EAI 640 Digital Computing System. - EAI@640 Digital Computing System More important, 640 capabilities are equal to a variety of scientific computational requirements. - - The EAI 640 Digital Computing System. .. <- The EAI 640 Digital Computing System serves a general-purpose, stored program digital for both general-purpose and conversational computer with a 16-bit word plus protect mode computations; as the digital portion for bit, memory expandable to 32,768 words, hybrid systems and as the digital computer a 62-instruction repertoire, 12-levels of for systems designed for special-purpose ap- priority interrupt and a price which starts plications. under $30,000. Most important, the EAI 640 strikes a balance between the work it can do and the cost to do The 640 is the balanced computer. it. Simply stated, balance means value. The The System provides the correct balance be- EAI -640 Digital Computing System offers the tween price and performance, hardware and best value available in small scale computer software, versatility and economy. systems. @CopyrightElectronic Associates, Inc., 1966. All Rights Reserved EAI 640 Digital Computing System EAI 640 Digital Computing System EQUIPMENT COMPLEMENT Paper Tape ReadIPunch Station Desk Console & Storage Rack Reads 300 characters-per-second and punches Provides facilities for monitoring all elements in 100 characters-per-second. Handles five, seven the System. The console includes a computer or eight-level paper tape. Reader and punch control panel, teletypewriter with or without are available separately. paper tape readerlpunch, or, optionally, a high- Card Reader 6401520 speed paper tape readerlpunch with controller. Reads 400 80-column cards-per-minute. The control panel provides register select and display switches, eight sense switches, and all Card Punch 6401550 operating controls. The central processor and Punches 100 80-column cards-per-minute. up to 16K of core memory is housed in the Line Printer 640161 0 vertical equipment cabinet. Additional memory Prrnts 300 I~nes-per-minute,w~th 1 20 column and device controllers are housed in expansion lines (1 36 opt~onal).Full line buffer. cabinets. The 640 Computer may be obtained (at reduced price) with a cabinet-mounted con- Magnetic Tape 6401720 trol panel. Operates at 45 inches-per-second with densi- I Memory ties of 556 and 800 bits-per-inch on half inch COMPUTER 4096 8192 words wordq Includes. (part~alIrstrng) 9-track magnetic tape. One controller can han- - dle up to four tape transports and provides Upr~ghtRack data channels, 12 ~nter- word assembly/disassernbly. Magnetic Tape Mounted Console 6401004 6401008 rupts, 4 Interval tlrner b interfaces, multrply, dl- System (includes one transport expandable to4.) Desk CO~SOL 640101 640/01 8 vide. program protect. Additional Magnetic Tape Transport 6401730 teletype control - TELETYPE AND PAPER TAPE READIPUNCH Disk Storage Unit 6401250 Standard Ruggedized Controller A s~ngled~sk, each side stores 256,000 com- Teletype (Only) 640141 0 640141 2 Included In puter words; average access time of 133 milli- Teletype w~thpaper 6401411 6401413 seconds. transfer rate of 43,000 words/second. tape readl~unch H.S. Paper Tape Reader H.S. Paper Tape 6401422 n/a 1 Desk Console 2 Magnetic Tape 6401720 3 Card Punch 6401550 4 Card Reader 6401520 5 Line Printer 6401610 6 Storage Rack Fold Out program. At the user's option, assemblies can be performed in two or three passes to provide BALANCE complete on-line error correction without re- assembly. The object code is in relocatable IN HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE format for maximum flexibility at run-time. In addition to symbolic instructions, the assem- bler recognizes a variety of pseudo-operations for program control, data definition, storage allocation, input/output functions and subrou- EAI OFFERS A BALANCE BETWEEN 640 tine calls. HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE. FORTRAN Compiler-a one-pass system All assembly and diagnostic programs required similar to FORTRAN IV, designed to specifica- for scientific problem solving are offered. All tions for ASA Standard FORTRAN to generate programs except FORTRAN and Operations In- efficient object code from FORTRAN state- terpreter (for digital or hybrid) require 4,096 ments. 640 FORTRAN is an expansion of the word memory and teletype/paper tape capabil- ASA Standard FORTRAN compiler which pro- ity. The FORTRAN and Operations Interpreter vides additional features for real-time operation. programs require an 8,192 word memory. Sub-Routine Library-Three classes of sub- Symbolic Assembler-a one-pass system routines are provided. (1) Arithmetic and mathe- which produces a tag table, program listing matical functions for real, integer and complex with error notes as well as the generated object numbers-available in single or double preci- '1 L slon as applicable; (2) format sub-rout~nesto relationship with the EAI 640 computer permits facilitate numeric conversion from Integer to problem analysis and programming to be per- . .