APPENDIX D PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS FOR 2000 BASE YEAR AND 2030 NO-BUILD PROJECTS 2000 BASE YEAR PROJECTS Highway Projects Route 53, Phase I (Hanover): Widening of Route 53 from Route 3 to Mill Street (Hanover) was completed by MassHighway in 1994. This project widened Route 53 from a two-lane to a five-lane roadway segment. HOV Lane on I-93 (Mystic Avenue): This MassHighway project is an extension of the existing southbound HOV lane to the Sullivan Square (Somerville) off-ramp. The HOV lane is for vehicles with two or more occupants and is a total of 2.03 miles in length. The extension was opened in September 1994. HOV Lane on the Southeast Expressway: This six-mile HOV lane is between Furnace Brook Parkway (Quincy) and Freeport Street (Dorchester, Boston). The facility opened in November 1995. It uses contra-flow technology, in which a travel lane is reallocated from the off-peak side of the expressway to the peak side for the duration of the peak period. Originally the HOV lane was for vehicles with three or more persons. The required occupancy was reduced to two or more persons via a sticker program and then later instituted as two or more by right in 1999. Ted Williams Tunnel: The Ted Williams Tunnel (aka the Third Harbor Tunnel) extends 1.6 miles of which .75 miles is under water from South Boston (Boston) to Logan Airport property (East Boston). It opened for commercial traffic on December 15,1995. The approximate cost for the tunnel was $1.5 billion. South Boston Bypass Road (aka Haul Road): The roadway segment runs from the Ted Williams Tunnel (South Boston) to near the I-93/Massachusetts Avenue in- terchange (Boston). The roadway is restricted to commercial vehicles. It was opened in July 1993. This roadway project is part of the Central Artery/Tunnel project. APPENDIX D D-11 Blue Hill Avenue Signal Coordination: This Crane Meadow Road, as well as the reconstruc- MassHighway project involved the coordination tion and signalization of Crane Meadow Road. of signals along the Blue Hill Avenue corridor in This project was advertised in September 1998 Boston. and work is ongoing. Brighton Avenue Signal Coordination: This I-93/Industriplex Interchange (Woburn): Con- MassHighway project involved the coordination struct an interchange to Interstate 93 between of signals along the Brighton Avenue corridor in Interstate 95 and Route 129. Major elements of Boston. the work include the construction of four en- trance/exit ramps for I-93 with two bridges and Marrett Road Signal Coordination: This MassHighway project consists of reconstruct- a connector road from the ramps to Commerce ing Route 2A (Marrett Road) from I-95 (Route Way, as well as the reconstruction and signal- 128) west to beyond the Massachusetts Avenue ization of the Commerce Way intersection. This extension. project was advertised in June 1997 and was opened to traffic in October 2000. Beverly Salem Bridge: Replace a drawbridge over the Danvers River/Beverly Harbor con- Quincy Center Concourse, Phase I (Quincy): necting the cities of Beverly and Salem with an Construct the Quincy Center Concourse Bridge elevated fixed structure. The bridge opened for connecting Burgin Parkway to Parking Way. The traffic on August 2, 1996. work also includes the reconstruction of sections of Burgin Parkway, the Granite Street Connec- Route 20, Segment 1 (Marlborough): Widen tor, and Parking Way, including the installation a 1.1-mile section of Route 20 from two lanes to of an interconnected traffic signal system. The four lanes. The project extends from just west of 2025 No-Build Scenario does not include the Farm Road to the Raytheon traffic lights just east final two phases of the Quincy Center Concourse of DiCenzo Boulevard. The project includes the project—the connection of Burgin Parkway to replacement of traffic signals at the intersection of Hancock Street (the Westside Link) and the con- Route 20 and Farm Road and Wilson Street, the nection of Hancock Street to Mechanic Street/ installation of traffic signals at DiCenzo Boulevard Revere Road (the Eastside Link). This project was (West), and the coordination of these two signals advertised in October 1998. and existing signals at Hager Street and Raythe- on Company Drive. This project opened to traffic Route 62 and Middlesex Turnpike (Burling- in October 1999. ton): Make traffic safety improvements to Route 62 between the Route 3 overpass and Network Leverett Circle Bridge (Charlestown): A part Drive (formerly Kent Road) and to Middlesex of the Central Artery/Tunnel project, these new Turnpike from Lexington Street to Terrace Hall ramps connect the Tobin Bridge via a paral- Avenue and Network Drive. The improvements lel four-lane bridge with Storrow Drive and the to Route 62 include the installation of a traffic Leverett Circle area on the northwestern edge signal and the reconstruction of two others, the of downtown Boston with points north of the widening