July 16, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1165 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING SHAWNA MARIE eral government for the fiscal year ending mocracy. Abolishing the EAC is the wrong SEARCY September 30, 2015, and for other purposes: way to go. Mr. HOLT. Mr. Chair, I rise today in strong HON. SAM GRAVES opposition to the language in this bill, or rather f the lack of language, regarding the elimination OF MISSOURI CELEBRATING THE 90TH of funding for the Election Assistance Com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BIRTHDAY OF IRENE WRIGHT mission (EAC). Wednesday, July 16, 2014 There is nothing more crucial to democracy Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I than guaranteeing the integrity, fairness, and HON. KENNY MARCHANT proudly pause to recognize a special member accuracy of elections. Voting should not be an OF TEXAS of my staff. After almost eight years of service, act of blind faith—it should be an act of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Shawna Marie Searcy will be leaving her post record, and the EAC helps maintain the integ- Wednesday, July 16, 2014 in my Kansas City District Office. rity of the American electoral process. Too Shawna began working in my campaign of- many people across the country lack con- Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today fice, then joined my District office staff in fidence in the legitimacy of election results, to celebrate the ninetieth birthday of one of my 2006. She has served as a field representative and dismantling the EAC will further erode noted and civically active constituents, Mrs. over the years for many counties, including faith in our democracy. Irene Dugan Wright of Dallas, Texas. Clay County, the largest county in the Sixth The EAC helps maintain the integrity of the Irene was born on July 19, 1924, in Phila- Congressional District. American electoral process. Too many people delphia, Pennsylvania, and was the oldest of Shawna could be relied on to listen to my across the country have lost confidence in the three children. Both of her parents were hear- constituents’ concerns and represent me at legitimacy of the election results. In fact, a re- ing impaired and, many years later, she would meetings when I was away in Washington. cent poll from Rasmussen Reports found that come to serve as an interpreter for the deaf at Shawna has also been instrumental in helping 68 percent of likely voters believe that elec- church. After spending most of her childhood students in my district who are seeking nomi- tions are rigged (or favor) incumbents. Dis- in Philadelphia, Irene graduated from Com- nations to our nation’s military academies mantling the EAC would further erode that merce High School in Springfield, Massachu- through that process. When it came to plan- necessary faith in the process. setts. She went on to work as a secretary for ning events, I knew Shawna would always put How quickly have we forgotten the Florida Trinity Church in Springfield and met her hus- together an excellent event, whether a ribbon- recount with its hanging chads, pregnant band, Bob, through a church event and they cutting for a new bridge, a reception for the chads, and hand counts of ballots to deter- married in 1951. Congressional Art Contest honorees, or the mine voter intent? The 2000 election exposed Irene’s life in Texas began in 1954 when the Sixth Congressional District Small Business critical flaws and inconsistencies in how elec- family moved to Dallas on a temporary assign- Expo. She was always at ease speaking pub- tions were conducted, and in its wake the ment from the Sun Oil Company. It did not licly for me, while her warm smile and happy Congress under the leadership of Whip STENY take long for Texas to appeal to the Wrights, heart left an impression with my staff and con- HOYER approved the Help America Vote Act and they successfully requested that the as- stituents that they will always remember. (HAVA) to assist state and local jurisdictions. signment in the area become permanent. I have received many kind words from con- Yet the legislation we are considering today Since moving to Dallas, Irene has continu- stituents praising the outstanding service willfully ignores this history. The bill defunds ously been very active in our community’s Shawna has provided. Her professionalism the EAC and assumes that Congress will pass civic and political life. The first time she ever and dedication to serving my constituents was legislation to transfer some of its vital func- voted was for Dwight D. Eisenhower after at- a great example of how government should tions of the EAC to the Federal Election Com- tending a debate between him and Adlai Ste- work. While I am losing a valuable member of mission (FEC), an agency that does not have venson. In 1957, the Wrights were having air my team, I am excited for Shawna to begin the capability or the expertise to do the job. conditioning installed in their home when they the next chapter of her career. The work of the EAC does not fit into the mis- were asked to host a backyard event to gather Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in sion of the FEC. and identify Republicans in Dallas County. thanking Shawna Marie Searcy for her many Additionally, funding for the EAC has always Since then, Irene attended many state con- years of service to the people of the Sixth included a set aside for the National Institute ventions in Texas and was an alternate dele- Congressional District. I know Shawna’s col- of Standards and Technology to continue its gate to the Republican National Convention in leagues, family and friends join with me in work on testing guidelines for voting system her birthplace of Philadelphia in 2000. She thanking her for her commitment to others and hardware and software. Work that will most has worked on numerous campaigns, includ- wishing her best of luck in all her endeavors likely stop as the House has already appro- ing those of John Tower, Jim Collins, and SAM and many years of success to come. priated NIST funds for Fiscal Year 2015. JOHNSON. I would have liked to offer an amendment to Irene also maintains active ties with her faith f this legislation to reinstate the EAC’s Fiscal community. She is not only a member of the FINANCIAL SERVICES AND GEN- Year 2014 levels, but unfortunately, the overall Golden Corridor Republican Women’s Club ERAL GOVERNMENT APPROPRIA- budget limitations in this bill make that nearly but also serves as a chaplain. She is a mem- TIONS ACT, 2015 impossible. ber of Christ Church in Plano, Texas, and has The lack of appropriations takes us in ex- taught women’s Bible Study for thirty-five SPEECH OF actly the wrong direction. While millions of years. Irene and Bob, who passed away in HON. RUSH HOLT Americans are casting their ballots on un- 2003, had three children together—Susan, auditable voting machines, eliminating the Lisa, and John—and she has six grand- OF NEW JERSEY EAC would increase the risk that our electoral children. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES process will be compromised by voting system Mr. Speaker, it is a pleasure to recognize Monday, July 14, 2014 irregularities. Can we afford to take that risk? the ninetieth birthday of one of my most The House in Committee of the Whole Certainly not. Do we want problems to go un- civically engaged constituents, Mrs. Irene House on the state of the Union had under detected? I would hope not. Less oversight, Dugan Wright. I ask all of my distinguished consideration the bill (H.R. 5016) making ap- lesser standards, less transparency in report- colleagues to join me in celebrating this mile- propriations for financial services and gen- ing, less testing, fewer audits weakens our de- stone in her remarkable life. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:15 Jul 17, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K16JY8.001 E16JYPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1166 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 16, 2014 IN RECOGNITION OF THE 100TH AN- weekend, it recreates a sense of prior military (CRS) on the occasion of its centennial anni- NIVERSARY OF ALEXANDRIA identity and begins to restore a sense of self- versary. For 100 years, the experts at CRS BAPTIST CHURCH worth. Showers, clean clothes, basic medical have worked to provide Members and staff care and social services renew the veterans’ with timely information and research to help HON. MIKE ROGERS faith in change being possible. Dr. Jon wants them serve their constituents, develop legisla- OF ALABAMA participants to regain the sense of com- tion and conduct strong oversight. Since its founding in 1914, CRS has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES petence and empowerment they had known during their years of military service. The iso- evolved from a small agency providing basic Wednesday, July 16, 2014 lation and stress of homelessness recedes reference services to a group of nearly 600 Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I amongst friends. expert, highly-trained and collaborative profes- would like to ask for the House’s attention Stand Down becomes a transformational ex- sional staff members who are dedicated to today to recognize the congregation of Alexan- perience and Dr. Jon’s energy, vision, and un- supporting the work of the Congress.
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