BestFree Software 157 software tools. No fees. No expiration dates. No problems. Sometimes even no downloads. No kidding. By Eric Griffith and PC Magazine staff We did the math: If you bought popular GIMP www.gimp.org add-ons means there's not much this apps instead of trying their gratis counter- Windows ! MacOS | Linux The GNU Im- program won't do, from calendars to parts, at the manufacturers' iist prices age Manipulation Program (GIMP) does encryption. you'd be out $5,183 and change! Why spend most of what Photoshop does; the Gimp- money when you can get what you need shop project [plastiebugs.com) even UbuntU www.ubuntu.com for nothing? Sometimes, you do get what makes it look like Photoshop. Linux This Linux-based OS comes with you don't pay for. many of these Hall of Fame products iTunes www,apple.com/itunes (Firefox. OpenOffice.org) preinstalled. Hall of Fame windows I MacOS When you're attached to (See "OS Wars," page 87.) the top media player in the land (iPod), Adobe Reader www.adobe.com success is a given. iTunes continues to Win Amp www.winamp.com windows I MacOS I LinuK | Mobile This sim- build sales and refine its organization Windows After a decade of playing mu- plest of Adobe's PDF programs lets you of songs, video, games, podcasts, and sic, the "skinnable" WinAmp has several do just about anything PDF-related (be- more. versions, including one with full CD rip- sides create new ones), including online ping and burning. collaboration. It includes a host of fea- OpenOffice.org www.openoff ice.org tures to aid users with disabilities. Windows I MacOS | Linux You can spend a Operating Systems lot for Microsoft Office or nothing for AIM www,ajm.com this suite with full-function word pro- ajax Windows www.ajaxwindows.com Windows I MacOS | Linux | Web One of the cessor, spreadsheet, database, presenta- Web A virtual operating system (aka most widely used pieces of free software tions, even an equations editor. Web OS), it uses Asynchronous Java- ever, AOL Instant Messenger offers a ton Script and XML (AJAX) programming of capabilities. Skype www.skype.com to mimic the look and feel of a Windows Windows I MacOS | Linux You'l! pay tO desktop in Firefox or IE. It stores files Audacity audacity.sourceforge.net call regular phones, but if you sign up (using Gmail) and runs its own appli- Windows I MacOS | Linux Whether you're all your friends. Skype provides easy cations, plus Web apps like Meebo and recording or editing. Audacity is all (and even international) calls and video- Google Maps. If you can launch a Web about audio in practically any format. conferencing for nothing. browser, you can get work done through ajaxWindows. Firefox www.moz ilia.com Thunderbird windows i MacOS | Linux This PC Mag Edi- www.mozilla.com/thunderbird eyeOS eyeos.info tors' Choice Web browser has been on Windows | MacOS | Linux Mozilla's no-COSt Web This Web OS has ultra-simplified top of the heap since version 1.5 came e-mail alternative is extensible, fast, applications, including an RSS reader, out in late 2005. and easy to master. And a wealth of free satellite maps, a word processor, even 78 PC MAGAZINE MARCH 2008 TRY THIS FIRST | FINANCE mint RANllCnOMS a browser—yes, for browsing the Web Transactions i«aiiniv«iMwiioj-rt..-. while on the Web. 1 _,,, ,_ You fHht 9 tcnunli SdH . 1 Ulocmnti Freespire 2.0 www.freespire.com ™ 1 LtnuK This community-driven OS is based Afe»l0ffldlJ< •ay**'!! IMtl on» ^ _^ ^^ on Linspire (formerly Lindows)—a Linux MMMbpM - DlrKIV CIN.rS«.IW.TV 119 Ml Olll) ^^ distro that looks like Windows, with an *"""•""• •• _ Annul hrklnt IZO.M onl* m CtaNCHM- '^' Iliiidn kldii Hill 114. Ml Del I emphasis on compatibility with other - Cmiuw EMtUD'W.I • UftHiTM 1 Oni "•*•' 1 ••" m platforms. -' «T»T tno« Ocrl - Sunk! M.lluwil tlLMH Oni I rrwasH '•"-••••••' - mwM TunM tltOD on* t A...IH.IW ll>l H Glide www.glidedigital.com ^ runMHIW l.f ^m - L>mn«>.t«> HonwimKti tir.ui Oct^ Web I Flash Sleek style sets this Web OS - H»n>>Hi«.nu. RnuufAHi oni CU / FM Oni apart, as does the ability (using a sepa- mm u>i ^H rate utility) to sync files, bookmarks, and '- Miuo* IH.MI Oil I - tiuui* EH mm tuCMram Ortl e-mail from your real OS. - ITvlHI III.Id OciM H gOS www.tfilnkgos.com mint www.mint.com Linux UbuiiiLi hascd and powered by w«b Mint isn't like Quicken, where you enter in all your transactions. Instead, Got)gle's apps (just don't call it Google OS), it syncs with your bank and credit card accounts online, checks your spending gOS comes with the $200 PCs from Wal- habits, and tells you how to improve to save money. If you're not paying atten- Mart, but you can download it for any PC. tion to your spending, it'll send you regular alerts to inform you where your money has gone (nice for making sure you haven't been ripped off). Antivirus/Anti-Malware avast! 