Federal Renister / Vol. 50, 216 1 Wednesday, November 1685 1 Proposed Rules 48938 No. -13, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DARI: Written comments should be FOR FURTMKl IWtORYAfIW COWIACT: AOEt!CY submltled by March 13.19tX. A publlc Joseph A. Cotruvo. Ph.D., Director, hearing will be held in Washington, D.C. Criteria and Standards Division. Office 40 CFR Parl 141 on January 28 and 29.1968, beginning at of Drinking Water (WH-5501. 9:OO 6m in Conference 1, adjacent IOW-FRL-2058-71 Room Envlronmentel Protection Agency. 401 M to the Washington Information Center, Street. SW., Washington. DC 2~80. Natlonrl Pdmsry Drlnklng Watw EPA, 401 M Street SW.. Washington, telephone (202) 382-7575. DC. Regulatlona; Synthetic.Orgrnlc Table of Contmt~ Chemlcalr, lnorganlc Chemlcrla and Aomesses: Send written comments to 1. Statutory ilequirements Mlcroorganluna Comment Clerk, Criteria and Standards 11. Regulatory Framework Division. Office of Drinking Water 111. Regulatory BackRround AQIMCV: Environmental Protection (WH-SSO), Environmental Protection Agency [ EPA). A. Interim Regulntlons Agency, 401 M Street SW.. Wnshington. B. Natlonnl Academy of Sclences (NAS) ACTIOW: Proposed rulemaking. C. Revised -- -.. .. .. - - - - -- ____- DC 20480. A copy of the comments and Issues BeinR Addrersed In Regulations SlIYYAllV: Thlr proposed rule under the supporting documents will be available for review uuring normal buslnees hours 0. Summnry of Commentr Snfc Ihiriking Water Act (42 U.S.C. W IV. Regulatory Alternatlves ot srq. 1 would entatdish Recommended at the EPA. Room 2904 [rear). 401 M Street SW., Wtrshington. DC 20400. It Is V. Fnctors in the Development of RMCI, Mtiximiim Contaminant l~vels(RMC1.s) A. Selection of Contaminmts for for synthetic orgtinic chemicals (SOCs). requested that anyone planning to attend the public hearing (especially Rcgulfllion inorxtinic chemicals [IOCs) and B. Sources of Occurrence end lluman micrnl)ioIoRical parameters in drinking those who plan to make statements) Exposure Date water. I'roporcd RMC1.s (goals) for register in advance by calling or writing C. Evaluation of llealth Effects and substuncer considered to be probable Ms.Arnetta Davis at 202/382-7575. EPA. Delermindlion of RMCL. humrln t:arcinogenr are set at the zero WlC550.401 M Street SW.. Washington. 1, Non-carcinogens-AhDls level rind RMCLs for substances not DC 20480. Persons planning to make 2. Calculatlon of the RMCla treated (in probable human carcinogens statements at the hearing are 3. Short-term Assessmenls Are set hased upon chronic toxicity or encouraged to submit written copies of 4. Carcinogens sther data. SOCn. lOCs and their remarks at the time of the heoring. 5. Evidence of Carcinogenicity VI. Microbiological RMCL microorganisme that are not included in Supporting documents cited in Section XI will be available for inspection at the A. Interim Regulations and Recent this propond may be considered for Outbreaks of Waterborne Disease subsequent rulemaking under the Safe Drinking Water Supply Branches in ' 8. Told Coliform Bacteria DrinkinR Water Act. EPA's Regional Offices. c. Turbidity RMC1.s are nun-anforceohle henhh 1. JFK Federal Bldg.. Boston. MA 02203. 