JOURNALS of the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY of the Province of Saskatchewan From the 12th day of February, 1953, to the 14th day of April, 1953 (Both Days Inclusive) In the Second Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lady, Queen Elizabeth IL BEING THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH LEGISLATURE OF THE PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN SESSION 1953 REGINA: T110s. H. McCoNrcA, QuEE~'s PRINTER 1953 VOLU"1IE LIII CONTENTS SESSION 1953 ,Tou1rnArn of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan including QUESTIONS Ai'ID ANSWERS Pages 1 to 212 ,TouHNALs of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan Pages 1 to 181 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS : Appendix Pages 185 to 212 MEETING OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 7 -V.. • J. PATTERSON, Lieutenant-Governor, (L.S.) CANADA PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN l(LIZABETH THE SECOND, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Queen, Defender of the Faith. To OuR FAITHFUL the Mm,rnERS elected to serve in the Legislative Assembly of Our Province of Saskatchewan, and to every one of you, GREETING: A PROCLAMATION JOE L. SALTERIO, WHEREAS, it is expedient for Deputy Attorney General causes and considerations to con­ vene the Legislative Assembly of Our Province of Saskatchewan, WE Do WILL that you and each of you and all others in this behalf interested on TrrunsDA Y, the TWELFTH day of FrrnRUARY, 1953, at Our City of Rcf,ina, personally be and appear for the despatch of Bnsiness, there to take into consideration the state and welfare of Onr said Province of Saskatchewan and thereby to do as may seem necessary, Hmmr~ FAIL KOT. IN TESTIMONY ""\VnEREOF we have caused Our Letters to be made Patent and the Great Seal of Our Province of Saskatchewan to be here­ unto affixed. WITNESS : Our right trnsty and well beloved TnE HONOURABLE ""\Yn,LIAM JOHN PATTERSON, Lieutenant Governor of Our Province of Saskatchewan. AT 0Irn CAPITAL CITY OF REGINA, in Our said Province, this S1x­ TErrnnr clay of JANt:ARY, in the year of Onr T,ord ONE TnollSANJ> NrNR Hm'\mmn AND FrFTY Tumm, and in the FrnsT year of Onr Reig-i1. Pv Command, L. J. BEAUDRY, Deputy Provincial Secretary. JOURNALS OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Province of Saskatchewan FIRST SESSION TWELFTH LEGISLATURE Regina, Thursday_. February 12, 1953 10 o,cloclc a.111. This being the first day of the meeting of the First Session of the Twelfth Legislature of the Province of Saskatchewan for the despatch of business, pursuant to a Proclamation of His Honour the Honourable William John Patterson, Lieutenant-Governor of the Province, dated the Sixteenth day of January, 1953, George Stephen, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, Commissioner designated by His Honour the Lieutenant Governor for administering the Oath to the Members of the Legislative Assembly, attending according to his duty, John M. Telford, Clerk of the Executive Council, delivered to the said George Stephen a Roll containing a list of names of such Members as had been returned to serve in this Legislature, as follows, viz.: OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, SASKATCHEWAN REGINA, OCTOBER 18, 1952. To: GEORGE STEPHEN, Esq., Clerk of the Legislati1;e Assernbly of Saskatchewan: This is to certify that by reason of the dissolution of the Eleventh Legislative Assembly of the Province of Saskatchewan, and by virtue of Writs of Election dated the seventh day of May last, and addressed t1J the hereinafter mentioned persons as Returning Officers for the Constituencies in the Province set opposite their respective names, for the election of Members to represent the said Constituencies in the Legislative Assembly, the following persons have been gazetted as duly elected to represent the Constituencies set forth below, as appears by the Returns to the said Writs deposited in my office, viz: 6 Tnl'RSDAY, :E'EBRUARY 12, 1953 Constituency Member Elected Returning Officer Arm River ____________ G. Herman Danielson __ Stephen D. Brun Athabaska _____________ James Ripley ___________ Alan Anderson Bengough ______________ Allan L. S. Brown ______ William Surdia Biggar ________________ Woodrow S. Lloyd ------A. G. Vetzal Cannington ___________ _Ross McCarthy ________ William Slykhuis Canora ________________ Alex G. Kuziak ________ Michael L. Sleeva Cutknife ______________ Isidore C. Nollet ______ Harry Boden Cumberland ___________ William J. Berezowsky __ Edward B. Arnason Elrose _________________ Maurice J. Willis ------William D. McKaig Gravelbourg ____________ Edward Hazen Walker __ R, H. Baragar Hanley ________________ Robert A. Walker ______ Stanley Dwornik Humboldt _____________ Joseph W. Burton ______ Leo J. Beaudry Kelsey _________________ John H. Brockelbank ___ Albert H. Wilson Kelvington ______________ Peter A. Howe _________ Robert H. Boyes Kerrobert-Kindersley ___ John Wellbelove ______ Walter F. Cooke Kinistino --------------H. Begrand ____________ Harold Paine Last Mountain _________ R, Brown ---------------Alex D. Geddes Lumsden ______________ William S. Thair --------Henry Witkowski Maple Creek __________ Alexander C. Cameron ___ J_ Albert Trew Meadow Lake __________ Hugh Clifford Dunfield .