins at 11:20 A.M. December 1 Monday Class work resumes at 8:00 A.M. December 19 Friday Christmas Holiday begins at 11:20 A.M. January 5 Monday Class work resumes at 8:00 A.M. January 23, 26, 27 and 28 Final examinations January 30 Friday First semester closes at 4:30 P.M. ADVANCE ANNOUNCEMENTS February 4 Wednesday Registration 5 Thursday 6 Friday February 7 Saturday Registration of part-time students for night and Saturday classes February 9 Monday Classes begin June 6 Saturday Second Semester closes at 12:00 M. Volume 34 July 1969 NO.3 Bulletin published by Morehead State University, Morehead, Kentucky, four times a year: April, May, July, and December. Entered as second-class matter at the post office of Morehead, Kentucky. - 1 - I) ffice IIdJ'ull Duran, President . lid 201 IIcademic AfEa;rs harren C. Lappin, Vice President for Academic Aff~irs and Dean of the F;]cul ty . Ad 303 ~loYl'is L. Norfleet, Vice President for Research and Development Ed-A 903 Paul rord Davis, Dean of Undergraduate Programs . Ad 204 John R. Duncan, Dean of GraduiJte l'rograms . Ad 203 C. Nelson Grote, Dean, School of Applied Sciences and Technology III 210 James H. Powell, Dean, School of r:ducation . Ed-A 201-F Johnson E. Duncan, Dean, School of Humil nities . B 107 IvilJ iam C . Simpson, Dean, School of Sciences and Mathematics L 123 Roscoe Playforth, Dean, School of Social Sciences R 206 Linus A. rail', Registrar . Ad 205 Jerry Franklin, Associate Registrar Ad 205 Mm'y ella IvcJls, Assistant Registrar Ad 205 Bill B. Pierce, Director of Admissions Ad 304 Jilek D. I:] lis . Director of Liuraries . Librar~' IvilJ iam C. lIillllpton, Director of Reading Clinic Ed-B 204 Hilzl"l Ivhit"ker, Director of Testing .... Ed-A 501-E Nornw n Tant. Director 0 f Instructional Media . Ed-B 210 HOlldal D. H;,rl . Din~ctor of Un;versity 13reckinridge School Breck Thonws II. Harris, Professor of Military Science . Button Student Affairs Roger L. Ililson, Vice President for Student Affairs Ad 301 Buford Crager, Deiln of Students ..... Ad 301 Am", Mac' Riggle, Associate Dean of Students Ad 301 Ron.1Jd L. IvaJke, Associilte Dean of Students Ad 301 Llmer Anderson, Student Finance Officer Ad 305 Lilrry St ephenson, Director of Student Housing Ad 305 Jack Henson, Director Doran University Center DUC Hussell Kirk, Director of Security . ... Universi ty Affairs Raymond R. Hornback, Vice President for University Affairs Ad 104 MOOl'oe Wicker, Director of School Relations. Ad 101 Director of Alumni Relations . Ad 105 George Burgess, Di rector of Photography Ad 106 Hartin Hu ffman, Dire ctor of Publicati ons and Printing Ad 103 Keith Kilppes, ASSistant in Public Information .... Ad 102 Dale Greer, ASSistant in PuLlic Information-Radio & TV Ad 102 BUSiness Affairs Russell N. flcClure, Director of BUSiness Affairs Ad 202 Robert Iv. Stokes, ASSistant Director of BUSiness Affairs Ivilliam ewers. Director of Food Services Ad 202 Vinson' Ivatts. Director of Non-A cademic Pe~s~n~ei Ad 202 Glen BoodlY, Director of PhySical Plant Ad 206 RSB Volume 34 July J969 No . 3 Bulletin published . by Morehead Stilte University, Morehead, Kentucky, four tlmes iJ year : Aprll, Hay, July, and Dt.:cember . Entered as second-class matter at the post office of Norehcad, Kelltueky. - 1 - ESTIMATED FEES FOR ONE SEMESTER Registration Fee - Resident $ 100.00* Donmitory Room Rent 100.00 120.00** College Post Office Box Rent .75 Incidenta 1 Fee 20.00 Special Events Fee 5.00*** Laundry Service 4.00 Estimated Cost of Books 40 . 00 $ 269.75 - 289 . 75 *This fee for non-resident students is : $350.00 **Depends on the dormitory to which the student is assigned ***Required for undergraduate students, optional for graduate students PART-TIME FEES The Registration Fee for undergraduate students who are residents of Kentucky and enrolled for less than twelve hours of work is $9.00 per semester hour. This fee for non-resident students in $30.00 per semester hour. The Registration Fee for graduate students who are residents of Kentucky and en­ rolled for less than nine hours of work is $12.00 per semester hour. This fee for non-resident students is $40.00 per semester hour . All students enrolling for more than six hours during a semester are required to pay