wpnntm lEornins IfrraUi TUBSDAT,.M AY 28, 19m I Avaraca DaUy Nat Praaa Run H m WatllMr For the Month of April. 1950 fa n m O oT P . fc WnaShw Mias Betty Jane Lewis, daugh­ Mrs. Luigi Pols, chairman of ths Todny ebewen, ■entSiw ter of Mrs. Edward Lewis of committee in charge of the annual Hartford Artist pars him for his task of heading About Town the aero-medlcal unit which deals eretormik Hlgheet Woodbtidge street, la one of the banquet of the Ladles' Auxiliary of Name Speaker \ 9,891 members of the aophomore class at the Itallan-American Society, has with phases o f medicine asoaciat- near 19. Tonight, the W «ntB’a Mlarionary Soda* As^ Guest Soloist ed With aviation. Member of tho Andlt the Wllllmantic State Teachers called a meeting for tomorrow Bnrenn of CIrenlatleM Thnrigni fhlr. t f t t tlw BmaiiiMl laitheran College who are on a alx-day study evening at 7:30 o'clock to complete For Red Cross Dr. Carignan aerved with the Manchester-—A City of Village Charm a m t h la plaiinlnt to kava a nun* tour of eastern Pennsylvania coal plans. Boris Evtushenko, basso, of Arm y Medical Corps during the n aca aala at t:80 Saturday mom* and steel Industries. Their ob­ war, following medical training in la f. Tboaa ivho hava articlea to Hartford, who will be guest soloist ject Is to observe industries and Directors of the Manchester Kl- for St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Wasihngton, D. C., internship at «lomta arc raquaated to leave them Flight Surgeon at Air* (CUsiUled Advertleing on Page 19) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1956 (THIRTY PAGES— IN TWO SECTIONS) economic and social conditions wanls Club will have a meeting Men's Club concert, Friday eve* St. Francis hospital, Hartford, and VOL. LXIX, NO. 199 PRICE POUR CENTS at the dnirch dther Ihursday or prevailing In the hard coal re­ this evening at 8 o'clock, with ning at 8:18 at the Whlton Me­ craft to Address the residency at Cape Cod hospital, VMdajr. or if they wtah to have the gion. Preeldent Eklgar Clarke, at hia morial hall on North Main street, Hyannia. malarial called for they are re* home, 178 East Center atreet. before coming to this country a First Aid Teachers euaatad to gat In touch with Mra. Chairman Osborne stated that Plans for the annual dinner for year ago sung extensively in the meeting will be rather short Disbaitdment Demanded by Allie* Amy Cariaon, 7S25. S t Margaret’s Circle, Daughters Frank J. Mansfield Marine Corps Csechoslovakia opera In Olomoc, Dr. Roland Z. Carignan, medical ending by nine o'clock, to conform of Isabella, have been changed to League Auxiliary will meet tomor­ Lie Sees Strong In concerts, on the radio and for with the summer schedule at the Mamhers of Center Hose House the K. of C. Home for tonight at row evening at 8 o’clock at the supervisor and acting flight sur­ Angry Republicans Oempany No. 2 are reminded that geon at Pratt and Whitney Air­ Rec. Tfie public Is cordially invit­ 6:30. A t the state get-together Arnty and Navy Club. ed to attend this open meeting. payment for the trip to Boston Sunday In Wllllmantic there were craft, will address the Red Cross ahould be made to members of the 480 daughters In attendance. Mrs. The first of a series of evening First Aid Instructors group at committee by Saturday. Pinal ar* Rose (^apdelaine, Mrs. Helen meetings, conducted by Colonel Hope of Bringing rangamants must be completed by Donahue and Francis Minor were and Mrs. Joseph Acton, will be their May meeting tomorrow eve­ that date. among winners of the raffle. Sev­ held this evening at 7:30, and each ning at 7:30 o’clock In the library Decide to Adjourn eral of the state circles brought evening through Friday at the adjoining the East Side Rec. Our Lady of the Most Holy their own entertainment and the Salvation Army Citadel. Short Chairman Norman Osborne an­ Cold War to End Roaary Mothers Circle will meet picture, "You Can Change the open-air servlcea will precede the nounced today that Dr. Carignan tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock at World," was shown. Refresh­ Indoor meetings. will discuss the proper emergency the home of Mrs. Philip Sullivan, ments were served at the close of treatment for burns and wounds. 9 Emerson street the afternoon. A question period will follow the Says Surge o f World Session Tomorrow address. FUR STORAGE 1 Poppy Sales Here 16 of Truman The Ladies of Columbus stirglcsl The members of the State Fed­ Dr. Carignan, native of New 3% on Furs up to $300 Valuation Feeling Spurred Peace | dressings guoup will meet tomor­ eration of Democratic Women's This Thursday Hampshire and now resident of 36 “ We’ re All Done” Say row afternoon at 1:30 at the Clubs will hold a memorial service Sunset Ridge Drive. East Hart­ 1% on each $100 over Journey to Moscow;; Intrepid Thief Swipes ford has participated In many sit­ TAMPAX Reorganizing Five Year GM Knights of Columbus Home. Any­ for Mrs. Fanny Dixon Welch Bevin States Britain Mc(trath Bike Despite FBI I.