Saint Gertrude Parish A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust 303 Franklin Ave • Vandergrift, Pennsylvania 15690 November 25, 2018 Christ the King Sunday Fr. James Loew, O.S.B. Pastor, (724) 568-2331 Fax: (724) 568-2030 Sr. Mercy Francis, S.M.I., Pastoral Minister Katie Tylinski (724) 212-6740 Regional Director of Faith Formation [email protected] Mr. James Peterman Assistant to the Regional Director of Faith Formation (724) 568-2331 or (724) 845-8191. Cardinal Maida Academy Mrs. Patricia Visnick, Principal School Phone (724) 568-3304 School Fax (724) 567-1900 Baptisms By appointment. Baptismal preparation is necessary. Call for classes Marriage Arrangements must be made at least 8 months in advance. No marriage dates will be given until meeting with the priest and all preparation is ready. Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 4:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. Pastoral Council Mission Statement Weekday Mass Schedule Monday, through Friday 8:30 a.m. We, the partnered parish communities of St. Gertrude and Christ the King, are Wednesday 9:15 a.m. School Mass faith-filled Catholics who have been called by our Baptism and empowered by the Good News of Jesus Christ to be Church for all. Although made up of multi- Holy Day Mass Schedule cultural faith communities we are ever united by our common faith. Holy Day ~ 9:00 am, 6:00 pm We are committed to “building up the Body of Christ” through Word, Worship, Evangelization, Leadership, Service, Stewardship, and Fellowship. Dedicated to Office Hours deepening our love of Christ and one another, together we strive to become a Monday-Thursday 9:00 am - 4:00 living reflection of Christ for our region. Friday– Closed We willingly accept our obligation to be the “Light of the World” for others and Confessions Saturday ~ 3:15-3:45 pm or in that spirit we promise to use our resources to practice gospel justice, to heal by appointment divisive wounds among God’s People and to join with all people of good will in addressing the spiritual and physical needs of all. ST. GERTRUDE PARISH The protest was so great that feast of Christ the King. It's Sanctuary Lamp in 1941 the day established by easy to understand today's In Memory of President Lincoln, the last scriptures as events that hap- All Veterans Thursday in November, was pened long ago and far away, By restored. If the Pilgrims had or predictions that will come The Pomatto Family known of the Martinmas con- true somewhere, some day. nection, they might never But they invite us to claim have celebrated at all! Christ as our King here and Treasures from Our Tradition now. Jesus' words to Pilate in Readings for the Week the Gospel remind us that his Although our Puritan forebears kingdom transcends time and at Plymouth Rock were almost Monday: Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5; Ps place. And the prophecies a hundred years removed from 24:1bc-4ab, 5-6;Lk 21:1-4 from Daniel and Revelation their Catholic roots, the old Tuesday: Rv 14:14-19; Ps give us reason to be faithful to liturgical calendar still had an 96:10-13; Lk 21:5-11 Christ our King right here and unconscious claim on their Wednesday: Rv 15:1-4; Ps 98:1 right now. By concluding the hearts. We've already seen -3ab, 7-9; Lk 21:12-19 year with this feast we are how on Saint Martin's Day, No- Thursday: Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; proclaiming our faith that Je- vember 11, medieval conti- 19:1-3, 9a; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk sus Christ is the one and only nental Europe observed a 21:20-28 King over all seasons, all peo- great harvest day of Thanks- Friday: Rom 10:9-18; Ps 19:8- ples, and all of creation. No giving, with games, dances, 11; Mt 4:18-22 matter what nation we belong parades, and a festive dinner Saturday: Rv 22:1-7; Ps 95:1- to or what language we speak, of roast goose. With the goose 7ab; Lk 21:34-36 he "has made us into a king- went ample draughts of "Saint Sunday: Jer 33:14-16; Ps 25:4- dom" (Revelation 1:6)--one Martin's Wine," the first wine 5, 8-10, 14; 1 Thes 3:12 -- 4:2; people united in love and of the new harvest. Martinmas Lk 21:25-28, 34-36 peace for all celebrated full barns and lar- ders stocked for the winter. Today’s Readings Even after the Reformation, the tradition of eating goose First Reading -- One like a Son on Saint Martin's Day was re- of man received dominion, Our Lord Jesus Christ, tained in Holland, and it was glory, and kingship (Daniel King of the Universe there that our Pilgrims en- 7:13-14). November 