Appendix 7B - Species List Habitat Abandoned Chinese Name Species Name Growth Form Origin Developed Shrubland / Conservation Status & Remarks Sandy Shore Woodland Marsh Agricultural Watercourse Area Grassland Land Plant 台灣相思 Acacia confusa Tree Exotic Y Y - 老鼠簕 Acanthus ilicifolius Shrub Native Y Y - 鹵蕨 Acrostichum aureum Herb Native Y Y 扇葉鐵線蕨 Adiantum flabellulatum Herb Native Y - 蠟燭果 Aegiceras corniculatum Evergreen shrub Native Y - 勝紅薊 Ageratum conyzoides Annual herb Exotic Y - 小葉米仔蘭 Aglaia odorata var. microphyllina Evergreen shrub Exotic Y - 廣東萬年青 Aglaonema modestum Perennial herb Exotic Y - 石栗 Aleurites moluccana Tree Exotic Y - 軟枝黃蟬 Allamanda cathartica Scandent shrub Exotic Y - 黃蟬 Allamanda schottii Shrub Exotic Y - 海芋 Alocasia macrorrhizos Perennial herb Native Y Y Y Y - 蘆薈 Aloe vera Perennial herb Exotic Y - 花葉豔山薑 Alpinia zerumbet Perennial herb Exotic Y - 紅龍莧 Alternanthera dentata f. rubiginosa - Exotic Y - 銀柴 Aporusa dioica Tree Native Y - Cap. 586; Near Threatened 土沉香 Aquilaria sinensis Evergreen tree Native Y (Rare and Precious Plants of Hong Kong); Vulnerable (China Plant Red Data Book); & Vulnerable (IUCN Red List) 蔓花生 Arachis duranensis - Exotic Y - 異葉南洋杉 Araucaria heterophylla Tree Exotic Y Vulnerable (IUCN Red List) 假檳榔 Archontophoenix alexandrae Tree palm Exotic Y - 郎傘樹 Ardisia hanceana Evergreen shrub Native Y - 天門冬 Asparagus cochinchinensis Scandent subshrub Native Y Y - 小花十萬錯 Asystasia micrantha - Exotic Y - 楊桃 Averrhoa carambola Evergreen small tree Exotic Y - 滿江紅 Azolla imbricata Herb Native Y - 羊蹄甲屬 Bauhinia sp. - - Y Y - 洋紫荊 Bauhinia x blakeana Tree Native Y - 射干 Belamcanda chinensis Perennial herb Exotic Y - 白花鬼針草 Bidens alba Annual herb Exotic Y - 烏毛蕨 Blechnum orientale Herb Native Y - 木棉 Bombax ceiba Deciduous tree Exotic Y - 簕杜鵑 Bougainvillea spectabilis Scandent shrub Exotic Y - 黑面神 Breynia fruticosa Shrub Native Y - 土蜜樹 Bridelia tomentosa Shrub or small tree Native Y - 串錢柳 Callistemon viminalis Tree Exotic Y Y - 美人蕉 Canna indica Perennial herb Exotic Y - 魚骨木 Canthium dicoccum Shrub or tree Native Y - 薺菜 Capsella bursa-pastoris Annual or biennial herb Native Y - 竹節樹 Carallia brachiata Tree Native Y - 番木瓜 Carica papaya Tree Exotic Y Y Y - Appendix 7B - Species List Habitat Abandoned Chinese Name Species Name Growth Form Origin Developed Shrubland / Conservation Status & Remarks Sandy Shore Woodland Marsh Agricultural Watercourse Area Grassland Land 小魚尾葵 Caryota mitis Small tree palm Exotic Y - 木麻黃 Casuarina equisetifolia Tree Exotic Y Y Y - 長春花 Catharanthus roseus Subshrub Exotic Y Y Y - 青葙 Celosia argentea Annual herb Native Y - 雞冠花 Celosia argentea var. cristata Annual herb Exotic Y - 朴樹 Celtis sinensis Deciduous tree Native Y Y - 蒺藜草 Cenchrus echinatus Annual herb Exotic Y - 陰香 Cinnamomum burmannii Tree or large shrub Native Y - 樟 Cinnamomum camphora Large tree Native Y - 黃皮 Clausena lansium Small tree Exotic Y Y - 苦郎樹 Clerodendrum inerme Shrub Native Y - 紅龍吐珠 Clerodendrum splendens Shrub Exotic Y - 木防己 Cocculus orbiculatus Vine Native Y - 變葉木 Codiaeum variegatum Shrub Exotic Y - 薏苡 Coix lacryma-jobi Annual herb Native Y - 五彩蘇 Coleus scutellarioides Erect herb Exotic Y - 芋 Colocasia esculenta Herb Native Y Y Y - 鴨跖草 Commelina communis Herb Native