VOL. 8 0 . 47 i:::O !TED ond M ANA EO by the TUD ENTS THE SPHINX" is published three times a yea r, toward the end of each School term. Subscriptions, 3'­ per annun1, postage included, should be forwarded to the Business Man­ ager, " The Sphinx," Perth Modern chool, Subiaco. Price 1'- PERTH MODERN SCHOOL SUBIACO , DECEMBER, 1929 STUDENT OFFICIALS CAPTA I N O F TH E S CHOOL. Arthur Edward l~ i n n . S ENIOR GIRL PREFECT. P h y llis Cor don. PREFECTS. J an Ash bol t J ean Scott \N i lliam J ohnson Beatrice oates P ggy Scoti K enn t h Ker . ten .Joyc Illing wor th A llan B latch for d P h i llip Or ton .Toan M icld l eton Donald Cam er on Hug h Royce Molly O'Brien J a m es E spie 1arma 1ul< Smith. " SPHINX" EDITORS. Beatrice oates and Desm ond San ds. FACTION CAPTAINS. BLUE- Gwennet h Cornish and J ames Espie. GOLD-J ean cott and W illiam Johnson. RED- A ileen Trobe an d A r htur Edwar d Finn. SPHINX -Phy llis Cor don an d Kennet h Ker st en. CRICKET. Ca 1> tain : Marmaduke Smith. Vice-Capt.: Kenneth Ker sten. Secretary : Col in Wilkinson. TENNIS. AE TAINS-Phyllis or don a nd A lan Blatchfor cl. LIBRARY PREFECTS. B eatric Coa.tes a nd P h i llip Orton . " SPHINX" BUSINESS MANAGER. A r t hur Edwa,·cl F inn. " SPHINX COMMITTEE . .J oyce ming w OJ·th , P ggy Scol t , 'W i lliam Joh n on, P hillip Or ton . CONTENTS EDITORIAL . ..... 5 SCHOOL OTES . 6 FORM NOTES .. .. .. .. .. S FACTION NOTES 10 PREFECTS' PARS . 12 LIBRARY NOTES . 12 CAMERA CLUB OTES . 1 2 CORRIDOR CHATTER . 13 SPORTS . 15 OLD MODER .IANS . 29 ENGAGEME lTS . 30 MARRIAGES . 30 BIRTHS . 30 POETRY . 3 2 Modernians, Rhodes Scholars, in Oxford Colleges, July, 1929. From l eft-K. Cooper, H ertford College; K . Allen, Lincoln; A. Smith, Balliol. PERTH MODER SCH OL, SUBIACO 11InL B Nn. 47 EDITORIAL The shortest term in the history of year, and whatever its shortcomings t he School has passed swiftly. P er­ may have been, for us it holds a spec­ haps this has been due in some mea­ ial significance. No " untoward event" sure to the nearness of the Leaving has marred its course, which has and Junior examinations. Even the ft(,wed smoothly in spite of the changes other Forms of the School have had necessitated by the Centenary cele­ to keep before their eyes the prospect brations. A natural feeling of regret of terminal examinations. As a con­ t hat our term of office is complete sequence, examinations have held a t inges this pride of ours, for we feel prominent place in our thoughts, and t hat we should like to go for anoth e1· sport has been relegated to t he back­ year, that with the experience we ground, and has not played as import­ have gained we might do better than ant a part as it noi·mally does in our we have done. As Editors of the lives. _ evertheless, it has not been School Magazine we have had a par­ entirely neglected, although the only ticular sense of responsibility, since event of any importance was the Girls' t he spirit of the School i s reflected Inter-School Sport's Day, which prov­ largely in its literary efforts, and we ed di sappointing for us. The Sta.te have made some attempt to make the Secondary School Sports took place "Sphinx" in some part literary. Since during the holidays, and can scarcely the life of the School is reflected in be included in the activities of this its pages, the fun of the School should term. Now that the actual examina­ find a place there, too, but it may be tions are ovel', students feel at liberty borne in mind that humour has not to give f ull sway to "jest, and youth­ ]Jeen banished from literature. Our f ul jollity," for r esults are a thing of aehievements have not, perhaps, been the future and cannot be amended, no as high as they might have been, but matter how we try. with the talent which has been hiding its light behind a bushel this year, our As the year draws to its close, stu­ successors should be able to make dents who have held any office pre­ some attempt to raise the literary pare to hand over the reins of govern­ ment to their successors. We look standard of the "Sphinx." back over the past year with a certain BEATRICE COATES feeling of pride, for this has been our DESMOND SANDS. 