Request ID Requester Name Organization Received Date Closed Date Request Description 09-F-0001 Ravnitzky, Michael - 10/1/2008 2/25/2009 DoD Instruction 0-3115.07 Signals Intelligent, September 15, 2008 09-F-0002 Benjamin, Scott NAVISTAR Inc. (Truck Group) 10/1/2008 10/3/2008 Copies of the bid results for all participants - including the winning bids for solicitation no. LG-Z-04-09-07-001. 09-F-0003 Sherwood, Jim - 10/1/2008 10/3/2008 Task Order award information and documents to include the following: (1) Task Order Cover Page (award information including Task Order Number, Award Date, Award Value) (2) Statements of Work for all awarded task orders. Funding and Period of Performance Modifications for all Task Orders awarded For the following contracts resulting from RFP# W91QUZO8R0005 for the CASS IV&V requirement: (1) W91QUZO8DOO11 (Corbin Company) (2) W91QUZO8DOO12 (Exalt Consulting Group) (3) W91QUZO8DOO13 (Expertech Consulting Group) (4) W91GUZO8DOO14 (Technical & Project Engineering) 09-F-0005 Jones, Gregg The Dallas Morning News 10/1/2008 10/14/2008 Referral of documents related to the Hurricane Zebra preparedness drill in 2000; Hurricane Pam preparedness drill in 2004 and Hurricane Katrina in 2005. 09-F-0006 Huskey, Kristine University Of Texas School of 10/1/2008 - Any communications between DoD and the Society for Worldwide Interbank Law Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) relating to electronic surveillance or physical searches of the database of SWIF from September 11, 2001 to the present and 7 other detailed items. 09-F-0007 Jones, Monica INPUT 10/1/2008 10/3/2008 Documents regarding contract awarded under Solicitation #W9IQUZ08R0006, the CROSS AGENCY SUPPORT SERVICES SUPPORT SERVICES (CASS) requirement. Specifically, Awarded contract, All related attachments and modifications, All task/delivery/purchase orders and List of proposal submitters. 09-F-0008 Jones, Monica INPUT 10/1/2008 11/21/2008 Documents regarding contract awarded to under Solicitation #HQ000608MSTARBAA, the MISSILE DEFENSE SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH PROGRAM BAA requirement. Specifically, Any and all incumbent/Awarded contract, All related attachments and modifications, All task/delivery!purchase orders, List of proposal submitters. 09-F-0010 Stachewicz, Jeff FOIA Group Inc 10/2/2008 3/6/2009 Most recent (1-year) filed DoD MENTOR-PROTÉGÉ PROGRAM 3-MONTH REPORTs (including all data field elements). 09-F-0011 Blanton, Thomas The National Security Archive 10/2/2008 10/3/2008 all records related in whole or in part to Joint Personnel Recovery Agency (JPRA) assistance to interrogation operations in support of the Special Mission Unit Task Force (SMU TF), including, but not limited to the following: 1) US Joint Forces Commands (JFCOM) request for JPRA support, including JPRAs September 2003 visit to Iraq; 2) Col. John R. Moulton IIs email in response to JFCOMs request, dated September 9, 2003; 4) JPRAs briefing of JFCOM prior to the visit of IPRAs support team; 5) Discussions between the JPRA Commander and the JPRA Team Chief; (6)JPRAs weekly classified updates to JFCOM leadership; and after-action reports and other related materials. These documents were specifically referenced in the testimony of Colonel (Ret.) John R. Moulton II before the Senate Armed Services Committee on September 25, 2008. 09-F-0012 Chin, Yvette The National Security Archive 10/2/2008 10/3/2008 Joint Personnel Recovery Agency (JPRA) training curriculum and personnel recovery planning after September 11, 2001. Please include in your search survival and evasion charts developed for use in Afghanistan and Iraq, survival crib sheets, and pointy-talkies, and other materials developed for Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE) training. These documents were referenced in the testimony of Colonel (Ret.) John R. Moulton II before the Senate Armed Services Committee on September 25, 2008. 09-F-0013 Schuster, Henry CBS NEWS 10/2/2008 8/5/2009 DTRA referral of documents responsive to a request for reports of: (1) Nuclear certification and safety inspections at Minot AFB from 2000-2007 (2) Nuclear certification and safety inspections at Barksdale AFB from 2000-2007 (3) Nuclear certification and safety inspections at Whiteman AFB from 2000-2007 (4) Nuclear of certification and safety inspections at Seymour Johnson AEB from 2000-2007. 09-F-0014 Warren, Bryant dba THE BEST CONSULTANT 10/3/2008 10/6/2008 A list of all available programs to small, minority, veteran owned businesses and their web link. 09-F-0015 Kirsten, Bradford ENSR 10/3/2008 10/6/2008 Files related to Vandenberg Air Force DOD (Santa Barbara County) area open environmental cleanup cases or areas of environmental concern 09-F-0017 Ghafur, Khadijah - 10/3/2008 10/9/2008 FBI files, including collaborative information from other investigating agencies that network with the FBI 09-F-0018 Kimmel, Troy Anteon Corporation 10/6/2008 10/7/2008 Copy of the Decision Coordinating Paper-16, which was signed by SECDEF David Packard on 19 December 1969. 