2019/2 MaxPo Newsletter Highlights Cornelia Woll new MaxPo Co-director Cornelia Woll takes over the co-direc- She holds a habilitation from the Uni- torship of MaxPo in September 2019. versity of Bremen, a binational PhD Succeeding Jenny Andersson, she re- from the University of Cologne and turns to the position she held from Sciences Po and a MA and BA from 2012 to 2015, co-directing the Center the University of Chicago. She held together with Olivier Godechot. the Alfred Grosser Chair of the Goethe University Frankfurt in 2018 and was a Cornelia Woll is Professor of Political Visiting Fellow at the Center for Euro- Science at Sciences Po Paris and a re- pean Studies at Harvard University in searcher at the Center for European 2011/12. Studies and Comparative Politics (CEE). Her work focuses on comparative and Her books The Power of Inaction: Bank international political economy, in par- Bailouts in Comparison (2014) and Firm Cornelia Woll ticular business–government relations Interests: How Governments Shape and economic policy in Europe and Business Lobbying on Global Trade the United States. At MaxPo, she will (2008) were both published by Cornell continue her research on the politics University Press. Further work has ex- of finance, studying the dynamics of -fi amined economic patriotism, dynamics nancial market regulation, the political of European integration and interest influence of large companies, and the group politics. constraints financialized economies For more information: place on political processes. https://tinyurl.com/corneliawoll Before joining Sciences Po, Cornelia https://tinyurl.com/wollresearch Woll was a postdoctoral and doctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne. Page 02 | 2019/2 MaxPo Newsletter Highlights Former MaxPo Co-director Jenny An- Comparative Politics (CEE) at Sciences dersson stepped down from her co-di- Po Paris and an Associated MaxPo Fel- rectorship after four successful and low for the duration of the current re- productive years in order to pursue a search program. long-term research stay at the Swed- For more information: ish Collegium for Advanced Study in https://tinyurl.com/anderssonjenny Uppsala and Uppsala University. She Jenny Andersson remains CNRS Research Professor in the Center for European Studies and Jan Boguslawski and Mattia Lupi: Two new doctoral researchers MaxPo is pleased to welcome two new Mattia Lupi holds a Master’s degree doctoral researchers in Political Science in Public Policy from LUISS University, in September 2019. Rome, and received a Bachelor in Polit- ical Science and International Relations Jan Boguslawski obtained a Bachelor’s from Roma Tre University. His research degree in History from University Col- interests include political history, polit- Jan Boguslawski lege London in 2014 and a Master’s ical economy and the politics of central degree in Economic Sociology from banking. His research project aims to the London School of Economics and assess the interplay between the Bank Political Science in 2015. He has also of Italy and the political elite between studied financial law at the Universi- the 1970s and early 1990s when major ty of Warsaw. Before joining MaxPo, political, institutional, and financial Jan worked as a political consultant in changes occurred. In particular, he Warsaw. Jan’s doctoral research project will study how the consolidation of at MaxPo will examine the impact of Mattia Lupi the autonomy of Italy’s central bank ideological factors upon the design of in the face of the Treasury took place selected welfare policies in twenty-first and how this influenced the historical century Poland, and explore how they development of Italy in the context of have facilitated the local rise of house- globalization and EU integration. hold financialization. https://tinyurl.com/maxpodocs Florence Haegel, Director of the Centre d’études européennes et de politique comparée (CEE) of Sciences Po, is a new member of the MaxPo Joint Coun- cil. She replaces Patrick Le Galès, who withdrew from his role in June 2019. MaxPo wishes to thank Patrick for his Florence Haegel service to the Center and welcomes Florence to her new advisory role. https://tinyurl.com/jointcouncil Page 03 | 2019/2 MaxPo Newsletter MaxPo Visiting Researchers and Speakers in Fall 2019 Donald MacKenzie is Professor in the Sociology of Nuclear Missile Guidance School of Social and Political Science (1990); An Engine, Not a Camera: How at the University of Edinburgh. His Financial Models Shape Markets (2006); current research is on the sociology and Chains of Finance: How Investment of markets, focusing on automated Management Is Shaped (2017), co-au- trading. Previous topics of research thored with Diane-Laure Arjaliès, Phil- range from the sociology of nuclear