Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust Public Board of Directors Anna Dart Lecture Theatre, Horizon Centre, Torbay Hospital, TQ2 7AA 7 March 2018 09:00 - 7 March 2018 11:30 Overall Page 1 of 253 AGENDA # Description Owner Time In case of fire - if the fire alarm sounds please exit the Anna Dart Lecture Theatre immediately in a calm and orderly fashion. On exiting, turn right and then left through the fire door and assemble in the car park by the Patient Transport Offices. 1 User Experience Story Information 2 Board Corporate Objectives Information Board Corporate Objectives.pdf 7 3 PART A: Matters for Discussion/Decision 3.1 Apologies for Absence Ch Note 3.2 Declaration of Interests Ch Note 3.3 Minutes of the Board Meeting held on the 7th February Ch 2018 and Outstanding Actions Approve 18.02.07 - Board of Directors Minutes Public.pdf 9 3.4 Report of the Chairman Ch Note 3.5 Report of the Interim Chief Executive ICE Assurance Report of the Chief Executive.pdf 33 3.6 Strategic Issues Overall Page 2 of 253 # Description Owner Time 3.6.1 Devon Sustainability and Transformation Partnership DSI Update Report Information/Assurance Devon STP Update.pdf 45 3.6.2 Annual Strategic Agreement with Torbay Council 2018-19 DSI and 2019-20 Approve ASA with Torbay Council 2018-19 and 2019-20.pdf 57 3.6.3 Verbal Update on Progress on the Alternative Delivery Cllr Parrott Model for Children's Services Information/Assurance 4 Delivery Issues 4.1 DSI/DoF/DW Integrated Quality, Performance, Finance and Workforce OD Report - Month 10 Assurance Integrated FPQW Report - Month 10.pdf 95 5 Governance Issues 5.1 Board Assurance Framework DoF Assurance Board Assurance Framework.pdf 157 5.2 Feedback and Engagement Annual Report CN Information/Assurance Feedback and Engagement Annual Report.pdf 171 6 Governors' Questions Ch Discuss 7 PART B: Matters for Approval/Noting Without Discussion 7.1 Reports from Board Committees Assurance Overall Page 3 of 253 # Description Owner Time 7.1.1 Finance, Performance and Investment Committee - 27th RS February 2018 Information/Assurance 2018 02 27_FPI_Cttee_Report_to_Board.pdf 197 7.1.2 Quality Assurance Committee - 24th January 2018 Ch Information/Assurance QAC 24.01.18 - Chair's Report.pdf 199 7.2 Reports from Executive Directors 7.2.1 Report of the Interim Chief Operating Officer ICOO Information/Assurance Report of the Interim Chief Operating Officer.pdf 201 7.2.2 Antenatal and Newborn Screening CN Information/Assurance Antenatal and Newborn Screening.pdf 209 7.2.3 Trust End of Life Annual Report CN Information/Assurance Trust End of Life Report.pdf 215 7.2.4 Safe Staffing 6 Month Update CN Information/Assurance Safe Staffing 6 Month Update.pdf 229 7.2.5 Getting it Right First Time MD Information/Assurance GIRFT.pdf 245 7.3 Compliance Issues 7.4 Any Other Business Notified in Advance Ch 7.5 Date of Next Meeting - 9.00 am, Wednesday 11th April Ch 2018 7.6 Exclusion of the Public Ch Overall Page 4 of 253 INDEX Board Corporate Objectives.pdf.....................................................................................................7 18.02.07 - Board of Directors Minutes Public.pdf...........................................................................9 Report of the Chief Executive.pdf...................................................................................................33 Devon STP Update.pdf...................................................................................................................45 ASA with Torbay Council 2018-19 and 2019-20.pdf.......................................................................57 Integrated FPQW Report - Month 10.pdf.........................................................................................95 Board Assurance Framework.pdf....................................................................................................157 Feedback and Engagement Annual Report.pdf.............................................................................171 2018 02 27_FPI_Cttee_Report_to_Board.pdf................................................................................197 QAC 24.01.18 - Chair's Report.pdf................................................................................................199 Report of the Interim Chief Operating Officer.pdf...........................................................................201 Antenatal and Newborn Screening.pdf...........................................................................................209 Trust End of Life Report.pdf............................................................................................................215 Safe Staffing 6 Month Update.pdf...................................................................................................229 GIRFT.pdf.......................................................................................................................................245 Overall Page 5 of 253 Overall Page 6 of 253 BOARD CORPORATE OBJECTIVES Corporate Objective: 1. Safe, quality care and best experience 2. Improved wellbeing through partnership 3. Valuing our workforce 4. Well led Corporate Risk / Theme 1. Available capital resources are insufficient to fund high risk / high priority infrastructure / equipment requirements / IT Infrastructure and IT systems. 