CITIZI Vol. 7ft No. 27 SOUTH AtfBOY, N. J. A<Wililn9 Un Than 75% Thursday, July 7, I960 Price 5c {7c out of town) Christ Church, Dr. Jonap Request Council Kurtz Starts Duties of Deputy Budget Director, $5006 Emergency School Resolution Passed To Reeowder Location of Street Resigns Assembly and Teaching Posts (as Company To Renew Mains A letter from IUV. Ronald A green liffht to the Sautuis William Kurtz of 912 Al- problems of taxpayers as on George and Main Streets; (i. Albury, rector of V Christ was promptly recommended by well as of students," the Church, Informed tht city Councilman Al Jankowski eo- pine Street, South Amboy, was recently named Deputy group should be well re- The Public Service Gas Co. ons returned. Councilman Al fathers that he, the church war- pecially in consideration of the notified the City that It in ne- Jankowski remarked that such dons am) vestrymen and Dr. fact that they were willing to Director of the Budget of presented in the state's law-making body.. cessary to do extensive renewal comments from residents are Jonap, whoM property adjoint pay for the connection. Council- the State of New Jersey. work on their fas mains and The statesman has been appreciated and he hoped that the'church, are not In favor of man James Vanderveer had a Kurtz, a Democrat, who has services on George and Welsh more people in the city would the plan for constructing a vague recollection that a vimilur been long active in city, a resident of South Amboy Streets prior to the permanent follow suit and writ* their com- •tiMt between Fourth Street request was made by the pro- county, and state political since he was born Into a paving of those streeti. ments to the Council. Extension and Main St. aa sug~ prietor* several yeart ago and affairs, will be responsible family of George and Caro- The company states that the, felted by the Planning; Board. was denied for reasons he could Mayor Joseph Charmello re- to Budget Director John L. line Kurtz In 1910. Like work will consist of some AO ported that a bill introduced in According to the plan, part of not remember. Nevertheless, he gas services and possibly some remarked that the offer made Brown, a Republican, and the surviving members of the State Legislature by Senator the street would fall on the pro- to the Law Revision and his family, Mrs. Emma Lon- on Main Street also. The end of Dumortt would increase munici- perty of the church and part on was an enticing one. Legislative Services Com- seth, Mrs. Julia Croddick, the gas main on Welsh Street pal aid to local First Aid Units the property of Dr. Stephen Jankowski interjected that the wiH be carried in back of the from $5,000 to $10,000. He ad- Jonap. The rector stated that he reasons were not technical and mission, which is a group Mrs. Lloyd Nelltopp, and of 12 legislators equally di- curb for possible future exten- ded, however, that the legisla- is speaking for hit entire con- that the disagreement in the Mr. Henry Kurtz, he pre- sion so as not to disturb the vided between the two par- ture is opposed to the bill and gregation in opposing the street past with the Board of Public sently lives In the Mechan- paved roads. The work is expect- wondered if it would not be aa described. Works was of a minor nature. ties. icsvliie section. When asked ed to be completed about July timely to send a letter from It is the intention of his He added that the Sauters have If he intended to continue 24 reports Mr Headegen, dist- the city to Trenton in support church, the rector explained, to been very patient about the living In South Amboy. rict supervisor. of the bill in view of the con- construct a parish hall in that matter. Kurtz replied, "I certainly Councilman Al Jankowski said struction of quarters and finan- region in the near future. The Councilman Howley made a do, and particularly In that residents in his area have cial drive now being conducted street would then, separate the notion that the issue be referred been asking him frequently by the South Amboy First Aid hall from the rest of the church to the Board of Public Works Mechanicsvllle." Of his older brothers, the when this work will begin. Squad. ^property and compel church with a retainer that the request Councilman James Vanderveer school pupils to needlessly crow be compiled with if at all pos- late Andrew Kurtz preced- Council President James Har- asked that ample wavning aal rigan recommended that the the street sible. Mayor Charmello gave his ed him as a member of the time be given residents so t|Gt support to the Sauters explain- local squad be contacted about Aside from the severance of city council and state as- they can remove