Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 2001-09-26 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (2001). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2889. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2889 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .Campus events highligh~ divers·ity XAVIER._·• •OMA honors Shuttlesworth ··Masks on display in Cohen Center NEWSWIRE PHOTO BY DEVIN MATHIS T H·E XAVIER U N I V E R S I T Y. 87th year, issue 6 · week of SEPTEMBER 26, 2001 www.xu.edu/newswire/ OMA Panelists. address healing. BY LORI GOETZINGER Campus News Editor offers Representatives from · six • world religions met on Sept. 20 new series at a panel discussion entitled "Re~ sponding to Sept. 11: An Interac­ BY COLIN MCDERMOTT Contributing writer tive, Interreligious Public Forum for Discussion, Reflection and Xavier University's Office of Prayer." Multicultural Affairs (OMA) is Members of the panel in­ starting a new series entit.led cluded Bret Shull, representing "Colloquium." The series was de­ the Baha'i faith; Michael veloped by Paul James, director Atkinson.. representing Bud­ of Multicultural .Affairs, and its dhism; Patricia Brown, represent­ goal is to enlighten understand­ ing Protestant Christianity; Paul ings of face, diversity and differ­ Knitter, representing Roman ent perspectives of past struggles. Catholic Christianity; B.C. Shama James conceived the idea of a and Laxmi Srivastava represent­ colloquium series from his prior ing Hinduism; Michael Rapp, rep­ work at Oregon University. Their resenting Judaism; and Inayat colloqium series, which was es~ Malik, representing Islam. tablished to educate the commu- · Each panelist spoke ,about the nity on the aforementioned is­ ways in which ~is or her religion sues, inspired James to offer a responded to the terrorist attacks colloquium at Xavier. and offered ideas and sugges­ A colloquium, according to tions for dealing with the tragedy. NEWSWIRE PHOTO BY DEVIN MATHIS James; "is to engage, to invite into The Baha'i faith believes that Representatives (from left to right) Michael Atkinson, B.C. Sharma and Dr; Laxmi Srivastava, a discussion or a dialogue." a peaceful world will come and participated in the panel discussion on Thursday, regarding the Sept. 11 attacks. Three experts with different con­ lies in the oneness of humanity. centrations have been invited to ·"We are all one race - that is ing graces represent a responsi­ "We need to analyze what we this country: Muslim-Americans, speak for the series. the very foundation of global bility Christians have. are doing and where we are go­ no more, no less." The first lecture will focus on peace," Shull said. "It is important to listen, talk ing," Srivastava said. "The love The response of Muslims has African-Americans, the second Atkinson explained Buddhists and communicate our faith and of mankind is the love of God; no been to help in anyway they can. on Latin-Americans and the third are put in touch with a soft spot belief in each ·othe.r," Brown said. religion teaches u's to hate human "It is our duty and obligation as on Asian-Americans. inside themselves when they are Representing the Roman beings.. " Muslim,'' Malik said. "We want people to know of put in contact with woundedness. Catholic faith, Knitter stated that The primary concern of the The forum also included an other races that exist outside of "It is this which allows us to Jesus to19 us to love our neigh­ Jewish faith is the issue of secu­ opportunity for those participat­ just Black History Month and to connect our own pain to the pain bor and our neighbor includes ·the rity for members of their religion, ing in last Thursday's nation­ build connections and ties to the of others,'' Atkinson said. enemy. according to Rapp. He also dis­ wide fast. to break their fast with Cincinnati community and ex­ As a Christian, Brown ex­ "When the enemy hurts us, we cussed the terrorists using God to refreshments. After the break, pose the campus· to lectures of plained that all things happen for need to reach out and communi­ justify their goals. · members of the audience had the color," James said. · a reason even though it may be cate to the enemy that we want to "We are worried that this will opportunity to voice questions The first lecture in the series hard to understand when events listen and to try to understand be the unraveling of civic life,'' and concerns. will focus on the experience of are so tragic: their pain and grievance," Knit­ Rapp said. The event took place in the African-Americans and the Civil "The. balance is not so mµch ~er said. Representing Islam, Malik Duff Family Conference Center Rights