Nomenclaturalnotes and new taxa in the Conostylis aculeatagroup (Haemodoraceae) By StephenD. Hopper+ Abstract On the basisof detailedfield strLdies of lhe Co osrilisaculeata R.Br. gro.up andan examinationof specimensai themajor Australian berbaria, (i) C. robustt! Dielsis reinstatedas a speciesdistinct from C. acaleara,(ii) confusionconc.erning the ideniityol C. stylidioidesF. Muell. is clarified:this speciesis redescribed a1ldC. prolifercBenth. is r'einslatedas a distinctspecies; and (.iit\C. aculeata ssp.hrevifotu ssp. nov. and C. puLrcif{orasp. nov. are described;both are reslrictedendemics of the westerncoastal region of the SouihWest Botanical Provinceof w.A. A keyto the 7 speciesnow recognized in lhe C. acule.taEtoup is provided. Introduction The Conostylisq(uleatq R.Bt. group consists of a complex of sevenspecies of perennialherbs whicb are restrictedto the westerncoastal plain and nearby plateau regions of south-westernAustralia. The group forms part of the sectior Cor?orryl/.'(Bentham 1873; Geerinck 1969), and is characterizedby leaves with marginal spines or setae,numerous ovules borne all over the placentalsurface, and a basicchromosome number of x : 8. The taxonomy of this speciescomplex has been notably problematical in previonssystematic studies of the genus. Severalauthors have commented on difficultiesin delimiting taxa (Bentham 1873; Ewart 1906; Domin l9l2; Green 1960). Indeed,herbarium studies leave the impressionofa polymorphic but intergradingassemblage ofpopulations wjth few fornrsthat are consistently distinct throughout their geographicalrange. Elsewhere,the present author has shown that both hybridization and ecologically-correlatedintraspecific variation occur in speciesofthe C. aculeqta group near Dawesville on the Swan Coastal Plain (Hopper 1977). It was there denonstrated that while the identification of specimensfrom this region could be difficult in the herbarium, critical lield observatiorlsenabled the satisfactoryplacement of individuals into morphologically definable species and/or their hybrids. This work suggestedthat a wider field study of popu- lation variation and ecologywould facilitatea sound taxonomicunderstanding of the C. aculeqtq group as a whole. The present publication seeks to formalize necessarychanges in the tax- onomy of the group arisirrgout of detailed field surveysconducted in 1975 and 1976and a critical examinationof herbariumspecimens lodged at PERTH, UWA, AD, MEL, NSW, CANB, CBG, NE and BRl. This researchhas revealed (i) evidence in favour of the reinstateruent of C. robusta Diels as a good species,(ii) past confusion concerningthe application of the name C. stvliclioidesF. Muell.. and (iii) the existenceof two undescribed taxa While it is felt that present information allows for a reasonably sound assessmentof the speciessituation in lhe C. aculeatagroup, a number of problems regarding the status of infraspecific taxa remain unresolved, par- * Botany Department,University of WesternAustralia, Nedlands, W.A. 6009 and WesternAustralian Herbarium, Department of Agriculture,Ceor'ge Street, Sou{h Perth, w.A.615l. 254 s,,u?qluegr'ql u.,noqse^Eq'n"rn uoro',J.i"oeqr ur,{llerredso'sarpnlspleg,, r"ql 'llenl^I ') 8uD?ts