ILLUSTRATION ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Courtesy or the Tennessee State Library and Archives: 14, 17, 22, 116, 258 ••• Courtesy of Hrs. Charles P. Luckett: 19, 268 • • • Courtesy of Frederic Rosengarten, Jr.: 72 • Courtesy or University Hfcroff lms International (rrom Helgs 0. Frost, "lost Facts About Fll I buster's Sweetheart Unearthed," Tiaea-Picavune New Orlean& State Sep. 26, 1937): 80. 146 ••• Courtesy of Hiss Margaret Lindsley Warden: 126, IB4a. 262 ••• Courtesy of the Historic New Orleans Collec­ tion, Museum/Research Center, Ace. No. 74.25.6 .36 -- Negro rowing Girod cemetery: 152 ••• Courtesy of the Latin Ameri­ can Library, Tulane University: IB4b, 264 ••• Courtesy of the Education Library of the Jean and Alexander Heard Library, Vanderbilt University (formerly Joint University Libraries): 260. The portrait on page 268 was painted by J. W. and E. L. Dodge in Nashvi lie. Tennessee, on November 20, 18--. The other three WI II I am Wa I ker portraits are undated and the painter or photographer unidentified. The photograph on page 14 was reproduced from a newspaper cl ippl ing; it had appeared in William 0. Scroggs' Filibusters and Financiers. originally published In 1916. BIBLIOGRAPHY A. WJUIA/t WALKER'S WRITINGS I. WALKER'S ltAHUSCRIPTS Letter to Aunt Janet (Mrs. Wyatt Collier) 8/28/1830. Box wl. No.5-W. Tennessee State Library and Archives. University of Nashville. "Minutes of the Agatheridan Society." (Mar 10. May 19. 26. June 2. 18381. George Peabody College for Teachers' Library (Nashville): Letters to John Berrien Lindsley. 111ss Margaret Lindsley Warden's private holdings. Nashville: Date from Nov 6 1841 Philadelphia Dec 30 1841 Philadelphia Jul 15 1843 Paris Nov 14 1843 Paris 11ar 27 1844 London 11ay 17 1844 London Nov 19 1844 Venice Feb 25 1846 New Orleans Apr 3 1846 New Orleans Jun 4 1846 New Orleans Jan 21 1847 New Orleans Sep 5 1847 Pascagoula 11ar iB 1848 New Orleans Nov 26 1855 Granada. Nicara9ua 272 Willia• Walker 2. WALKER'S PUBLISHED II(XJ(S AND ARTICLES "Venice, Its Government and Commerce." Commercial Review of the South and west Vo1.3 #1. January 1847. "Htstotre de Ia Loulstane." commercial Review of the south and West Vol.3 #4. April 1847. Dailv crescent (New Orleans), 1848: "The Htsstsstppt at Htdnlght." Har 6 p2 cS "Hero Presidents." Har 10 p2 c4 "The Trtst Treaty." Har II p2 c3 "University Studies." Apr II p3 c2 The Unttv of Art. Nashvt lie: A. Nelson. "Record" Office. 1848. Dailv Crescent <New Orteansl: Harch 1849 7 p2 cl "To the Pub I tc. • 7 p2 c2 "Warehousing System." 8 p2 c2 "Cobden's Retrenchment Reform." 9 p2 cl "Hacready's Werner." 9 p2 c2 "Pay of American Diplomatic Agents." 10 p2 c3 "H. Strokosch." 12 p2 c2 "General Shields." 12 p2 cS "Hacready's Hamlet." 14 p2 cl "The Greek Slave, at the State-House." 14 p2 c2 "Unionist Tendencies." IS p2 c2 "The Inauguration Batt at Washington." 16 p2 c2 "Hacready's Reading of Hamlet." 17 p2 cl "St. Patrick's Day." 17 p2 c2 "Huntctpat Finances.• 19 PI cl "French Finances." 19 p2 c2 "Hunlctpat Finances --The Funding System." 20 p2 c2 "The Cleanliness of the City." 20 p.2 c3 "Hacready's Reading of Hacbeth." 21 p2 c2 "Italian Affairs." 22 p2 cz "Receotton of Ex-President Polk." 22 p2 c3 "Senator Houston to his Constituents." 22 pZ c3 "Hr. Kenda II on the Ita llans." 