Movement. that God allows evil but that God Srivastava from the Hindu said, "Unfortunately the events of in the Cintas Center and was "This is a series where I am saves good,'' Brown said, in re­ faith explained that God has Sept. 11 have put Muslims in the sponsored by the Brueggeman inviting Cincinnati community ferring to the thousands of rescue given humans the instinct to dis­ eye of the storm that no one Center for lnterreligious -Dia­ members to discuss the histories workers and people around the cuss grievance; therefore vio­ wishes to be. Those [Muslims] liv­ logue, the Ethics/Religion and of people with color, be it civil world doing what they can do lence must be condemned as it is ing in this country see themselves Society Program and the Office rights, troubles or triumphs, said help. At the same time, these ·sav~ not the way to solve problems. as part of the religious mosaic of of the President. See Series, page 2 ©2001 TheXavierNewswire All rights reserved NEWS: OP-ED: SPORTS: ·DIVERSIONS: l[,~r.::>iQo""ffi'r<r~~~·5:-3·:c:,745~:fi'22! !l!!!!!!.l!.• ~··--·!!li.lllt\~J~.!l._),,,."-~'"""""'"'•" Islam forum discusses Vows? What vows? Women's soccer Tolkien .classic Advertising (513) 745-3561. 1 misconceptions scores first win hits the stage ~1'.Q!@l1:1"'""".'~fi•11!~~ ...P.U.iKi.Gf~ .("'s\i3\'}'7li'ii~if1~3o... =;J,"-'.;;r..\'.,. ,., •.•• ·' Editor-in-Chief (513) 745-3607 PACiE 2 PACiE 6 PACiE 10 PACiE 14 . · A D M A J 0 R E M. D E I G L 0 R f ... A M . - :·-.,._,,,: 1 1~:.' ·, ... "" .· ···-·1 .· 2 week of SEPTEMBER 26, 2001 CAMPUS NEWS THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE B·RIEF* W i1RU41l'AAZUI ~S >-Lori Goetzinger, Editor Forum held to discuss, understand Islam >-News Room: 745-3122 >[email protected] BY LORI CiOETZINCiER has been described in the media as ~~~~~Ml Campus News Editor. a warlike religion. "This is a de­ "Islam and America" was held meaning, distorting, dangerous way Sept. 19 in Bellarmine Chapel. The of thinking of Islam," Knitter said. Education session . discussion was sponsored by the Knitter compared this to saying Xavier is hosting an informa" Muslim Student Association (MSA) _that the KKK represents all Chris­ tion session for its Master Of Edu-. and the Muslim American Society of tians .. cation degree in executive human ·· Cincinnati (MAS). "It is an abuse of these religions. resources development. Theses­ Mehrdad Safaviari, president of .It is· an abuse that is recognized," sion is scheduled for Thursday, · MSA, began the discussion. Knitter said. Oct. 18 at 7 p.m. in the Schiff Fam­ "We are here tonight to learn · All religions agree in promot­ ily Conference Center. The infor­ .about a religion that has been ing peace - they' just do it in dif­ mation session is designed for in­ bombed by the media and .yet it ferent ways, according to Knitter. dividuals who are considering .stands strong and powerful," Safavian Dr. Freda Shamma concluded pursuing the degree. Admission said. the forum with a discussion about requirements· and financial aid Safavian explained that Islam is Islam and·its common misconcep-_ will be discussed. For more infor­ the. religion of peace and it brings a tions. mation, contact the Office of responsibility to reach out to others. To be Muslim, according to . Graduate Services at 754-3360. Xavier Theology professor Dr. · Shamma, one must believe in the Paul Knitter continued the forum em­ one arid only God and be good to phasizing a need for the understand- others. · ~alvation Army ing of each other. · Shamma contributes the lack of The Salvation Army is running "I think part of it has to do with knowledge about Islam to the out of spl:_lce to store water and the way we have taken a part of Is­ amount of information available in sport drink. donations. Shorts, lam that exists and used. it to ide.n­ the United States. She said that non- sweatpants and surgical masks are tify the whole Islam," Knitter said. Muslims write three-fourths of . : · NEWSWIRE PHOTO BY JACKSON GOODNIGHT · . needed. The Salvation Army is . He continued by saying that Islam books written· about Islam. Dr. Freda Shamma speaks at "Islam and America" Sept: 19 · also accepting monetary dona­ tions to help meet the long- term needs of the victims' families. Series: Ervin to speak oll civil rights Anyone wishing to partner with continued from page ., ' . the Salvation Army in sponsoring ment and how the birthplace of the unconscionable acts of racial a fundraiser for the relief effort can rights; troubles or triumphs," said that movement was grounded in hatred, thatthe news media would contact Vanessa Nicely at· 513- ·James.
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