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The National College Health Centre 23 15. The National College Hostel 24 16. Information to Parents and Students 25 17. Two Academic Forums Functioning in the College Campus 25 THE NATIONAL PU COLLEGE 01 PROSPECTUS NES CENTENARY YEAR 1917-2017 THE NATIONAL PU COLLEGE 02 PROSPECTUS NES CENTENARY YEAR 1917-2017 About Our College matter of pride that many of the alumni are people of eminence known not only all over The National College Basavanagudi the country but also abroad. The college has established in 1945, for commemorating the not made them just 'professionals' but people Silver Jubilee of the National High School, with integrity. Besides curriculum, the college founded in 1917, is one of the premier with its consistent encouragement to extra institutions in the State of Karnataka. It is one of curricular activities has produced adminis- the seventeen institutions run by The National trators (I.A.S., I.P.S.), Scientists, Scholars, Education Society of Karnataka (1917), Theatre and Cine Artists, Sports personalities Bangalore. Since its inception, the college has of national and international fame. The college grown by leaps and bounds. It has become a premises hallowed by the visits of great synonym for "Value based higher education''. leaders, including Mahatma Gandhi, is The college will be celebrating its Platinum endeavouring to promote the ideals of Jubilee in 2020. Manifesting the true spirit of secularism, humanism and scientific spirit Nationality, The National Education Society of enshrined in the tradition and constitution of Karnataka (Regd.). which is spearheaded by The National Education Society of Karnataka. people of 'Vision' with a rare sense of No wonder, The National College Basava- commitment to Nation building, in its existence nagudi, is one of the most sought after colleges of well over seven decades, has contributed to in the State. all-round development of the society. It is a THE NATIONAL PU COLLEGE 03 PROSPECTUS NES CENTENARY YEAR 1917-2017 1 ±ÝÅ¥Üì®æ ¿áí ŸÅÖݾÊÜÃÜáOæàí¨ÜÅÃÜá¨ÜÅÊÜáÃÜáñÜ@ ÓÜ᤮ÜÌí£ ©ÊæÂ$çÓÜ$¤Êæç@ > Êæà¨æçÓÝÕíWܱܨÜPÜÅÊæãà±Ü¯ÐܨæçWÝì¿áí£ ¿áí ÓÝÊÜáWÝ@ >> «Ý®ÝÊÜÔ§ñÜ&ñܨÜYñæà®Ü ÊÜá®ÜÓÝ ±ÜÍÜÂí£ ¿áí ÁãàX®Ü@ > ¿áÓÝÂíñÜí ®Ü Ë¨ÜáÓÜáÕÃÝÓÜáÃÜWÜOÝ@ ¨æàÊÝ¿á ñÜÓæ¾$ç ®ÜÊÜá@ >> >> 1 >> ®ÜÊÜáÓæ¤à ÓÜñæà ñæà gWÜñÝRÃÜOÝ¿á > ®ÜÊÜáÓæ¤à bñæà ÓÜÊÜìÇæãàPÝÍÜÅ¿Þ¿á >> ®ÜÊæãà¨æÌ çñÜ ñÜñÝÌ¿á ÊÜááQ¤±ÜŨݿá > ®ÜÊæãà ŸÅÖܾOæà Êݲ®æà ÍÝÍÜÌñÝ¿á >> >> 2 >> ñÜÌÊæáàPÜí ÍÜÃÜ|Âí ñÜÌÊæáàPÜí ÊÜÃæà|Âí > ñÜÌÊæáàPÜí gWÜñݳÆPÜí ÓÜ̱ÜÅPÝÍÜí >> ñÜÌÊæáàPÜí gWÜñÜRñÜêì±ÝñÜê±ÜÅÖÜñÜêì > ñÜÌÊæáàPÜí ±ÜÃÜí ¯ÍÜcÆí ¯ËìPÜƳí >> >> 3 >> ÊÜ¿áí ñÝÌí ÓܾÃÝÊæãà ÊÜ¿áí ñÝÌí »ÜhÝÊÜá@ > ÊÜ¿áí ñÝÌí gWÜñÝÕQÒÃÜã±Üí ®ÜÊÜÞÊÜá@ >> ÓܨæàPÜí ¯¨Ý®Üí ¯ÃÝÆíŸËáàÍÜí > »ÜÊÝí¸æãà—±æäàñÜí ÍÜÃÜ|Âí ÊÜÅhÝÊÜá@ >> >> 4 >> Áãà˜íñÜ@ ±ÜÅËÍÜ ÊÜáÊÜá ÊÝaÜËáÊÜÞí ±ÜÅÓÜá±Ý¤í > ÓÜíiàÊÜ¿áñÜÂUÆÍÜQ¤«ÜÃÜÓÜÕ$Ì«ÝÊÜÞ° >> A®ÝÂíÍÜc ÖÜÓܤaÜÃÜ|ÍÜÅÊÜ|ñÜÌWÝ©à®… > ±ÝÅOݮܰÊæãà »ÜWÜÊÜñæà ±ÜâÃÜáÐÝ¿á ñÜá»ÜÂí >> >> 5 >> ñÜÌÊæáàÊÜ ÊÜÞñÝ aÜ ²ñÝ ñÜÌÊæáàÊÜ > ñÜÌÊæáàÊÜ Ÿí«ÜáÍÜc ÓÜTÝ ñÜÌÊæáàÊÜ >> ñÜÌÊæáàÊÜ Ë¨Ý ¨ÜÅË|í ñÜÌÊæáàÊÜ > ñÜÌÊæáàÊÜ ÓÜÊÜìí ÊÜáÊÜá ¨æàÊܨæàÊÜ >> >> 6 >> ÓÜÊæìàaÜ ÓÜáU®ÜÓÜÕíñÜá > ÓÜÊæìà ÓÜíñÜá ¯ÃÝÊÜá¿Þ@ > ÓÜÊæìà »Ü¨ÝÅ~ ±ÜÍÜÂíñÜá > ÊÜÞ PÜÎc¨Üáª@S»ÝWܽÊæàñ… >> 7 >> THE NATIONAL PU COLLEGE 04 PROSPECTUS NES CENTENARY YEAR 1917-2017 ±ÝÅ¥Üì®æ¿á »ÝÊÝ¥Üì ¿ÞÊܮܮÜá° ŸÅÖܾ, ÊÜÃÜá|, Cí¨ÜÅ, ÃÜá¨ÜÅ, ÊÝ¿áá ¨æàÊÜñæWÜÙÜá ©ÊÜÂÊÝ¨Ü Óæã¤àñÜÅWÜÚí¨Ü ÓÜᤣÓÜáñݤÃæãà, ÓÝíWÜÊÝX ±Ü¨Ü±ÝsÜ, PÜÅÊÜá±ÝsÜ ÖÝWÜã E±Ü¯ÐÜñÜá¤WÜÚí¨Ü PÜãw¨Ü Êæà¨ÜWÜÚí¨Ü ÓÝÊÜáÊæà¨ÜÊÜ®Üá° WÝ®Ü ÊÜÞvÜáÊÜÊÜÃÜá ¿ÞÊܮܮÜá° ÖÝvÜáñݤÃæãà, «Ý®ܨÜÈÉ ®æÇæWæãívÜá ñÜÈÉà®ÜÊÝ¨Ü ÊÜá®ÜÔÕ¯í¨Ü ÁãàXWÜÙÜá ¿ÞÊܮܮÜá° PÝ|áñݤÃæãà, ¨æàÊÜ ¨Ý®ÜÊÜ WÜ|WÜÙÜã ¿ÞÊÜ®Ü GÇæÉ¿á®Üá° PÜíwÆÉÊæäà, B ¨æàÊܯWæ ®ÜÊÜáÓÝRÃÜ. >> 1 >> gWÜ£¤Wæ PÝÃÜ|®Ý¨Ü, Óܨ…ÊÜÓÜá¤ÊÝ¨Ü ¯®ÜWæ ®ÜÊÜáÓÝRÃÜ. 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Sri R. Anand M.C.A. Department of Physics Lecturer 1. Prof. V. Narayana Swamy M.Sc. Department of Sociology HOD 1. Sri C. Keshava Kumar M.A. 2. Smt. B.S. Soumya M.Sc., M. Phil Lecturer & H.O.D Lecturer 3. Sri Angelus Prashanth Regies M.Sc. Department of Economics Lecturer 1. Sri I.M. Ravi M.A., M.Phil,B.Ed. 4. Smt. M. Jhansi Rani M.Sc. Lecturer & HOD Lecturer 2. Dr. K.P. Suresha M.A., MBA., M.Phil., B.Ed., Ph.D Department of Chemistry Lecturer 1. Smt. Rajeshwari V. Walvekar M.Sc. Department of Commerce