23 P2 c2 "Dinner to Ex-President Polk." Bibllographg 273 23 p2 c3 "Revision of United State' Laws.• 24 P2 c2 "Navigation Laws.• 26 p2 cZ "Navigation Laws.• 26 pZ c4 "Etude sur le passions ••• • 28 pZ c3 "Public Offices." 29 pZ cZ "Mr. Reynolds on Mr. Saunders." 30 pZ cZ "flnanclerlng.• 31 P2 c2 "American Thoughts on European Revolutions." Apr I I 1849 3 p2 cZ "News by the Canada. • 4 p2 cZ "The British In India.• S PZ cl "The weather • • • " S pZ c2 "The Russians In Transylvania.• 6 PZ c3 "Russia and the United States." 7 p2 c2 "Generals Scott and Taylor." 12 p2 cZ "Condition of California.• 12 p2 c3 • John H. Botts. • 12 p3 cS "Deceptive Tokens.• 13 pZ c2 "Cuba. • 14 p2 cZ "State of Brazil." 16 p2 cl "The Weather." 16 P2 c3 "Parties and Offices." 17 PZ cZ "Navigation Laws." 19 pZ c2 "French Interference In Italy." 19 p3 cs "Caught the Fever.• 20 p2 cZ "Military Education.• 21 p2 cl "Powers' Jackson.• 2S pZ cl "Fine Writing." 2S pZ c2 "MI lltary Academies." ZS p3 c6 "A Sad History. • 26 p2 c2 "Col. Fremont's Letters --Their Psychological Facts.• 27 p2 c2 "Indian Depredations on the Rio Grande.• 27 p3 c6 "Why Huggins degenerated Into Muggy.• 28 p2 c2 "The New State Engineer." Hay 1849 I p2 c2 "The Parisian Press.• 2 p2 cl "The Surveyor General." 3 P2 cl "Burning of Brescia." 4 p3 cS "The New Chief of Pollee.• S p2 cl "American Theatre." 274 WJllJam Walker 5 p2 c2 "The State Engineer.• 7 p2 cl "The Wars of the World." 8 p3 cS "A Medley.• 10 p2 c2 "Irish Deaths In New Orleans.• 12 p2 c2 "Art and Nationality.• 14 p2 cl "Important Fact.• 18 p2 c2 "New Patent Medicine.• 19 p2 c2 •overrlow of the Cemeteries.• 26 p3 cS "Singular Case.• 28 p2 cl "Law and Order.• 28 p2 cl "Board or Health." 28 p2 c2 "The Crevasse.• June 1849 18 p3 cS "City Reports --Criminals --Their Treatment.• 21 p3 c6 "City Moveable •••• No. 1. • 26 p3 c6 "City Moveable •••• No. II." 29 p3 c6 "City Moveable ••• No. !II." July 1849 2 p3 c6 "City 11oveable •••• No. IV." 9 p2 c2 "Unity of Eurape.• 9 p3 cS "Improvements. • 9 p3 cS "The Mississippi." 14 p2 cl "The Bulletin. • 17 p2 c2 "The Benton and Calhoun Quarrel." 17 p3 c5 "Charge of Kidnapping.• 18 p2 c2 "freedom of the Press.• 19 p2 c2 "france and Rome.• 20 p2 cl "Departure of the A1 abama for Chagres. • 23 P2 c2 "Mr. Calhoun's Address." 23 p2 c2 "The Delta and the Canal Bank." 25 P2 c2 "The Courier and the Canal Bank." 25 P2 c2 "The De Ita Newspaper. • 25 p3 c6 "Emeute In Plllerson's Bank." 26 P2 cl "The Delta keeps up the farce " 26 P2 c3 "Mr. Calhoun's Address.• 27 p2 cl "New Bank Develapment.• 27 P2 c2 "Mr. Cass on Slavery In the Territories.• 28 P2 cl "Judge Walker's Card." 30 P2 c2 "Canada and Cuba. " 30 P2 c2 "The Press -- Its Rights and Duties.• 30 p3 c5 "Changing the Tune.• Blbllographv 27S 30 p3 cS "Sunday." 31 p3 c5 "Alleged Bribery.• August 1849 I p2 c2 "The Rey Affair." 2 p2 cl "The Rey Investigation.• 3 p2 cl "The Rey Affair." 4 p2 cl "Machin and Llorente.• 4 p2 c2 "The Abduction Farce Almost Over." 6 p2 c2 "The Abduction Affair.• 7 p2 cl "Rey In Havana.• 7 p2 c2 "Events In EurOPe." 7 p3 c5 "Recorder's Court-- Second Hunlclpallty.• 8 p2 cl "Communication with the Pacific.• 9 pZ c I "The Gu I f Squadron." 10 pZ cZ "The Newspapers and the Abduction.• II pZ c3 "Hr. Calhoun's Theory." 13 pZ c4 "The Rey Abduction Case. • 14 pZ cl "We are unable to give •• • 14 pZ cZ "The Aspect of Europe. • 14 pZ c4 "Hore Foreign Difficulties." 