1952 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 4835 ed, and for other purposes; to the Committee 1952, as Olympic Week; to the Committee 715. Also, petition of the president, Amer­ on Armed Services. on the Judiciary. ican Association of Oilwell Drilling Con­ By Mr. D'EWART (by request): By Mr. DOLLIVER: tractors, Dallas, Tex., relative to stating their H. R. 7715. A bill authorizing the Recon­ H.J. Res. 444. Joint resolution proposing opposition to Senate bills 2325 and 2714 re­ struction Finance Corporation to make avail­ an amendment to the Constitution of the spectively; to the Committee on Education able a loan to the Montana State Coordinator United States relative to the making of and Labor. of Indian Affairs; to the Committee on Bank­ treaties and executive agreements; to the 716. Also, petition of the grand master, ing and Currency. Committee on the Judiciary. Grand Masonic Lodge of Puerto Rico, rela­ By Mr. HOFFMAN of Michigan: By Mr. HOFFMAN of Michigan: tive to stating opposition to the establish­ H. R. 7716. A bill to promote the national H. Res. 631. Resolution supporting a ques­ ment of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, defense and protect the public welfare; to tion of the privilege of the House; to the and requesting that Congress do not approve the Committee on Education and Labor. Committee an Rules. this measure; to the Committee on Interior By Mr. JAVITS: By Mr. CELLER: and Insular Affairs. H. R. 7717. A bill to amend title 18 of the H. Res. 632. Resolution authorizing the United States Code (Crimes and Criminal President of the United States to proclai,m I I ..... •• Procedure) to make unlawful the transpor­ the 7-day period beginning May 18, 1952, as tation or importation of false and defama­ Olympic Week; to the Committee on the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tory statements designed to arouse inter­ Judiciary. By Mr. HUGH D. SCOTT, JR.: group conflict; to the Committee on the TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1952 Judiciary. H. Res. 633. Resolution to withhold funds By Mr. KEOGH: for the construction of the quartermaster The House met at 12 o'clock noon. H. R. 7718. A bill to amend title 18 of the depot at Natick, Mass.; to the Committee on United States Code (Crimes and Criminal Armed Services. The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, Procedure) to make unlawful the transpor­ D. D., offered the following prayer: tation or importation of false and defamatory O Thou spirit of the living God, we statements designed to arouse intergroup PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS thank Thee for our moments of prayer in conflict; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private By Mr. KLEIN: the midst of days that are strange and H. R. 7719. A bill to amend title 18 of the bills and resolutions were introduced and strenuous, and at times so very dark and United States Code (Crimes and Criminal severally referred as follows: gloomy. Procedure) to make unlawful the transporta­ By Mr. AYRES: Thou knowest that always and every­ tion or importation of false and defamatory H. R. 7728. A bill for the relief of Ciro where we need Thee; in our struggles to statements designed to arouse intergroup Magliulo; to the Oommittee on the Judiciary. sustain us; in our sorrows to comfort us; conflict; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. FORAND: in our perplexities to guide us; in our By Mr. MARSHALL: H. R. 7729. A bill for the relief of Nich­ H. R. 7720. A bill to extend national serv­ olas Matook; to the Committee on the Ju­ trials and tribulations to keep us from ice life insurance benefits to certain mem­ diciary. yielding to discouragement and despair. bers of the Armed Forces who died in com­ By Mr. HESELTON: Inspire us to put our minds and hearts bat with the Japanese forces prior to April H. R. 7730. A bill for the relief of Fran­ on the side of faith in Thee and in our­ 20, 1942, and for other purposes; to the Com­ coise Bresnahan; to the Committee on the selves and in our fellow men, and may mittee on Veterans' Affairs. Judiciary. our souls be sensitive and responsive to By Mr. MURRAY: By Mr. JAVITS: H. R. 7721. A bill to extend the benefits H. R. 7731. A bill for the relief of George the promptings and persuasions of Thy of the Veterans' Preference Act of 1944 to Mikroulis, his wife, Dora Mikroulis and his holy spirit. persons serving in the Armed Forces of the daughter, Madonna G. Mikroulis; to the Lead us in the ways of righteousness United States after the termination of the Committee on the Judiciary. and justice and in the paths of good state of war between the United States and By Mr. KILDAY: will and peace. Temper our minds with the Government of Japan and prior to July H. R. 7732. A bill for the relief of Debra the spirit of forgiveness and forbear­ 2, 1955; to the Committee on Post Office and Louise Turks; to the Committee on the Ju­ ance, and may we seek one another's Civil Service. diciary. welfare. By Mr. O'HARA: By Mr. SHORT: H. R . 