June 1996 Heart to Heart A Model of Kindness Dale Kongorski President Alberta Conference he tension was so thick you searching questions (Lord, is it I?), a Jesus, even though He knew what could almost cut it with a whispered conversation between was happening in Judas' heart and knife. It was so unexpected- John and Jesus, a piece of bread that he would betray Him later that and mysterious. One of them dipped and handed to Judas, and very night, did not publicly expose or T then the carefully chosen words of embarrass him. Yes, Jesus did would betray their Lord? For some months now Jesus had been talking Jesus addressed to His betrayer- announce that one of them would to His disciples about His suffering "What you are about to do, do quick- betray Him. He also mentioned that and death, but this had been a good ly..." (John 13:27) But the astonishing one of them would deny Him and week. On Sunday Jesus had entered verse in this narrative is the next one that they all would desert Him. But Jerusalem on the back of a colt in the which says, "but no one at the meal He dealt so gently with Judas that as manner prescribed for a king to enter understood why Jesus said this to Judas left, the group in the room did- Jerusalem. The people had responded him." (verse 28) n't realize what had happened nor with wonderful enthusiasm. He had In this experience we have, it that he had been identified as the one driven the money changers from the seems to me, a demonstration of how who would betray His Lord. They temple and the people had flocked to we should deal with a person who simply thought Jesus was sending hear Him speak. Mary had anointed has wandered away from his com- him on some errand that needed to His feet with costly perfume as He mitment to God. Verse 27 says that be done. dined as honored guest in the home Satan had entered into Judas. He had To me there seem to be two of a leading Pharisee. During that turned away from the offered gift of lessons that we should learn from week the efforts of His enemies to guidance and control by the Holy this experience with Judas. First, it trick Him with questions had been so Spirit to the guidance and control of reveals how hopelessly inadequate soundly defeated that "...from that Satan. (As Jesus washed his feet earli- human judgment is about the charac- day on no one dared to ask Him any er that evening, Judas saw His humil- ter of others. We become so lost in more questions" (Matthew 22:46*). ity and love and almost gave in to its our opinions and judgments which And now He was not only speaking control in his life. But now he thinks are based upon external observations of His death; He said one of them better of it and surrenders again to that we cannot recognize the evi- would betray Him! Who? That was his greed and his pride of opinion. dence that runs counter to them. The the question driving nearly every- He still thinks he can force Jesus to disciples were of the opinion that one's mind. proclaim himself king and, as the one Judas was one of the most talented, Following Jesus' stunning responsible for His coronation, playa influential, and valuable members of announcement there were some soul- leading role in the new kingdom.) Yet their group. Even when, in the con- 2 Messenger /June 1996 — Cover : " What's for Dinner?" by Bruno Kern, Oshawa, Ontario. text of being told that one of them doing so, Jesus knew that it could would betray Jesus, Judas got up and awaken sympathy in some hearts for quickly left the room they didn't put Judas and would, in some minds, two and two together. Their ideas excuse the betrayal that followed. about him were gelled and they con- But the real reason for Jesus' treat- Volume 65, No. 6, May, 1996, Oshawa, ON tinued in that way of thinking. In ment of Judas was simply that He June Polishuk / Copy Editor this case their ideas were positive loved him still! And so He treated Allan Colleran / Art Director toward Judas in the face of what Judas as love would dictate. He did- Robin Carby / Associate Art Director should have been seen as negative n't embarrass him; He didn't publicly CONFERENCE EDITORS evidence. Just as often, or more so, rebuke him; He simply made clear to Don King / Alberta the ideas we have of others are nega- Judas His understanding of what Ron Watts / British Columbia Lester Carney / Manitoba-Saskatchewan tive in the face of what should be rec- was happening and protected him as Robert Lehmann / Maritime ognized as positive evidence to the much as