GEOFF ROBISON PRES IDENT, VINTAGE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION Where did my summer go? all has arrived in the Midwest, cently shocked and deeply saddened With regard to our finances, your and our summer has slipped to hear of the loss of my contem­ Vintage Aircraft Association is cur­ away from us. Where did it porary from the International Aero­ rently on firm ground. Like everyone, go? It seems as though it was batic Club (lAC). Vicki Cruse was a we are experiencing increasing op­ only a few short weeks ago I good friend and a strong leader for erational costs, and we are reacting wasF all excited about what I thought the lAC. She was an extremely effec­ to these relatively new challenges. would be a spring and summer full of tive president of the lAC, and her loss During the 2009 convention, the travel, new opportunities, and more will affect not only the aerobatic com­ volunteer leadership created a new aviation in my life. Then, the blunt­ munity, but also EAA and all of its sub-committee that has launched a ness of my "real" life and its responsi­ divisions. She was a wonderful lady renewed effort to improve our finan­ bilities ran me over like a truck! and an awesome competitor, and cial outlook to better manage these For an abundance of reasons, I my heart goes out to her many close increases as they develop. I am happy don't ever get everything on my friends and family members who will to report that excellent progress has bucket list crossed off during each sea­ certainly miss her. Most of all, I will already been made to develop new son of flying. How about you? Even miss her wonderful smile. income streams in the area of non­ after what I believe to be careful plan­ Your Vintage Aircraft Association dues revenue. Like most associations, ning and a real attempt to engage my­ board of directors will be meeting dues typically make up only a small self in the activities or events I plan again in Oshkosh in mid-October. We percentage of the revenue needed to attend, I always seem to come are already deep into the planning of to operate. This development com­ up short. Oh well, 2010 may prove EAA AjrVenture Oshkosh 2010. In the mittee is working primarily on con­ to be a new beginning for my avia­ aftermath of a wildly successful 2009 cepts that will attract new members tion dreams. This is not to say that I event, we are working hard to make as well as develop new member ben­ had a lousy summer-I did finally get the 2010 event the best yet. Be as­ efits to strengthen our renewal rates. I that ever-elusive P-S1 Mustang ride sured we have already received com­ will keep you posted on our progress I always promised to treat myself to. mitments to host a number of special throughout the current fiscal year. Thanks, Jimmy, it was a real hoot! arrivals next year. It's going to be an­ As always, please do us all the fa­ So far this year, I spent about five other great one! Along with the suc­ vor of inviting a friend to join the weeks on the B-17 tour, a wonderful cess, we don't always get it right each VAA, and help keep us the strong as­ volunteer experience. This is always a year, and it gets pointed out to us that sociation we have all enjoyed for so grand experience that involves spend­ we need to do better in some areas. many years. ing time with old friends, and I get to We are listening very carefully, and EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2010, make a number of new friends along we are committed to responding to The World's Greatest Aviation Cele­ the way. I have always said that I am a each of these challenges. bration, is July 26 through August l. most fortunate individual to count so Your board of directors has a long VAA is about participation: Be a many good friends all over this coun­ list of sub-committees and volun­ member! Be a volunteer! Be there! try. I can't make this statement with­ teer chairmen/chairwomen who Let's all pull in the same direction out again thanking the EAA for all of will be dealing with these challenges for the good of aviation. Remember, the opportunities it has placed at my throughout the planning process we are better together. Join us and feet over these many years to make with the clear goal of making your ex­ have it all. this possible! perience at AirVenture an enjoyable, A~ But, as is normally the case, friends family-oriented event. I hope to see will come and friends will go. I was re­ each of you at the 2010 show. OCT 0 B -E R VOL. 37, No. 10 2009 CONTE TS I Fe Straight & Level