MDNDAT, FEBRUABT IMS iHanrfrretrr Dally amdaUea ter-n .’ laotb *f too assy. ISI for temorrow atobt-oa- a propooal "A* Tott Writa, So You Ara," to Richard and Roger Luko, twin that the town sat aoMa monay for a the UUa of tba talk which Virginia aona of Mr. and Mra. Joaaph Uiko Engaged to Wed List Meetpiig raaarva' fond. TIi* bodgst dbas 9,452 Draw, wldaly known handwriting of 30 DivUlon atreet.. wlU enter make provlakm for tba allotmant ana^at, win give to the membara E ^ant collage, Provldenca, R. L, of a larg* amOubt o f aohoot-u of tbe Women’a Oub thla evanlng tomorrow. The brother* graduat­ Of Directors monay. aoou MT plamfiag and an- ytm M m t U n ed with the 1046 cloaa from Man- M anekester^ City of Fttlage Charm ______ i*«i ot Ntw Bri­ at tbe South Metbodlat church. glnaanng, som* for aaaargani iSira. Dwight Perry and Mra. cheater High achool and have classroom space and soma tor tb* -t o tain, wU BMlw iMt otfldnl vlalt been employed at Qulnn'a Phar­ To Hold PubUc Hear- purehas* of a sita'tor on* ot tba (TWELVE PAGES) PKiarfoiii€i|ill to AadOTaoa-WiM Aunlllnry, V. Richard T. Owen* ara co-chair­ MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1848 men of tbe hoateu committee. macy. three now elementary schools .y o u LXVH., NO. 128 r.W„ nt ite BMttlac tomorrow ing on the Budget To- wMeb hov* bean recommondad for V • ’ Moattor at «ickt e’ooek la tlio The Poat Miatreaa Club o f Manebastor. rM t fonmo. MaiMitootm Oroon. The H<dy Innocent* Mothera Clr- morroB^ Evening ela will meet Wedneaday evening Daughter* of Uberty No. 135, U /y limecRTCX, TiM color fcMww win hnro a ro- at tbe home of Ura. Cheater Free­ O.L.I., will meet with Peat Worthy Dig for Victhns of Jerlisalem Bomhing GvilRighte baaraal at T:80 O M p. Omimn art man of 134 Branford atreet. Miatreaa Mra. Tillie Uhdaay of Tbe Board of Dlr*c(ors will bold loniiaatoil to wear tboir uniform*. a formal pubilo b oai^ and dla- Proposes Big Five Wallace Says Peace 88 Edgerton atreet. Wedneaday A MOlal tlBM with rofreahmonU Sunday echoed teachera of Zion evening at eight o’clock. cusoton of the ravtoad municipal m td e StiU wm fallow the earamonjr. Lutheran church will meet tomor­ budget, as racommandad t o Gam row evening at 7:80. I meeting of the Roaary Group aral Manager Oaom H. Waddell, iumhiun o f Maaohaator Lodte of the Children of Mary of S t tomorrow night ’Aa haaflng win Tafik on Palestine Not Abated a( Mat—** ara aakod to moot at Group No. 19M wUl hold a *I«- Jamea’a church will be held at 7:80 be held In th* Munlelplil btnldtaig \ \ Demands Approach ttvt ICaaoalo Tampla at two o'clock dal meeting tonight at 7:80 2^ tonight at the home of Mr*. Marie at 8 p. m. and any taxpayer may tomorrow attomooa to attoad toi a North atreet to take action on the Robba of 6 Charter Oak atreet appear and comment on th* Itoma. When Minute$ body the fnaaral of Worahlfful death of Paul Parciak. who we* a iBach item will b* oonoldarad. Southern GovernorsFire llaatar Irvine M. Wickham to be member. ’The new Catholic Mothera Cir­ and <piestlons may b* asked and Count Witii Arabs, Jews New Attadi Against bald at S:M at Bt Mary*a Bplaco- cle, aponaored by the Holy Inno- will be answered. No actloa will pal churtfi. Tba ICaaoalc funeral Memorial Temple, Pythian Sla­ centa Circle, wiU hold iU flrat be taken on the budget during tbe ItoTO year daotor teie- Democratic Leaders; Soviets atrviea wU ba ooaductad at tba ter*, wlU meat tomorrow evening meeting Friday evening at eight haarlng, aa tba dadskm wlu. b* pbana bla prsaorlptlaa in Odd Fellow* halL The buaineaa o’clock with Mr*. William J. Gab- made by tba Bokrd-,of Dtracton United S'utea Urges Headway Seen Made eiara la tba Baaf cemetery by In axacutlve aeaalaa. Is O tM m y avsr dnr’prt- ONLY Keough Given gidnay Hanlaon, Senior Warden aeaaion will be foUowed with a bey of 68 Union atreet when, a vat* pratoaalaaal wire far Gonferenee in Effort aocial time and refreahmente. Mr*. name will be choaen. The new According to tantatlva aatlmatas Fint Step lii of tba lodn- ao far made, tba budget as recom­ Isainadtola defivrry to Washington. Fab. 24—(F)—Th* Helen Henry and member* of the circle ia for mothera of pre-achool Mloa CaroUae Fuller To Settle. Palestine civil rights war within Democratic Shaold B e Manobaatar Liodse of ICaaona atanding entertainment commit­ and primary children. Tomorrow mended by General Manager Wad* Goldeii Staff Police Now Watch will bold Ito n fu m r