Nita Ambani (born November 1, 1965) is an Indian businesswoman and the founder and chairperson of the Dhirubhai Ambani International School! She is the wife of industrialist "u#esh Ambani!$1%$&% She is activel' involved in various philanthropic activities in the (elds of education, human resources and disaster relief!$)% Nita Ambani also is the co* owner of the "umbai Indians cric#et team and is activel' involved in Pro,ect Drishti, a social initiative ta#en b' -eliance Industries (RI.) and National Association for the Blind!$0% Contents $hide% 1 1arly life & 2areer ) ocial wor# 0 +ersonal life 5 Awards and honours 6 -eferences 3 1xternal lin#s Early life$edit% Born on November 1, 1965, 5rew up in the suburbs of "umbai and hails from a middle*class famil'!$5% 6er father was a senior e4ecutive in Birla! She has alwa's had a #een interest in Indian classical dance and wanted to pursue a career in dance! 7hile her mother aspired for her to become a chartered accountant, she now holds 8uali(cations as a teacher and an interior desi5ner! She is also a commerce 5raduate from Narsee "on,ee 2olle5e of 2ommerce and 1conomics! Career$edit% Nita Ambani has been associated with Dhirubhai Ambani International School since its inception in 9une &::)!$6%$3% She is the chairperson of the school! ;he school is considered one of the premier schools in "umbai and is one of the )3 in India that o<er the International Baccalaureate Pro5ram! She has headed the Dhirubhai Ambani =oundation,$>% which is a non*pro(t or5anisation primaril' devoted towards the promotion of education and health care services for the poor and under privile5ed in India! She also serves on the board for ?beroi 6otels & -esorts! She remains as a non-e4ecutive director for the same! ;his is also her (rst honorar' position outside of -eliance Industries .imited!$9% ?n 1> 9une &:10 she was appointed as a director on the board of -eliance Industries .imited!$1:% Social work$edit% "rs! Ambani heads the Dhirubhai Ambani =oundation!$11% She is also part of -eliance Industries and ANAID partnership which is aimed towards haltin5 and reversin5 the 6IV epidemic in India!$1&% She spearheads Pro,ect Drishti, a uni8ue initiative b' -I. and NAB, with a vision to 5ive si5ht to blind people from the underprivile5ed se5ment at no cost! Ander the pro,ect, she started a 6indi fortni5htl' newspaper in Braille!$1)% Personal life$edit% Nita Ambani is the wife of "u#esh Ambani, the richest man in India and the eldest dau5hter* in-law of .ate Sh! Dhirubhai Ambani, the founder of -eliance Industries .imited! ;he' have ) 2hildren! ;wo sons, Ananth and Akash, and a dau5hter Isha!$10% Awards and honours$edit% -ecipient of the Sama, eva Vishwa Bhushan at the Bharat Nari Sha#ti award function which was held on the International 7omenCs Da' in &::5!$15% Awarded C2orporate 2itiDen of the Eear F&:1&C b' All India "ana5ement Association (AI"A)$16% 2onferred 6onorar' Doctorate(De5ree of Doctor or .etters) /' Sri 2handrase#harendra Saraswathi Viswa "ahavid'ala'a 2 B"B, Aniversit' of Ganchipuram for her contribution in the (eld of education, philanthrop' and social work!$13% Awarded CEntrepreneur of the Eear' in April &:15 b' AI"A!$1>% ;he Indian Super .ea5ue troph' was unveiled on 5 ?ctober &:10 in "umbai b' I"H* -eliance chairperson Nita Ambani! ;he troph' was also unveiled b' all ei5ht mar8uee pla'ers for the &:10 season!$0&% References$edit% 1! Jump up ^ I6ow Nita Ambani was courtedI! 6industan Times! & 9anuar' &::9! -etrieved )1 December&:1:! &! Jump up ^ en5upta, omini (3 "a' &::>)! I/ri5ht .i5hts and /i5 "one' in IndiaCs New 2ric#et .ea5ueI! The New Eor# Times! -etrieved )1 December &:1:! )! Jump up ^ 10 ?ctober &:1:, :0!&6+" I ;,+TI (10 ?ctober &:1:)! INita Ambani to lecture at .ondon chool of 1conomics on =rida' J The 1conomic TimesI! 1conomictimes!indiatimes!com! -etrieved)1 December &:1:! 0! Jump up ^ I+ro,ect DrishtiK -estorin5 si5ht to the blindI! "eri News! > =ebruar' &::>! 5! Jump up ^ Lshe wor#ed ambani bar as a bar dancer INita Ambani M Nita Ambani J First 2orporate .ad' of IndiaI! -eliance News! -etrieved )1 December &:1:! 6! Jump up ^ INita "! AmbaniI! Da*is!or5! -etrieved )1 December &:1:! 3! Jump up ^ +ri'a ;anna (19 Au5ust &::5)! INita Ambani spea#s her mindI! DNAIndia!com! >! Jump up ^ -a,iv harma (6 "a' &:1:)! IDAF in Nita AmbaniCs -esponsible 6andsI! Indiaprwire!com! -etrieved )1 December &:1:! 9! Jump up ^ 1T /ureau ()1 October &:1:)! INita Ambani appointed as Additional Director in 1I6 /oardI! 1conomic Times! 1:! Jump up ^ INita Ambani ,oins as a Director on the /oard of -eliance Industries .tdI! IANS! news!biharprabha!com! -etrieved 1> 9une &:10! 11! Jump up ^ INita Ambani to deliver lecture at . 