Where did my summer go? by Geoff Robison 2 News 4 AeroMail 6 Sparky's Notebook: Hello, Oshkosh! Some of the highlights of the VAA area during EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2009 by Sparky Barnes Sargent 18 My Favorite Ride A great treat, neighbor to neighbor by Lorraine Morris 20 Light Plane Heritage Dwight Hun tington and the H-l Lightplane by Jack McRae 24 Stearman Flight The inaugural EA.s.T. certified Stearman Formation Clinic flies over St. Louis by Don Parsons 28 The Vintage Mechanic Materials & Processes, Part I STAFF by Robert G. Lock EAA Publisher Tom Poberezny Director of EAA Publications Mary Jones Executive Director/Editor H,G. Frautschy 32 The Vintage Instructor Production/Special Project Kathleen Witman Risk management Photography Jim Koepnick by Doug Stewart Bonnie Kratz Advertising Coordinator Sue Anderson 34 Mystery Plane Classified Ad Coordinator Lesley Poberezny by H.G. Frautschy Copy Editor Colleen Walsh Director of Advertising Katrina Bradshaw 39 Classified Ads Displav Advertising Representatives: Specialized Publications Co. U.S. Eastern Time Zone-Northeast: Ken Ross COVERS 609-822-3750 Fax: 609·957·5650 kr40@comcas t.net FRONT COVER: By golly. here's something you don't see every day - the replica DH.88 Comet racer, flown by Robin Reid, in formation with the Com per Swift brought across the U.S. Eastern Time Zone·Southeas t: Chester Baumgartner Pacific by Roy and Primrose Fox, and flown by David Grieg. Both airplanes were on display 727·532·4640 Fax: 727·532·4630 [email protected] in the Vintage parking area during EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2009. For more on the annual fly·in and convention, see the article starting on page 6. EAA photo by Jim Koepnick, EAA U.S. Central Time Zone: Gary Worden and Todd Reese photo plane piloted by Bruce Moore. 800·444·9932 Fax: 816·741·6458 gary.worden@spc·mag.com; todd@Spc·mag.com BACK COVER : Watercolor artist M. Randall Mytar has been kind enough to share a few of U.S. Mountain and Pacific Time Zones: John Gibson his prints with us during past years, and his latest he'd like members to see is this fanci· 916·784·9593 Fax: 510·217·3796 ful scene of the Ryan NYP, "The Spirit of St. Lou is" as it might have appeared in a Ryan johngibson@spc·mag.com Airl ines hangar. Randall lives in Sherman Oaks, California. Known internationally as an Europe: Willi Tacke architectural designer and illustrator, he is also renowned for his classic automobile art· Phone: +49(0)1716980871 Fax: +49(0)8841 / 496012 work. Mytar can be reached at 818·789-7719. willi@f/ying·pages.com VINTAGE AIRPLANE Preserving the Vintage Fleet cated here: www. VintageAircraft. place with Canada). Vintage DER application process org/der/der_checklist.pdf The FAA is also proposing that checklist now available Keep in mind that this pro­ pilot schools can use Internet­ Interested in becoming ap­ gram is run entirely by the FAA, based training programs with­ pOinted as a vintage designated and all matters related to ap­ out requiring a physical ground­ engineering represen ta ti ve pointments as VDERs are at the training facility. The FAA is also (VDER) to help with the unique FAA's discretion. The VDER des­ proposing to allow pilot schools challenge of preserving the vin­ ignation is simply an addition and provisional pilot schools to tage fleet? A new checklist cre­ to an already existing program apply for a combined private pi­ ated by EAA and the FAA will help within the FAA, and all proce­ lot certificate and instrument rat­ with the application process, dures and policies in place for ing course. In addition, the FAA and it's now available through the DER program will also apply proposes revisions to the defini­ the Vintage Aircraft Association to VDERs. tion of "complex airplane." (VAA) website at www. Vintage We're pleased to see so much Public comments must be Aircraft.org. Since the VDER des­ interest in the program, and we submitted to the FAA on or be­ ignation was announced by the appreciate the willingness of fore November 30, 2009. In­ FAA during this year's EAA AirVen­ the FAA to add this designation structions on submitting a com­ ture Oshkosh, a number of mem­ to the DER program. We look ment are contained within the bers have expressed a desire to ap­ forward to hearing back from NPRM. To access the NPRM and ply for appointment as a VDER. the FAA when its first group of the link, visit www.EAA.org/ Some of those members have VDERs is appointed.
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