![Arxiv:1101.2944V2 [Quant-Ph] 30 Jul 2021 Entropic Uncertainty Relations](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Entropic uncertainty relations in multidimensional position and momentum spaces Yichen Huang (黄溢辰)∗† Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California 94720, USA August 2, 2021 Abstract Commutator-based entropic uncertainty relations in multidimensional position and momentum spaces are derived, twofold generalizing previous entropic uncertainty re- lations for one-mode states. They provide optimal lower bounds and imply the multi- dimensional variance-based uncertainty principle. The article concludes with an open conjecture. 1 Introduction Without a classical analog, uncertainty relations are one of the most fundamental ideas of quantum mechanics, underlying many conceptual differences between classical and quantum theories. They reveal by rigorous inequalities that incompatible observables cannot be mea- sured to arbitrarily high precision simultaneously. They are applied widely in areas both related and unrelated to quantum mechanics, such as entanglement detection [1–8], quantum cryptography [9–11], and signal processing [12, 13]. arXiv:1101.2944v2 [quant-ph] 30 Jul 2021 We associate a random variable A with an operator Aˆ. The possible values of A are the eigenvalues of Aˆ, and the probability (density) that A takes the value a is the probability (density) that we get a when we measure the operator Aˆ with respect to a quantum state |Ψi. The variance of Aˆ, denoted ∆Aˆ, is the variance of A, and the (differential) Shannon entropy of Aˆ, denoted H(A,ˆ |Ψi), or H(Aˆ), or H(P (a)), where P (a) is the distribution of A, is defined as the (differential) Shannon entropy of A. The famous commutator-based Heisenberg uncertainty principle is formulated by Robert- son [14] for observables: 2 ∆Aˆ∆Bˆ ≥ hΨ|[A,ˆ Bˆ]|Ψi /4. (1) ∗[email protected] †Present address: Center for Theoretical Physics, Massachuse tts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA. 1 We set ~ = 1 throughout this article. Denote the n-dimensional position and momentum space Hn. For the position and the momentum operatorsx, ˆ pˆ on H1, (1) reduces to ∆ˆx∆ˆp ≥ 1/4. (2) (2) is generalized to multidimensional spaces. The n-dimensional position and momentum space Hn is described by 2n operators Rˆ = (ˆx1, pˆ1, xˆ2,..., xˆn, pˆn), which satisfy the canonical commutation relations [Rˆj, Rˆk]= iΩjk, for j, k =1, 2,..., 2n, where n 0 1 Ω= . (3) −1 0 j=1 M For an n-mode density operator ρ, define the covariance matrix γ as γjk = 2tr(ρ(Rj − tr(ρRj))(Rk − tr(ρRk))) − iΩjk. (4) γ is real and symmetric. The multidimensional variance-based uncertainty relation [15] is given by γ + iΩ ≥ 0. (5) Reference [16] provides much more detailed backgrounds. There