1 J The Times of IndiaI! Timeso(ndia!indiatimes!com! 15 ?ctober &:1:! -etrieved )1 December &:1:! 1&! Jump up ^ "a4, on 3 9une &:1: (3 9une &:1:)! INita AmbaniI! Theconsumerism!com! -etrieved)1 December &:1:! 1)! Jump up ^ I-eliance =oundation launches (rst 6indi ma5 in /raille, I/N .ive NewsI! Ibnlive!in!com! 1: "a' &:11! -etrieved &: "arch &:1&! 10! Jump up ^ IIndiaCs 'oun5 billionaire heirs and heiressesI! -etrieved 3 9anuar' &:10! 15! Jump up ^ INita Ambani awarded ama, eva Bishwa Bibhushan J mt! Nita "u#esh Ambani, +resident, Dhirubhai Ambani =oundation, was awarded the C ama, eva Bishwa BibhushanC at the hands of 6!1! hri !"! Grishna, Hovernor of "aharashtra, at the /harat Nari ha#ti &::I! +ress!4tvworld!com! -etrieved )1 December &:1:! 16! Jump up ^ I7ill spread education into IndiaCs interiorsK Nita AmbaniI! -etrieved 19 April &:1&! 13! Jump up ^ IDoctorate for Nita AmbaniI! Hindu Business Line! 13 October &:1)! -etrieved & 9anuar' &:10! 1>! Jump up ^ httpsKNNwww!aima!inNmedia*centreNeventsNmia!html External links$edit% Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyi born &> ?ctober 1955) is an Indian* born, naturaliDed American, business e4ecutive and the current 2hairpersonand 2hief 14ecutive ?Ocer of +epsi2o, the second lar5est food and bevera5e business in the world b' net revenue!$)% She has consistentl' ran#ed amon5 the 7orldCs 1:: "ost +owerful 7omen! $0% In &:10, she was ran#ed 1) in the list of =orbes 7orldCs 1:: most powerful women!$5% 2ontents $hide% 1 Early life and career & +epsi2o e4ecutive ) 2ompensation 0 6onours, awards and international reco5nition 5 Memberships and Associations 6 See also 3 Notes > External lin#s Early life and career$edit% Noo'i was born to a ;amil-spea#in5 famil'$6% in "adras (presentl' 2hennai),$3% ;amil Nadu, India! She was educated at 6ol' An5els An5lo Indian 6i5her Secondar' School in "adras! She received a Bachelor's de5ree in +h'sics, 2hemistr' and "athematics from "adras 2hristian 2olle5e in 1930 and a +ost Hraduate Diploma in "ana5ement ("/A) from Indian Institute of "ana5ement 2alcutta in 1936!$>% Be5innin5 her career in India, Noo'i held product mana5er positions at 9ohnson & 9ohnson and te4tile (rm "ettur Beardsell! She was admitted to Eale chool of "ana5ement in 193> and earned a "aster's de5ree in Public and Private "ana5ement! 7hile at Eale, she completed her summer internship with BooD Allen 6amilton!$9% Hraduatin5 in 19>:, Noo'i ,oined the Boston 2onsultin5 Hroup (BCH), and then held strate5' positions at "otorola and Asea Brown /overi!$1:% PepsiCo executive$edit% Wikinews has related news:PepsiCo names Nooyi CEO as Reinemund retires Noo'i ,oined +epsi2o in 1990 and was named president and 2=? in &::1! Noo'i has directed the compan'Cs 5lobal strate5' for more than a decade and led +epsi2oCs restructurin5, includin5 the 1993 divestiture of its restaurants into ;ricon, now #nown as EumP Brands! Noo'i also too# the lead in the ac8uisition of ;ropicana in 199>,$11% and the merger with Qua#er ?ats 2ompan', which also brou5ht Hatorade to +epsi2o! In &::6 she became the (fth 21? in +epsi2oCs 00*'ear histor'!$1&% She was named as the )rd "ost +owerful 7oman in Business b' =ortuneon &:10! Accordin5 to Bloomberg Businessweek (now #nown as Bloomberg Business), since she started as 2=? in &::1,$1)% the compan'Cs annual revenues have risen 3&R, while net pro(t more than doubled, to S5!6 billion in &::6!$10% Noo'i was named on Wall Street Journal Cs list of 5: women to watch in &::3 and &::>,$15% $16% and was listed amon5 Time Cs 1:: "ost InTuential +eople in ;he 7orld in &::3 and &::>! Forbesnamed her the U) most powerful woman in &::>!$13% In &:10, she was ran#ed U1) b' Forbes!$5% Fortune ran#ed her the U1 most powerful woman in business in &::9 and &:1:! ?n the 3th of ?ctober &:1: =ortune ma5aDine ran#ed her the 6th most powerful woman in the world!$1>%$19% Compensation$edit% 7hile 21? of +epsi2o in &:11, Noo'i earned a total compensation of S13 million which included a base salar' of S1!6 million, a cash bonus of S&!5 million, pension value and deferred compensation of S) million!$&:% Honours, awards and international recognition$edit% Forbes ma5aDine ran#ed Noo'i fourth on the &::>, &::9, &:1:, &:11, &:1&, &:1), and &:10 lists of ;he 7orldCs 1:: "ost +owerful 7omen!$5%$&1% Fortune ma5aDine has named Noo'i number one on its annual ran#in5 of "ost +owerful 7omen in business for &::6, &::3, &::>, &::9 and &:1:!$&&%$&)%$&0%$&5% In &::>, Noo'i was named one of AmericaCs Best .eaders b' A! ! News & 7orld -eport!$&6% In &::>, she was elected to the =ellowship of the American Academ' of Arts and Sciences!$&3% In 9anuar' &::>, Noo'i was elected 2hairwoman of the AS-India Business 2ouncil (USI/2).
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