Y Y Y - 黃牛木 Cratoxylum cochinchinense Deciduous shrub or tree Native Y - 文殊蘭 Crinum asiaticum var. sinicum Perennial herb Native Y - 豬屎豆 Crotalaria pallida var. obovata Herb Exotic Y - 菟絲子 Cuscuta chinensis Annual parasitic herb Native Y - 華南毛蕨 Cyclosorus parasiticus Herb Native Y - 風車草 Cyperus involucratus Herb Exotic Y - 茳芏 Cyperus malaccensis Herb Native Y Y - 牛耳楓 Daphniphyllum calycinum Evergreen shrub Native Y - 鳳凰木 Delonix regia Tree Exotic Y - 假地豆 Desmodium heterocarpon Shrub Native Y - 芒萁 Dicranopteris pedata Herb Native Y - 龍眼 Dimocarpus longan Tree Exotic Y Y Near Threatened (IUCN Red List) 巴西鐵樹 Dracaena fragrans Perennial herb Exotic Y - 紅邊鐵樹 Dracaena marginata Tree Exotic Y - 假連翹 Duranta erecta Climbing shrub Exotic Y - 散尾葵 Dypsis lutescens Shrub palm Exotic Y Near Threatened (IUCN Red List) 鳳眼藍 Eichhornia crassipes Aquatic herb Exotic Y - 酸藤果 Embelia laeta Evergreen vine Native Y - 一點紅 Emilia sonchifolia Annual herb Native Y - 刺桐屬 Erythrina sp. - - Y - 猩猩草 Euphorbia cyathophora Perennial herb Exotic Y Y - 飛揚草 Euphorbia hirta Annual herb Exotic Y - 紅背桂 Excoecaria cochinchinensis Shrub Exotic Y - 垂葉榕 Ficus benjamina Tree Exotic Y - 印度榕 Ficus elastica Tree Exotic Y - Appendix 7B - Species List Habitat Abandoned Chinese Name Species Name Growth Form Origin Developed Shrubland / Conservation Status & Remarks Sandy Shore Woodland Marsh Agricultural Watercourse Area Grassland Land 粗葉榕 Ficus hirta Shrub or small tree Native Y - (五指毛桃) 對葉榕 Ficus hispida Shrub or small tree Native Y Y Y Y - 細葉榕 Ficus microcarpa Tree Native Y Y Y - 菩提樹 Ficus religiosa Tree Exotic Y - 筆管榕 Ficus subpisocarpa Tree Native Y Y - 青果榕 Ficus variegata Shrub or tree Native Y Y - 變葉榕 Ficus variolosa Shrub or tree Native Y - 黑莎草 Gahnia tristis Herb Native Y - 梔子 Gardenia jasminoides Shrub Native Y - 毛果算盤子 Glochidion eriocarpum Shrub Native Y - 薑花 Hedychium coronarium Perennial herb Exotic Y Y - 耳草屬 Hedyotis sp. - - Y - 大紅花 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Evergreen shrub Exotic Y - 玫瑰茄 Hibiscus sabdariffa Subshrub Exotic Y - (洛神花) 黃槿 Hibiscus tiliaceus Evergreen shrub or tree Native Y Y Y Y - 繡球 Hydrangea macrophylla Deciduous shrub Exotic Y - 梅葉冬青 Ilex asprella Shrub Native Y - 大白茅 Imperata cylindrica var. major Perennial herb Native Y - 五爪金龍 Ipomoea cairica Perennial twining herb Exotic Y Y Y Y - 海灘牽牛 Ipomoea pes-caprae Perennial herb Native Y - 龍船花 Ixora chinensis Shrub Native Y - 燈心草 Juncus effusus Herb Native Y - 龍柏 Juniperus chinensis Tree Exotic Y - 單穗水蜈蚣 Kyllinga nemoralis Herb Native Y Y Y - 大花紫薇 Lagerstroemia speciosa Large tree Exotic Y Cap. 96 馬纓丹 Lantana camara Shrub Exotic Y Y Y - 銀合歡 Leucaena leucocephala Shrub Exotic Y Y Y - 山指甲 Ligustrum sinense Deciduous shrub or tree Native Y Y - 麥門冬 Liriope spicata Perennial herb Native Y - 荔枝 Litchi chinensis Tree Exotic Y Y - 潺槁樹 Litsea glutinosa Tree Native Y Y Y - 豺皮樟 Litsea rotundifolia var. oblongifolia Shrub Native Y - 蒲葵 Livistona chinensis Tree palm Exotic Y Y - 紅花檵木 Loropetalum chinense f. rubrum Shrub Exotic Y - 草龍 Ludwigia hyssopifolia - Native Y Y - 毛草龍 Ludwigia octovalvis Perennial herb Native Y - 海金沙 Lygodium japonicum Climbing herb Native Y Y - 血桐 Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa Tree Native