Serendip Sanctuary Serendip Sanctuary Serendip Sanctuary Serendip Sanctuary Visitor Guide Visitor Guide VisitorTake an exciting Guide journey through the Western Plains of Victoria. This 250 hectare sanctuary is the VisitorTake an exciting Guide journey through the Western Plains of Victoria. This 250 hectare sanctuary is the Takeperfect an place exciting to experience journey through and learn the Westernabout birdlife Plains and of Victoria.the unique This characteristics 250 hectare ofsanctuary the wetlands. is the VisitorTakeperfect an place exciting toGuide experience journey through and learn the Westernabout birdlife Plains and of Victoria.the unique This characteristics 250 hectare ofsanctuary the wetlands. is the perfectVisitor place toGuide experience and learn about birdlife and the unique characteristics of the wetlands. Large flocks of waterfowl and mobs of free range perfect place to experience and learn about birdlife and the unique characteristics of the wetlands. Take an exciting journey through the Western Plains ofKangaroosLarge Victoria. flocks This are of waterfowldispersed250 hectare andthroughout sanctuary mobs of the freeis the range Sanctuary.KangaroosLarge flocks areCaptive of waterfowldispersed Emu, and throughoutWallabies, mobs of Pademelons,the free range perfect place to experience and learn about birdlife and the unique characteristics of the wetlands. perfect place to experience and learn about birdlife andLizardsSanctuary.LargeKangaroos the unique flocks and areCaptive Yabbiesofcharacteristics waterfowldispersed Emu, are also and throughoutWallabies, of on mobsthe display. wetlands. of Pademelons,the free range PicnicLizardsKangaroosSanctuary. and facilities areCaptiveYabbies dispersed Emu, are also throughoutWallabies, on display. Pademelons,the PicnicLargeSanctuary.Lizards flocks and facilities Captive Yabbiesof waterfowl Emu, are alsoand Wallabies, onmobs display. of Pademelons, free range PicnicAKangaroosLizards fantastic and facilities picnicare Yabbies dispersed area are with also throughout free on undercover display. the PicnicelectricASanctuary. fantastic barbecues facilities picnic Captive area is Emu, the with perfect Wallabies, free undercovervenue Pademelons, for a day outelectricALizards fantastic with barbecuesandfamily picnic Yabbies and area isfriends. arethe with alsoperfect freeA ongroup undercover venuedisplay. barbecue for a day PicnicareaoutAelectric fantastic with with barbecuesfamily facilitiesa picnicwood and areafire isfriends. theis with also perfect free Aavailable group undercovervenue barbecue for for groups a day (bookingsareaelectricout with with barbecuesfamily aare wood requiredand fire isfriends. theis andalso perfect a Aavailable smallgroup venue fee barbecue for applies).for groups a day ThingsA(bookingsoutarea fantastic with with family aare for picnicwood requiredandthe areafire friends. Childrenis with andalso freea Aavailable smallgroup undercover to fee barbecue dofor applies). groups NOTES Thingselectricarea(bookings with barbecues aarefor wood required the fire is Childrentheis andalso perfect a available small venue to fee dofor applies).for groups a day ThingsFindout(bookings with the familyfive arefor hidden requiredandthe friends. BushChildren and Art aA smallAnimals.group to fee barbecue do applies). Findarea thewith five a wood hidden fire Bush is also Art available Animals. for groups Brolga ThingsGo Ponding for and the catch Children your own water to do bugs and Find(bookings the five are hidden required Bush and Art a smallAnimals. fee applies). Brolga viewGo Ponding them through and catch the microscopes.your own water bugs and Find the five hidden Bush Art Animals. Brolga GetThingsviewGo Pondinga them bird's forthrough eyeand the viewcatch the Childrenof microscopes.your Serendip own water andto dobeyond bugs and with Serendip obtained its name from the word “Serendipity” Brolga theGetGoview Pondingvideoa them bird's camera through eyeand viewcatch on the topof microscopes.your Serendip of theown tower. water and beyond bugs and with Serendip obtained its name from the word “Serendipity” Find the five hidden Bush Art Animals. which means “the unexpected discovery of something theGetviewFind videoa thethem bird's five camera through eye hidden view on the Bush topof microscopes. Serendip of Art the Animals. tower. and beyond with Serendip obtained its name from the word “Serendipity” View the Birds of Serendip CD Rom to see the Brolgawonderful”.which means “the unexpected discovery of something GettheGo Pondingvideoa bird's camera eyeand viewcatch on topof your Serendip of theown tower. water and beyond bugs and with whichSerendip means obtained “the unexpected its name from discovery the word of “Serendipity” something animalsView the going Birds