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(iv) ..............................................................................................W) Abstract ..............................................................................................................................(ix) 1$ msmmomg .............. i 1. 1 3 i. 2 ............ 4 2$ ................................................................... 7 2. i # ................................................ 9 2. 2 momma##### .......................................... 19 2. 2. i .......................................... 19 c i) m#mm#&#Ykows - #?## ................................................... 19 (2) 27 2. 2. 2 ...................................................... 33 (1) KPACAP-38C «k........................ 33 (2) MAJOR BRAIN REGULATOR - &#7 ; >I:j;6mP9vA7X^O|l§@i## - 41 (3) ...........-.............................................................. 48 ...................................................... 53 2. 2. 3 .............. 59 2. 3 ................................................ 68 2. 3. 1 ............................................................ 68 ................................................................................. 68 .............................................................................................. 75 2 . 3 . 2 A##— a —7 )]/%• y b • A y ~f ........................................................ 81 ................................................................ 81 (i) (2) 7^vh 93 2. 3. 3 ##%#!:&#51^:] 99 (1) 99 .................................................. 101 2. 4 #2#ftmm3>(:^-f 106 2. 4. 1 106 2. 4. 2 110 [ Mt i cam) ................................. ns #3# m%##J .................................................................... 127 S4» tStlf .......................................................................................................................... 131 Apendix .......................................................................................................................................... 135 A. 1 &### -....................................................................................... 137 A. 2 151 A. 3 m ................................... 167 (2) 177 (ii) m®#i#6##®A ^m®3@®m#^^^^ /m, Ammmm, Ammiem®4#^m %L^ m'&fau^a^'^&d^Ao m^mc/iatctiicmAT, AmcgT&mA<mmL, AmmmmmmmmA^^ftAo $ wc. c^L-cs-o®# &o C^g)®m(D#^lz^^0-zL-c, A-3 C® liLT®S^Kol'T(i^lt^5^ B©$jsoVT(it A+#1:'te A Vc C C CBm %#^MLTiEm(D^b&%A6Amm#^ m#®mtLT®mAg^^-c(i, mm® ^A-y% qrm%6^m#]&^#Af e c t a j; (), a awm L#^f - a#A m, Am%E#. 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(vi) (fMRI) #bfrr#C6Tl'&o MC. mmommacaaaaw:. y hagf^# rm^3>b°zL-^j c<om±<&m^u {ttf&lfZo i#%tfvi/(c#<AmaLT (yi/^>o^7) j. am# rmoa# Tl^o 3%, h7y7 - ai'-p^yxf-AoM w< 7-^7?f- ca^a-cua. HU PH 7 — 7'> 3 "j 7(International Workshop on Brainware)7:(d; i’mctffSMSCDjrm *ys/a>j &o^r^x^-j 7tyy3>-eSi^^0#P9^(cj:a, c®^wo#&0K% Mft&.ffiWjfait'ty-v-7sL-i? 3 >. MkvxT-Ay □'fkS®, -Yy - vSii • £i5W UT. #P!^^g(:#%g LM&ff ^ /:o maj w®#p9^®mA^#T^mLAo (v£) Abstract In order to cope successfully with the highly integrated information society at the 21st century, it is said that excellent and various R&D, which themes range from hardware to software, such as high-definition television communication system, super high speed microcomputer, human friendly information processing, is required. In the middle of the ocean of the information from the multi-mediated huge intelligence fountainhead through, for example, internet , users have been requiring the environment in which they could obtain their truly crucial information and utilize it to their daily life or business. So it is necessary to develop a new information processing technique, especially R&D of man- machine interface, which connects the human and the information processing device such as personal computers, and more over, system interface, must be executed from a new standpoint. As one of the breakthrough to the new R&D which meet the requirements of the times, this Leading Research Committee (sendo kenkyu) focuses on the field of the function of the human brain, sense and perception, searches a new concept of information processing device which has a thoroughly different architecture from the one so far developed, aims R&D of basic techniques to build the new system. This is an endeavor to realize industrially the human-like information processing technology such as memorization, learning, association, perception, intuition and value judgment, all of which were primarily performed in the actual brain. To be concrete, a conceptual design concerning the basic element of information processing peculiar to brain function, and a principle of development of the new information processing system, are investigated. Study of the basic element: The brain is a system which gains the algorithm automatically. Breaking down it into the elemental level, the basic element, which has unique traits of neuron, i.e., super parallel processing characteristics and knowledge accumulating characteristics, is attempted to be realized industrially. For now, a prototype element which imitates the neural networks is experimentally manufactured. A thousand neurons are completely connected and made the neural networks into 1 chip. The chip simulates a information processing network system of a million connections with real-time execution. It tries to test the performance of super high speed neural network systems which connects the 1000 neurons parallel with each other. This deserves 200MIPS of the performance quotient of conventional computers. Software which efficiently arranges it is also investigated. Study of building a unique system of the brain: The brain is said to obtain information processing algorithm automatically for well-adapted behavior to its environment.
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