4 Home Edition www.avast.com NanoScan www.nanoscan.com ShieidsUP! www.grccom Windows Spiffy-looking avast! notifies Windows I Web In less than a minute, Na- Windows I Web Be sure your firewalls are you by e-mail or IM if it catches a virus. noScan can analyze all processes run- keeping your always-on Internet connec- You can't schedule scans, but its recov- ning on your computer and identify vi- tion hidden from attackers. ShieidsUP! ery database can help if a virus damages ruses. Trojan horses, spyware, or other provides a quick confirmation. your files, malicious programs. SmoothWaii Express AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition ThreatFire AntfVirus www.smoothwall.org free.grlscft.com www.threatfire.com Linux Got a spare PC running a Pentium Windows Us control center is awkward. Windows ThreatFire detects the bad guys 200 MHz or higher with 128MB of RAM? but AVG scans files on demand, upon by their behavior, not by outdated virus Turn it into a dedicated network firewall access, on a schedule, and in e-mail. Its signatures. It's surprisingly accurate and with this open-source download. rescue disks will help you recover from a good companion to standard antivirus disaster. apps. ZoneAlarm Free www.zoneaiarm.com Windows The free edition remains a use- Avira AntiVir Personai Edition Trend Micro HouseCaii ful protector against hack attacks and Classic www.free-av.com housecall.trendmicro.com against programs that abuse your Inter- Windows AntiVir scans files on demand, Windows I Web Use the venerable House- net connection. upon access, and on a schedule; it Call online scanner to get a second opin- doesn't scan e-mail attachments until ion, or use the app for cleanup when Security they're saved, but it does go to work malware prevents installation of a local on rootkits. It's especially good at co- antivirus utility. EULAIyzer www.javacooisoftware.com existing with other security software. Windows Wonder what you're agree- Like most good AV software, it has the Firewalls ing to when you click "I Accept"? Don't Virus Bulletin's VB100% award and cer- worry; just drag EULAlyzer's target icon tification for virus detection from ICSA Comodo Firewaii Pro onto the EULA for a quick report on any Labs. www.per5onalfirewall.comodo.com troublesome language. Windows This protective dragon for XP HijackThfs www.trendsecure.com and Vista keeps hackers out of your sys- Hotspot Shieid www.8nchorfree.com Windows Run HijackThis, save a log, tem, controls which programs can access windows Create an instant virtual private and then post the log on sites that sup- the Net (its whitelist of about one mil- network (VPN) tunnel between your port the program. You'll quickly get lion means you get fewer pop-ups), and laptop and the router at any Wi-Fi hot personalized expert help to remove any blocks tricky "leak test" techniques. It's spot to protect your data from snoops on malware. both tough and good-looking. the public airwaves, even if you're using MARCH 2008 PC MAGAZINE 79 extra encryption. If you're on a network Upload or e-mail your current docu- include a whiteboard for online eoUabo- that limits the use of certain apps (such ments for storage and editing. ration. as Skype). the VPN could give you un- fettered access. It even works with your IBM Lotus Symphony EssentialPlM Free wired connection for an extra layer of symphony.lotus.com www.essentiaipim.com security. Windows A much prettier version of Windows Imagine taking the e-mail out of OpenOffice.org, Symphony is preppcd Microsoft Outlook to get a killer person- Kruptos 2 www.kruptos2.co.uk for presentations, spreadsheets, and al information manager (PIM). Ihat's Windows Kruptos makes a file accessible word processing In a single window what EssentialPlM is all about. only to someone who knows the pass- (but lacks OO's drawing and database word; it includes a file shredder. modules). G009IC Calendar caiendar.googie.com Web I Mobile Featuring seamless integra- PC Flank www.pcflank.com KompoZer www.kompozernet tion with other Google products, shar- windows I Web While ShieldsUP! tests windows I MacOS | Linux A full WYSIWYG ing capabilities, and SMS reminders, this your firewall's ability to stealth all ports, Wcb-pagc authoring tool akin to Dream- Web app does for calendars what Google PC Flank performs surgical strikes that weaver, KompoZer integrates an FTP did for search.
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