6 December, 1929 SCHOOL NOTES We wish to congratulate the fol­ oil industry as carried on by their lowing on being elected Prefects for firm. The lecture was most interest­ 1930 :-Misses R. Aitken, L. Cohen, ing, and was appreciated by all pre·· M. Fealy, B. Jackson, G. Love, 0. sent. Massey, R. Mclnnerney, J. Williams, All students will be interested to and Berry, Brady, Bromell, Harv~y, hear that Mr. Parsons is leaving on J enkins, McLeod, Tolerton, Wilkin­ the 24th December for an extended son, W orner. trip of England and Europe during· The Faction Collection held this 1930. While he is in England he will term contributed £19 to the Hospital visit many educational centres, and Fund. This, together with the surn should return with the latest methods realised from an earlier collection, of teaching that are in use in Eng­ did not quite make up the £50 neces­ land. Mr. Parsons has always taken sary t.o maintain our cot at the Chil­ shch a keen interest in the School dren's Hospital. that we regret his absence even for a On Saturday, October 26th, the period of nine months. We hope that Girls' Secondary School Sports were he will have a most enjoyable holiday held on Claremont Oval. Unfortun­ and return quite refreshed for work. ately this year our teams did not do On the Centenary of Foundation as well as usual, probably because of Day the School assembled to hear a the very short period available for very interesting address on the even ·~ training. and the early history of the State by Owing to the bad weather Sport's the Director of Education, Mr. Wal­ Day this year did not turn out such lace Clubb. To celebrate the Cen­ a great success as usual. The stand·· tenary the Government made the ard of running was fairly high, and School a donation of £20 for the en­ two more records were broken this tertainment of students. With this year. Thanks to the untiring efforts money tea was provided for the Lower of Mr. Downing, who further revised School in the Gym., the Art room and the programme, little occurred to mar the Upper Corridor. The Upper the day. The dance which was held School enjoyed dancing in the Hall in the evening was well attended by with supper afterwards in Domi. Sci. students and ex-students. Altogether it was a most enjoyable The two collections for the Chil­ occasion. A hundred years hence, dren's Hospital resulted in a sum of when the State has its Bi-Centenary. £41 4s. 4d. that has gone towards the "Sphinx" editors may be interested to upkeep of the Modern School Cot. look back to this note. The factions contributed as follows:- For several years past the wall on Gold: £11 5s. Od.; Red: £10 7s. 3d.; the Tower stair-way beyond the Pre­ Blue: £9 17s. Od.; Sphinx: £9 15s. ld. fects' Corner has been gradually We extend a hearty welcome to Mr. growing more unsightly, and latterlY Piper, who returned from his holi­ matters came to a crisis when two days in England just before Leaving. L.S. boys had the temerity to print Mr. Paul, who was taking Mr. Piper's their names in the most prominent place, has been transferred to another and conspicuous part of it. The Schqol appointment. Prefects resolved to have the whole The Fifth Year Picnic, which was place cleaned up, at the expense of held at Pt. Walter on lOth December, the Prefects' Fund, and now the clock­ was a great success. The launch trip tower walls can vie with the rest of home was thoroughly enjoyed by the building in being clear of all everyone. scars and marks of any kind. It The Eleventh Annual Upper School ren1ains for our successors to keep it Dance was held in the School Hall on so. 13th December. · Judging by the in­ terest taken in all dances held at the CONTEMPORARIES. School this year it should prove a success. We wish to acknowledge the receipt During this term a lecture, illus­ of the following contemporaries, and h·ated by moving pictures, was given apologise if we have omitted any:­ by the Vacuum Oil Company on the "The Black Swan"; "The Avon." December, 1929 7 \ ,I I ~. ( _I I,; • • I ' CORRESPONDENCE Dear Mr. Editor,- atmosphere came one day a small boy, With the near approach of Armis­ weak and puny, tearful and afraid. tice Day and its associated memori e~ . Unaccustomed to anything but a small one's mind runs back to the O-ld Co untry School, his distress was ob­ School in 1914, and to those gallant vious to all, and for the first few days "Elder Brethren" who, in making the tear were never very far from his Supreme Sacrifice, founded for P.M.S.
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