Lecturer & HOD 1. Smt. Sandhya Prashanth 2. Smt. A.V. Padmalatha M.Sc., M.Phil, B.Ed. M.Com, MBA, M.Phil, HDSE Lecturer Lecturer & HOD 3. Sri M.P. Jagadeesh M.Sc. 2. Smt. H. Gayathri M.Com., MFA Lecturer Lecturer 3. Smt. Swathi R. Saketh, MBA Department of Mathematics Lecturer 1. Smt. N. Shubha, M.Sc., M.Phil. Department of History Lecturer & HOD 1. Smt. Deepa M. Patil M.A. 2. Smt. B.S. Poornima, M.Sc., M. Phil. Lecturer & HOD Lecturer Department of Political Science Department of Biology 1. Dr. M.V. Dyavappa MA, Ph.D Lecturer & HOD 1. Sri B.S. Vishwanath, M.Sc., M.Ed. Lecturer & HOD Department of English 2. Dr. M. Tarakeshwari, M.Sc., Ph.D. 1. Smt. G. Archana, M.A. Lecturer Lecturer & HOD 2. Sri Veluniranjan, M.A., B.Ed Department of Electronics Lecturer 3. Sri K.B. Ravikumar, M.A., M.Phil 1. Smt. K.M. Suvarna, M.Sc., B.Ed., M.Phil Lecturer Lecturer & HOD THE NATIONAL PU COLLEGE 06 PROSPECTUS NES CENTENARY YEAR 1917-2017 4. Smt. C. Vijayalakshmi, M.A. B.Ed, PGDELT 2. Smt. R. Lalitha Lecturer Clerk 3. Smt. J.S. Ambika Department of Kannada Computer Operator 1. Sub. Lt. Dr. Ningaraju 4. Smt. H.H. Rangamma M.A., L.L.B, Ph.D Clerk Lecturer & HOD 5. Sri. A.P. Adarsha 2. Smt. R. Tanuja, M.A., B.Ed. Clerk, Library Lecturer 3. Smt. M. P. Pallavishree Attenders and Peons M.A., B.Ed., M.S. Journalism Lecturer Office 1. Sri. T.C.H. Rayappa Department of Sanskrit 2. Sri. R. Yogananda 1. Sri Balakrishna D. Kalbagh, M.A. Lecturer & HOD Department of Physics 1. Sri T.G. Bore Gowda Department of Hindi 2. Sri S.M. Nagesh 1. Smt. M.P. Geetha, M.A. Lecturer & HOD Department of Chemistry 1. Smt. R. Mahalaxmi Library Department of Biology 1. Sri B. Raju, B.A., M.L.I.Sc., M.Phil 1. Smt. Chandrakala Librarian 2. Smt. Nagamma 2. Sri S. Bharath, M.A., M.L.I.Sc. Asst. Librarian Library 1. Smt. C. Lakshmi Department of Physical Education 1. Sri M. Nagaraj, B.A., M.P.Ed., Department of Computer Science Physical Education Director 1. Smt. H. S. Gowramma 2. Sri C. R. Prakash, B.Com., M.P.Ed. Physical Education Director Department of Electronics 1. Sri Mahadevaiah N.C.C. Naval Wing 1.
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