14 p3 c5 "The Weather and the City.• 15 p2 cl "A gentleman speaking ••• " 15 pZ cl "An opinion. as Is an OPinion.• 15 pZ cl "As long as Hr. Larue ••• " IS pZ cl "Some of the newspapers ••• " IS p2 cZ "The Late Court of Investigation." 16 pZ cl "The u.s. District Attorney • 16 pZ cZ "Mr. Calhoun's Theory." 16 pZ cZ "The U.S. District Attorney " i7 p2 cl "Explosion Threatened." 17 p2 cZ "Reaction In France." I 7 pZ cZ "The Courier ••• • 18 PZ cZ "The Crescent and Its Assailants.• 18 pZ cZ "The President's Proclamation." ZO p2 cZ "War with England." 20 p3 c5 "Sketches of Prominent Citizens." 21 p2 c4 "Hore About Rey." 2Z pZ cl "Routes Across the Isthmus." Z2 pZ c3 "The Mosquito King." zz p3 c5 "A Sorry Spectacle." Z3 pZ cl "Mr. Foulhouze." 276 W1ll1am Walker 23 p2 cS "Sketches of Prominent Citizens." 25 p2 c2 "The Mysterious Expedition and the Laws.• 2S p3 cS "Arrivals." 2S p3 cS "Dear Sport.• 27 pi cl "Cuba and the United States.• 27 pl c4 "Foreign News by the Hibernia.• 27 p2 cl "The Course of the Crescent In the Rey Affair.• 27 p2 c3 "Sketches of Prominent Citizens.• 28 p2 cl "The Hungarians.• 29 p2 c2 "Bern and Destiny.• 29 p2 c4 'Latest from Havana!" 30 p2 cl "National Honor and National Dignity." 30 p2 c3 "Latest from the Parish Prison.• 31 p3 cS "Dear Amusement." September 1849 3 p2 c2 "The Round Islanders." 3 p3 cS "A Nice Point.• 3 p3 cS "Bad Fortune." 3 p3 cS "Emphatic. • · 3 p3 cS "Juvenile Depravity.• 3 p3 cS "One of 'em." 3 p3 cS "Sunday's Items ••• From Round Island." S P2 cl "Round Island Blockade.• S p2 c2 "The Tehuantepec Route to California.• 6 p2 c2 "The Sferra Hadre Republic.• 6 p2 c4 "The Firemen and the Council." 7 p2 c2 "Recognition of Hungary.• 8 p2 cl "News from Hungary." 8 p2 cl "Round Island." 10 p2 c2 •strange StuPidity." 15 p2 c2 "Paris Peace Congress.• 17 p3 cS "A Domestic Drama.• 19 p2 c2 "The Cuban Expedition.• 21 p2 c3 "Lady Allee or the New Una." 22 p2 cS "The Washington Republic and the Round Islanders.• 27 p2 c2 "Cuba Affairs.• 28 p3 cS "Dangerous and Suspicious.• 28 p3 cS "Recorder Baldwin's Court." October 1849 I p2 cl "More Mystery." I p2 c2 "Anexfcn de Cuba a los Estados Unidos." Blbllographv 277 I p2 c2 "Enlargement and New Dress." 2 p2 cl "The Round Islanders." 2 p3 c5 "Keep the Peace.• 2 p3 c5 "Theft." 3 p2 cl "The Delta and the Odd Fellows.• 3 p3 cl "Special Notices." 4 pi c4 "Art and Government.• 4 p2 cl "The Tehuantepec Road." 5 p2 c2 "Tehuantepec." 6 p2 cZ "Tehuantepec Railroad --Enthusiastic Heetlng.• 8 pi cl "Piracy and the Round Islanders." 8 p3 cS "Huslc -- Its Influences.• 8 p3 c5 "The Ideal." 9 pZ cl "Tehuantepec." 9 pZ cZ "France and Rome." 9 p3 c5 "Recorder Baldwin's Court." 10 pi c4 "The Nonsense of Party Politics.• 10 p2 c2 "Foreign Polley of this Country.• 12 p2 c2 "The New Harmon State." 12 pZ c3 "A Land Race to-get-herl" 13 pZ cl "The Pacific Road and the City of New Orleans." 13 pZ c4 "A Country Item.• 17 pZ cl "The California Hail." 17 p2 cZ "Northern Version of the Tahuantepec Heetlng." 17 p3 c5 "Recorder Baldwin's Court." 18 pZ cZ "Telegraphing and the Halls." 30 pZ cZ "Hemphls Convention.• November 1849 I p2 cZ "Hemphls Convention.• 3 pZ c3 "The Texas Resolution of the Memphis Convention.
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