SESplan JOINT COMMITTEE 29th June 2012 ITEM 8: Proposed Strategic Development Plan – Submission to Scottish Ministers BACKGROUND PAPER: Summary of Unresolved Issues – i. All Schedules 4s ii. Housing Land Schedule 4 Supporting Paper1 1 See separate paper 1 CONTENTS ISSUE 1 VISION AND AIMS ISSUE 2 SPATIAL STRATEGY ISSUE 3 REGIONAL CORE – WEST EDINBURGH ISSUE 4 REGIONAL CORE – OTHER ISSUES ISSUE 5 EAST COAST ISSUE 6 FIFE FORTH ISSUE 7 MIDLOTHIAN/BORDERS ISSUE 8 WEST LOTHIAN ISSUE 9 EMPLOYMENT LAND - STRATEGIC EMPLOYMENT SITES ISSUE 10 EMPLOYMENT LAND - SUPPLY ISSUE 11 TOURISM DEVELOPMENTS ISSUE 12 MIXED USE DEVELOPMENTS ISSUE 13 TOWN CENTRE AND RETAIL ISSUE 14 MINERALS ISSUE 15 HOUSING LAND – HOUSING LAND REQUIREMENT ISSUE 16 HOUSING LAND – COMPONENTS OF HOUSING LAND CALCULATION ISSUE 17 HOUSING LAND – PHASING AND DISTRIBUTION ISSUE 18 HOUSING LAND – PROVIDING FLEXIBILITY ISSUE 19 HOUSING LAND – MISCELLANEOUS 2 ISSUE 20 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ISSUE 21 WASTE ISSUE 22 ENERGY ISSUE 23 FLOODING ISSUE 24 TRANSPORT ISSUE 25 INFRASTRUCTURE ISSUE 26 GREEN NETWORK ISSUE 27 GREEN BELT – REVIEW, RELEASE AND BOUNDARIES ISSUE 28 GREEN BELT – COALESCENCE ISSUE 29 MISCELLANEOUS/OTHER 3 Issue 1 Vision & Aims The Vision: Paragraphs 8-9 Reporter: SESplan – Profiled of the Region: Development plan Paragraphs 10-16 reference: SESplan – The Aims of the SDP: Paragraph 17 Body or person(s) submitting a representation raising the issue (including reference number): General Support PP/0142/0001 GVA Grimley for Henderson Global Investors PP/0042/0001 & PP/0042/0002 Scottish Property Federation PP/0048/0006 & PP/0048/0008 Bell Ingram for Miller Homes PP/0058/0002 Barton Wilmore for Taylor Wimpey and Hallam Land Management PP/0066/0003 Homes for Scotland PP/0088/0003 Halliday Fraser Munro for Gyle Shopping Centre Limited Partnership PP/0110/0004 James Barr Ltd for Uphall Estates Ltd Natural and Built Environment PP/0007/0004 Liberton & District Community Council PP/0021/0035 Royal Society for the Protection of Birds PP/0111/0002 David Campbell PP/0113/0001 Transition Linlithgow PP/0167/0001 & PP/0167/0002 Cockburn Association PP/0037/0003 Chesterfield First LLP Rural Development PP/0053/0001 Smiths Gore for Crown Estate PP/0087/0006 WYG Planning & Development for Lord Wemyss Trust Housing and Brownfield Land PP/0022/0007 & PP/0022/0009 Barton Wilmore for Ashdale Land and Property 4 Company Limited PP/0023/0006 Barton Wilmore for Ashfield Commercial Properties PP/0029/0001 Colliers International Plc for Taylor Wimpey Plc and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd PP/0136/0001 Colliers International for Mactaggart & Mickel PP/0058/0002 & PP/0058/0004 Barton Wilmore for Taylor Wimpey and Hallam Land Management PP/0063/0002 GVA for Cardross Asset Management for West Craigs and Dunedin Canmore Housing Association PP/0065/0009 Barton Wilmore for Taylor Wimpey and AWG Property PP/0075/0008 Strutt Parker PP/0095/0005 TMS Planning Services for Campion Homes Ltd PP/0096/0004 TMS Planning Services for R and A Kennedy Key Sectors PP/0018/0003 Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners for Bourne Leisure Ltd PP/0031/0003 & PP/0031/0010 Forth Ports Ltd PP/0062/0001 GVA Grimley for Scottish Power Generation Ltd Transport PP/0038/0006 Ryden for Forkneuk Consortium PP/0054/0002 Ryden for Pumpherston Estates and Wallace Land Ltd PP/0074/0002 Ryden for Wemyss & March Estate Provision of the General Support development plan to which the issue relates: Natural and Built Environment The Vision: Paragraphs 8-9 SESplan – The Aims of the SDP: Paragraph 17 Rural Development SESplan – The Aims of the SDP: Paragraph 17 Housing and Brownfield Land 5 SESplan – The Aims of the SDP: Paragraph 17 Key Sectors SESplan – Profiled of the Region: Paragraphs 10-16 SESplan – The Aims of the SDP: Paragraph 17 Transport SESplan – The Aims of the SDP: Paragraph 17 Planning authority’s summary of the representation(s): General Support PP/0142/0001 GVA for Henderson Global Investors Fully supports the vision for the Edinburgh City Region to be a healthier and more prosperous area which is recognised for its success as a place to live, work and conduct business. PP/0042/0001 & PP/0042/0002 Scottish Property Federation Supports the principle of establishing a strategic vision for the SESplan area that will inform and drive planning and development in the region with a view to securing sustainable economic growth. Considers that the region is a key driver of the Scottish economy that is already successful in many ways. However it is felt that the SDP does not sufficiently embrace the opportunities for improving the employment and economic prosperity of the region, particularly with regard to housing and economic allocations. Supports the aim of making the region more economically competitive and developing key sectors. However is concerned that the strategy does not reflect this. PP/0048/0006 & PP/0048/0008 Bell Ingram for Miller Homes Generally supports the Vision