7722. A bill to amend the Public H. R. 7733. A bill for the relief of Edwardo In Christ's name we pray. Amen. Health Service Act so as to provide for equal­ Romua Arabe and Galicano Tadem Achaco­ The Journal of the proceedings of ity of grade, pay, and allowance between the so; to the Committee on the Judiciary. yesterd_ay was read and approved. Chief Medical Officer of the Coast Guard and comparable officers of the Army; to the Com­ PETITIONS, ETC. mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. SPECIAL ORDER GRANTED By Mr. POWELL: Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions H. R. 7723. A bill to amend title 18 of the Mr. RODINO asked and was given United States Code (Crimes and Criminal and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: permission to address the House for 15 Procedure) to make unlawful the trans­ minutes today, following the legislative portation or importation of false and de­ 710. By Mr. ANDERSON of California: Pe­ famatory statements designed to arouse in­ tition of Miss Viola E. Gillander of Palo Alto, program and any special orders here­ tergroup conflict; to the Committee on the Calif., and others in support of H. R. 2188; to tofore entered. Judiciary. the Committee on Interstate and Foreign By Mr. ROGERS of Colorado: Commerce. H. R. 7724. A bill to authorize the con­ 711. Also, petition of Bessie C. Scott, of IMMIGRATION version of certain mortgage insurance under Palo Alto, Calif., and others, urging the pas­ Mr. WALTER. Mr. Speaker, I ask the National Housing Act to defense housing • sage of H. R. 2188; to the Committee on In­ unanimous consent to address the House insurance thereunder; to the Committee on terstate and Foreign Commerce. Banking and Currency. 712. By Mr. MILLER of Maryland: Peti­ for 1 minute and to revise and extend By Mr. VINSON: tion of residents of Cecil County, Md., in my remarks. H. R. 7725. A bill to authorize the Secre­ support of legislation to prohibit alcoholic­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to tary of the Army to proceed with construc­ beverage advertising over the radio and tele­ the request of the gentleman from Penn­ tion at stations of the Alaska Communica­ vision, and in our magazines and newspapers; sylvania? tion System; to the Committee on Armed to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign There was no objection. Services. Commerce. Mr. WALTER. Mr. Speaker, at long By Mr. BOLLING: 713. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the city H. R. 7726. A bill to provide for national clerk, Milwaukee, Wis., requesting favorable last I have been able to ascertain what flood insurance, and for other purposes; to consideration to restore the necessary appro­ the real objection is to the immigration the Committee on Banking and Currency. priations to the United States Department bill that passed the House by such an By Mr. HAVENNER: of Labor's budget so that the Consumers' overwhelming vote a few days ago. H. R. 7727. A bill to provide for the tem­ Price Index will be continued for the city The Washington Post this morning porary free entry of certain impure dicalcium of Milwaukee; to the Committee on Appro­ finally lets me, and those of us who are phosphate; to the Committee on Ways and priations. interested in a good immigration bill, Means. 714. Also, petition of Jennie I. Miller, and know what the objection to the bill is. By Mr. BUSBEY: others. New Port Richey, Fla., requesting H. J . Res. 443. Joint resolution authoriz­ passage of House bills 2678 and 2679 known Here it is: ing the President of the United States to as the Townsend plan; to the Committee on Section 252 (b) of the Walter bill author­ proclaim the 7-day period beginning May 18, Ways and Means. izes immigration officers to deport without a 4836 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE May 6. hearing alien crewmen who were permitted naturalization a conditional or second-class undoing the mistake made in 1950, thus re­ to land in this country and over-stayed their form of c.itizenship. We think the United instating in full effect the decision of the leave here. States should exercise great care in granting Supreme Court in the case of Sung v. UnitecL the high privilege of citizenship. Once it States. The- second objection is to section 273 has been granted, however, it should con­ In .addition to that, even in exclusion pro­ (d)- stitute full membership in the American so­ ceedings, which affect aliens who have never Section 273 (d) authorizes deportation ciety, revocable only on a.
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