
<v C l i r .'1 lini e s -■ IS ew s \ : ■ EB30 Kaczynsl Good mclorning Vevadl^lnviestiga itors ttake n Today’s forecast:st: 0 PaceSboirmb S unny w ith hiRhss iiin the lower 70s and lows in the 40s. SoSouthwest winds 5 ■ uspeci•ts '■ to, IS mph. interesst in airea si charges!S . PageA2 „n May 6. SIic was _ neciion withll iilio Hunter homi'cidc. Hootood Casino in 'jackpot im rhe W ashington Post By John Thompson ucr • killed by a hard blow,vtuthi.-l!c;idandhLT ii nmcs-Nc\vs writer pleaded Kuilt;,lty to v<)Iiiniar>' manslauRhtci connecticin with the HiintciHer throat was a it. Harri.sis •>;said. ■ SACKAMKNTO,I Calii —- A fedcr- M onday in ci ; was found near her om th e E lko sla>-inR. Reevi;ves is chargcd wiili acce>sor:.ori' ' Thompson’s purse w: il g ra n d j» ry 'I.n.M dav cth h - a rg e d 1]BURLEY - Detectives from and b(Kly. but il didn't appappear tluii anything ‘V ,vith four ::ount>- S heriffs D epartmiintt iniintcrvie>ved to the HimieiiLT hcimicidc, while Mack'.in< Hieodorc J Kat7,\;isk "itl r.harpcd wilh first-dcRrec murlur- was stolen. Harris said. ;eparate lio;iiitiii,':'. th .: ktllecilled two ..Answers remainin elusive :hrec Cassia County jail inmate;ates Tuesday Slines are ch: I!; “I don't know all of thet details yet. but x-rsonsand iiiaiuu-'i r .n otheiithers dur- As “odds and ds" bring investiga- ibout a May 4 homicide in JaiJackpot, ac- der in the slajlajiiiK- . 3tble-nH>tiv«4«>r.i;ix—;------^ . Mack iilso0 I?; chanif'tl with first-dcRfci^<-*e tht- circumstanci^ are,re :alarmingly similar ,nr. th e * ’t-Tror^ror i\aged :ordlng to Sheriff Nett-Ham^— njy^ i n ^ l three murders," a sth e U n -------------: leatlis, several ques- -jThe names of those intemviewed c were murder in th e April 2i slaying ol Hey uy die M-Ti.il kiUer kiio\Mi as tl Shoshone Runsbot deal a telephone, interviewk-w Tuesday. “T here tions rem ain open. not available Tuesday evemng,ing, but Har- bum resident;nt Mae HimhI. ,iix)mber. not ;y Hood has also agreed^ v are similarities in ththe body and head The l()<ount indictiiK-ntit aiacciisfs ris confirmed that they aree aiamong the But Corey / to vcihmtan.' m anslnugliter iiin wounds, and it sure Io<looks suspicious. We ,|,the 54-year-old form er BerB e rk e le y . four people chargcd in the MaMay 16 slay- plead guilty t ______ 'fol th.- April 2.^ incidonient- continue to look; at it."___________________ jjj; f th e V n - ____ mg ot l/-ye;/H jld \Vciid>“ Uuniluntcr of lltt-----conjwction..i math.pmIi:i::or-<.i.<’. 1] ee people in- Mae Hood1 \was his grandmother ani After reviewing thehe affidavit of proba- ;,b;il>oml>er's thret.- fjtal l>ombnb ;ianacks [lainvoman pcipert. He adrfed tlial the three | u resiUted Party selects chai tcn-ie\ved all had good alibi-s1.% bbut his de- Reeves, his ocousin. ble cause from Hunter't'er's court file. H am s — in 1983 and 1W.5 — that rt ,ty D em ocrats have lid sim ilarities vxist bet%vee; in the deailis liere of com puteMJter-srore Twin Falls County partm ent is contijiuins with thithisan^e of Harris saic ‘■7" . said if the Jackpot cascase o r th e other t^vo in selected a cattlewomjjman to head their ' the Hood ancJld Hunter homicides and mth e : e la te d , pinniinning down a m otive owowner Hugh Scrutton andid CG ilbert its investigatiorL midde. Tlie bodv of Gail Ani part>% Corey Hood, 21, ShannahI RiR eeves, 19. Jackpot honi . will be extremely difficffi«?iUt. M u rra y . a tw Mines, 18. Thompson, 5!57. Middleton, was fotmd pai California ___________: < Brian Mack, 19. and Matthew 1 si'nr ] P i ssase a s see PR0BE/A2 are being held in the Cassiaa j:jail in con- tially clad min a ditch near the Gold Sta As- SO-sodation offi- . d l K aczv n sk i a lso p r ^ 0 Against thhe odds - Tennis anyone? chcharged with j Y oung te n n is play«.ayers from around m a i 1 i n K h the state took to ihe-Oe.couns.in lh cJr» in __ _ K bothbs from Falls Junior Open. Sacramentt) PageDf in June 1993. # that severely U --------2 H i n j u r e d K a c ryrynskl n : Charles Kp- . stein, a geneticist at the uniUniversity of C;ilifomia at San Frands<idscb, and Picnic anyone?J Yale University professors o r D a v id . Let’s plan one. Thele sseason’s here. G elem ter. PageCI The indictment does not3t rrm ention the Una^m ber's third fatala ta l bom b attack, which killed advertw:rtising ex- Family albumss - and more ecutive Tliomas M osser att hi<his north- Martha Stew-an is iinterested in your ern New Jersey home onn DDec. 10. photographs. 