oommunlca' tee will be in charge. evening All Saints Mothera Circle ... t. ilvll nuty b* apnrovad on a 33 mUL ProUemt Redges Pol­ ranks raged unabatad today, firad *Some New Faeee Ife Mr. and Mra. Walter Fuller of poaalbly a 3 1 mlU tax rata, tba by a new attack of aoutharn gov­ tlon la tba Tam|de at 7:80 tonaor> will meet at the home of Mra. Compton, California, annoimce tba lower figure dapanding on a ealeu- icy Win Gonfonn With Mr. and Mra. Edward Ingrahant Mary Cambria, 50 Ardmore Road. W ELDON'S ' Of New Post ernors on tha party’s high com­ Executive Branch o t of Milford were recent vlaltora of engagement of their daughter, laUon that th* Board of Tlax R»- United Nations Action Social Democrats relatlvea In town. ’The Fellowcraft Club will meet to stewsTt Taggort son diminish tb* grand ; M l MAIN BTBBBT mand. Govemmeat;* Teatiffee Caroline, to Stew^ T agg^ ,^ aubmlttad by tb* Four Dixie governors, fresh ____ ... ' thla evening at 7 o’clock in tbe Ma- of Mr. and Mra. WllUam F. T ^ - ' -- More Than 2,000 Digni­ M e m b era of Anderaon-Shea No action has bean scheduled Lake Success, Feb. 24—</F) from • a meeUng with National In Oppoetekm to dni PUBUC aonlc Temiuc, and leave at 7:80 for gart of 111 Cooper Hll street Score of Cuech Security Poat No. 3040. and auxiliary, the Watkina Funeral home In tri­ -The United States proposed taries See Prelate In­ Chairman J. Howard McGrath, House Passes Marshall Plan lar STENOGRAPHER will meet thla evening at 7:80 at bute to Irving Wickham. Mr. Seaman. First Class. ’Taggart is t Police Enter ' Haorf- Watkina Funeral home to pay that the five big pow- stalled as Archhtshop pinmiaed to iisa "whatever means W lckhaif waa Worahipful Maater the youngest aon of Mr. and Mrs. t : Reeovety of Enroj^ their reaped* to Mra. Sarah Pent- of Manchester Lodge of Masons begin immediate talks are nacasaanr" to block President quarters Late ■ Today; I ■ » I ■ in F. Bf. BRODERICK Taggart H* has been with tbe O f Baltimore See Truman’s Tset equality program. Stop-Gap Act Die. Sts Slala St land, whoae daughter*, Mra. Geor­ and any Mason will be welcome to with Arabs and Jews in an gina Vince and Mra. Sarah Rob- attend this meeting. Navy for about two years and for Aa>a<claar indication of what Reds Seek Full Control Wsshinxttm. Fsb. 24-H«) Tai S-IMS the past six months stationed . In etfort to settle the Palestine BalUmore, Feb. 34— m — The thay have <n mind, tha four de­ — Hsniy' A. WaUsce told Inaon, are auxiliary member*. Her Diaper, Set problem. At the same time, G>veriiigRent -HO, Jack Pentland, waa formerly Miss Eleanor Stevenson of 45 Saipan, in the Mariana Islands. Most Rev. Prancis Patrick clared in a formal atatament: Prague, Feb. 24 — (IP)— A fficss today peacs demands a a member of tbe poat. Wadsworth atreet has returned Prior to enlisting he was emploired the United States pledged Kaough received the golden staff Ns Laager "In tka Bog" score of Czechoslovak secur­ nsw approMh tosrard Russia to her home from St. Fraancis by th* Arrow, Hart A Hegeman that its Palestine polisy "will "The sou Jiem atatea are aroused Maacbeater Grange member* I ' symbolic of his new duties as and tha present leaderahip of the ity police, armed with bxy- One Month Extension and the first step should be: IT'S hoopltal, and will be glad to have Company of Hartford. “Pin-Ups” conform to and be In aupport of onetted rifles, entered the are re<|ue*ted to meet in front of her friends call at their conven­ No dato has been .aet for t!.e * • United Natlona action on Palaa- archbishop of tba pramiar (fotho- DemocraUc party will soon real- Of Controls V o^; “some new faoee tn ttae exec­ Watkina Funeral Home tonight at ience. wedding. ttae." lic aa* of the country today In Ixe that the South la ao longer .‘In headquarters of the Social utive branch of the govens- aeven o’clock, and in a body pay Little leveHcs for yoor lovtly * Ready to hang Mnrt Aet to Baltimore's old cathedral. the bag.’ ” Democratic party late today. Move to Kill CiitlMi ment,” When he named his i i h a tribute to Irving Wickham, Httle darHnf. Pretty and prac- * Matching tie- Chief U. S. DelMate Warren R. More than 3,000 church and lay Deslpte hla blast McGrath ap­ who for aeveral term* waa Maater * 2V^ yards long The. move of the Communist- second step, the jthird patty t>ackt irKliided * Aualln. told the .United.Unit -Natlona dignitarias—including six .
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