SECURITY COUNCIL REPORT Monthly JAN 2011 22 December 2010 This report is available online and can beFORECAST viewed together with Update Reports on developments during the month at www.securitycouncilreport.org OVERVIEW FOR JANUARY Bosnia and Herzegovina will hold the Committee is expecting to receive an Council presidency in January. interim report from its panel of experts. CONTENTS OF THIS ISSUE Status Update since our Two open debates are expected. The first Other possible events in January include: December Forecast .................... 2 is on the Middle East, to be held in the n further discussions on Côte d’Ivoire; Sudan ............................................... 4 second half of the month following the n early in the month, the Department of Somalia ............................................ 7 usual monthly briefing. Political Affairs is likely to brief Council members in consultations on issues Haiti .................................................10 A second open debate is expected on of possible concern during the month Conflict Prevention Briefings ........10 institution-building, as part of post-conflict of January; Nepal ...............................................11 peacebuilding. This is likely later in the n on Nepal, a briefing by UNMIN head, Elections of Chairs of month with a presidential statement as a Karin Landgren; Subsidiary Bodies ......................13 possible outcome (Security Council n on Haiti, a meeting on post-election Report will be publishing an Update Report UN Office for Central Asia .............14 political developments and the humani- on this issue closer to the debate.) Notable Dates .................................16 tarian situation including the status a Important Dates over the Horizon ...16 Sudan will take much of the Council’s year after the earthquake and the impact attention throughout January. Consulta- of the cholera epidemic; n consultations on the Central African tions are expected a few days prior to the n on Somalia, a briefing by the Special Republic following outcome of elections beginning of the referendum (scheduled to Representative of the Secretary-General on 23 January. start on 9 January) and again soon after its for Somalia, Augustine Mahiga; conclusion. A briefing by the head of n also in consultations, a briefing is At press time it seemed possible that peacekeeping Alain Le Roy on the regular expected on the UN Regional Centre for there will be no draft resolutions for adop- quarterly reports of the Secretary-General Preventive Diplomacy in Central Asia tion in January. One possibility is Nepal on UNMIS and UNAMID, which are due in (UNRCCA) by its head, Miroslav Jenca; (should there be a request to renew the early to mid-January, is expected, followed n a decision by Council members on elec- UNMIN mandate which otherwise expires by consultations. The Sudan Sanctions tion of the bureaux of Council subsidiary on 15 January). bodies; and Aide-Memoire Important matters pending include: of Special Advisor to the Secretary-General Secretary-General to elaborate the con- n The December 2004 report by the Secretary- on Myanmar in what was expected to be cept of operation and rules of engagement General on human rights violations in Côte temporary role. of MONUSCO, in line with the resolution, d’Ivoire, requested in a May 2004 presiden- n On 11 November 2009 in resolution 1894 and to report back to the Council and the tial statement (S/PRST/2004/17), was never on protection of civilians, the Council TCCs. The Secretary-General has yet to made public. Also on Côte d’Ivoire, the requested the Secretary-General to report back to the Council and the TCCs December 2005 report by the Secretary- develop guidance for UN operations and on this issue. General’s Special Adviser on the Prevention other relevant missions on reporting for n Resolution 1904 in December 2009 indi- of Genocide has not been published. enhancing the Council’s monitoring and cated that the expert groups assisting the n The position of Special Envoy for Myan- oversight. There has been no report back three counterterrorism committees (the mar has not been filled since Ibrahim to the Council on this. 1267 Committee on Al-Qaida and Taliban Gambari left the post in January 2009. At the n On 28 May 2010 in resolution 1925 on the sanctions, the 1373 Committee or CTC, and time Vijay Nambiar, the Special Advisor to mandate of MONUSCO, the operation in the 1540 Committee on weapons of mass the Secretary-General, took on the position the DRC, the Council requested the >>page 2 Security Council Report One Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza, 885 Second Avenue, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10017 T:1 212 759 9429 F:1 212 759 4038 www.securitycouncilreport.org 1 Aide-Memoire (continued) destruction) should