their vehicles it first to get their reaction. He the church property, the rector ing that it was a traditional sembly. However, Andrew, from the reads when the work custom to try to accommodate asid that everyone looks up to contended that the proposed unlike hU youngest brother, begins. the squad which started on its street would add to the noise residents whenever possible. The declined to run for a second Sauter's letter contended that An emergency resolution in *«wn two feet without ever look- "and other annoyances "which the amount of $5000 was passed ing to the city for assistance. Is already quits heavy from they are in constant fear of term in the legislature and having their water shut off and ended his political career by the Council as means for fi- "If we, as a civic body, endorse screeching of wheel* and brakes nancing the tying in of the heat- such a bill, we may be doing at tht Main Street-Broadway In- that their water consumption is prematurely. pf eoDsidersfcJt volume. The coming election hold* ing system of the new addition them an injustice," Harrigan ftTMction." Furthermore, he of the public school with that of replied. "Because of their inde- stated, it would reduce their special interest for William NY * LB RR Promisee to . Hoffman High School. pendence, they are so much the parking area "in a traffic situ- Kurtz since he Is engaged better for it." atkm which is already grave." Correct Lower Second Street Councilman Fred Reese re- In the campaign of Mrs. ported that the 8tat« Legisla- Council President James Har* Deed End 8tfeet Barrier In quick action the Council The NY4LB R.R. which owns Katherlne E. White who Is ture had passed the Library As- passed •Ordinance 660 on first ripta remarked that these are running for Congresswom- sistance Bill by which a per- ejbctly the kind of reaction* the track running parallel to reading authorizing the expen- Broadway has promised to re- an. She has been regarded eapita of 10.06 will accrue to diture of $6,668.63 from the * from the public he has -We** the city. A sum of $400 is ex- "Capital Improvement Fund" to leaking. Through them, he uC' medy the railroad tie barrier at On July 3, the new depu- as one of the country's most the foot of-Second Street fol- outstanding woman in pol- pected in aid which Reese said pay for unforseen improvements dad, the governing body is in- ty began his duties which will be diverted toward the pur- lowing a report to that effect itics. Her political back- at the municipal garage and the formed how the residents f«vl will Include studying the chase of furniture for the new Progressive and Protection Fire about things brought for action made by letter to it by the City budget thoroughly, keeping ground includes her experi- Clerk. The action was initiated library. Rouses. before them. He hoped thai more the legislature Informed of ence as mayor of Red Bank Profound Coadoleacce Given At . poople would take the time to by Councilman Vanderveer at Two fire companies won the last Council meeting when It, and seeing that the de- and as a chairman ol the Death Of Forner Mayor praise for winning first place state their view on things. partments of the state pro- Parkway Commlssldh. Robert A. Caaey Councilman John Howley made he reported that the upright trophies and cash prises in the railroad' ties segregating the perly spend the money al- A resolution of sympathy was July 4th paradei. The Mecha- a motion that the letter be for- But even before the elec- nad by City Clerk John Triggs ^"^VMtM la (tat Ytannfnf Com- aeree* from tht track! consti- lotted (0 twm. *ln gene- nics vi Jit Hose Co. won in a pa- tuted a hasard to the children ral," he said, "we CLyman tion In November, Kurtz in memory of the late Robert A. rade in Milltown and the Inde- mission and urged that body to Casey, former mayor, member gh» the Utter serious vonside- In the vicinity. and he} are considered the will become absorbed In na- pendence Hook and Ladder Co, At a previous meeting Van- watchdogs of state expendi- tional politics through his of the Board of Education and at Monmoutb Junction. mtlon and even agree to an al- a director of the South Amboy ternate route. Mayor Joseph derveer avered that the ties were tures." hope that Governor Meyner too far apart to prevent child- Memorial Hospital. Mr. Casey Charmello made It clear that the His qualifications for the will figure Importantly In died last Thursday, June 23rd, city engineer's report on the ren running down art adjoining the coming Democratic hill in play from stumbling onto Job include his formal bust- after a prolonged illness.
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