the regular Incidental Fee. OTHER EXPENSES The University maintains modern cafeterias in The Doran University Center and in Al umni Tower, and food may be purchased at reasonable rates. Books and necessary supplies may be secured at the University Bookstore . Prices on these items are hel d at a minimum. REFUNDS Refunds of fees will be made as follows: A student withdrawing for justificable cause during the first week of school will be refunded 757. of his fees, and within the second or third weeks will be refunded 507. of his fees, provided however, that the student is not a recipient of a loan, grant, or a scholarship, in which case the refund will be made according to the provisions of the particular financial aid program. No refund of fees will be made after the first three weeks from the first day of classes . - 3 - SUBJECT INDEX READ CAREFULLX: "g' 1. The University reserves the right to revise this 9 schedule in any way that seems desirable. AgrLculture 2. Special permission must be secured to carry a Art .. 31 student load of more than 17 hours. (Maximum for Biology 47 graduate students - 1.5 hours.) 10 Business 3. Courses numbered in the 300's and 400's carrying 48 the letter "Gil may be taken for graduate credit Chemhtry by qualified students. Graduate students enroll­ DramatLc Art 33 ing for any of these courses should check carefully 50 E.lrth Science with both the course instructor and the Dean of EconallLcs 55 Graduate Programs to be certain of prerequisite 18 Education qualifications. 35 EngUsh STEP 1. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors should pick up the FLne Arts 31 preliminary portion of their registration packet at 38 the office of the Dean of the School of their first French major prior to reporting to the Field House. Fill Geography 56 in the information requested on all of the cards Geology 50 EXCEPT the class schedule on the white registrar1s 50 card and the final schedule on the front of the 39 student information card which will be completed after " ..man 24 you have received all class cards. Complete in pencil Hea lth or ink as specified. Rhtory 57 l4 Hc:me Econoraics STEP 2. All students will report to the Field House (Station l5 "A") as called for in the alphabetical schedule for Industrial Education registration on page 7. Students should check the 33 Journa111111 Ildrop and add II boards located in the Field House and 39 Latin .. begin to select other alternatives for classes or 24 sections shown as closed. Library Science 51 MAthelll4tlcs .. STEP 3 . Students will pick up their master card and the re­ 62 mainder of their registration packet at Station I~II, MlUtary Science 39 Music . .. .. STEP 4. (a) Juniors, seniors, and graduate students may pro­ 26 Physica 1 Eduea tion ceed directly into the multi-purpose room through 53 ll Phydcs Station "C , 44 (b) Freshmen and sophomores will be required to have Phllosophy 59 their trial schedule cards stamped and signed by Political Science an adviser before entering the registration area 22 ll Psychology . at Station "C • Advisers will be located on the 34 RadLo and Televlsion second floor level of Laughlin Building in the 30 following rooms: Recreation 39 R.ussian School of Applied Sciences & Tech ... LB 207 45 School of Sciences & Mathematics ... LB 208 Schnce School of Education ....... ... ... .. LB 209 55 Soc La 1 Sc lence School of Social Sciences .......... LB 213 School of Humanities ........... ... LB 215 Sociology 60 39 Spanhh 33 - 5 - Speech • 4 • STEP 5. Upon entering the registration area (Station "C") students should report to the Program of Studies table REGISTRATION SCHEDULE a t the school of their first major in Area "0". No Fall 1969 class cards will be issued unless the Program of Studies card has been officially stamped and signed . If a change in your schedule becomes necessary because SeniDrs and Graduate Students of conflict, closing of a section, etc., be certain that any class cards you have already received, but Tuesday. September 16 Tuesday. September 16 will not be able to use, are returned to the station 7:30- 8 :30 A-B-C-D 9:30-10:30 L-M-N-O-P-Q-R 8:30- 9:30 E-F-G-H-I-J-K that issued them.
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