be co-located and protection of children is not yet imple- borders of Lebanon, especially Sheb’a asked the Secretary-General make the nec- mented. In 2009 protection of children Farms, in accordance with resolution 1701, essary arrangements “as soon as possible.” elements had been incorporated into only continues to await completion. This request, reiterated in September 2010 half of the relevant country-specific reports. n The Council has yet to address the Secre- (S/PRST/2010/19), is still outstanding. n The Secretary-General has not yet re-ener- tary-General’s summary of the report of the n UNAMI reports on human rights in Iraq, in gised his Advisory Committee on the UN Board of Inquiry into incidents involv- the past were produced every two to three Prevention of Genocide (it has not met ing UN facilities and personnel in Gaza months. They have decreased in their since 2008). between 27 December 2008 and 19 Janu- frequency and regularity. The last report, n A biennial report by the Secretary-General ary 2009, submitted to it on 4 May 2009. released in July 2010, covered the period on small arms requested on 29 June 2007 in n The Council requested the Secretariat from 1 July to 31 December 2009. a presidential statement is yet to be on 21 November 2006 (S/2006/928) to n The request in resolution 1460 on Children produced for 2010. The last report on small update the index to Council notes and and Armed Conflict that all the Secretary- arms was published in April 2008. statements on working methods. This has General’s reports to the Council on n The mandate to the Secretary-General to not been published. country-specific situations include the assist with the delineation of the international Status Update since our December Forecast n DRC: On 1 December 2010, the DRC Sanc- reiterating its call for the Secretariat and other meeting with troop and police-contributing tions Committee added four individuals to relevant UN bodies to address the staffing countries for UNFICYP (S/PV.6435). the assets freeze and travel ban list under situation. In addition, in the case of ICTY the n Central African Republic: On 8 December resolutions 1596 (2005) and resolution Council authorised one judge to serve 2010, the Council was briefed by the 1952 (SC/10099). Three of the four indi- beyond the maximum cumulative period of Secretary-General’s Special Representative viduals, Gaston Iyamuremye, Félicien service established by the Tribunal’s statute, Sahle-Work Zewde (S/PV.6438). She said Nsanzubukire and Leodomir Mugaragu, and in the case of ICTR decided that the max- that CAR was on track to conduct successful are active in the Forces démocratiques de imum number of ad litem judges may elections in January 2011 and expressed the libération du Rwanda, an armed group temporarily exceed what is currently allowed hope that the political atmosphere would operating in the DRC. The fourth, Lieuten- by this Tribunal’s statute. On 22 December remain calm and positive. The chair of the ant Colonel Innocent Zimurinda, is a the Council adopted resolution 1966, estab- CAR configuration of the PBC, Belgium member of the Congolese army and was lishing the International Residual Mechanism Ambassador Jan Grauls, told the Council added to the list for various human rights for Criminal Tribunals with two branches that the integrated Strategic Framework abuses. The sanctions list now includes which will start functioning on 1 July 2012 for developed by BINUCA had incorporated the thirty individuals and entities. ICTR and 1 July 2013 for ICTY. priorities identified by the PBC, which would n Myanmar: On 6 December 2010 Council n Cyprus: On 8 December 2010, Lisa Butten- help further strengthen the cohesion members were briefed by Vijay Nambiar, heim, the Secretary-General’s Special between the PBC, BINUCA and the govern- the Special Advisor to the Secretary- Representative and Head of UNFICYP ment. On 14 December, the Council General, on his visit to Myanmar from 27 to briefed Council members in informal con- extended the mandate of BINUCA for another 28 November. Nambiar also briefed the sultations on the Secretary-General’s latest 12 months (S/PRST/2010/26). The Council Secretary-General’s Group of Friends on UNFICYP report (S/2010/605). On 14 urged all stakeholders in CAR to work Myanmar. Among the issues raised in both December, the Council extended UNFIC- towards free, fair, transparent and credible meetings was the appointment of a full time YP’s mandate for another six months in elections, and to respect the results. The Secretary-General’s envoy for Myanmar. resolution 1953. The resolution takes note of Council also expressed concern over the (Nambiar, who is also the Secretary- the recommendations of the Secretary- security situation, in particular
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