of the roadway from two to four lanes, Charles River. and the installation of a sidewalk along one side I-495 Interchange (Marlborough and South- of the roadway. Work on Middlesex Turnpike borough): Construct an interchange to Interstate includes the installation of two traffic signals and 495 between Route 9 and Route 20. Major the reconstruction of two others, the widening of elements of the work include the construction the roadway from two to four lanes, including an of four entrance/exit ramps for I-495 with two additional left turn lane at three separate loca- bridges and a connector road from the ramps to tions, and the installation of a sidewalk along one side of the roadway. D-2 JOURNEY T O 2030 Route 9 (Wellesley): Widen Route 9 from four includes Grafton Station, which opened in Febru- to six lanes from Willow Street to the Interstate ary 2000. 95 (Route 128) northbound on-ramp. This proj- Additional Park-and-Ride Spaces: These are ect was advertised in July 1999 and completed the new parking spaces added between Janu- in 2000. ary 1, 1991, and December 31, 2000. Parking Route 138 (Canton): Widen Route 138 from spaces were added at commuter rail stations, two to four lanes from the Route 128 Interchange including Needham Heights, Worcester, Lowell, (the northern limit of the Washington Street Lynn, Readville, and West Concord. Bridge) to 200 meters north of the intersection of South Station Transportation Center: This Route 138 and Royal Street/Blue Hill River Road. MBTA improvement is the intercity bus terminal This project was advertised in August 1999 and above the commuter rail tracks and platforms at was open to traffic in October 2000. South Station. The facility was opened in Octo- Bridge Street (Salem): Widening of Bridge ber 1995. The facility serves intercity bus carri- Street from Flint Street to St. Peter Street to two ers, major regional carriers, and commuter bus lanes in each direction, including the reconstruc- operators. The bus concourse has 23 sawtooth tion of the Washington Street rotary. The benefits docks, four pull-through docks, and two airport of the project include a lessening of traffic conges- link docks. This does not include a pedestrian tion, operational improvements, improved access connector between the bus station and the rail- to the commuter rail station, and improved safety. way station. Transit Projects Amtrak Northeast Corridor Electrification: This Federal Railroad Administration/Amtrak Urban Ring Bus Service: This MBTA cross- project involves the electrification of the North- town bus service was begun in 1994. It consists east Corridor rail line from Boston to New Haven, of three limited-stop bus routes providing con- Connecticut, the purchase of high-speed train nections among the Red Line, Orange Line, and sets, and expansion of Boston–New York pas- Green Line branches. The three services are: senger-train service. Service using the electrified • CT1: Central Square (Cambridge) to B.U. track began in 2000. High-speed Acela service Medical Center (Boston) began in December 2000. • CT2: Kendall Square (Cambridge) to Ruggles Newburyport Commuter Rail Service: Exten- Station (Boston) via Longwood Medical Area. sion of the MBTA commuter rail line from Ipswich The service extension to Sullivan Square Station (Ipswich) to Newburyport, a total length began in 2000. of 9.6 miles. There is an intermediate stop, with a new station and associated parking, at Row- • CT3: Andrew Station (South Boston) to ley. The service opened in October 1998. The Longwood Medical Area (Boston) via Ruggles additional parking at Rowley and Newburyport Station. Stations is included in the 15,931 New Parking Worcester Commuter Rail, Partial Service: Spaces project. The service includes 13 inbound This MBTA commuter rail service from Fram- and 13 outbound trips during the week, and 6 ingham Station to Worcester Station, with no inbound and 6 outbound trips on the weekend. intermediate stops, began in September 1994. Old Colony Commuter Rail (two lines): This This includes four inbound trains from Worces- MBTA commuter rail service includes the restora- ter in the morning and one in the afternoon, and tion of two of the Old Colony lines. Service runs four outbound trains from Framingham in the from South Station to Middleborough/Lakeville, afternoon and one in the evening. This service APPENDIX D D-3 with six intermediate stops, and service from 2030 NO-BUILD PROJECTS South Station to Kingston and Cordage/Plym- outh, with six intermediate stops. Service on the Highway Projects two lines began in September 1997. The ad- Central Artery: The Central Artery/Tunnel project ditional parking at the stations is included in the is the largest, most complex, and most techno- 15,931 New Parking Spaces project. This proj- logically challenging highway project in American ect does not include the proposed Greenbush history.
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