1994. U.S. Justice D epanmtmeni.offi- e PageCI ciciaLs *iid Mosser’s death was not in- i W rir iV*(iTiiiffh'ii dudedd bccause it;h3ppenedled 1outside O fpioneen andid dinners ththe Sacramento jurisdictioction. But they said charges in thatat rm u rd e r »ok likes to prepare tl T his Twin F alls coo! may be filed later in New Jerse>-.J e n - foocU th c old-fashioneMied way. PageCI- Although federal officiaicials had made widely reported, but anony- mou-s, statem ents purportinging lo'have CT soHd evidence-linking KhczvAorynski to ~ u ■ Tue-sday's - 4 ^ tlthe Un^ibomber attacks.^ lu indictm ent wa.s the first timIme e he was *...... Tie pay to gradeides accused of committing specspecific at- lacks linked to the serialll bbomber, 1 leader arc'moving . • I Idaho educauon le whose nicknatne derives fromfroi early toward greater accouix)untability in college attacks on unlversify offici:ficials and j sports..today’s editoriorialsays. airlines. PageA6 F ederal prosecutors saidid tlthey will immediately begin proceedeedings to transfer Kaczynski fromm IH e le n a . Mont.. w here h e has Ixren1 heheld with- out bail on a charge of possessingpos bom b com ponents since• hi:his arrest ______ T w many rej^ -«u-April-3.- UndcLfedcxaLjaLlaw,-he, _____ isrStncfingaccSsto Ovcrregulation is n AMOr SAWYEfVT>* 1>nM-NM nmust appear before a U.S.J.S. magis- public lands. WesterItem lawmakers, mo- tra te in Helena.wiihin 72 hoi:hoiirs. lal vehicle users and e Jodi will receive a ^ toriied recreational ie r m o th e r, B c n n lo , lo o k, fiT o w a rd to th e ir trip to W;W ashington D.C.. whore J mining representatilatives tell Congress JodiJ' McKay, right, and hor Tucsdpy. $10,000 BChelarshlp. PageB2 * tVhitewater ppanel FAA chief outt udent nnasters ; challenniges, flSnal report sjsplit iinces a major shake- M er sti The FAA announc up in the w ^ e of-ibc Vnltijpr rm<h Inst ■. dong party lilines month in Florida. P « .A 3 earns( 1 of9naitiohalsscholars■ships ^os Angeles Times . More churchesesb u m ^ Since the adoptionion, she has undergone WASHINGTON\< — Thirteen?en 1m onths af- By U l Wright six surgeries to helpelp her gain better con-. L*r its investigation began,n. tlthe Senate Two more blackick churches burn, Times-Net«, writer ■‘I ’nTm still kind of In les. She w as b o m with iterty dixided □n lead ers and black . I trol of her muscles. V’hiteiv'ater Committee, biiter Christian Coalition k. I never thought I* cerebnd palsy andi leleam ed to walk at age letween its Republic.in andid i:Deimxmitic pastors m eet and thith e House makes ar* ants to become s h O C k FILER - Jodi McKay want: 6. members. i.s,sued final rL*portwrts Tuesday son prosecutions easieasier -a doctor like those who help<ulped her over- • W O3 Iuld g e t th is far.* PWI.A2.A4 ” Life has been busbusy for the Filer rvsi- hat provided wholly opposi;5osite assess- ay denL McKay h;is pla>-edpla piano since she nents of th e controvers>- th.itlat 1has dogged Sunday, she will fly to Was]V ashi^ton D.C — Jodi McKav was three, was studtudent body vice-presi- •resident O inton since he tcH>k[cH)k officc. Reno orders FEFBI probe Ito accept a SIO.OOO scholarslarship for the cjtciler High School studen©rii dent last year a i FilFiler High School and ■hie-j p a n e l's 10 R epublicancans issued a ytjars of college and mediedical school in .'iO'findings Attorney Gcnemlml Janet Reno orders — teaches Sunday Schochool. d(Klocument dting more than 5 ahead of her. an FBI investigatioItion into utijustified till kin d of in shock." McKIcKay Her favorite pursijrsuit IS dram a. McKay jj,,,hey said show that the Clintclintoas — par- “I have alwaj-s had to depIcpcnd on d«> rl’'!,’'''lever thought 1 would get;t tthis said, who is invoK-ec%-ed in Jum p Company, icularlv first lady Hillar>- RikRodham Clin- ________ -Wiite House reguesuesttior files on U.S. McKay said, f .1 lo rs t o 'h e l p m e o u t," Mi , a l o ^ children’s the^theater organization. ,onon — w ere at the centcr of>f a bnw d con- dtizens.
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