St Bees Priory Church Rev’d Becky Gibbs, Priest in Charge (01946 822279) Retired Clergy with the Bishop’s Permission to Officiate: The Rev’d Jim Marshall (01946 64259) Rev’d Canon Jim Baker MBE and Rev’d Anne Baker (01946 822498) The Rev’d David Cox The Rev’d Canon Dr Trevor Park MBE Lay Readers Chris & Charm Robson (01946) 822468 Sunday Services 9.00 a.m. Holy Communion (1st, 3rd & 5th - 1662) 10.30 a.m. Family Service 6.00 p.m. Evening Prayer (1st - Evensong; 4th Holy Communion) See Calendar for details of Family Services and Evening Prayer The sacrament of baptism is administered at the main service and must be arranged well in advance with the Vicar. For weddings, baptisms, funerals and other religious occasions, please contact 01946 822279 or email [email protected] Priory Web Site - http://www.stbeespriory.org.uk Hire of Priory & Halls The church, Old College and New College halls are all available for hire for meetings, functions, lectures, concerts and recitals, etc. Contact booking officers for details. Booking Officers Ian & Rosalie McAndrew - 01946 822326 or [email protected] Priory Secretary - [email protected] Magazine production & distribution This magazine is free but production costs are about 50p per copy. Contributions from the Parish Council and our advertisers, to whom we are most grateful, pay much of the costs. However this leaves the balance to be paid by the PCC. Donations to the Treasurer* or your Magazine Distributor are most welcome. Circulation - 900 households in St Bees, Sandwith, Rottington, Linethwaite, Coulderton, Middletown, Nethertown. * - Treasurer - Andrew Oldham, 2 Fairladies, St Bees, CA27 0AR. DTP & Final Editing - Ian & Rosalie McAndrew Printed by Printpoint (01946) 64305 22 i St Bees Parish A B C History Group works towards improving knowledge of local history. Lectures Area Visitor / The parish is divided into 30 small areas each with an offi cial arranged periodically. Details from Chris Robson 822468. Good Neighbour Church Visitor whose task is to welcome and help people in the Methodist Sunday Service & Sunday School is at 11.00 a.m. Family Service on Scheme name of the Priory. Co-ordinator - M Westhead (822674). Church the second Sunday. Over 60’s Club meets in Hodgett’s Club on 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month: Arts Society meets every two months on the last Wednesday of the month at 2.00 - 4.00 p.m. Details - Gill Richardson Tel. 822394. 8.00 p.m. Venue to be arranged. Details from Dilys Brownrigg Parish Council The Clerk to the Council is Mrs Jane Donaldson, East House, (822584) or Charm Robson 822468. Coulderton. Tel. (01946) 822560, e.mail [email protected], who Bellringing The Priory has a ring of 8 bells. Those interested in ringing or will answer queries on civil parish matters. learning to ring, contact D Sim, 31 Main Street. Practice Parochial meets 10 times a year. Elections for 20 members are held in March at Wednesdays, 8.00 pm. Sundays, ring at 10.00 a.m. Church Council the A.P.C.M. Its task is to spearhead the mission and ministry of the Brownies Brownies meet on Tuesdays. Further details can be obtained church in the Parish. PCC Secretary - from Amanda Smith or email [email protected] Jon Mellor, E-mail - [email protected] Cubs, Scouts, Cubs for children aged 8 - 10, meet on Thursdays, 6.30 - 8pm. Playgroup meets every Wednesday in term time only, from 9.30 - 11.30 a.m. in Beavers Beavers meet on Thursdays (term time) from 5.00 - 6.00 pm. Details (Toddler Group) New College Hall, St Bees Priory. Details from Sarah Parr & Kelly Morrow . Email - [email protected] from Graham Young & Andy James. They meet in CCF Hut, St Bees School. Scouts meet at Egremont. Pop-in Cafe Every Thursday from 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 noon - Pop-in Cafe in New College Hall. Everyone welcome - Coff ee and homemade cakes. Choir rehearses on Sundays at 9.30 a.m. Details from Frank Bowler, the Pre-School meets in the new building next to the Village School, All day, 5 days a Organist (Tel. 825307). week. For children 2 years 9 months +. Contact Pre-School on 823880. Churchwardens are leading lay Church members who will be pleased to help and Prayer Group meets on Thursdays from 1.45 - 3.15 p.m. in New College Hall . All advise on church matters. John Kennedy (822297), Rosalie denominations welcome. McAndrew (822326), Malcolm Lightfoot, & Wendy Mellor. Priory Singers rehearse in Old College Hall, Mondays at 8.00 p.m. Details from Frank Councillors Copeland - Dr Ian Hill - 01946 823305, 7.00 to 9.00 p.m Monday Bowler. (Temp). (01946) 825307 to Friday. Cumbria - Cllr Chris Whiteside, 01946 67575 or Priory Web Site The Priory web site has up to date information on