NOAA TECHNICAL REPORTS National Marine Fisheries Service, Special Scientific Report-Fisheries The major reo ponsibilitie, of the. ational :\larine Fishenes Service (NMFSl are to monitor and asses the abunda nce and geographic 'h,rribur ion (,r fishen re nurees. to understa nd and predict fluctuations in the quantity and distributIOn of these resources, a nd to e tablish levels f"r Ilptlmum use of the resources. 1'.' MFS i_ also charged WIth the development and implementation of policies for managing national fishing gWlInd<. develnpment and enforcement of domestic fisheries regulations. surveillance of foreign fishing off United States coastal waters, a nd the de\€lopment and enforcement oflllternational fis hery agreements and policie NMF also assists the fishing industry through ma rketing service nnd et" ,n"mIC analysi~ prngrams. a nd mortgage in urance and vessel construction subsidies. It collects. analyzes. a nd publishes stat isti cs on various phase, oj the lIldustn·. The Special Scientific Report-Fisheries series was established in 1949. The serie carries reports on scientific investigation' that document long·term l'tlntinuing pTo1grams of :--'; MFS. or intensive scientific reports on studies of restricted scope. The reports may deal with applied fi hery rrnhlems The. erie. IS also used as a medIUm for the publtcatlOn of bibliographies of a speclaltzed scientific nature. :--';OAA Technical Reports ;>J :\[FS 'SRF a re available free in limited numbers to governmental agencle . both Federa l and State. T hey are also availAhle in e,chan,;e fur (,ther, cientific and technical publications in the marine sciences. Individual copIes may be obtained (unless otherwise nI.ted I CfIlm D!'\::fi. Technical Information Division . Envi ronmental Science InCormation Center. NOAA, Washington. D.C. 20235. Recent SSRFs are; fi49 Distrihullon of forage of skipjack tuna (Euthynnu$ pelamls) in the FiR!. A review of the literature on the development of skipjack tuna eastern rropical Pacific. By 1\laurice Blackburn and M ichael La urs. fishen es in the centra l and we tern Pacific Ocean . By Frank J. Hester .JanuaT\ 1972. iiI + Hi p .. 7 figs. 3 table. For a le bv t he Superintendent and Tamlo Olsu ..January 1973. III + 13 p., 1 fig . For sale by the lit Documents. \'.S Go\ernment Printing Office. \-Vashington. D.C Superintendent of Documents. .S . Government Printing Office. 20402 Washington . D .C'. 20402. Ii!)!). Effects of some antioxidants and EDTA on the development of ran· R62 Seasonal distribution of tunas and billfishes in the Atlantic. By Cldlty tn Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus morulatu .• ) d uring frozen .John P Wise a nd Cha rles W. Da\'is. ,January 1973, iv + 24 p .• 13 figs .. 4 st"rage By Rohert ~ Farragut. February 1972. I\' + 12 p .. 6 figs .. 12 tables. Por sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government t~"le,. For sale hv Ihe Superintendent of Documen ts. U S. Government Printing Offi ce, WashIngton. D.C. 20402. Prinl ing aUkI'. \Xiashington. DC. 20402. 663. Fis h larvae collected from the northeastern P acit1c Ocea n and Puget Sound d unng April and May 1967. By Kenneth D. Waldron . r..~1 The eftect of premortem stress. holding temperatures. and freezing C1I I he biochemistr" and qualitv of skipjack tuna. By Ladell C rawford. Decl'mber 1972. iii + 16 p .. 2 figs .. 1 table. 4 app. tables. For sale by the Su perintendent of Documents. U.S. Governmen t Print ing Office, Apr'l \Q-;2. iiI + ~:1 p .. :) figs .. -1 tables For sale bv the Superintendent 41f I},,('uments l' S. Government Printing Office. Wa hington . D .C. Washington. D .C 20402. 2fl4f1:!. 664 Tagging and tag· recovery experiments with Atlan tic menhaden. (,:'>: ). The lise of electricity in conjunction with a 12.5-meter (Headrope\ Brel'OlJrtlO tyrannus. By Ri chard 1. Kroger and Robert 1. Dryfoos. (,ulf·"f ·:\1exlco shrimp trawl in Lake MIchigan By ,James E. Ellis. December 1972, iv + 11 p .. -1 figs ., 12 tables. For sale by the S uperinten­ ~Iar c h 1972. i\ + 10 p .. 11 figs .. 4 tables. For sale by the Superintenden t den t of Docum ents. U.S . Government Printing Office, Wa hington , D.C . n l Documents. l'S. novernment P rinting Office. Washington, D.C. 2040~. 9040:., 665. La r\'a l fi h survey of Humbolt Bay. California. By Maxwell B. fifi-l. An ",Ieclric detector system for recovering internally tagged EldrigE' a nd Charles F. Bryan. December 1972, iii + 8 p ., 8 fi g ., 1 table. nlenhaden. genus Rrel'oorllo. By R 0 Parker, Jr. February 1972. iii + 7 For salE' by the L uperintendent of Documen ts. U.S. Government Printing P . ;1 figs. 1 app. table. For sale by the Muperintenden t of Document, Office. Washington. D.C. 20402. {f" (;,wernment Printmg Orfice. Washington. 