25, 2018 countered this tradition. When Psalm -- The Lord is king; he is Jesus Christ is the faithful Governor Bradford sent four robed in majesty witness, hunters out into the Massachu- (Psalm 93). the firstborn of the dead setts wilderness in the autumn Second Reading -- Jesus and ruler of the kings of the of 1621, they did indeed find Christ is the faithful witness, earth. some geese and ducks, and the firstborn of the dead -- Revelation 1:5ternity. were persuaded by the indige- (Revelation 1:5-8). nous people to try turkey, too. Gospel -- For this I came into Just as the liturgical calendar the world, to testify to the has been tweaked over the truth (John 18:33b-37). years, President Roosevelt moved Thanksgiving to the Christ is King third Thursday in November in 1939, probably to extend the On the final Sunday of the li- Christmas shopping season. turgical year we celebrate the Christ the King Sunday November 25, 2018 December 1st & 2nd $162 in cash donations will be Magill’s Grill (3210 Leechburg sent to Appalachian Outreach to Road, Lower Burrell, PA 4:00p.m. ~ Derek & Zachary be distributed to needy individu- 15068). The topic of the even- Hald als in Southern West Virginia and ing is “Living Faithfully in a Kentucky. Sinful World.” Food will be 8:00a.m. ~ Nicholas & Joey provided, and ba- DiFilippio Spaghetti Dinner bies in carriers are welcome Invite a friend! For fur- 10:30a.m. ~ Domenic Ministries asked to provide desert ther information, please con- Dellemonache and/or work at the November 29 tact Ariel at ASchroed- Lauren Paullet Spaghetti Dinner—Youth ministry [email protected] or and Lectors. Katie at KTylin- [email protected] Bethlehem Project Catholic Daughters of America or find us on Facebook at The- ology on Tap in the AK Valley ( The Bethlehem Project, a min- The CDofA Court 1008 Annual @akvalleytot). No need to istry of Blessed Sacrament Ca- Christmas Party is December 4th RSVP, just show up! thedral (BSC), will hold a at 6:00 PM in the Church Social “Home for the Holidays” Raffle Hall. Cost is $18.00 per Guests. Diocesan Pilgrimage Blog on Sunday, December 16, 2018. Guests of members are welcome. The Bethlehem Project helps Bishop Malesic continues to lead the For reservations call Elaine 724- diocesan pilgrimage through the Holy those facing homelessness in 568-3310 or place reservation in Land. You are invited to follow this Central Westmoreland County. collection basket marked journey of faith on a diocesan Two types of tickets are availa- CD of A Christmas Party. Reserva- blog. The blog includes photos, vide- ble: a Sports and Leisure raffle tions are due in by November os and explanations of the holy sites ticket with a chance to win on the pilgrimage. You can access 30th. the blog directly through the link Penguins Tickets, Steeler Tick- below. https:// ets or a wine and liquor basket; Angel Tree www.dioceseofgreensburg.org/blogs/ and a Basket Raffle ticket with the-holy-land-pilgrimage/ a chance to win one of many This Christmas parishioners of St default.aspx prizes. A $10 donation is sug- You can also ‘Like Us’ on Facebook Gertrude Church will again be and view pilgrimage photos and vide- gested. For tickets or more in- helping those in need, with our os there: https:// formation on the raffle or angel trees. The angels will be www.facebook.com/ Bethlehem Project contact available starting the weekend of dioceseofgreensburg/ Katie Zuzik, at BSC at 724-834- November 24-25th, and we ask 3710 ext. 11 or that the wrapped gifts be re- [email protected] th rg turned by December 16 . We If you have any suspicion about the thank you for your continued sup- sexual abuse (or any other type of port of this important project. abuse) of a minor child by anyone — please contact PA Childline immediate- Santa Shoebox Project ly at 1-800-932-0313. If the alleged Theology on Tap in the A-K Val- abuser is functioning in a parish, school The St. Gertrude Conference of ley or diocesan position as clergy, religious, paid staff or volunteer you are also re- St. Vincent dePaul thanks those Calling ALL young adults (single, quested to contact the Bishop’s Dele- from St. Gertrude and Christ gate for Matters of Sexual Misconduct the King who participated in married, parents, etc.)! Join us after you have called the Childline the recent Santa Shoebox Pro- for Theology on Tap in the AK number and made the report. The ject. Fifty-three shoeboxes (27 Valley on Thursday, November 29 Bishop’s Delegate may be reached at 724-837-0901, Ext. 1221.
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