the ministry team, 07798667678. E-mail [email protected] church services and activities. See http://www.stbeespriory.org.uk Electoral Roll is the list of all church members qualifi ed to vote at the Annual Seagalls meets fi rst Tuesday of month at 7.30pm in the Seacote Hotel. Contact Lynne Smith - Tel. 822285 - or Judith 07772523742 Parochial Church Meeting. E.R. forms are available in church Finance The Church Treasurer is Andrew Oldham, 2 Fairladies, St Bees, St Bees Triers Friendly running club for all abilities. Every Thursday 6pm & 7pm. Email [email protected] Tel. 823497 Web www.triers.co.uk Tel. 820409, who will explain our Christian Giving system. St Bees Youth meets 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month at 7.00 p.m. in New College Hall. First Responders provide Basic Life Support in association with the Ambulance Group All youngsters of secondary school age are welcome. Contact organisers Service. Contact Andy Brock 823497 on 07518 394297. Football Contacts - Seniors Tony Barnett 590640. Sunday Club for ages 3 - 11 meets during Morning Service at 10.30 a.m. Association Juniors (U-12) - Alec Morton 823992 & Alastair Billson. Contact – R McAndrew (822326), Freemasons St Bega Lodge meet 7:00 p.m. On 2nd Wed of each month, Village Village School exists to raise funds for the school and to foster links between school Hall. Details: 01946 64275 or www.cumbwestmasons.co.uk. Association and community. Secretary - via School - Tel. 822392. Friends of the assists in the conservation of the Priory and encourages interest in Village Hall Management Committee administers Hodgett’s Club. For details and Priory its historical and architectural heritage. Contact Philip Barratt or booking contact Phil or Valerie Turpin (Tel 823772). Tom Rice, Treasurer, Green Ghyll, Greendykes, Egremont. Village in Bloom Details from Eileen B Todd, 14 Main Street. St.Bees. (Tel 822522). Village Web Site Information for inclusion should be sent to Ian McAndrew (822326) or Garden Society Details from Mark Hewertson, (Tel. 01946 825468). Flower Show is [email protected] Address is http://www.stbees.org.uk held on the 3rd Saturday in August. Women’s meets 2nd Monday of month at 7.30 p.m. usually in New College Hall Guides meet on Tuesdays from 7.00 – 8.30 p.m. Further details can be Institute (see program). Contact Roxanne Benson Tel 823137. obtained from Amanda Smith or email [email protected] . ii 21 Calendar for May 2 Thursday 7.00 a.m. - 10.00 p.m. Council Elections, NCH Polling Station St Bees News May 2019 10.30 a.m. Pop-in at Priory As I sit writing this letter “Extinction rebellion” protestors are being physically removed by police offi cers from sites in central London. I have sympathy for both sides. I agree with 3 Friday 7.00 p.m. Youth Club, NCH Sir David Attenborourgh that “climate change is humanity’s greatest threat in thousands of 7.30 p.m. Priory Singers Summer Concert, Priory Church years”. I also feel for the families of offi cers called into work 12 hour shifts whose leave has 5 Sunday 10.30 a.m. Holy Communion been cancelled this weekend. Ken Marsh, chairman of the Metropolitan Police Federation, 7 Tuesday 10.30 a.m. Over 60s coff ee morning, Oddfellows Arms acknowledged that this is a tough call for the police “They are dealing with probably quite nice Seagalls, Lakes College Restaurant people, who don’t want confrontation with the police but are breaking the law.” 10 Friday 7.30 p.m. FoP Talk by John Knewstubb, My attempts to counteract “humanity’s greatest threat” seem rather paltry in comparison. Fair- “The Road to Damascus,” NCH trade bananas - plastic bag or regular bananas sold loose? Two plastic trays of organic chicken 11 Saturday 8.00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast, NCH or one large tray of the economy version? I spend so long deliberating at the supermarket that I 10.00 a.m. Amnesty Sponsored Walk - Whitehaven - St Bees might as well have gone to the grocer, the butcher and the baker and supported the high street. It’s going to take a lot more than diligent recycling and fair-trade fruit to save our environment 12 Sunday 10.30 a.m. Morning Worship though. My eff orts aren’t even a drop in our (warming) oceans. 2.00 – 4.00 p.m. NSPCC Strawberry Tea, Hodgett’s When taking my GCSEs in 1991, I remember every Science question seemed to be about 13 Monday 7.30 p.m. PCC Communion & Meeting, Priory climate change. Acid rain and CFCs were hot topics at the time. Politicians were galvanised to 7.30 p.m. WI, “Blood Bikes Cumbria”, NCH take decisive action in 1985 after the discovery by scientists of an “ozone hole” over the South 14 Tuesday 2.00 – 3.30 p.m.
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