2. Failure to achieve key performance / quality standards. 3. Inability to recruit / retain staff in sufficient number / quality to maintain service provision. 4. Lack of available Care Home / Domiciliary Care capacity of the right specification / quality. 5. Failure to achieve financial plan. 6. Care Quality Commission’s rating ‘requires improvement’ and the inability to deliver sufficient progress to achieve ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’. Board Corporate Objectives.pdf Page 1 of 1 Overall Page 7 of 253 Overall Page 8 of 253 MINUTES OF THE TORBAY AND SOUTH DEVON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING HELD IN THE ANNA DART LECTURE THEATRE, HORIZON CENTRE, TORBAY HOSPITAL ON WEDNESDAY 7TH FEBRUARY 2018 PUBLIC Present: Sir Richard Ibbotson Chairman Mrs J Lyttle Non-Executive Director Mrs J Marshall Non-Executive Director Ms V Matthews Non-Executive Director Mr P Richards Non-Executive Director Mr R Sutton Non-Executive Director Mrs S Taylor Non-Executive Director Mr J Welch Non-Executive Director Ms L Davenport Deputy Chief Executive Ms C Bessent Deputy Chief Nurse Mrs D Butler Deputy Director of Strategy Mr P Cooper Director of Finance Mrs L Darke Director of Estates and Commercial Development Dr R Dyer Medical Director Mrs J Falcão Director of Workforce and Organisational Development Mr J Harrison Deputy Chief Operating Officer Councillor J Parrott Torbay Council Representative In attendance: Ms C Carpenter Member of the Public Mrs S Fox Board Secretary Ms J Gratton Joint Head of Communications Mr C Helps Interim Company Secretary Governors: Mr R Bryant Mr P Coates Mrs C Day Mrs C French Mrs A Hall Mrs L Hookings Mrs B Inger (part) Mrs M Lewis ACTION 01/02/18 Board Corporate Objectives Noted. PART A: Matters Discussion/Decision 02/02/18 Apologies for Absence Apologies were received from the Director of Strategy and Improvement and Chief Nurse. 03/02/18 Declaration of Interests Nil. Page 1 of 23 Public 18.02.07 - Board of Directors Minutes Public.pdf Page 1 of 23 Overall Page 9 of 253 04/02/18 Minutes of the Board Meeting held on the 6th December 2017 and Outstanding Actions The minutes of the meeting held on the 6th December 2017 were approved as an accurate record. 05/02/18 Report of the Chairman The Chairman reported the following to the Board: Mrs McAlinden had gone back to Northern Ireland with her husband and was taking a period of unpaid leave. Her husband was receiving palliative care and treatment. The Chairman was keeping in regular contact with Mrs McAlinden in respect of a possible return to office on a reduced hours contact over the next few months. The plans put in place to manage demand over the festive period had worked well and the Chairman wished to place on record his thanks to the teams who worked over that period. The Chairman visited Ashburton Hospital recently and on speaking to service users and staff felt that the hub was operating very well. He also commended the meeting room at the hospital for use by Board members. The Chairman spent some time shadowing a junior doctor working a shift at the end of January and reported that it was an extremely valuable experience. He was also pleased to receive positive feedback from both the junior doctor and his colleagues in respect of the Trust’s training programme. 06/02/18 Report of the Deputy Chief Executive The Deputy Chief Executive highlighted the following: Both the Deputy Chief Executive and Chairman attended the recent Time to Talk Session which was part of a national programme to improve awareness of mental health needs and the importance of looking after the mental health as well as the physical wellbeing of staff. The event brought together staff from across the Trust who spoke about their experiences of mental health and the Board noted it has had a huge impact with many members of staff coming forward to speak about their experiences. The Deputy Chief Executive wished to place on record that Board’s thanks to Mr Paul Norrish for arranging this event. The Trust has found managing the winter period very challenging, but the experience has been made manageable due to having a robust Winter Plan in place. The Board should not underestimate the pressures that staff have had to face and how readily
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