0. Giardia goals which are to be set at leveln which Phone: (817)Zs-8~18. Jerome Healy E. Pathogenic Viruses would rcsult in no known or anticipated 11.28 Federal Plaza. Room 824. New F. LeRionellne advcrat! health effects with an adcquate York. NY 10278. Phone: (212) 284-1800. C. tieterotrophic Bacteria margin of safety. Thin propogal is the Walter Andrews II. Treatment Technique Reguiremenls 1. Mandatory Filtration and Disinfection initial nttige in rulemaking for the 111. 8th 6 Walnut Sts.. Philadelphia. PA entahlishmenl of primary drinking water of Surface Water for Microo-anisms 1WoB. Phone: (215)597-9673. Bernie 2. Mandatory Disinfection of Ground reguliltions for Ihe SOCs. lOCs qad Sarnowski microbials. Following this proposal. Water IV. 345 Courtland Street. Atlanta. GA VII. lnorpnic RMCLs Maximum Contaminant l~vels(MCLs) 30385. Phone: (404)W1-3781, Robert A. Availability 01 Analytical Methods orid monitoring/reportinR requirements Jourdan 8. Proposed RMCLs will be proposed when the RMCh are V. 230 Dearborn Chicago. IL 80804. 1. Arsenic promdga led. MCLs are cnfurceoble S. SI.. Phone: (312) 888-8176, Joseph 2. Asbestos stonclmls and are to be set as close to tlarrison 3. Barium the RMCla as is feasible and are based 4. Cadmium Elm SI.. Dallas, TX upon treatment technologies and cost. VI. lUn 75270. 5. Chromium Puhlic comments are solicited on each Phone: (214) 787-2820. lames Graham 0. Copper of thc proposed RMCLa as well as on V11.726 Minnesota Ave.. Kansas City, 7. Lead the mgu!ntory approach being KS BB101. Phone: (913) 23&2815, 8. Mercury considered. Specific scientific and Gerald P. Foree 9. Nitrate and Nitrite technical reviews and comments are VIII. 1880 Lincoln SI.. Denver. CO 80295. 10. Selenium Phone: (303)293-2815. Marc .4lston C. lOCs for Which RMCLs are not requentccl on the support docutnents on Ropored analyticiil methods and health effects. IX. 215 Fremont SI.. Sen Francisco. CA Phone: Leslie 1. Aluminum The notice and supporting 94105, (415)974-8078, 2. Cyanide documentation also contains Ragle 3. Molybdenum calculritions and information regarding X. 1200 Sixth Ave.. Seattle. WA 98101. 4. Nickel risks from contaminants that EPA is Phone: (206)442-1225. jerry Opetz. 5. Silver proponing not to reRulate. EPA has Copies of draft health criteria, 8. Sulfate published nonregulatory Drinking Water occurrence, analytlcal methods and 7. Sodium Health Advisories on these health advisory documents wlll be 8. Antimony. Berylilum. Thallium and contaminante. .?ublic comment is also audilable for a fee from the National Vanadium requested scientific basis for 9. Zlnc on the Technical Information Service (NTIS). V111. Synthetic Omanic Chemicals: RMCb those ctilculations and whether EPA U.S. Department of Commerce, 5285. A. Availability of Analytical Methods should develop Primary Drinking Water Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 8. Ropored RMCLs Regulations. or kleallh Advisories. or 22181. The toll free number Is eoO/336- 1. Acrylamide lake no action. 4700. local: 703/487-4850. 2. Aiachior Federal Register 1 Vol. 50. No. 219 / Wcdrcsdoy. November 13, 1985 / Proposed Rule8 - _. - b 1. Al~licHrhAldiciirli ri4fnxltlc nntl Ixvel nnd which miiy have iiny tidvwsr: I\lllicniti wlfone c!ffecl upon the hi:;illh of pi:rwnn." 4. Cnrliofurcin 141 2(11)(1)I 5. Chlortliine U). MC1.s [ire the ~~iifori:i!ulhstiiiitloiil~ 6. I)iliromor.hloriiprcpiine 1. Slalulnry Requirements MCXn must tic! atif ;is closi: lo RM(;I.s ;iq 7. ti.. rn-l)ii:hlarot)enzene is fi!asi\h. Frvtsililr! mt:;rns "with Ihv iiw 8. cis. nntl tr~nr-1.2-l)ichloro1!thyl~nen The Siife Drinking WirIer Act (42 9. 