PDF Output of CLIC (Clustering by Inferred Co-Expression)

PDF Output of CLIC (Clustering by Inferred Co-Expression)

PDF Output of CLIC (clustering by inferred co-expression) Dataset: Num of genes in input gene set: 12 Total number of genes: 16493 CLIC PDF output has three sections: 1) Overview of Co-Expression Modules (CEMs) Heatmap shows pairwise correlations between all genes in the input query gene set. Red lines shows the partition of input genes into CEMs, ordered by CEM strength. Each row shows one gene, and the brightness of squares indicates its correlations with other genes. Gene symbols are shown at left side and on the top of the heatmap. 2) Details of each CEM and its expansion CEM+ Top panel shows the posterior selection probability (dataset weights) for top GEO series datasets. Bottom panel shows the CEM genes (blue rows) as well as expanded CEM+ genes (green rows). Each column is one GEO series dataset, sorted by their posterior probability of being selected. The brightness of squares indicates the gene's correlations with CEM genes in the corresponding dataset. CEM+ includes genes that co-express with CEM genes in high-weight datasets, measured by LLR score. 3) Details of each GEO series dataset and its expression profile: Top panel shows the detailed information (e.g. title, summary) for the GEO series dataset. Bottom panel shows the background distribution and the expression profile for CEM genes in this dataset. Overview of Co-Expression Modules (CEMs) with Dataset Weighting Scale of average Pearson correlations Num of Genes in Query Geneset: 12. Num of CEMs: 1. 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Eif3l Eif3d Eif3i Eif3g Eif3k Eif3h Eif3c Eif3f Eif3m Eif3b Eif3a Eif3e Eif3l Eif3d Eif3i Eif3g Eif3k CEM 1 (564 datasets) Eif3h Eif3c Eif3f Eif3m Eif3b Eif3a Singletons Eif3e 2700060E02Rik Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:10.Predicted466.SelectedDatasets:564.Strength:15.1 CEM 1,Geneset"[C]eIF3complex",Page1 Tomm20 Nudt21 Ruvbl1 Ruvbl2 Psmb4 Rpl13a Rpl18a Rpl10a C1qbp Wdr74 Aimp1 Ddx39 Apex1 Rps19 Naa10 Snrpb Prmt1 Rplp2 Rplp0 Emg1 Rpl7a Rpl27 Eif3m Nhp2 Phb2 Rps5 Eif3b Eif3h Eif3g Eif3d Naca Eif3c Eif3k Pes1 Tcp1 Rtcb Rpl7 Cct7 Rpl4 Cct4 Rpl6 Rpl8 Cct2 Cct5 Eif3f Eef2 Eif3i Eif3l Ncl 0.0 1.0 GSE23833 [12] GSE7275 [8] GSE6998 [32] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE46443 [12] GSE7838 [9] GSE13693 [9] GSE28389 [20] GSE38031 [8] GSE6065 [100] GSE40230 [15] GSE13874 [14] GSE5425 [6] GSE35593 [6] GSE51628 [15] GSE2527 [6] GSE16454 [24] GSE27605 [8] GSE25257 [6] GSE12881 [6] GSE6689 [12] GSE6837 [8] GSE24121 [9] GSE52542 [9] GSE10989 [6] GSE15587 [6] GSE27379 [6] GSE11333 [6] GSE18586 [9] GSE49050 [72] GSE21900 [12] GSE36378 [20] GSE51608 [6] GSE55356 [6] GSE55607 [18] GSE48203 [9] GSE48935 [12] GSE14753 [6] GSE45744 [12] GSE18660 [10] GSE30192 [6] GSE36392 [9] GSE54653 [6] GSE13149 [25] GSE32903 [12] GSE58296 [9] GSE9013 [12] GSE53951 [10] GSE19338 [24] GSE47196 [6] GSE51365 [28] GSE34761 [8] GSE21278 [48] GSE27114 [6] GSE13225 [6] GSE48790 [8] GSE15458 [8] GSE23502 [8] GSE17462 [8] GSE29241 [6] GSE13805 [7] GSE33121 [10] GSE9400 [8] GSE28031 [6] GSE43381 [26] GSE13963 [15] GSE30293 [8] GSE26355 [6] GSE56345 [9] GSE18460 [16] GSE32386 [13] GSE11496 [16] GSE31013 [12] GSE23598 [8] GSE11859 [27] GSE6957 [12] GSE23600 [10] GSE19194 [14] GSE42135 [42] GSE16874 [12] GSE17709 [18] GSE17553 [16] GSE30485 [15] GSE15872 [18] GSE12001 [6] GSE28025 [18] GSE12454 [13] GSE21491 [9] GSE4786 [9] GSE24628 [16] GSE11120 [10] GSE21944 [6] GSE4098 [16] GSE18115 [8] GSE6030 [6] GSE7309 [12] GSE30865 [68] GSE5671 [18] GSE4411 [11] GSE55855 [6] GSE46500 [6] GSE11356 [9] GSE34961 [9] GSE38693 [8] GSE36415 [14] GSE1999 [15] GSE8156 [6] GSE27720 [6] GSE24512 [29] GSE6675 [8] GSE15772 [8] GSE39621 [51] GSE11044 [6] GSE11201 [18] GSE20954 [14] GSE41925 [8] GSE2019 [12] GSE9044 [6] GSE15303 [11] GSE40260 [6] GSE27786 [20] GSE1435 [27] GSE12518 [6] GSE24437 [6] GSE46094 [10] GSE7050 [18] GSE40856 [8] GSE9975 [36] GSE28417 [12] GSE31598 [12] GSE40087 [15] GSE17097 [20] GSE28895 [6] GSE56542 [8] GSE45044 [12] GSE4694 [6] GSE30488 [52] GSE46209 [21] GSE11186 [33] GSE12948 [9] GSE13707 [20] GSE11220 [44] GSE11194 [9] GSE27019 [6] GSE26096 [10] GSE20391 [11] GSE17617 [18] GSE3501 [6] GSE30056 [24] GSE20513 [12] GSE11420 [15] GSE19512 [6] GSE24928 [9] GSE16675 [72] GSE13692 [8] CEM+ CEM GSE9123 [8] GSE53299 [6] GSE38837 [6] GSE21380 [7] GSE26476 [6] GSE34959 [10] 0.0 GSE9803 [9] GSE12499 [10] GSE11222 [42] Scale ofaveragePearsoncorrelations GSE13408 [14] GSE5841 [6] GSE11679 [25] GSE4712 [21] GSE13690 [38] GSE33199 [64] 0.2 GSE30746 [16] GSE27816 [14] GSE10535 [6] GSE24793 [8] GSE41342 [26] GSE8307 [68] GSE7897 [60] GSE38277 [18] GSE11148 [6] 0.4 GSE15767 [6] GSE35366 [78] GSE4734 [61] GSE52075 [9] GSE22824 [24] GSE3203 [16] GSE10365 [9] GSE27563 [93] GSE24789 [9] 0.6 GSE22903 [24] GSE31776 [10] GSE10262 [18] GSE17112 [8] GSE31313 [22] GSE25252 [10] GSE17256 [8] GSE10182 [7] GSE13033 [6] 0.8 GSE53077 [8] GSE11684 [16] GSE51075 [12] GSE34064 [6] Score 301.64 306.02 310.69 311.95 315.50 316.29 318.33 328.09 329.44 329.98 330.97 334.21 338.45 346.49 346.56 369.53 372.00 374.88 377.82 381.22 388.79 392.93 406.12 406.45 410.99 411.75 413.65 419.69 420.42 441.62 446.74 456.07 469.05 477.62 488.20 503.25 505.64 556.60 559.86 603.40 1.0 Notes Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:10.Predicted466.SelectedDatasets:564.Strength:15.1 CEM 1,Geneset"[C]eIF3complex",Page2 Ebna1bp2 Hsp90ab1 Mybbp1a Mrps18b Ctnnbl1 Ranbp1 Rps3a1 Atp5g2 Stoml2 Psmb6 Psmg1 Trim28 Rpl37a Psmc3 Psma7 Psmc4 Polr1d Polr1c Nsun2 Aimp2 Ddx49 Uba52 Cdc37 Eif2b5 Rps11 Eif2s2 Snrpg Gmps Prmt5 Polr2f Polr2j Phf5a Cct6a Pold2 Sf3b5 Nme1 Rpl26 Sf3a3 Lsm4 Taf10 Gtf3a Rps7 Ddx1 Imp3 Gars Drg1 Ipo5 Gart Srm Fau 0.0 1.0 GSE23833 [12] GSE7275 [8] GSE6998 [32] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE46443 [12] GSE7838 [9] GSE13693 [9] GSE28389 [20] GSE38031 [8] GSE6065 [100] GSE40230 [15] GSE13874 [14] GSE5425 [6] GSE35593 [6] GSE51628 [15] GSE2527 [6] GSE16454 [24] GSE27605 [8] GSE25257 [6] GSE12881 [6] GSE6689 [12] GSE6837 [8] GSE24121 [9] GSE52542 [9] GSE10989 [6] GSE15587 [6] GSE27379 [6] GSE11333 [6] GSE18586 [9] GSE49050 [72] GSE21900 [12] GSE36378 [20] GSE51608 [6] GSE55356 [6] GSE55607 [18] GSE48203 [9] GSE48935 [12] GSE14753 [6] GSE45744 [12] GSE18660 [10] GSE30192 [6] GSE36392 [9] GSE54653 [6] GSE13149 [25] GSE32903 [12] GSE58296 [9] GSE9013 [12] GSE53951 [10] GSE19338 [24] GSE47196 [6] GSE51365 [28] GSE34761 [8] GSE21278 [48] GSE27114 [6] GSE13225 [6] GSE48790 [8] GSE15458 [8] GSE23502 [8] GSE17462 [8] GSE29241 [6] GSE13805 [7] GSE33121 [10] GSE9400 [8] GSE28031 [6] GSE43381 [26] GSE13963 [15] GSE30293 [8] GSE26355 [6] GSE56345 [9] GSE18460 [16] GSE32386 [13] GSE11496 [16] GSE31013 [12] GSE23598 [8] GSE11859 [27] GSE6957 [12] GSE23600 [10] GSE19194 [14] GSE42135 [42] GSE16874 [12] GSE17709 [18] GSE17553 [16] GSE30485 [15] GSE15872 [18] GSE12001 [6] GSE28025 [18] GSE12454 [13] GSE21491 [9] GSE4786 [9] GSE24628 [16] GSE11120 [10] GSE21944 [6] GSE4098 [16] GSE18115 [8] GSE6030 [6] GSE7309 [12] GSE30865 [68] GSE5671 [18] GSE4411 [11] GSE55855 [6] GSE46500 [6] GSE11356 [9] GSE34961 [9] GSE38693 [8] GSE36415 [14] GSE1999 [15] GSE8156 [6] GSE27720 [6] GSE24512 [29] GSE6675 [8] GSE15772 [8] GSE39621 [51] GSE11044 [6] GSE11201 [18] GSE20954 [14] GSE41925 [8] GSE2019 [12] GSE9044 [6] GSE15303 [11] GSE40260 [6] GSE27786 [20] GSE1435 [27] GSE12518 [6] GSE24437 [6] GSE46094 [10] GSE7050 [18] GSE40856 [8] GSE9975 [36] GSE28417 [12] GSE31598 [12] GSE40087 [15] GSE17097 [20] GSE28895 [6] GSE56542 [8] GSE45044 [12] GSE4694 [6] GSE30488 [52] GSE46209 [21] GSE11186 [33] GSE12948 [9] GSE13707 [20] GSE11220 [44] GSE11194 [9] GSE27019 [6] GSE26096 [10] GSE20391 [11] GSE17617 [18] GSE3501 [6] GSE30056 [24] GSE20513 [12] GSE11420 [15] GSE19512 [6] GSE24928 [9] GSE16675 [72] GSE13692 [8] CEM+ CEM GSE9123 [8] GSE53299 [6] GSE38837 [6] GSE21380 [7] GSE26476 [6] GSE34959 [10] 0.0 GSE9803 [9] GSE12499 [10] GSE11222 [42] Scale ofaveragePearsoncorrelations GSE13408 [14] GSE5841 [6] GSE11679 [25] GSE4712 [21] GSE13690 [38] GSE33199 [64] 0.2 GSE30746 [16] GSE27816 [14] GSE10535 [6] GSE24793 [8] GSE41342 [26] GSE8307 [68] GSE7897 [60] GSE38277 [18] GSE11148 [6] 0.4 GSE15767 [6] GSE35366 [78] GSE4734 [61] GSE52075 [9] GSE22824 [24] GSE3203 [16] GSE10365 [9] GSE27563 [93] GSE24789 [9] 0.6 GSE22903 [24] GSE31776 [10] GSE10262 [18] GSE17112 [8] GSE31313 [22] GSE25252 [10] GSE17256 [8] GSE10182 [7] GSE13033 [6] 0.8 GSE53077 [8] GSE11684 [16] GSE51075 [12] GSE34064 [6] Score 233.84 240.42 241.07 241.44 244.18 244.21 248.41 249.17 250.22 250.34 250.40 250.42 250.65 251.18 251.47 252.84 252.94 254.01 254.23 256.01 256.60 257.79 258.97 260.26 261.29 261.55 261.80 263.55 267.51 269.60 269.84 270.17 270.54 271.60 271.88 272.81 277.26 279.43 279.70 280.49 281.45 283.19 284.48 285.30 290.05 291.60 294.23 296.98 298.58 301.54 1.0 Notes Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:10.Predicted466.SelectedDatasets:564.Strength:15.1 CEM 1,Geneset"[C]eIF3complex",Page3 Rps19bp1 Rnaseh2a Hnrnpab Snrnp40 Timm13 Timm23 Ppp1ca Sssca1 Dctpp1 Rbm8a Psmb3 Eef1b2 Psmb5 Rsl1d1 Psma6 Psma2 Mrpl11 Mrpl23 Magoh Polr2h Prpf31 Polr2c Cops3 Nop16 Cops4 Ddx56 Rps4x Pa2g4 Snrpc Mcm7 Banf1 Park7 Bola2 Puf60 Noc4l Paics Gps1 Hint1 Nob1 Bop1 Rps2 Rae1 Imp4 Mars Rars Sars Adsl Nip7 Nifk Mif 0.0 1.0 GSE23833 [12] GSE7275 [8] GSE6998 [32] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE46443 [12] GSE7838 [9] GSE13693 [9] GSE28389 [20] GSE38031 [8] GSE6065 [100] GSE40230 [15] GSE13874 [14] GSE5425 [6] GSE35593 [6] GSE51628 [15] GSE2527 [6] GSE16454 [24] GSE27605 [8] GSE25257 [6] GSE12881 [6] GSE6689 [12] GSE6837 [8] GSE24121 [9] GSE52542 [9] GSE10989 [6] GSE15587 [6] GSE27379 [6]

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