of the plan. Agrees with the second Aim of the plan in terms of delivering housing and contributing to meeting housing need in the most sustainable locations. However, feels that the Vision and Aims will not be achieved due to the need for the strategy to meet the needs of the house building industry now to assist with economic recovery. PP/0058/0002 Barton Wilmore for Taylor Wimpey and Hallam Land Management Supports statement in para 8 about SE Scotland being the main growth area and key 6 driver of the Scottish economy, as well as the Vision and the aspirations in it. However, concerned over how this will be achieved as it is felt that the amount and timing of residential development is inadequate. Supports position as outlined in para 15 in relation to areas having to undergo physical changes and the delivering high quality places through good design and masterplanning. Site to the NE of Bilston cited. PP/0066/0003 Homes for Scotland Supports that Vision and Aims. Para 8 rightly recognises SE Scotland as a key driver of the Scottish economy and para 13 rightly recognises the key sectors. The Aims are also supported, particularly the second aim. Considers that it is important that the SDP's strategy and policies adequately reflect this and promotes development in a way that enhances the region's economic performance. PP/0088/0003 Halliday Fraser Munro for Gyle Shopping Centre Limited Partnership Supports the Vision. PP/0110/0004 James Barr Ltd for Uphall Estates Ltd Fully supports the Aims of the SDP. Promotes site near Uphall and feels that it is in full accordance with the Aims. Natural and Built Environment PP/0007/0004 Liberton & District CC The Vision is bland and makes no reference to protecting the natural and built environment which are such vital features of the City of Edinburgh and its surrounding areas. Whilst this is recognised in following paragraphs, it should be at the heart of the Vision. PP/0021/0035 RSPB Commend the aim to 'Conserve and enhance natural and built environment' and aim to reduce need to travel; though consider that this is in conflict with Forth Crossing. PP/0111/0002 David Campbell Supports the identification of built environment as a high priority in para 12 and in the 7 fourth Aim. However does not feel that this is reflected in the policies, particularly in relation to Conservation Areas. PP/0113/0001 Transition Linlithgow Feels there is an omission in the Aims and that the issue of food security should be reflected, particularly given there was a reduction from 11% of Scotland's land in 2008 used for food production to 10% in 2010. This represents a reduction from 602,000 Ha to 571,000 Ha. PP/0167/0001 & PP/0167/0002 Cockburn Association Support the Vision in principle. In addition support the reference to high quality natural/cultural heritage (para 12), delivering high quality design (para 15) and investment in infrastructure (para 14 & 16) stating that this must be in place before new developments. Support Aims 3 through 8. Have concerns over whether a reasonable balance between housing/growth requirements (in first and second aims) and protection of the natural/cultural heritage, has been achieved. PP/0037/0003 Chesterfield First LLP Need to add reference to community resilience to aims Rural Development PP/0053/0001 Smiths Gore for Crown Estate Notes that the first aim supports local and rural development. There seems to be no policy to support this and the Vision does not acknowledge rural based enterprises/activities are a key sector. Furthermore the majority of land mass in the SDPA is for agriculture. PP/0087/0006 WYG Planning & Development for Lord Wemyss Trust Broadly support Vision and Aims, however consider that the strategy and policies are insufficient to achieve these. Concern raised about supporting local and rural development in the first aim, and believes that greater recognition needs to be given to the current economic climate and the specific challenges facing rural communities. Feels that SDP fails to establish framework, particularly since half the population live in settlements of less than 20,000. 8 Housing and Brownfield Land PP/0022/0007 & PP/0022/0009 Barton Wilmore for Ashdale Land & Property Considers that brownfield development often has associated development costs with development that are not present with greenfield sites. Furthermore, it is considered that development of land adjoining urban areas can often be more logical than brownfield sites due to easier connections with infrastructure/facilities. PP/0023/0006 Barton Wilmore for Ashfield Commercial Properties Supports the second aim of the plan on housing requirements as it is felt that this reflects national policy. The strategy to enable delivery of housing must reflect this position. PP/0029/0001 Colliers International Plc for Taylor Wimpey and Mactaggart & Mickel Generally supports the Aims of the plan, however it is considered that additional wording is required.
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