«ader8 After Caucus; one interested in helping with this Thursday afternoon at the ceme­ "Wear a poppy In memory of uations involving serious bums Modsrn msthod $300 valuation— $3.00 minimum tery of St. Peter’s Episcopal and wounds. In addition, he has work is invited to attend. our departed comrades.” Wsahlngton, May 24.—(4')— Conway Hits “ Political church In Hebron. Rev. Harold Favors Seat Now for Bills Adopted Pact Hailed As This was the message of Mich­ taken special covirses In aviation for monthly Not all crooks arc scarrii of Kean, pa.stor of the church, will medicine and cardiology to pre- Fur Trimmed Goth Coats, minimum $2.00. (Valua­ Plot” While Wechsler ael McDPnnell, commander of Dll- sanitary protoctioit Red Cliina at U. N. Attorney General J. Howard conduct the services. Anyone In­ worth-Cornell-Qiiey Post of Th# tion up to $75.00). Over $75.00, 3% of valuation. terested is cordially Invited to at­ BKcient, comfonsbic, compsa—in«tnit4 Many Shakeups Coming Peace Omen McGrath, who can whistle up Terms Republican Act IT'S American Legion, to all Legion by a doctor tnd made of purs surgictl London, May 24.— — droves of straight-shooting tend this service with the Federa­ members as preparations were be­ tion. cotton ... No belts, pins, pads or odor. Cloth Coats, minimum $1.50. (Valuation to $50). In Federal Structure FBI agents whenever he “ Disgraceful” Sample ing completed for observance of IdctI fortrsvelingf-quick tochsngf,etip Trygve Lie, summing up his wants. diipostl. 3 sins lor various needs. Over $50.00, 3% of valuation. talks in London, Paris and Of Arrogance; Little Miss Laurine Hoaglund, daugh­ annual Poppy Day here Thursday, As Hoover Committee Auto IndiiHtry Happy Some Intrepid thief stole hia Iths May 25. HALE'S ter of Mr. and Mra. Arthur Hoag­ Boris Evtushenko Moscow, declared today the r^-ycnr-olil son's bicycle yes- Memorial popples will be distrib­ Proposals Become Law Members of the East German police force, which the Alllre charged was a German military force, march At Outlook A h Big Reorganization Seen lund, of Stephen street, and a Insured Pick-Up Service possibility exists of construc­ with their trained dogs through Berlin's Russian sector on Ma>- I to attend t'ommiinlst May I>iiy eele- tcrdiiy. It was parked outside freshman at Upsala College. East uted on the streets throughout the recordings. His repertoire con­ Headquarters a church. day by members of the American sists of 65 operatic roles, and he tive negotiations to “ reduce bratlon. The .Allies sent protests to Moscow saying Russia had broken Its postwar pledges by estab­ Three Complete Job Orange, N. J., has been chosen to Bulletin! State Capitol, Hartford, FOR take part In the daisy chain for Legion Auxiliary who will receive has sung in 8.80 performances. FOR ' the tensions of the cold war lishing a police force in eastern Germany with "the eharacter of an army." (A P wlrephoto). O f Writing CiOntracts May 24.— —N^th the an- A favorite role is Prince Gremln Washington, May 24—44V— the crowning of the spring queen. in exchange contributions for the and ultimately bring it to an Riy assertion "we’re all The ceremony will take place May welfare of disabled war veterans in Tchaikowsky's "Eugene One­ President Truman today gin,” a number Included In the cur­ end.” created a new Federal Mari­ Detroit, May 24—(45—The sud­ done,” G.O.P. House Leader 29 and will be televised. Miss and needy children of veterans. To Bare Files In hts Poppy Day message, rent program. He will also sing, The United Nations secretary- time Board and named MaJ. Wavell, Leader Vote to Keep den and significant new General UNIVERSAL Hoaglund is a member of the Col­ general made this statement (Jeorge C. Conway asserted lege choir. Commander M c^n n ell said: "God Is My Shepherd," with words Oen. Philip B. Fleming to be News Tidbits Motors contract left the auto in ­ to d ^ th a t as far as Republi­ 1 t I tM' I ... .. ,\ ■ S- \\ I I I' "Veterans of the two world from the Twenty-third Psalm; — assTsss'® ’ ahortly after Foreign Secretary Undersecretary of Commerce Ernest Berin announced Britain dustry today In Iti most arttled On Lattimore cans are concerned, the spe­ ware should be the first to put on "Turn Thee To Me,” Dvorak; "Eve­ for Transportation.
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