g sapTolpylrQsJ ropun {Luouou,{s ot qrueg DSow p.t pLte 'q]rreg 'sllltsouo) Dta/jp.rd , pecnper (0961) uearD Jo uorsl^er srq uI 'q1uag 'llonl{ 'C eragllo.rd'J pu€ saprolpll,{lssllf,lsouoJ Jo d]puapl aql 'serceds lcurlsrpE sEDtsnqot p azruSocer {ltuenbesuocpue'dnor8 eq} ur sercedsJaqlo qsln8ullsrpol pesn esorll qll\\ alqEjpdlrroceJ€ ,,irnqor puB ott)aln)Dueo,rleq seJua.reJrpI"JrSolorldJoLrt eqt 1"rJl JeprsuoJ sercadseurrs oql ssrleu"A(rrr) lo 'sarJedserurs eql jo serceds I Jo 'sarcads -q[s olq"qsrn8urlsrp,{ll€crEoloqdJoruro/pue FctSoloca (r) el?J?dos (D se ueql pl"?er ol ere suorldo rrurouoxel SuIuIe[Ier eqI eJq"uelra8uoJ ou sr sercedsqns se oloaryJo pua ptsnqo.r'3 jo uotltuSocer ',{lq?reprsuoclecrqde:8oe8 ) eql d€l.renoseBuBJ l"uorlnqulsrp rroq} erurS (l 8rC) Ile,r sB eJnlJllrls ur lcurlsrp are ?x?l eql l€ql seleclPul tJtBqlz){ F, ptpaln)o 'J l€Jou', puB DJSnqo.r Jo suorl?lndod ,{qreeu uo ep"ur slueuelns"eur q}urrred 0I Jo (l/61 tueul,{el{ prrE rllrjcElg :9t61 reqsrg) sls^l€u€uoltcunJ lu?ultulrf, -srp E 'Je^oeJoJ^{ ,{e{ e^oq€ eql ur us^r8 srelc?Jeqc eqt uo elq"rlsln8ullsrp '(1 ,{lrprar ere suoq€lndodSuunoqq8reu rreql pu" 3rg) serlrlecolJo lequnu " le reqlo qJ"e ()1flrulryord esolc ur JnJJo ol u,,!\ou{,rou e.r" sxel o,{\1eql 'e8u?J I€orqd€r8oe8lcuqsrp e-,{dncco ot pereeddr 1r taql pLrEDJDaIqJD ) Jo sruJoJ eure.uxeeruos uro{ qsrnburlsrp o1 llnsulp se,\\ 11l"ql sls"q eql uo (9961) ueerg f,q DpapJD , Jo sercedsqns" epetu se,r otsnqot stlltsouo) slarOBtsnqor srl,{lsouoJ Jo snlBtsJqI reddoHerourrnEd J (deqaupl 'q€rnporn uotlossng)stueulelg eqt uEqlra8sol 'Luu i C Z sraqlue:8uolLuru Sl-8 sre^\og:pporcl LULI Z t pueEuolrx39Z0l se^ea_I9 'qruo8er{rlord J '8uol (re rd uosrllcrnhl IroI) sluoLLrEIUaq1 orl Fnba + ruLuZ-I sreqlue:8uol luru €l , s.ro^\og:peorquLLr 0.2-S.0 puE Suol Lu:r 0l-l saABa'I9 'snoJeJltord 'olqrxeu trqeq:oeles leurS-reLu snoueJqlueur qtr^\so^eo'I e '.r8d slBrlnrE'J (ra^ru uosrrlcrnl-,{uEqlv) so^eolrqt ol Ienbe T ro ueql ratroqs,{ ensn seders:uaar3a^rlo'8uol LLrJ OS-9 poe qlpeerqullu S Scrpeerxa,{lererse^ee-I 9 \lerc elsnqoJ'J (re^rd uosrq.rnl -^\elleSurl se^cel eql ueq] reSuol qcnlu '8uol ) ,{ll€nsn sodros :tu$secnslS .{ltureJ Lui O9-Sl pue peorq ulu 9l-9 se^Eel S 'pBorq 't LuLu9l Z 1€g se^eel 'Ilent elloJltg I :) 'oloratqns (,{e{ ueunl uolSuruuB]) pEorq LULLIZ-I ro eleral se^"e'I t 'sno.rolrloJd ol esolrdseeJlrqeq :sourdsIeurBJBLu luaBund'ol€rnpur'pr8u qlud se^ee'I € 'qse:rJuaq.^l eprsur ,\\oJJe,{,{LUEeJi seqol qluelrod :atlos Jo seurdsIeurfjetu JoJ ld3JxesnojqelS'uooJ8 sa^ea1 I 'Ilentr t C soplolpll,{ls'J (puelsl SolrpH )l.lr( I€.,reltel ) 9I - u Jrqtunu oLuosoruorqc:sno.reJrlord trqeq :peorclLuur I ueqt ssalpue Suoi urc S I so^E.'I Z 'lpu suurlpuBJ'J I 're^rl{ ({eg eqs dnroBIE/\ t}ocs) 8 - u roqunu eLuosoLuorq.:lseol oql reru snoJeJllord'puelulosotldseer trqEq :peorq tuLu9 Z puESuol rur 09 Ol se^ee'I Z :e'p qr,^\snorq?r' Bu'o,o."q ."*,r.