Y Y Y Y Y - 浙江潤楠 Machilus chekiangensis Tree Native Y - 白楸 Mallotus paniculatus Tree or shrub Native Y Y - 垂花懸鈴花 Malvaviscus arboreus var. penduliflorus Shrub Exotic Y - Appendix 7B - Species List Habitat Abandoned Chinese Name Species Name Growth Form Origin Developed Shrubland / Conservation Status & Remarks Sandy Shore Woodland Marsh Agricultural Watercourse Area Grassland Land 杧果 Mangifera indica Evergreen tree Exotic Y Data Deficient (IUCN Red List) 白千層 Melaleuca cajuputi subsp. cumingiana Tree Exotic Y - 毛菍 Melastoma sanguineum Shrub Native Y Y Y - 苦楝 Melia azedarach Deciduous tree Exotic Y - 紅毛草 Melinis repens Perennial herb Exotic Y - 白蘭 Michelia x alba Tree Exotic Y - 布渣葉 Microcos nervosa Shrub or small tree Native Y Y - 薇甘菊 Mikania micrantha Perennial herb Exotic Y Y Y Y Y - 含羞草 Mimosa pudica Shrub Exotic Y - 紫茉莉 Mirabilis jalapa Herb Exotic Y Y Y - 雞眼藤 Morinda parvifolia Climbing shrub Native Y - 九里香 Murraya paniculata Small tree Exotic Y Y - 芭蕉屬 Musa sp. - - Y - 竹葉草 Oplismenus compositus Herb Native Y - 酢漿草 Oxalis corniculata Perennial herb Native Y - 金苞花 Pachystachys lutea Subshrub Exotic Y - 鋪地蜈蜙 Palhinhaea cernua Herb Native Y - 露兜樹 Pandanus tectorius Shrub or small tree Native Y Y - 異葉爬山虎 Parthenocissus dalzielii Woody vine Exotic Y - 日本葵 Phoenix roebelenii Small tree palm Exotic Y - 蘆葦 Phragmites australis Perennial herb Native Y - 越南葉下珠 Phyllanthus cochinchinensis Shrub Native Y - 葉下珠 Phyllanthus urinaria Annual herb Native Y - 側柏 Platycladus orientalis Tree Exotic Y Near Threatened (IUCN Red List) 雞蛋花 Plumeria rubra Tree Exotic Y - 火炭母 Polygonum chinense Herb Native Y - 假臭草 Praxelis clematidea Perennial herb Exotic Y Y - 九節 Psychotria asiatica Shrub or tree Native Y - 蔓九節 Psychotria serpens Vine Native Y - 半邊旗 Pteris semipinnata Herb Native Y - 蜈蚣草 Pteris vittata Herb Native Y - 葛屬 Pueraria sp. - - Y - 錦繡杜鵑 Rhododendron pulchrum Shrub Exotic Y Cap. 96 紅杜鵑 Rhododendron simsii Shrub Native Y Cap. 96 崗棯 Rhodomyrtus tomentosa Tree Native Y - 野漆樹 Rhus succedanea Shrub or small tree Native Y - 蓖麻 Ricinus communis Shrub Exotic Y Y - 爆仗竹 Russelia equisetiformis Herb Exotic Y - 雀梅藤 Sageretia thea Shrub Native Y - 垂柳 Salix babylonica Deciduous tree Exotic Y - 虎尾蘭 Sansevieria trifasciata Perennial herb Exotic Y Y Y Y - 烏桕 Sapium sebiferum Tree Native Y - 草海桐 Scaevola taccada Shrub Native Y - Appendix 7B - Species List Habitat Abandoned Chinese Name Species Name Growth Form Origin Developed Shrubland / Conservation Status & Remarks Sandy Shore Woodland Marsh Agricultural Watercourse Area Grassland Land 傘樹 Schefflera actinophylla - Exotic Y - 鵝掌藤 Schefflera arboricola Scandent shrub Exotic Y - 鴨腳木 Schefflera heptaphylla Tree Native Y - 刺柊 Scolopia chinensis Small tree or large shrub Native Y - 廣東刺柊 Scolopia saeva Small tree or large shrub Native Y - 菝葜 Smilax china Climbing shrub Native Y - 少花龍葵 Solanum americanum Herb Exotic Y - 水茄 Solanum torvum Shrub Exotic Y - 火焰木 Spathodea campanulata Tree Exotic Y - 假蘋婆 Sterculia lanceolata Semi-deciduous tree Native Y Y - 紫背竹芋 Stromanthe sanguinea Perennial herb Exotic Y - 羊角拗 Strophanthus divaricatus Woody vine Native Y - 合果芋 Syngonium podophyllum Herb Exotic Y Y - 蒲桃 Syzygium
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