o \{! /lí GLEIMIM ROBIIMSOIM Page 3 KALENDAR November 24, 1976 STEPPING OUT w ith ken dickmeuui ACT'S FLUFF OF VANITIES House last week with one of the slickest, most enjoyable acts around. Sophisicated Presently at the Marines Memorial camp, Hawaiian shirt, flower between (Sutter 6 Mason) is the off-Broadway the teeth and a repetoire of original songs hit VANITIES written by Jack Heifher, makes PETER ALIJEN shine brightly. directed by Garlaixl Wright and brought to SF by ACT. This three act comedy/ He never pnishes aizything, makes it all drama centers on three females follow­ a matter of fact, and appeals to gays ing them from their high.school cheer- and straight alike. From "Listen to the leading days, thru college sorority events, Music" to the tribute to Judy Garland and into adulthood. Interesting? Only This edition contains 751 listings includ­ The panel is scheduled for Satiuday, "There's a Lady on the Stage" Allen's SUING THE PRISON PROTEST slightly. Funny? Well, yes. A hit? program is well rounded. Two South ing Law Libraries which offer services 1:30-3 p. m. Speakers include Janet I'm afraid not. METHODISTS STEILACOOM, WA - On Sept. 29, in­ to prisoners, and is believed to b e the Cooper, Philadelphis, on problems in American numbers "Continental Amer­ mates at McNeal Island Federal prison most comprehensive directory of its gay research; Prof. Deborah Core, Kent ican" and "When My Baby Smiles at Me, WASHINGTON, D.C. - A Washington went on strike due to poor food and kind. State, on methods of dealing in the I Go to Rio" provide the right rhythms man is sating the Wesley T heological generally poor conditions, according to classroom with literary portrayals of to fly away from it all, Seminary, a school run by the United prison gay activist John Gibbs. Demands The PRISONERS YELLOW PAGES is homosexuality; Prof. Diana Culbertson, Methodist Church, for refusing him en­ included better food, better conditions free to prisoners and is available to Kent State, "Genesis and Dante on Allen is nervous himself. He has been trance to its Master of Divinity program for inmates in solitary (Gibbs has been non-prisoners for $2.00. As there is 'Sodomy'"; Prof. Raymond Frontain, at the show biz game a long time; marr­ because he is openly gay. As reported in solitary confinement since his trans­ only a limited supply, orders will be Purdue, "Paiderestia: Gay Values in ied to Liza Minnelli for a while and been by Adam DeBaugh in the BLADE, C har­ fer to McNeal last summer).' Other im­ filled on a first-come-first-serve basis Teaching English"; and Itef. Julia thru it alL But because of this, his aud­ les R. Butler III told officials upon app­ portant demands included the recognition wl th prisoners taking priority. Requests Stanley, Nebraska, "The Lerfjian Per­ ience becomes relaxed and attentive to lication that he would seek ordination of all inmate groups, including the for the PRISONERS Y&LOW PAGES spective. " Prof. Louie Crew is chair­ his music and lyrics. He tries even more, in the gay-oriented Metropolitan Comm­ right to liold cultural classes by gays, should be sent ta: Yellow Pages, c/o person of the panel and Prof. Karen dances on stage, plays the piano, plays unity Church and not in the United Me­ blacks and Indians. A Mexican culture Universal Fellowship Press, P. O. Box Keener is the associate chairperson. the maracas, and hardly sweats. PETER thodist Church. class was reportedly disbanded by offici­ 5570, Los Angeles, Ca. 90055 and all ALLQ4, refreshing, sophisticated, and als who accused its members of leading checks should be made out to Universal For additional information, contact: alive. Check him out next time aroimd. However, in a letter dated June 30, 19’’5, the strike. Fellowship Press. "We have an active Dr.' Julia Stanley, Dept, of English, Butler was informed that the Admissions ministry in 96 institutions, " said Rev. Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 68508, CHUCK LARGENT REVIEW ABOUT TOWN PETER ALLEN Committee had voted not to admit him After four days 19 inmates were shipped Bob Aititur, National Administrator, or Dr. Louie Crew, Dept, of English, | r because of "the position of the United out of the prison, and 50 others were "and both prisoners and prisoner supp­ Fort Valley State College, Fort V allc’, Just happened to catch the CHUCK LAR- Methodist Church regarding the ordin­ placed in solitary confinement under ort groups are finding the Yellow Pages G a. 31030. G O iT REVIEW at O riginal Jackson's on ation of declared homosexuals. " The charges of agitation. Gibbs urges that one of their most effective resources. " (Gay Community News) Powell