are some other types of uncertainty relations for multimode states (e.g., Ref. [6]). A different approach is to formulate uncertainty relations based on the Shannon entropy, rather than the variance. In the continuous variable case, Refs. [17, 18] prove inf{H(ˆx)+ H(ˆp)} = 1 + ln π (6) |Ψi for H1. Equation (6) implies (2) [17, 18], showing the advantages of entropic uncertainty relations. Lots of entropic uncertainty relations in the discrete variable case are proposed (e.g., Ref. [19]). Reference [10] is a recent survey on this topic. The main contribution of the present work is to twofold generalize Eq. (6). The commutator-based entropic uncertainty relation Eq. (7) holds for more general operators on multidimensional position and momentum spaces. Equation (7) implies the multidimen- sional variance-based uncertainty relation (5), so every time we use (5) in applications, we might think of using Eq. (7) instead to produce better results. Theorem 1 (entropic uncertainty relation in Hn). inf{H(Aˆ)+ H(Bˆ)} = 1 + ln π + ln |[A,ˆ Bˆ]|, (7) |Ψi where n n ˆ ′ ˆ ′ A = (aixˆi + aipˆi), B = (bixˆi + bipˆi) (8) i=1 i=1 X X ˆ ′ ′ are linear combinations of the components of R (ai, ai, bi, bi are real coefficients). Equivalently and more precisely, n n ′ ′ inf H (aixˆi + aipˆi) + H (bixˆi + bipˆi) |Ψi ( i=1 ! i=1 !) X n Xn n ′ ′ ′ ′ = 1 + ln π + ln (aixˆi + aipˆi), (bixˆi + bipˆi) = 1 + ln π + ln (aibi − biai) . (9) " # i=1 i=1 i=1 X X X 2 ′ ′ Letting n = a1 = b1 =1, a1 = b1 = 0, Eq. (7) obviously reduces to Eq. (6). Equation (7) strengthens the importance of commutation relations and supports the intuitive idea that commutators quantify the extent of incompatibility of two operators. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides the detailed proof of Theorem 1, which is arranged in lemmas to help you get the whole picture. Section 3 proves that Eq. (7) implies the variance-based uncertainty principle (5). Section 4 concludes with an open conjecture. 2 Proof of Theorem 1 We begin our discussion in H1. The fractional Fourier transform [20] Φ(ω) = Fˆ(θ)Ψ(x) plays an important role in the proof. It is defined as iθ−πi/2 iω2 ∞ iωx ix2 e − + Φ(ω)= e 2 tan θ e sin θ 2 tan θ Ψ(x) dx. (10) 2π sin θ r Z−∞ Naturally, Fˆ(0) is the identity map Iˆ, and Fˆ(π/2) = Fˆ, Fˆ(−π/2) = Fˆ−1, (11) where Fˆ and Fˆ−1 are the Fourier transform and the inverse Fourier transform, respectively. Fˆ satisfies [20] Fˆ(θ1 + θ2)= Fˆ(θ1) ◦ Fˆ(θ2)= Fˆ(θ2) ◦ Fˆ(θ1). (12) The eigenvector of the operator d xˆ cos θ +ˆp sin θ =x ˆ cos θ − i(sin θ) (13) dx corresponding to the eigenvalue ω is πi/2−iθ iω2 iωx ix2 e − + − e 2 tan θ sin θ 2 tan θ . (14) r2π sin θ Let Ψ(x) be the position wave function of a quantum state |Ψi. Following from the definition of the fractional Fourier