![Lose Site Desired 30 to Graduate from St. Joseph's To](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
9 1 ■ MGS Pupils To jTownship Squadmen Graduate Tuesday |Lose Site Desired To Carry Out Theme, ! Realty Firm Redeems . Spring In New Jersey, • Tax Lien Land Which In Four-Part Program Member National Editorial Association — New Jersey Press Association — Monmouth County Press Association First Aid W anted The theme, “Spring In New c . , c r , . Matawan Township First Aid Jersey,” will be featured nt the 86th YEAR — 49th WEEK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY JUNE 9, 1955 otngle Copy oeven Uents - scjuad’s building program has graduation exercises of the ' received a serious setback, Roy eighth grade clnss of Mntnwnn . Matthews, president of the Grnmmnr School on Tuesday j “THANKS” BADGE TO MRS. CHARLES E. SPRINGHORN SCOUTS RECEIVE FIRST AID CERTIFICATES squad, advised members Sun­ e v e n in g . Edward J. Patten, Secretary Of State day. Mr. Matthews stated that The four-part program will In­ according to information he had clude speakers on “Flowers," Will Make Graduation Address Al Matawan received, the property on Am- Barbara Ellison, Roberta Buc- 'oov Rd.. Cliffwood, that the r y > . Richard Ilcuscr. Peter Man- 'o’vnship had planned lo turn Com m encem ent W eek Starts Sunday Night 'ter, Pntricln Thompson nnd Nnn- over to the .'quad, has been re­ r v Brarrilpron: “Land Birds,” W ith Baccalaureate Service; Serm on To deemed by Morrifey and Walk­ er. Laurence Harbor relators, Janice Pnzienzn, Donna Nel­ Be Dslivercd By Revt,Lawrence R. Bailey son. Martin LauterwaId, Ante for back taxes. Kalina, Marin Ortiz and Bnr- Edward J. Patten. New/jer-(Mntnwnn Hit'll School, will in- Mr. M atthews stated the squad bnra Kunz: “Shore Birds nnd s e y S e c r e t a r y of S ta te , .jyill • tr o d y c e M r. P a t .c n . th e g u e st had plans for the site which call­ Pish," Judith Rice, Janeth Rice, make the graduation address-at speaker. Edward W. Currie, ed for a building adapted to that Roger Bccinnn, Wendy Moffett, the 47th annual commencement president of the Mntawan Tovn- sloping landscape. The fear Iris Woolley and Leslie Lock­ of Matawan High School wft'ich ship Bonrd of Education, will wns expressed the plans might wood and "Trees," Robert M ar­ will be held Wednesday ntghticit award the diplomas and Mr. need radical and expensive tin, Leslie Marshall and Chnr- 8 p.m. in the high school, audl- Foster will present special changing raw ns it would be un­ :rtes Em lcy. torium. Graduation week ;for awards. Chnrle Allan Wolt likely the squad could find an­ other properly-situated site hav­ The presentation of the Clnss the 104 seniors will begin with president of thc class, will-pre ing Ihe same contour. of 1955 will be mnde by Robert Sunday evening at 7:30 p.m. sent the class gift. Aftor tlie Thc squad's projected building A. Hardie, principal, and the 5 ” 3 The bnccalaureate sermon, benediction by the Rev. Curry, is modeled aflnr the one recent­ diplomas will be presented by “Foundation For a Life,” ■y.'ill there will be tlie recessional c 1 " 0 V ' ly erecied by East Brunswick Edw ard \V, Currie, president of be delivered by the Rev. Law- tlic graduates, 1 1 First Aid Squad. It will be 125 the Mntawan Township Board '{P T ®•'■bo rence R. Bailey, pastor of the Honor students in order c feet long by 82 feet wide. It of Education. 1*0 «« (1^0 First Baptist Church. The- in- scholastic rank were Miss Read, vocation will be given by ./the Frances J. Blondek and Mar will hnve a four-bay garage for To Present Program w :r o O .'C .i .- &*■■■» ■ i o Q C r O Rev. William J. Hutcheson, pas- Louise Blahota. the squad's ambulances and The program will open with 6 <jQ 0; tor of the Second Baptist Church .Members of Class , rigs wiili a washing pit and serv­ > cf oo>o °ff Ihe plnylng of an overture, “ Fin- and the scripture will be read Members' of the graduating ice pit. The main part of the ’jindla,” nnd the processional, by the Rev. Albert D. Curry, clnss include: Altiime.se Mazer- building will be an auditorium.............. ’’War of thc Priests,” by the | Al ihi* I-iv-lii) Cerem ony of thc M ataw un (*»rl Scouts un Monday ; pastor of the M atawan Metho- leen Anderson, Mary Jane Ben- i .:V.1ln ' '' ' Si r ||t 1 n.o|. in, ut C l.ilwiin.l isc.uli, itceivtcl 82 feet long by 40 feet wide with | evcniiiKT ut the L’irst Presbyterian Chureh, !\iaiawan, a ••inanKs brass choir of the ' Matawan : dist Church. nett, Eddie Mae Bethur.c, Jane I * l. m-.,-'.’1 J,‘V11V.! '!’ ■'•wioi ll,‘-t .ml m ur.i m en b> tlie a stage. On the side there will Township Schools, The invoca­ ; badge was awarded to Mrs. Charles J*'. Spri»shi>rn, (second from ; left) of iiTata tv<u>* former chairman of the Northern .>1011111011111 : There will be a prayer bjwthe-Theoln Bethune, Mary Louise;,, llle r.„vvicw Pi-cUlvtl" Inn'l'v.ir/h \vui” rd C *Vv" ,bC a r<?'v of ofrlces for renUl. tion will be delivered by thc i Countv Council, who has given 25 years of service to Scouting*. j Rev. Chester A. Galloway, pas- Blahota, Frances J. Blondek, | Scoutmaster. ...'at...: :,s inr -is lie knows 'liis- i*- the first time -i Bov l>‘°Vide revenue to help with Rev. Lawrence R. Bailey, pns­ I Mrs. llayard T. Lamfoorn who served as vice chairman of the tor of the First Presbyterian Shirley M. Brown, Margaret , vm it 1 r«op in Central Jersey hns <iuiiUfieil «« many members f#r llle carr>'inS charges. T h e tor of thc First Baptist Church. Northern Monmouth County Council when Mrs. Springhorn was | Church, and lie will pronounce Holder Chamberlain. Kathleen ! merit badges n. fn-st md. building will be cement block After the singing of the clnss ; chairman, is shown above presenting the budge to Mrs. Springhorn I the benediction. Florence Crawford. Norma Ann. Slimiti in tin- almvr picture arc (left to rielit): Mr. Nyc, nnd brick faced with glass block song, ‘“The Spirit of Matnwan , for “outstanding servicc" to Scouting. Also fn thc above picture ■ The high school mixed chorus DcFelice, Ann Marie DISanto, I 1:<1'v:1,rfl *'"• s':|r Keniit, ant I toy Matthews. president of the panels. are Mrs. George Hitter, (left), chairman of the Malawan Nclffh- Gramm ar School,” Helen Greg­ i will sing the hvmn, “Panis An- Barbara Lee Edmond. Nancy ' ^7>'cVrtilic-ile ; l,u> s(;,r Seoul njion tlie receipt of Basement 125 Feet Long 1 borhood Commiltcc, and Mrs. William Quinn, jr., (right), program ory will spenk 011 the theme, ! gellcus,” with Miss Grace Fish- Jane Erdmann, Shirley M. E. | / ---------- ' _....................................... i The basement under the build­ “Spring in New Jersey" and 1 chairm an Tor tlu* M ntawan Committee. The fly*up ccrcm ony xvn.i in charge of Mrs. Quinn. er, class of 1359, ns soloist. Oth- Foti, Jean Ann Gnub. Janice! in g w ill b e 125 fee t long b y 62 -the clnss will sing, "Welcome er selections will be "Lo, A Evelyn Hahn. Marilyn June j : feet wide and have a celling 18 (- £ w e e t S p r in g t im e .” I Voice to Heaven Sounding,” and Hall, Beverly Jane Haspel, Pa- i MHS Sports Squads Mass Meeting On ' feet high. This will be a youth Mnrtlm Presser will play n j “Dona Nobis Pacem." The tricia Ami Hattricli. Mary Eiiz- j ! recreation center for the com- clarinet solo and there will be 30 To Graduate From St. Joseph’s To Hold ! high school brass choir will alietli Herrity, Barbara Jayne | j munity. It will be possible to n selection by n violin quartette I play "Sleepers Awake” for the Hickey, Eula Mae Hill, Dorothy Guests Of Board Water Shortage | hnve two basketbnll courts in composed of Mariette Harrison, processional and the "Hallelu- Hoever, Loretta Hull, Carol Mae ! the bnsemcnt, according to the Anne Marie Vns, Patrlcin Mc­ I Cliffwood School Graduation On Sunday Jnh Chorus" from The Messinh Hyer, Athletes Feted By i Cliffwood Beach i cm m ittee. Cann and Rosemarie Hunter. I The building will be erected for the recessional. Also: Margaret Ann Johnson. School District For i Residents To Go Into The class will present “ Trees" Exercises Monday Rev. J. T. Ccnnell, Commencement Wednesday Rita Ann Jones, Carol Adele by volunteer labor. The cona- Their Accomplishments and "Old Ncw Jersey" and n In MHS Auditorium; Speaker; Award The commencement exercls- Klnhafer, Dorothy Mary Kud- Court To Get Action | mittee hns pledges of financial poem, “Snlute To Tlie Trees," es will begin at 8 p.m. Wednes- rick, Caroline M. Lambertson nnd other aid, including 'one Program Featured Diplomas To 53 M a ta w n n I-Ugh S ch o o l’s v e r y by Henry VanDyke will be rc- day night with selections by the Marie Leperopoles. Jane Mary A mass meeting of residents pledge of n cnrload of cement •Jclled by Joanne Shen, Maureen successful a t h l e t i c teams were 0,1 1)0111 the M ntaw an and M adl-. The smile type building creeled Graduation exercises for the Graduation exercises for the high school orchestra followed Muro, Edith Jane Olmstcad, Al- Dennis nnd Lynne Tuttle.
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