ip Grant, Iain Hardie, and Ekaterina Donald MacKenzie weapons to the meaning of proof in Svetlova. the context of computer systems criti- http://www.sps.ed.ac.uk/staff/ cal to safety or security. His books in- clude Inventing Accuracy: A Historical Walden Bello is Professor of Sociology He is the author or co-author of twen- at the State University of New York at ty books, including Food Wars (2009), Binghamton and Senior Research Fel- Capitalism’s Last Stand? (2013), Drag- low at the Center for Southeast Asian ons in Distress: Asia’s Miracle Econo- Studies of Kyoto University in Japan. mies in Crisis (1990), and Development He served as a member of the House Debacle: The World Bank in the Philip- of Representatives of the Philippines pines (1982). Walden Bello from 2009 to 2015, during which he Bello got his BA from the Ateneo de was chairman of the Committee on Manila University in 1966 and his PhD Overseas Workers Affairs. His resigna- in Sociology from Princeton University tion from the House in 2015 in protest in 1975. at the policies of the Aquino adminis- tration is the only instance of a resig- https://www.waldenbello.org/ nation on principle in the history of the Congress of the Philippines. Grégoire Mallard is Professor in the De- (2016), and Global Science and Nation- partment of Anthropology and Sociol- al Sovereignty: Studies in Historical ogy and Co-director of the Executive Sociology of Science (2008). His other Master in “International Negotiation publications focus on prediction, the and Policymaking” at the Graduate role of knowledge and ignorance in di- Institute of International and Develop- plomacy, and the study of harmoniza- ment Studies (Geneva). tion of legal regimes as a social process. Grégoire Mallard In 2017, he has been the recipient of an He is the author of Fallout: Nuclear Di- ERC starting grant (2017–2022) for his plomacy in an Age of Global Fracture new project titled “Bombs, Banks, and (2014) and Gift Exchange: The Transna- Sanctions.” tional History of a Political Idea (2019). He is also the co-editor of Contractual http://www.gregoiremallard.com Knowledge: One Hundred Years of Le- gal Experimentation in Global Markets Page 04 | 2019/2 MaxPo Newsletter MaxPo Visiting Researchers and Speakers in Fall 2019 Johannes Lindvall is Professor of Po- research program “State-Making and litical Science at Lund University. His the Origins of Global Order in the research is concerned with political Long Nineteenth Century and Beyond” institutions, public policy, the role of (STANCE; 2015–2020). His work has interest organizations in political deci- been published in many peer-reviewed sion-making, and, more generally, the journals. He is the author of two books relationship between states and mar- in English, Mass Unemployment and Johannes Lindvall kets. He is currently the principal inves- the State (2010) and Reform Capacity tigator of a project on policing, school- (2017), both with Oxford University ing, and public health in comparative Press. and historical perspective (2017–2022) https://tinyurl.com/johanneslindvall and member of the team behind the Alexander Kentikelenis is Assistant global processes, national responses, Professor of Political Economy and So- and local- or individual-level outcomes. ciology at Bocconi University. Before He has published extensively on three moving to Milan, Kentikelenis was a re- research areas: decision-making in search fellow in politics at the Universi- global governance, the development ty of Oxford, a fellow in transnational and evolution of global norms, and the studies at Harvard University, and a social consequences of austerity and Alexander Kentikelenis research associate in political econo- market-oriented reforms. my at the University of Cambridge. His http://www.kentikelenis.net/ research focuses on the links between Florian Überbacher is a Postdoctoral multinational companies and other in- Researcher in Management at the Uni- ternational organizations can be gov- versity of Zurich. He received a PhD in erned. His research has been published Management from the University of in the Administrative Science Quarterly, St. Gallen. His research focuses on the Journal of Management Studies, Orga- role of power and influence in insti- nization Studies and other outlets. tutional environments with current https://tinyurl.com/florianueberbacher Florian Überbacher projects focusing in particular on how News Andreas Eisl, Doctoral Fellow at Max- Francesco Findeisen, Doctoral Fellow Po, will start in September 2019 as a at MaxPo in Sociology, will defend his research fellow on European economic doctoral dissertation entitled “Financ- policy at the Institut Jacques Delors in ing Metropolitan Infrastructure
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