- . real, single or double precision ; (3) all necessary formed in parallel. ., r,,:, ~nput/output sub-routlnes to prov~de com- munication and control for all peripherals Digital De-Bug-an ald used in on-line pro- gram debugging. The interactive system 1s Inl- Operations Interpreter-an on-line inter- tlated by act~oncharacters from the teletype active language system whlch permits scientists keyboard. Program responses are returned by and engineers to prepare and execute sc~entlfic the teleprinter. Debug prov~desflexib~l~tyin read- problems ing and changing memory locations and permits Once wlthln the capability of only large-scale snapshot printouts at speclfled locations while equipment, the 640 now permlts users to solve program testlng. The modlfled portlon of the problems on-line with a real-tlme conversa- program can be recovered via punched paper tional mode programming system. tape. This programming system has benefited from Librarian-a small executive program which the design and the reported experiences of other eliminates the manual loading of programs stored systems, notably JOSS, FORTRAN and QUICK- on paper tape. Librarian responds to teletype TRAN All the language generality of comp~ler keyboard control by calling system programs to systems llke FORTRAN exists In this interpreter. or from mass storage memory or by purging user programs from the library. Communications between the user and the sys- tem proceed wholly on a request-response basis. Update-a service program used to edit This intimate "give and take" man-machine punched paper tape source input to the 640 Symbolic Assembler and FORTRAN. Source Hybrid FORTRAN-a complete FORTRAN statement records may be inserted, changed, system for utilizing the 640 in a hybrid environ- deleted or duplicated. The result of updating is ment. In addition to standard features, the a corrected source statement tape ready for 640 HYBRID FORTRAN compiler includes real- assembly or compilation. time capability, mixed mode arithmetic and Time and Delay statements. This package also Program Loader-accepts programs from includes a complete system of hybrid linkage paper tape, magnetic tape, card reader or disk subroutines. in relocatable format produced by the Assem- bler or FORTRAN. The object program starting HYTRAg Operations Interpreter-an on- address (in core memory) is assigned from line inter-active language system created spe- the teletype at load time. cifically for scientists and engineers engaged in hybrid computation. It is similar in design to Hardware Diagnostics-provide indication the EAI 640 Operations Interpreter. of machine status and fault analysis. Diagnostic routines are included for testing all su b-systems In addition to the features of the 640 Opera- of the EAI 640 Computer and peripherals. tions Interpreter, this interpreter also provides complete control of the hybrid system. Because of its versatile hardware configuration Hybrid Debug-an extension of the basic de- coupled with the scope of its software reper- bug program used primarily for testing hybrid toire, the EAI 640 Digital Computer can easily programs. This program provides a method for serve as the digital computer for either hybrid systems or systems designed for special-purpose checking the digital portion of a program inde- applications. Additional software programs avail- pendent of or in conjunction with the combined hybrid system. 8 able for these user requirements include BALANCE IN VERSATILITY AND ECONOMY stud~esand develops new applications, unusual No matter the number and varlety of software simulation tasks, mathematical analysis of com- packages offered with any digital computer, putations. programming techniques, systems and there exists the requirement for some special or logic design, and new electronic component different program. In addition to developing in- development. The EAI 640 user with unusual house programs-an often costly investment in applications will find,within this group, person- personnel and time-the EAI 64quserlpurchaser nel to carry projects to a successful conclusion. may enjoy the economic advantages of obtain- Ing his programs through the EAI Research and FULL CUSTOMER TRAINING Computation Division. Experienced engineer-instructors teach the basic programming, operation and maintenance This Division of Electron~cAssociates Inc. is courses to selected customer personnel. In addi- staffed by professionals experienced in all as- tion, advanced courses are offered in such scien- pects of scient~ficcomputation. In addition to tific computation
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