St. this last weekend and unfor­ The three shows were varied using mat- were performers and good singers. other reason for his rejection was "your concerned individuals write letters of (Gay Community News) tunately, this coming weekend, Sunday, M al ^ in such shows as "L'il Abner, Nov. 28 is the last performance at Jack- sponsorship by the Metropolitan Comm­ protest to L.R. Putnam, Warden, McNeal The idea of watching three girls grow n-ii? n “ Mary Sundiine, New Faces, Oscar Jackson took on the hard job of unity Church." Island Federal Prison, Steilacoom, WA. son's, I believe that it may reappear at Billie Barnes" and some work of Gersh­ doi^ "Home" from "Wiz"; Jimmy PICKETING THE to womanhood is very prevalent these the 527 Club later. 98388. days and makes room for social comm­ win, Porter, etc. What could have Quinn did a hilarious WWII song, "The Butler has appealed to the Wasliington, (Gay Community News) BATHS ent. Heifner has taken a good idea and been a brash afternoon turned into the VD Polka"; and Martin White succeeded D.C. Human Rights Commission, claim­ SAN FRANCISCO - About 200 gay men Regardless, I usually avoid such lounge perfect San Francisco Winter after brunch with the difficult "How Long Has This only skimmed the surface for VANITIES shows, because the bars are usually too ing unlawful discrimination against him turned out to demonstrate against the comes out shallow. The situations are cocktail show. It was not slick, by any Been Going On. " Jose made a perfect under Title 34 of the D.C. code. The KISS ME QUICK Club Baths here on Oct. 16. The San noisy, the material too loud, and the means, and the cast and audience were Little Mary as he did "Look For a Sky sketched rather than explored, and there audience is usually inattentive. But be­ commission has agreed to look into the Francisco Club Baths, no relation to is plenty here for gutsy dramatics. But quite aware of it, but nevertheless it of Blue" and the ridiculous number case. cause part of the family, namely Joe SAN BERNADINO, CA - A San Bema- the national chain of the same name, when it's over, you forget it and won­ was fun and very relaxed. The singers "Tanya Conway and Her Fellas." Mr. (Gay Community News) dino Appellate Court has upheld the have been accused of discrimination der why you came out and left Maude Vigil, made a guest appearance, I Joined made it come through clearly that they Vigil did a 30s ditty, "Singing in the convictions of two local men for "lewd against blacks, older men, effeminate at home in the daik. Bathtub" and "Be Happy" from Minnie's PROF GOES TO and dissolute conduct." The pair, ages men and political activists. Recently Boys. " COURT 21 and 23, was arrested at a highway a Superior Court judge in San Francisco The'humor is abundant however, for an rest area after police observed them ruled in favor of a man who was refused enjoyable evening of fluff as the Cheer­ For a small playing area, under Largent's WILMINGTON, DE - Richard Aumiller, kissing for an hour and 40 minutes. De-- admission to the Baths because he was leaders decide on what song should be direction and lighting control, the group the University of Delaware teacher whose fense attorneys argued unsuccessfully w earing a BAGL (Bay Area G ay Liberat­ the theme of the school football dance. kept the show moving and the two 45 contract was not renewed on the grounds that the law was unconstitutionally ion) T-shirt. A film benefit for KPFA and La Pena, Friday, December 3rd at 8:00 and 9:30 "Theme from the Apartment" was my minute segments speed by. of "advocating homosexuality, " appear­ vague and that similar conduct by a choice. Their problems concern the ed in US District Court here on Sept. 13, man and a woman would not have re­ The demonstration was endensed by a p. m. at La Pena, 3105 Shattuck A v e ., Beriteley. Tickets $2.00 high school band playing "Moon River" The major flaw in the show, however, to file suit against the university. The sulted in arrest and conviction. Each wide range of Bay Area gay organizations when a touchdown is made, and is it is the unnamed pianist who was more president's decision not to re-hire Au­ man was fined $125 and ordered to re­ including SIR (Society for Individual I'The Holy Ghost People'' a film by Peter really the President of the Student Coun­ interested in reading the music in front miller came after Aumiller, who was gister as a sex offender, in accordance Rights), BAGL, the A lice B. Toklas cil that got diot on November 22, 1973? of him than in the performers who were faculty advisor to the campus gay or­ wiUi California law.
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