possible from the censure David Crook / Newfoundland contrary. The point is that we are and displeasure of the group. (Can M. Lekic / Ontario Claude Richli / Quebec poor judges of character and when you imagine how Judas might have faced with a decision as to whom been treated by the others in the should be appointed to leadership group if Jesus had clearly identified etc. based on their character, we have him as the betrayer?) a tremendous need to submit to the I marvel at the kindness Jesus guidance of the Holy Spirit. Our showed to Judas who, by human judgment is simply not sufficient. standards, deserved so much less. On the other hand, the second les- The question comes to us: are we as This Issue son that we need to learn from this careful and as gentle in dealing with experience is the lesson of dealing those who fall? Do we love—truly Heart to Heart kindly with those who stumble and love—them and thus treat them as Dale Kongorski 2 fall. Although the actions of Judas love would dictate, seeking to protect sealed his destiny and resulted in his them as much as possible from the ultimate rejection of the salvation censure and displeasure of the James Watson Walkus Jesus had come to give, Jesus did not group? While it is true that there is a Don Felkley 4 reject or badly treat him. To the con- time to "cry aloud and spare not," it trary Jesus showed him extraordi- is clear that there is also a time to Who Is A Canadian? 5 nary kindness. Even as Judas demonstrate heavenly love and approached Him in the garden with patience. That is how Jesus said His the kiss of betrayal, Jesus did not true followers would be identified. Camp Meetings 6-10 show any sign of contempt or anger. There was in Jesus no sympathy at He didn't resist Judas' feigned dis- all for the course of action which ADRA play of affection. He merely asked Judas was following. Yet He ever Kay Bacchus 11 the piercing question, "Judas, are you extended to him His love and cour- betraying the Son of Man with a tesy. We do not need to reject a per- kiss?"-the sign of affection and son and treat them coolly or with PLUS friendship? (Luke 22:48) indifference just because we can now Canadian Union College 12, 13 At the supper that evening, Jesus accept the behavior or ideas of that Healthwise 14 could have made Judas intensely person. Oh, that God would fill us Kingsway Corner 14 uncomfortable. He could have told with Godly love for sinners! If we Conference News 15-20 the disciples about money that Judas could demonstrate the kind of love Bulletin Board-Tribute, had removed from the group's and courtesy that Jesus showed Milestones, Weddings, resources for his own personal use. toward Judas, I believe that there Obituaries 21, 22 He could have publicly shown the would be thousands of "sinners" who Classifieds 23-27 true motivation of Judas when he have been frozen out of God's church criticized Mary for pouring the per- that would return to His fold. The Canadian Adventist MESSENGER is the official fume on Jesus' feet. It wasn't concern organ of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada. for the poor as he had stated, but *All texts from The New Issued monthly, annual subscription price in Canada $5.00. Out of union $10.00. Printed by Maracle Press rather frustration that a sizable gift International Version, Zondervan Bible Limited. Second class mail registration number 0912. had escaped his control. Jesus could Publishers Address all inquiries to 1148 King Street East, Oshawa. have demonstrated how selfish and Ontario L1H 1 H8. unprincipled Judas really was. But in ISSN 0702-5084 Messenger/June 1996 3 ames Watson Walkus National Aboriginal Achievement Award Recipient by Don Felkley, Pastor Gwa'sala-Walcwaxda'nv SDA Church, Port Hardy, B.C. Tenacity is worth millions, lit- tled, "God is My Co-Captain", from erally. Forty years ago, a small leaky, Native Life Ministries Northwest. weather beaten skiff named Tenacity, The precepts of that faith have n April 10, a set out from Port Hardy, B.C. Her enabled him to help create econom- select group of captain was a fisherman named ic development for three reserve individuals James Watson Walkus. Today communities at the northern tip of including political Tenacity has grown into a $5 million Vancouver Island and help build leaders Elijah Harper, Chief a year enterprise with a flotilla of 19 two Seventh-day Adventist Phil Fontaine, writer Maria vessels and a cold storage plant.
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