R . I, JE'/.' I t :! !! I ST.O~ ICAL ASS OC , 209 ANGE LL ST. 11 PROV . c,, R, I. 02906 Support Jewish Read By More Than Agencies 35,000 . With Your Membership People VOLUME LVI, NUMBER 23 PRIDAY,AUGUSf.f, 1972 12 PAGES lSc PER COPY U.S. Intelligence Sources Hoffman Says Everyone Premier Golda Meir Appeals In Florida Is Jewish Say Soviet U~ion Removing MJAMI BEACH - Abbh To Sadat For New Start '. loffman, one of the "Chlcap Seven" whose trial was c\JIIDected Most Of Its Warplanes with the 1968 Democratic Toward Peace In Mideast WASHINGTON - Unlt8d 1be prlnctpal disagreement Convention In Chicago, waa bac:t JERUSALEM Premier diplomacy In soft Janiuage, she States in.telllgence sources say between American and l:rraell for this one and waa staytng at Golda Meir appealed to President did not change the substance of there are "strong Indications" lnteWcence speclalt.sts seems to Plamln:.-o Park. Wben asked for Anwar el-Sadat of Egypt to Join In Israel's negodatlng terms on the that the Sovlet Union Is removing center- on whether Sovlet combat an lnterVtew; Hofhrun made It making a new start toward peace occasion of the Soviet withdrawal. from Egypt most of Its warp! anes units - what Mrs. Meir called Immediately clear that President 1n the Middle East, to "meet as Mrs. Meir warned that assigned with Sovlet fiylngcrewa "strategic forces" - are being Nixon wH his major opposition equals, and make a Joint supreme premature Judgments about a to the Egyptian air defenses. withdrawn. while George McGcnern wu "a effort to arrive at an agreed Sovlet "exodus from Egypt" These Intelligence sources American Intelligence mensch." "Ally Jew for Nixon la solution." would become a source of said It appeared that among the sources, while caudonlng that It • goy, even Golda Meir, Hoffman, In the Government's first disappointment. who Id 35, said. "It's Incredible planes being removed were moat Is still premature to m3ke a full considered statement since the ' ' The evacuation of the that some Jews would yore for of the 18 1U-16 twin-Jet Judgment of the scope of the expulsion of Soviet advisers from advisers and the experts, the Nixon. Too m.u,y mink coat1 and reconnaissance bombers, whose Soviet pullout, said that data Egypt two weeks ago, Mrs. Meir reduction of Soviet units which primary mission was to track the obtained earller offered "strong country clubs. Too much said, "It would seem that this were integrated In the Egyptian assimilation." Hoffman said he warships of the United States indications" that Moscow was hour In the history of Egypt can, system - these constitute a was pl anr.i g to vi sit l:rr ael In the Sixth Pleet In the Mediterranean, repatrladng a large percentage of Indeed should, be the appropriate slgnlftcant fact, but do not near future, declaring that "I am as well as some 70 M!G-21 Jet the Sovlet-fiown aircraft based in hour for change - and If It truly Indicate the cessation of the very pro-Jewi.,h, but anti­ fighter-bombers and about 6 Egypt. Is the hour for change, let It not Soviet Union's role In Egypt," highly advanced MIG-23's, all Zlonlsm." Asked what p,u ~ of the be missed." Mrs. Meir said. "We have not 1be best American estimates flown by Soviet pilots. Flamingo encampment crowd was But the tone of the Premier's seen the end of the matter." are that five to six American lntelllgence said there were Jewish, HaffmllII replied, "In -45-mlnute address to parliament, But, addre s sl ng herself that Egypt, however, would retain squadrons of Sovlet MlG-21 Jet Miami Beach everybody ls Jew­ was not optimistic. She made directly to President Sadat, she over 200 older MIG-19'a, MIG- fl&'hter-bombers - 60 to 72 ish, even the Cubans. Cbe more at a plea than an offer. said, "No foreign colDltry or 2l's and Sukhol-7 bombers, which planes - stadoned in Egypt Guevara la Jewlah; the Che 13 W h II e s ha stated Israel's factor · can solve for us, or had been turned over to Cairo (Condnued on Page 10) Chai." loncstandlng positions on war and Instead of us, the problems which over the laat five years. These stand between us." are piloted and controlled by Mrs. Meir said: "Negotiation Egyptial-personnel. for the establishment of peace Is According to lnt8lllgence, the no badge or surrender or Egyptians wUI also keep surface­ humWatlon. Negotiation for peace to-al r m Is s II es and other Is a supreme revelation of armaments that the Ruaslana sovereignty, of national honor and gave them after the 1967 war with of International responsibility." Israel. President Sadat has again American Intelligence, which rejected any thought of direct has been carefully watching negotiations with Israel. Mrs. Soviet military movements In Meir had