transform, the wave function in thex ˆ cos θi +ˆp sin θi representation is Ψi = Fˆ(θi)Ψ(x) for i = 1, 2, which implies Ψ2 = Fˆ(θ2 − θ1)Ψ1 from Eq. (12). Therefore, wave functions of the same quantum state in different representations are related by the fractional Fourier transform. Lemma 1 ([21, 22]). For c ∈ R, H(cAˆ)= H(Aˆ) + ln |c|. (15) Lemma 2 ([13]). inf{H(ˆx cos θ1 +ˆp sin θ1)+ H(ˆx cos θ2 +ˆp sin θ2)} = 1 + ln π + ln | sin(θ2 − θ1)|, (16) |Ψi 3 which can be rephrased as inf {H(|Ψ(x)|2)+ H(|Φ(ω)|2)} = 1 + ln π + ln | sin θ|, (17) Ψ(x) where Ψ(x) runs through all legitimate wave functions and Φ(ω)= Fˆ(θ)Ψ(x). Theorem 2 (Theorem 1 in H1). inf{H(a1xˆ + a2pˆ)+ H(b1xˆ + b2pˆ)} = 1 + ln π + ln |[a1xˆ + a2p,ˆ b1xˆ + b2pˆ]| |Ψi = 1 + ln π + ln |a1b2 − a2b1|. (18) Proof. Using Lemma 1 and then Lemma 2, we have inf{H(a1xˆ + a2pˆ)+ H(b1xˆ + b2pˆ)} |Ψi a1xˆ + a2pˆ 2 2 b1xˆ + b2pˆ 2 2 = inf H + ln a1 + a2 + H + ln b1 + b2 |Ψi a2 + a2 b2 + b2 ( 1 2 ! q 1 2 ! q ) = 1 + ln π +p ln |a1b2 − a2b1| = 1 + ln π + ln |[ap1xˆ + a2p,ˆ b1xˆ + b2pˆ]|. (19) We have completed our discussion in H1. Let us move on to H2. Define cos θ − sin θ R = . (20) θ sin θ cos θ Lemma 3 (invariance of infimum under local rotations). xˆ1 xˆ2 xˆ1 xˆ2 inf H (a1 a2) +(a3 a4) , |Ψi + H (b1 b2) +(b3 b4) , |Ψi |Ψi pˆ pˆ pˆ pˆ 1 2 1 2 xˆ1 xˆ2 = inf H (a1 a2)Rθ1 +(a3 a4)Rθ2 , |Ψi |Ψi pˆ pˆ 1 2 xˆ xˆ + H (b b )R 1 +(b b )R 2 , |Ψi . (21) 1 2 θ1 pˆ 3 4 θ2 pˆ 1 2 T T T T Proof. We apply local rotations (ˆx1 pˆ1) → Rθ1 (ˆx1 pˆ1) and (ˆx2 pˆ2) → Rθ2 (ˆx2 pˆ2) . Under this transform, a state |Ψi, whose position wave function is Ψ(x1, x2), should become a new state denoted as Fˆ(θ1)⊗Fˆ(θ2)|Ψi, whose position wave function is (Fˆ(θ1)⊗Fˆ(θ2))Ψ(x1, x2). Thus, the left-hand side of Eq. (21) is equal to xˆ1 xˆ2 ˆ ˆ inf H (a1 a2)Rθ1 +(a3 a4)Rθ2 , F (θ1) ⊗ F (θ2)|Ψi |Ψi pˆ pˆ 1 2 xˆ xˆ + H (b b )R 1 +(b b )R 2 , Fˆ(θ ) ⊗ Fˆ(θ )|Ψi . (22) 1 2 θ1 pˆ 3 4 θ2 pˆ 1 2 1 2 This is equal to the right-hand side of Eq. (21) as Fˆ(θ1) ⊗ Fˆ(θ2)|Ψi is a legitimate quantum state if and only if |Ψi is a legitimate quantum state. 4 The commutator is preserved under local rotations, which can be verified by direct com- putation: xˆ xˆ xˆ xˆ (a a ) 1 +(a a ) 2 , (b b ) 1 +(b b ) 2 1 2 pˆ 3 4 pˆ 1 2 pˆ 3 4 pˆ 1 2 1 2 xˆ xˆ xˆ xˆ = (a a )R 1 +(a a )R 2 , (b b )R 1 +(b b )R 2 . (23) 1 2 θ1 pˆ 3 4 θ2 pˆ 1 2 θ1 pˆ 3 4 θ2 pˆ 1 2 1 2 Lemma 4 (invariance of infimum under global rotations). xˆ1 pˆ1 xˆ1 pˆ1 inf H (a1 a2) +(a3 a4) , |Ψi + H (b1 b2) +(b3 b4) , |Ψi |Ψi xˆ pˆ xˆ pˆ 2 2 2 2 xˆ1 pˆ1 = inf H (a1 a2)Rθ +(a3 a4)Rθ , |Ψi |Ψi xˆ pˆ 2 2 xˆ pˆ + H (b b )R 1 +(b b )R 1 , |Ψi . (24) 1 2 θ xˆ 3 4 θ pˆ 2 2 T Proof. For simplicity, the position wave function of |Ψi is denoted Ψ((x1 x2) ).
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