0909-F-0019-F-0019 FerrerFerrer, DDavidavid - 10/6/2008 4/7/2009 NSA rereferralferral ooff ddocuments ocuments resresponsiveponsive ttoo a rerequestquest ffor or ddocumentsocuments ffromrom ththe e years of 2000-2005 containing information on unidentified flying objects, ufos, or flying saucers and project aurora. 09-F-0021 Elias, Barbara The National Security Archive 10/6/2008 - 20081063DOD133, Documents from September 1, 2008 to September 15, 2008 marked to send, forward, CC, signed by or sent from Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mike Mullen that pertain in whole or in part to one or a combination of the following issues: - The Taliban - Afghanistan - Pakistan - Pakistans Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (also called the ISI or ISLD) - Mullah Omar - Osãma bin Laden (also spelled Usama bin Ladin) - al-Qaeda (also spelled al-Qaida or al-Qida) 09-F-0022 Marra, Cathy Lockheed Martin IS & GS 10/6/2008 5/28/2009 Copy of the RFP, Contract and all Modifications for the following contracts:HQ0006-07-C-0001, HQ0006-07-C-0002, HQ0006-01 -A-0016 09-F-0023 Napoli, Philip Brooklyn College, CUNY 10/7/2008 10/15/2008 The number of men and women who entered the United States armed services from the five boroughs of New York City between 1964 and 1975? 09-F-0024 Sterner, Doug - 10/7/2008 10/22/2008 This is a request for information regarding the processing and preservation of the citations for awards issued by the Department of Defense, The Department of Defense awards members of the Military Services and civilians with various medals to include: The Defense Distinguished Service Cross, The Defense Superior Service Medal 09-F-0025 Kennedy, Sam University of California, 10/7/2008 10/8/2008 Information related to arms deals involving BAE Systems. Berkeley (PBS Frontline) 09-F-0027 Uzupis, Abby Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton 10/7/2008 10/8/2008 All documents related to Contract Nos. DAAD19-02-10282, DAAD19-02- & Garrison LLP 10236, and DAAHO1-03-C-R022, including the application and award for each of the contracts. 09-F-0028 Marra, Cathy Lockheed Martin IS & GS 10/7/2008 8/31/2009 The RFP, contract and mods which resulted from HQ0147-08-R-0011, 0012, 09-F-0029 Wiliams, Andrew - 10/8/2008 10/22/2008 [ ] four page declaration in the military commission prosecution of Mohammad Jawad. 09-F-0030 Battle, Joyce The National Security Archive 10/8/2008 11/14/2008 All records concerning legal review of the possible use of Iraqi oil revenues by US. or coalition authorities, including armed forces, civil affairs officers, the Defense Department, the State Department, and the Coalition Provisiona Autfioriy, to fund the occupation or reconstruction of Iraq from Jnuary 1, 2002 through September2006. 09-F-0031 Connolly, John Murphy and Shaffer LLC 10/8/2008 12/12/2008 A list or records of the names of all persons who have been transferred or released from detention at the United States Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, along with their ISNs, dates of release or transfer, reason for release if available, and place to which the detainee was returned between 2002 and today. 09-F-0032 Marra, Cathy Lockheed Martin IS & GS 10/8/2008 4/27/2009 The RFP, contract and all modifications for Contract #H95001-05-D-0002 09-F-0033 Elias, Barbara The National Security Archive 10/8/2008 - All documents related former inmates of the U.S. detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba suspected of or known to have returned to terrorist activities or rejoining radical groups. Please include documents related to Abdullah Salih Al Ajmi who drove a car bomb into an Iraqi police patrol on April 26, 2008. 09-F-0034 Smith, Sky Rendigs Fry Kiely and Dennis 10/8/2008 1/30/2009 DFAR file for DFAR 225.101. I am looking for information regarding the drafting of this provision and the 50% requirement for domestic manufacture. I do not know the year when this regulation was written, so I would request all of the information for the original drafting and any amendments. I am willing to pay the fee for the copying/searching required to comply with this request.t 09-F-0035 Jones, Monica INPUT 10/8/2008 10/10/2008 Documents regarding contract awarded under Solicitation #BAA0704, the BOOTSTRAPPED LEARNING (BL) requirement: Awarded contract (1) All related attachments and modifications (2) All task/delivery/purchase orders (3) List of proposal submitters 09-F-0036 Jones, Monica INPUT 10/8/2008 11/21/2008 Contract awarded under, the ELUSIVE SURFACE TARGET ENGAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY requirement. The new Solicitation number is BAAO7I5. Specifically, I am requesting copies of the following information/documents: (1) Any and all awarded incumbent contract (2) All related attachments and modifications (3) All task/delivery/purchase orders (4) List of proposal submitters.
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