0 C 20402. 666. Distribution and relative abundance of fishes in ewport River. 00 0rth Carolina. By William R. Turner and George N. J ohnson. li;'.1 . Imnwbilization of fingerling salmon and trout by decompression . September 1973 . iv + 23 p .. 1 fig .. 13 tables. For sale by t he Superinten­ Bv Doyle F. Sutherland. ;\larch 1972. iii + 7 p .. 3 figs .• 2 tables. For sale dent of Document . U.S . Government Printing Offi ce, Washington, D.C. hv the ~uperintendent of Documents. C. Governmen t Printing Office. 20402. \\',,,hml!tlln. D C 2040:2 1167. An analysi of the commercial lobster (Homarus am.ericanusl fiCif' The ('alieo scallop. Arl!opectpn gibbus By Donald M . Allen and T . fis hery along the coast of Maine. August 1966 through December 1970. By .1 C .. "ellll \[ay 1972. iii + 19 p .• 9 figs .. 1 table. For sale by the .la m es C. Thomas .•June 1973. v + 57 p .. 18 figs., 11 tables. For sale by the :-'lIper ntendent 11 Document, l' S. l~overnment Print mg Office. Superintendent of Document, U .S. Government Printing Office. \\ J,hll1gtlln. n C 20-l0~. Washington. D.C. 20402. r;:;- Llking fish protem concentrates by enzymat ic hydrolysis. A 668. An annotated bibliography of t he cunner, T autogolabrus adspersus ,tRtll< rep'rt lin re5earch and some processe and prod ucts studied by (Wilbaum) By Fredric M . Serchuk and David W . Fra me. May 1973. ii + \I~-=- H\ ;\Inlrtllm B Hale. November 1972. v + :12 p .. lfi figs .. 17 -1 3 p. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U .S. Government t I 1.'-. t <lrp. tahl~ For saIl' by the Superintendent of Document . U.S . PrintlOg Office. Wa hington, D.C. 20402. (.OHrnment Pnntlng Office. Washington. D.C. 20402. flfl9 Huhpoint prediction for direct readout meterological satellites. By 1.-, 1,1. "f fishes (If Alaska and adjacent waters with a guide to some of 1. E. Eber. Augu. t 1973. iii + 7 p .. 2 figs., 1 table. For sale by the thl'lr I t "illirp A\ Ja\ r QuaSI anc! Elizabeth L HaIL .July 1972. iv + S u perintendent of Documents. U.S . Government Printing Office, ,- fl F,'r <,iI. h\ the "lIprrintendent I>f DIlcuments. U .. Go\'ernment Washinglon, D.C 20402. PTl~tlll': I )Ihce. \\'ashlll~lIIn. DC 20402 1\70. l lnharvE'. ted fi hes in the U.S . commercial fisher v of western Lake n ,",,,nl hpa,1 F'i-heTles Center blllllumenc c"de. P a rt I Fishl's. Erie 10 1969. By Harry D Van Meter. July 1973. iii +- 11 p., 6 figs., 6 H IT\l'\ R HII lis. ,'r . Rirhard B. Roe. and .Jud lth C. Gat lm Jul\' ta bles. For sale by the Superintendent of Documen ts. U.S. Government 1"-2 I + - p 2 IIgs. F"r SHit' b\' (he Superintenden t of D ocu men t~. Printing Office. Washington. D C. 20402. \ S (; )\"rnn ~nl Printing Olfiee. Washln/!ton. D.C 20402. " 71 Coastal upwelling indices, west coast of North America , 1946·71 til ( \ Ire h\\ ller'i"h ,·I~l'!rll·mllt1\at"r tFFE M )'lt"c h a r ac t e r i~ tl csa nd Bv Andrew Bakun ,June 1973. iv + 103 p., 6 fi gs .. 3 tables. 45 app. figs . 'pu 11" fh.J Im~' F Ellis ~nd Ch.lr1es C Hnll pes. :-.I m·ember 1972. iii For ,ale bv the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing ... 1\ t' 2 II,:: Offi cE' . Washington. 0 C 20402. NOAA Technical Report NMFS SSRF-713 Current Patterns and Distribution of River Waters in Inner Bristol Bay, Alaska Richard R. Straty June 1977 U.S. DEPARTM ENT OF COMMERCE Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Robert M. White, Administrator National Marine Fisheries Service Robert W. Schoning, Director The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) does not approve, rec­ ommencl or endorse any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned in this publication. No reference shall be made to N~1FS, or to this publication furnished by NMFS, in an~ advertising or sales pro­ motion which would indicate or imply that )\~lF approves, recommends or endorses any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned herein, or which has as its purpose an intent to cause directly or indirectly the advertised product to be used or purchased because of this N~IFS publica tion. CONTENTS Page Introduction . 1 Background .. 1 Distribution of river waters 2 Determining salinity distribution 2 Dye studie ....... 3 Path of fluorescent dye . .. 3 hear lines .......... 8 Plotting river water from drift card 9 Synop i of di tribution of river waters 10 Tidal influence 12 Effect of wind 12 Summary 12 Literature cited . 13 Figures 1. Bri tol Bay, showing locations of principal river systems . 2 2. Vertical profiles of alinity at 16-km intervals, Bristol Bay, August 1966 3 3.
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