*o.":tHit[itJ':i$i!il"i"t'#ilL%qH:'J:{ t dnorB eluopcr '3 aq1ur sarradso1 ,{ay 'pouroJuoJ sercodsoq:l Jo uorlnq -ulsrp eql tnorlSl.roJrlluorlerrr,l lecrSolooepue pcrqduSoeS jo serpnls lnja:rc lueue,tr surelqord sseql IpuE suD)tpuDJ J pou Dpalno J ul ,{p?lnJrl distinctions between C. stylidioides, C. prolifera and C. racemosa are quite unworkable; in one case, different parts of a single specimen fell into each of the three species". Bentham (1873) distinguished C. sttlidioides from the "leaves other two taxa primarily on leaf shape, It was described as having nearly terete, short and rigid", whereas C. prolifera atd C. racemosa have "leaves flaccid, very narrow but flat, green and grasslike or white only when very young". The latter species differed in that racemosa had flowers ] in. long in a loose raceme whereas proli/bra had somewhat shorter flowers rn a densehead. L r "L Figure 1. Geographical distribution ot Cotlosi,lls robusta (.blackcircles) and C. aculeata (open circles)in the Mingenew SharkBay areaand resultsof a discriminantfunction analysis of l0 fforal neasurementstaken on samplesof the two speciesfrom near Kalbarri. Camera lucida drawings of representativehalf-flowers are illustrated. Measurementslaken on half- flowers: l, perianth leDgth;2, style length; 3, ovary to baseof highestaniher; 4, ovary to base of lowestanther; 5, ovary to baseof lowestfilament; 6, perianth lobe length; 7, anthe. length; 8, perianth width acrosslobe bases;9, perianth width at the ovary; 10, perianth lobe width at the base. 256 L9Z ')lc€Il ^Jepunoq Suole peor uEur ru{ : (,{eg uor}els eleursJ ur{ 0Z '.Igbtt A 'V 'Z16I Jo S 'a,908.92 'S,29}reqs) Jo S nZ + atuoaDS roqualdes€ "€II "92 + V IA puelslSoueH 'druEctno,teg plereH reatJ:O69 puD DuplDD'T€6I 'euefv lJr( '926I llupDlg 'uolduequoN lsn8nv 8Z Jo N wl St :086I )aupnt y J requerdos 9Z Jo iA sefur 9 :ZEO'Iua^o) U '016I g ruIg.t'!e e)]letn.B9gl 'g '/11'Ot6l r6qu0ldes '€A\ollnllsn8nv 9Z'uotplErooJo 's 'It6I.6qur0ldesllDpDlS 'sureld IZ I pu€ eun^ uaat\]rq'.IIL lloltrDlg "41 Iz E.l.\ellnw:z/89 proag 'S 'f '€16I roqopo '.uorlets esnoH uoslqcrnt :,,C),,,D$tauDg '896I fet 'snorrnJ IZ '(HJUAd 1 t 6l tII Jo IANN srlrlu 9.€ ur pesnoq JIE)pautuoxa suaunads p)paps 'sur?ld 1eUro sodolsllrquo ,{ll?nsn'spues,ro11a,( ro peJ ,(lp ur qnrJs ooll?ur-rlrrrf ur ^llu?uruoperd sJnJco sorcodsaql 'pu?lsJ 3o ?H pue ^"9 01 uotplereD luo{ trs"oc eql UDI rrrqlr^\ '"rle.rlsny)rro )r"rls Jo 06 uJelsed\ Jo lse^\-qlnos eq1 (7 arn8rg) : wrlqoLl puD uotnql.ltsre '9I 'uees : u.taqwnu atuosowultC lou sPaas seln,\o snoJounu qlr,{ ro^ o lle peJe^oxDu r/r/ : s.raqlueeql uer{l raq8rq ,{llq8rls Jo rllr,r lo^el + Eru8nseql'8uo[ urru 8 g a/&r :8uol ruur g,Z I sJeqlu€'8uolulru Z I sluelu?lg 'elBu3srq f,11q8rlssriar.riaTs i,uro1le,{ uoplof octJ.rnsJ3uuI eql 'eqnl eql 'rrqtr^\ 'aprstno ot l€nbo + pu? 8uo[ Illru 9 t soqol eql snoJqelS osolu.ruol qluDuad:8uol lxur 6',ro1ef ueplo8 ea ol! se^eel egl ueql re8uol qrnur ^llEnsn '8uo[ ruc g edecs pepr^rpun eldurrs r uo euJtc etBlrtrdBc e a?uaJ 97 '(uc 'reeurl -satolluJ aprx ruur usrll ssal A. ,{11ensn)3uo1 uc ol dn 'alerolqns I 7-9. 1 'luelrnbeA 'snoqcrlsrp ot IEU esr,rJaqlo'esEq eql lE el"JrldnpuoJ 'eAE '3uno,{ qlr,t\ luecserqelS 3ultuoceq seruqeruos ueq,r esolueuol-^oJ8 '9,/a11. sad,oaT 3uo1 urJ 0Z ol dn suolols qtr^\ porlcu?rq ,4lsnoJ3JrloJd ') ( ueoslou :osr :]al/\l '.opti pp!{no'3irp' 'ruosrqcrn141srultunu €rur3r^ uI:uotto]n adtJ 'ut8"rg 'll3nl (y7 ern8rg) (gfgt) ft :8 tr C saprorpll,{lssrr,{tsouo}
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