-R. Haase Melfort-Tisdale ________ Clarence George Willis -- Less Mogg Melville _______________ A. Percy Brown ________ Dan Senft Milestone ______________ J. Walter Erb __________ E, B. Moats Moose Jaw City ________ John W. Corman Dempster_H. R. Heming __ J_ Branston Moosomin -------------A. H. McDonald --------Nels W. Noren Morse _________________ James Gibson ----------Peter F. Unroe Nipawin ---------------T. R. MacNutt ----------Stanley E. Meek Notukeu-Willowbunch ---Niles L. Buchanan -----Ole Fagerhaugh Pelly ------------------Arnold J. Feusi --------Alex Klimchuk Prince Albert __________ Lachlan F. McIntosh ____ Mrs. Fern Pavelick Qu'Appelle-Wolseley ____ William H. Wahl ______ Donald K. Ramsay Redberry ______________ Dick Zipchen __________ D, Michayluk Regina City ____________ Clarence M. Fines, Charles C. Williams, Mrs. Marjorie Cooper ___ Calvin S. Martin Rosetown ______________ John T. Douglas _______ A. W. Keith Rosthern ______________ Walter A. Tucker ______ Ernest Henschel Saltcoats ______________ Asmundur Loptson __ __ Victor Rooke Saskatoon City ________ John H. Sturdy, Arthur T. Stone ________ Mrs. Sophia Dixon Shaunavon -------------Thomas J. Bentley -----Sam Hanna Shellbrook -------------Louis Larsen __________ V. W. Davies Souris-Estevan _________ John E. McCormack ____ earl J. Johnson Swift Current ----------Harry Gibbs __________ J. C. Hughes The Battlefords --------Eiling Kramer ________ John Nyholt Touchwood ------------Tom Johnston __________ F. N. West Turtleford --------------R. H. Wooff ____________ Arthur E. Jacques Wadena ---------------Frederick A. Dewhurst _ Christie W. Roberts Watro~1s _______________ James A. Darling ______ John Riben Weybum --------------Thomas C. Douglas ____ A. D. Dame Wilkie ________________ John W. Horsman ______ Walter A. Haight Yorkton ---------------Arthur Swallow ________ John Popoff J. :lvI. TELFORD, Clerk of the Executive Council. The tiait1 Commissioner having previously administered the Oath to the Members who appeared, and the Members having subscribed the Roll containing the Oath, they took their seats in the Assembly at 3 o'dock p.m. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1953 7 3 o'clock p. m. His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor entered the Chamber and took his seat on the Throne. The Honourable ]Hr. Burton, Provincial Secretary, then said: I am commanded by His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor to inform vou that he docs not see fit to declare the causes of the sum­ moning ~f the present Legisbtme until later today, when the Legislative Assembly shall haye elected a Speaker, according to law. His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor then retired from the Chamber. The Honomahle J\Ir. Douglas C\Yeyburn), addressing himself to the Clerk, moved, seconded hy the Hon. 1Ir. Fines, that Tom Johnston, Esquire, :Member for the Constituency of Touchwood, do take the Ohair of this Assembly as Speaker. Thereupon Mr. J\foCormack moved. seconded by Mr. Loptson, that Peter A. Howe, Esquire, Member for the Constituency of Kel­ vington, do take the Chair of this .Assembly as Speaker. Mr. Howe having declined the nomination, and the question being put on the motion of the Honourable Mr. Douglas CWeyburn) it was agreed to, on division. The Clerk having deelarecl Tom Johnston, Esquire, duly elected, he was conducted by the Ilonomable Mr Douglas C\Yeyburn) and the Hononra ble Mr. Fines to the Dais, where, standing on the upper step, he returned his humble acknowledg:mcnts to the Assemblv for the great honour they had been pleased to ~~nfer upon him by choosing hi~1 to be their Speaker. Thereupon he took the Chair and the Mace was laid upon the Table. 3.15 o'clock p.m. His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor re-entered the Chamber 2nd took his seat upon the Throne. 8 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1953 :l\Ir. Speaker then addressed His Honour to the following effect:­ J\1AY IT PLEASE YOUR HoNouR,- The Legislative Assembly have elected me as their Speaker, al­ though I am but little able to fulfil the important duties thus assigned to me. If, in the performance of those duties, I should at any time fall into error, I pray that the fault may be imputed to me and not to the Assembly whose servant I am, and who, through me, the better to en­ able them to discharge their duty to their Queen and Country, humbly claim all their undoubted rights and privileges, especially that they may have freedom of speech in their debates, access to your person at all seasonable times, and that their proceedings may receive from you
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