1 .2.f)ichlnrriprop;inc of the hest ti:chnciliigy, trc:atrnc:nt U.S.C.3Wf. c/ .qt?q.) ("SDWA" or "lhe in. 2.4-0 Icchnicliies nnd other rniwnq. whic:h ttiv I Act") requires the KPA lo enlrililinh 11. Epichlorohytlrin A'dministrrilor finrls iiw xc:ner;illv p r imti ry drinking wii ler reguI n 1 ions 12. Ethyllienxenc riv~ilaIiIe(taking i;oRts inlo which: (1) Apply lo public writer 13. Ethylene dihromitlc con~idnriilitin)."Si*f:lion 141 Z[t)]!'l J. nyalemrc: (2) Apecify contamirianla which 14. I leplachlor Hntl I leplnchlor epoxide Even though R>Jf;l.siirv prcirniilq;itc~il. in judgmcnl of Adminintrator. 15. I.indiine the the no system in forced lo rc:tliic;c: in. Methoxychlor mciy have any edverne effect on the cimtaminanta lo this level or to tiikt! 17. Mnnoc:hloroticnxcnc henllh of pereone: and (3) npccify fiir otber action rc:g;irding cnnt;irniniints. 10. I'rilychlorina tctl Iiiphcnyla cnch conteminanl either [a) maximum 19. I'cntrichlaroph~:noI RMC1.n only nervi! ;is gii;iI.q for Iht! conlflminsnt.levels (MC1.n) or (b) Agency in the coiirse of sc!tting MCI.s 20. Styrene lreatment tcchniquce. See Section 21. Tiiliicne iind iirc thcrdorc inititil steps in the 42 3OOf. 22. 'l'cixnphenc 1401(1). U.S.C A trealment MCL rulemaking !hiit will follow. In lachnique rLquirc!rn$.it would be eel only 21. 2.4.s.~ nome cnses. the hKXs will Iw ui:t vwy if "it ia not economiccilly or 24. Xylenc CIOBClo the R,MCl.e: in other c;in!!n, C. RMC1.r Not l'rcipiineil technologically fcesible" lo aacerlnin nnelytical methodn. control proct:sai!J or 1. Alrrizinc the Icvel of ii conteminenl in drinking coel considpralions may dictale an 2. 2.1.7.R~l'clr~chlor1i1~i~,rnto-p-dioxin writer. sfC;ld lhnl is not RB clnsc. Public water 3. Endrin The SDWA includes provisione for syelems muel comply with the MCI.: 4. IIc~xrichlorolic!nscni! interim and reviaed regulatione. See non-compliance with an RMCI. ciinrilit 5. Simhzinc: ncction 1412,42 U.S.C. 3009-? Inle:im R. Other SOCn Ihc beaie of fln enforcemant ;ic.lion entabli8;led be IX. Impiicl of this Rt!giil;tliiin regulations were to be within dnyn of enactment (;Ithe under section 1414 of the Safc Drinking X. l~iililic1)ockc.t Waler Acl. XI. Rcqiieri Iiir l'~ilil,ii; Commitnl SDWA. Revined regulntions are lo he developed in IHOsteps: the Agency is lo Urt 01 Flpmand Tables .-.. .. eslablish recomiriended ma-ximum II. Regulatory Framework Figiire 1-N;itiiiniil l'rimiiry IIrinkinR Weter contnminant levels (RMC1.n) rind thsn Issuing Revised I'rim;iiy Ilrinking ReRiiliitionn Rt!giihliiry lDriii:i!iliirc eslii Id inh mri xi mum con1ti miniin t Icvdn Wiiter Rtrgiilritionb is Ihc: ~i:i:~nOstr*~i in Tnlilc I-Rccrimmcnrltrtl Acliona on ANPRM (MCl.8) HS close lo the RMC1.s iis the evolution of tlii: primiiry drinking (:on ti1minrin tr fmnihle. MC1.s ;ire to ICproposetl ;it the wiitcr rcgiihtinns m;tnrl;iti:tl Iiy 1tw Tiilile 2-(hiili:lini!n nii tho IJw of lime of proniulgatinn the RMC1.s.
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