4604 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JUNE 14, tion shall hereafter be considered I shall take occasion to present my A bill (H. R. No. 1897) to remove the political disabilities of W. E. reasons to the Senate. Evans, a citizen of Louisiana; Mr. DAVIS, of Illinois. The Judiciary Committee, with tbe excep­ A bill (H. R. No. 3276) to remove the political disabilities of Will­ tion of the Senator from Indiana, were unanimous about it. iam C. Whittle, of Virginia; The report was ordered to be printed. A bill (H. R. No. 3314) to remove the political disabilities of John Mr. DAVIS, of Illinois, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to T. Mean, of Maryland; whom were referred the bill (S. No. 98) to divide tbe State of Ne­ A bill (H. R. No. 4550) to remove the political disabilities of Thomas braska into two judicial districts, and the "bill (H. R. No. 5067) to L. Moore, of the State of Virginia; and divide the western district of Missouri into two divisions, and to pre­ A bill (H. R. No. 4568) to r~move the political disabilities of Robert scribe tbe times and places for holding courts therein and for other T. Chapman, of Wharton County, Texas. purposes, reported adversely thereon; and the bills were postponed The message further announced that the Senate had passed bills indefinitely. of tbe following titles; in which he was directed to ask the concur­ He also, from tbe same committee, tow born the snbject was referred, rence of the House : reported a bill (S. No. 1404) to provide for the holding of a term of A bill (S. No. 2) releasing Frank Soule, late collector of internal t-he district and circuit courts of the United States at Lincoln, Ne­ revenue of the first district of California, and his sureties, from lia­ braska; which was read twice by its title. bility on his official bond; Mr. McMILLAN. The Committee on Claims have considered the A bill (S. No. 1052) to remove the political disabilities of William bill (S. No. 672) to protect the United States against fraudulent claims, W. Loring; and have instructed me to report it back and recommend its indefi­ A bill (8. No.1283) for the relief of James A. Barr; nite postponement. The provisions of the bill are incorporated in A bill (S. No.1352) to restore the property known as the State Mil­ another bill reported by the committee. itary Academy or Citadel, in the city of Charleston, 8onth Carolina, The bill was postponed indefinitely. to the State of South Carolina; . Mr. McMILLAN, from the Committee on Commerce, to whom was A bill (S. No. 1362) for the removal of the political disabilities of referred the bill (S. No. 835) to provide for tbe construction of a H. A. Edmonston, of Salem, Virginia; bridge across the Missouri River at Decatur, Nebraska, reported it A bill (S. No. 1363) for t.he removal of the political disabilities of with an amendment. E. Kirby Smith, of Tennessee; Mr. GROVER, from tbe Committee on Public Lands, to whom was A bill (S. No. 1364) to remove the political disabilities of William referred the bill ( S. No. 825) for the relief of William L. White, reported S. Smith; it without. amendment. A bill (S. No. 1365) to place Lewis Le:ffman, ordnance sergeant Mr. OGLESBY. The Committee on Public Lands, to whom was United States Army, on tbe retired list ; referred the memorial of William McGarrahan, praying the passage A bill (S. No. 1366) for the relief of Robert Spaugh ; of a law to authorize the perfecting of a patent claimed to have been A bill (S. No. 1367) to aid in the protection of public buildings and issued to him by the United States for certain lands in California, property against loss or damage by .fire; and have had the same under consideration and have instructed me to A bill (S. No. 1396) to remove the political disabilities of A. D. report the same back with the recommendation that the prayer of Whart-?n, of the State of Tennessee. the memorialist be denied and that the memorial be indefinitely ORDER OF BUSINESS. postponed. Tbe committee ask leave to prepare and present a more Mr. EDEN. I call for the regular order. complete report on the subject, to be submitted to the Senate here­ Mr. REAGAN. I ask unanimous consent to take from tbe Speak­ after. er's table the river and harbor bill with a view of non-concurring in The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection to this order Y the Senate amendments, and asking a committee of conference on The Chair bears none. the disagreeing vo~s of the two Houses thereon. EXECUTIVE SESSION. Mr. EDEN. I object. Mr. SAUNDERS. I move that we lay aside the regular order and Mr. REAGAN. 