aboutof Serendip their daily CD Romactivities. to see the wonderful”. theview video them camera through on the top microscopes. of the tower. wonderful”.which means “the unexpected discovery of something MatchanimalsView the each going Birds bird’s aboutof Serendip beak their to dailytheir CD Romactivities.feet and to see then the work Get a bird's eye view of Serendip and beyond with Serendipwonderful”.Close obtainedto nature its name from the word “Serendipity” outMatchViewanimals what the each going foodBirds bird’s each aboutof Serendip beak bird their toeats. dailytheir CD Romactivities.feet and to see then the work animalsthe video going camera about on theirtop of daily the tower.activities. whichClose means to “thenature unexpected discovery of something outMatch what each food bird’s each beak bird toeats. their feet and then work The world class bird hides at Serendip are EnvironmentalView the Birds of Serendip Education CD Rom to see the wonderful”.Close to nature MatchoutView what the each foodBirds bird’s each of Serendip beak bird toeats. their CD Romfeet and to see then the work ClosespeciallyThe world todesigned class nature bird to hides enable at youSerendip to view are native outanimalsEnvironmental what going food eachabout bird theirEducation eats. daily activities. wildlifespeciallyThe world at designedclose class range.bird to hides enable Birds at youcanSerendip tooften view arebe native seen EnvironmentalSerendip conducts Ranger Education led VELS based Match each bird’s beak to their feet and then work preening,wildlifeThespecially world at designedclose feeding,class range.bird incubatingto hides enable Birds at you canSerendipeggs tooften andview are berearing native seen EnvironmentalenvironmentalSerendip conducts education Ranger Education programs led VELS to basedsuit all year Close to nature out what food each bird eats. young.preening,speciallywildlife at designed closefeeding, range. incubatingto enable Birds you caneggs tooften andview berearing native seen levels.environmentalSerendip Quality conducts educationfacilities Ranger include programs led VELS the toPonding basedsuit all siteyear PARK withlevels.Serendipenvironmental nets Quality andconducts microscopes, educationfacilities Ranger include programs ledan VELSActivities the toPonding basedsuit Room all siteyear StartTheyoung.wildlifepreening, world your at closefeeding,Serendipclass range.bird incubating experiencehides Birds at canSerendipeggs at often the and Information are berearing seen Environmental Education andwithenvironmentallevels. thenets QualityAlcoa and microscopes, sponsored educationfacilities include programsFrogs an Activities theWorld. toPonding suit Room all siteyear CentreStartspeciallypreening,young. your with designed feeding,Serendip a peek incubating todown experience enable the you gianteggs at to the microscope andview Information rearing native or Serendipandlevels.with thenets QualityAlcoa andconducts microscopes,sponsored facilities Ranger include Frogs ledan VELSActivities theWorld. Ponding based Room site stepCentreStartwildlifeyoung. intoyour atwith the closeSerendip a Underwater peek range. down experience Birds World,the giantcan atactivities often themicroscope Information be room seen or or Serendip conducts Ranger led VELS based environmentalGuidedwithand thenets ToursAlcoa and microscopes, aresponsorededucation available programsFrogs byan appointment.Activities World. to suit Room all year FrogsstepStartCentrepreening, intoyour World with the feeding,Serendip a exhibitUnderwater peek incubating downtoexperience begin World,the your gianteggs atactivities wildlife the microscopeand Information rearing journey.room oror environmental education programs to suit all year levels.ModerateGuidedand the QualityToursAlcoa fees are sponsored applyfacilities available include Frogs by appointment. theWorld. Ponding site FrogsCentrestepyoung. into World with the a exhibitUnderwater peek downto begin World,the yourgiant activities wildlife microscope journey.room oror levels. Quality facilities include the Ponding site Four different nature trails traverse the Sanctuary. withModerateGuided nets Tours andfees microscopes,are apply available byan appointment.Activities Room StartstepFrogs intoyour World the Serendip exhibitUnderwater toexperience begin World, your atactivities wildlifethe Information journey.room or with nets and microscopes, an Activities Room Serendip SanctuaryEachFourStart differentyourtrail interconnectsSerendip nature experience trails and traverse is no at longerthe the Information Sanctuary. than 2km andGuidedModerate the ToursAlcoa fees are sponsoredapply available Frogs by appointment. World. Frogs World exhibit to begin your wildlife journey.
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