reportedly planned to Egypt since President Anwar el­ Incl* such a proposal In her Sadat ordered the departure of address, but In final form her Sovlet units, ls reported to call to "meet as equals" did not believe that Moscow will preclude negotiations through an withdraw the 10,000 combat Intermediary. troops It Is estimated to have "Nor do we close the door on there. Interim moves, such as your The consensus among proposal of February, 1971, for a American experts Is that no more special arrangement for opening than 200 to 300 Soviet teehnlclans the Suez Canal," Mrs. Meir went will remain to assist the local on. "We, too, regard such a military operate advanced settlement as a temporary surface-to-air missiles In the solution," she said - clearly Cairo-Alexandria area and trying to meet the Egyptian aro\Dld the Aswan Dam on the leader's expressed fear that a Upper Nile. partial settlement would harden 1be lntelllgence specialists Into something permanent to . warn, however that they belleve Egypt's disadvantage. the Russians will be allowed to ' 'We have not declared retain their naval facilities In permanent borders," she said, Alexandria, Port Said, Mersa, ARTIST AND PUPILS: lulu Sorenson is shown with some the pupils in her art class. Some of the "we haft not drawn up an Matrub and Sollum, as well as student's work appears in ,background. From left to right are: Sarah Weisman, Lulu, Carolyn ultlm•te map, we have not demanded prior commitments on some naval personnel. !Corn, Susan Hyman and Cheryl Mittleman. American Intelligence matters which must be clarified assessments on the extent of the by means of negotiations. We do Soviet withdraw al appear to differ not Intend to perpetuate the In some respects from the l:rraell Artist Enjoys Teaching cease-fire lines between us, or to estimates. 1 freeze the existing situation." Mrs. Golda Meir, the Israeli By Marcia Harding talking about herself. To make Recently, at a Father's Day She added: her enormous doe eyes shine you showing of her pupils' work, held "Let us sit down together to Premier, said In Jervsalem that Lulu Sarenson, a member of while Mr. · Sadat s evacuation must ask about her students. al 9 Parish Street, Pawtucket, discuss the peace settlements. Seekonk'• summer colony at Lu I u got Involved with over 90 llleces were displayed. Let us search for a way· to break order affected Sovlet operational Slierwood Glen, Is a beaudfuf, units Integrated Into the Egyptian teaching accidentally when a Httle the deadlock, lest war be renewed accompllslied, successful artist. Flrst Prizes were awarded to air defense system, It did not "at neighbor girl asked for some help between us." - She graduated from Pratt Art Susan Bernier, pastels: Ann least at this stage ' - affect In painting. She now has clas!M!s "This appeal of ours does not I ii s ti tu t e '91d studied \Dlder M~rgolles, pen and Ink; Sarah Sovlet forces and positions In with students ranging 'from 10 to stem from weakness, nor out of Professor Moy ·tn Provincetown. 70. Welner, color and theme: any desire to take advantage of an Egypt, which serve the strategic A seascape specialist, her work Jeanette Bornstein, seascape: obJectlves of the Soviet Union In• She teaches all mediums and embarasslng situation, but rather has been exhibited at the each student Is free to choose his Ada Comrose, life. out of a deep awareness. of the the reaton." Providence Art Club and at the. hi a speech on July 18, own project and work at his own need for peace, of the advantages Hy an n I s , Provincetown, and speed. Lulu guides rather than Medals were awarded to Susan of peace, and the preferabl!lty of President Sadat left It m,cJear Newport Art Associations. whether he wished all or only tell._ and the results have been Hyman, Sarah Weisman, Cheryl negotiation over any other some Soviet military personnel to But she shies away from remarkable. Mittleman and Carolyn Korn. alternative." leave, 1be Premler·gave short shrift American and Israeli to the offer of his good offices by assessments agree that Soviet­ Recommends Cut Of 50% In Forest Hills Gunnar V, Jarring, the special flown aircraft an, being removed, _. NEW YORK - Marlo M, The spirit of his report was Blrbach, a ieader of the United Nations representative for that the Sovlet naval facilities uiomo, appointed by Mayor summed ui> by Mr, Cuomo In a 011P9sldon. the Middle East, who reportedly ,ervtng the Mediterranean fleet Llndaay to mediate the Forest citation from Edmlllld Burke, who Mr. Golar, on vacation at hopes to revive his five-year will remain and that 7,000 Soviet Hllla low-Income housing said 1J.i '1ns that .
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