'l'hen I move to suspend the rules and take the bill take np Senate bill No.1284, creating the Utah and Northern Rail­ from the Speaker's table. · way Company, a corporation in the Territories of Utah, Idaho, and Mr. EDEN. Is that the regular order of business 7 Montana, and granting the right of way to said company through The SPEAKER. The regular order is the unfinished business. the public lands. It is a matter that will take no time. Mr. WAD DELL. I want to get a committee of conference ap­ llr. SARGENT. I move that the Senate proceed to the considera­ pointed on the post-route bill. tion of executive business. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Texas [Mr. REAGAN] is in Mr. SAUNDERS. I h~pe the Senator will not insist on that mo­ charge of the river and harbor bill. tion now. Mr. WADDELL. And I am in charge of the post-route bill, and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on the motion of the have beeri trying for a week to get a committee of conference upon it. Senator from California. Mr. EDEN. The best way to avoid all this difficulty is to go on The motion was a~reed to ; and the Senate proceeded to the con­ with the rAgular order. sideration of executive business. After fifty minutes spent in ex­ Mr. REAGAN. My motion is to suspend the rules and take th.e ecutive session the doors wer~ reopened, and (at five o'clock and river and harbor bill from the Speaker's table, non-concur in the forty five minutes p.m.) the Senate adjourned. Senate amendments, and ask a committee of conference. Mr. WAD DELL. And I want the same in regard to the post-route bill. I have been trying for a week to get in a motion to go to the Spe~ker's table for the purpose of taking up the post-route bill, which has been sent back from the Senate with amendments; and I think, if the Speaker recognizes anybody now, he should recognize me. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The SPEAKER. The Chair differs with the gentleman. The gen­ tleman from Texas [Mr. REAGAN] has charge of a bill in nature an FRIDAY, June 14, 1878. appropriation bill, and the Chair has always given preference to such The Honse met at eleven o'clock a. m. Prayer by tbe Chaplain, bills when he could do so. In regard to the regular order, which the Rev. W. P. HAR.rusoN. gentleman from illinois [Mr. EDEN] calls for, the Chair would state The Journal of yesterday was read and approved. that the unfinished business is the bill for the relief of the heirs of the late Rear-Admiral Dahlgren. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE. Mr. BURCHARD. And pending that, I am on the :floor for the A message from the Senate, by Mr. SYMPSON, one of its clerks, an­ purpose of moving a suspension of the rules. nounced that the President pro tempore had appointed Mr. SARGENT, The SPEAKER. The Chair will recognize tbe gentleman in due on the part of the Senate, a manager at the conference on the disa­ time. greeing votes of the two Houses on the bill (H. R ..No. 4867) making Mr. EDEN. Have I not tbe right to call for the regular order 7 appropriations for the support of the Army for the fiscal year ending The SPEAKER. The gentleman has a right to call for the regular J nne 30, 1879, and for other purposes, in place of Mr. BLAINE, ex- order and the regular order is the bill (H. R. No. 5049) authorizing a cused. · settlement of the claim of the estate of the late Rear-Admiral John The message further announced that the Senate had passed, with A. Dahlgren, which comes over from the session of Tuesday evening an amendment, the bill (H. R. No. 805) to repeal that part of the act last with the previous question ordered upon it.""' approved January 14, 1875, known as the resumption act, which au­ Mr. BRAGG. I rise to a parliamentary inquiry. thorized the Secretary of the Treasury to dispose of United States The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. bonds and rerleem and cancel the greenback currency; in which he Mr. BRAGG. Was not the previous question exhausted upon the was directed to ask the concurrence of the House. third reading and engrossment of the bill t The message further announced that the Senate had passed bills of The SPEAKER. It was, and the question was then on the passage the House of the following titles: of the bill. A bill (H. R. No. 739) for the relief of Henry Plowman; Mr.
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