US006031168A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,031,168 Damm (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 29, 2000 54 PRACTICE BAGPIPE CHANTER Encyclopedia Britannica, (15th edition), Encyclopedia Bri tannica, Inc., 1994, p. 795. 76 Inventor: Edward A. Damm, 24 Ledgelawn Ave., Bar Harbor, Me. 04609 Dearling, R. (ed): “The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Musical Instruments.” Carlton Books LTD, Dubai, 1996, pp. 185 and 21 Appl. No.: 09/207,308 187. 22 Filed: Dec. 8, 1998 (51) Int. Cl. ................................................. G10D 7100 Primary Examiner—David Martin 52) ... 84/380 B; 84/380 R; 84/465 Assistant Examiner Wesley Scott Ashton 58 Field of Search .............................. 84/380 A, 380 B, Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Michael J. Pebson; William B. 84/380 R, 381, 380 C, 465, 453; D17/10 Ritchie 56) References Cited 57 ABSTRACT U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS The present invention is a practice chanter for Simulating a 152,554 6/1874 Gade ..................................... ssor bagpipe chanter. In its most basic form, the practice chanter D. 248,187 6/1978 Roe ... - - - - - - - D17/2 of the present invention includes a flexible airtube, a fipple 1,069,200 8/1913 Starck ... ... 84/380 B head attached to the flexible airtube, and a rigid whistle tube 1,498,280 6/1924 Izold ..... ... 84/380 R attached to the fipple head. In this basic embodiment, the 2,233,507 3/1941 Adamson 2,509,429 5/1950 Grow ........ E. whistle tube includes a plurality of holes disposed at pre 2,737,074 3/1956 Magnus. 84/375 determined locations along the length of the whistle tube 3,154,995 11/1964 Kuhn ......... - - - - - - 84/381 corresponding to locations of holes in the predetermined 3,438,298 4/1969 Thompson ... 84/380 R bagpipe chanter, with each of the holes having a predeter 3,756,112 9/1973 Adams ...... ... 84/380 B mined diameter Such that the key and pitch of notes pro 3,988.956 11/1976 Moeck .. 4,104,948 8/1978 Young ... ... 84/380 CR duced by the practice chanter correspond to notes produced 4,306,484 12/1981 Toyama. 84/380 R by the bagpipe chanter. In the preferred embodiment, the 4,378,724 4/1983 Lamart ...................................... 84/465 practice chanter is dimensioned to Simulate an Uilleann Pipe 4,539,888 9/1985 Whelan ................................. 84/380 R chanter. In this embodiment, the whistle tube holes are FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS disposed in the same relation to one another as with an Uilleann Pipe chanter and each hole is of a predetermined 16300 7/1916 United Kingdom. diameter that allows notes played by the practice chanter 1582404 1/1981 United Kingdom. with a given fingering pattern to correspond to notes pro OTHER PUBLICATIONS duced by the Uilleann Pipe chanter played with the same Baines, A.: “Woodwind Instruments and their History.” fingering pattern. (2nd edition), William Clowes and Sons, LTD, London, 1962, p. 200. 17 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets Y U.S. Patent Feb. 29, 2000 Sheet 1 of 8 6,031,168 \,TË 19 ?????????????????>?–II?C) 1 9 +---- CO CK CK • CO FIG. 1 (PRIOR ART) U.S. Patent Feb. 29, 2000 Sheet 2 of 8 6,031,168 FIG 2 (PRIOR ART) U.S. Patent Feb. 29, 2000 Sheet 3 of 8 6,031,168 U.S. Patent Feb. 29, 2000 Sheet 4 of 8 6,031,168 U.S. Patent Feb. 29, 2000 Sheet 5 of 8 6,031,168 FIG. 5 U.S. Patent Feb. 29, 2000 Sheet 6 of 8 6,031,168 52 FIG. 6 U.S. Patent Feb. 29, 2000 Sheet 7 of 8 6,031,168 FIG. 7 U.S. Patent Feb. 29, 2000 Sheet 8 of 8 6,031,168 125- - 127 131 FIG. 8 131 FIG. 9 6,031,168 1 2 PRACTICE BAGPIPE CHANTER between the edge of the fipple and the inside wall of the instrument. In operation, the airstream from the player is FIELD OF THE INVENTION directed by this fipple duct System against a sharp edge or lip that is cut into the tube below the fipple, thereby producing The present invention relates to the field of musical Sound. Practice chanters for Great Highland Bagpipes, Such practice aids and, in particular, to practice chanters for as those sold under the trade name “Chanter Whistle” by Uilleann Pipes. Piper Mike of Lake Mary, Fla., are modified tin whistles in BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION that they utilize a fipple head formed into a tube. By modifying Such a whistle to include the finger locations of Bagpipes have been played Since Roman times and, those on a Great Highland Bagpipe chanter, the fingering of despite their common connotation as purely Scottish the Great Highland Bagpipes could be practiced without instruments, are widely played in other parts of Europe, investing in a complete Set of pipes. However, this chanter Asia, North America and North Africa. Bagpipes are reed falls short as the notes produced by the device were off pitch instruments characterized by an air reservoir in the form of from those needed to Simulate those produced by a normal a bag that is inflated by air from a player's mouth or by Great Highland Bagpipe practice chanter, which would use bellows operated by the players arm. The bag is usually 15 a reed, when played with the same fingerings. Further, the made of an animal skin into which the chanter, or fingered amount of air required to achieve a given note is opposite of melody pipe, and the unfingered drone pipes are inserted. what is required of the actual Great Highland Bagpipes or The chanter and drones may be either cylindrical or conical, it’s normal practice chanters; i.e. the Piper Mike Chanter and have a single or double reed at their upper ends where Whistle would require the least amount of air for its highest they fit into the bag. Because the reeds are Supplied with air note while the highest note on the actual bagpipe would from the bag, and not directly from the player's mouth, the require the largest amount of air. player may breathe while playing resulting in an uninter A practice chanter for the Uilleann Pipes that is reason rupted Sound. ably priced, readily available and that produces notes that One type of bagpipe is the Uilleann Pipe, whose name 25 Simulate the fingering and the Sounds produced by a chanter derives from the Irish word meaning elbow. Uilleann Pipes on a full set of Uilleann Pipes is not known in the art. typically utilize a bellows placed under one arm that inflates a bag placed under the other arm. A typical Uilleann Pipe SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION includes a fingered reeded chanter drilled with eight holes, The present invention is a practice chanter for Simulating up to three reeded drone pipes and up to three keyed a bagpipe chanter. In its most basic form, the practice regulators. However, Some chromatic Uilleann Pipe chanters chanter of the present invention includes a flexible airtube, may include four more keyed holes. While playing, the a fipple head attached to the airtube, and a rigid whistle tube chanter is held Such that the end of the chanter rests against attached to the fipple head. In this basic embodiment, the the leg of the player. In this manner, the player Simulta whistle tube includes a plurality of holes disposed at pre neously fills the bag with air from the bellows, pumps air determined locations along the length of the whistle tube from the bag through the chanter and drone pipes and 35 corresponding to locations of holes in the predetermined manipulates the fingers over the eight holes of the chanter to bagpipe chanter, with each of the holes having a predeter produce Sounds. mined diameter Such that the key and pitch of notes pro The Uilleann Pipes have been played in the United States duced by the practice chanter correspond to notes produced for many years, but have gained popularity of late due to 40 by the bagpipe chanter. In the preferred embodiment, the their use in the Soundtrack for the movie "Titanic' and in the practice chanter is dimensioned to Simulate an Uilleann Pipe Stage production of “Riverdance'. However, many people chanter. In this embodiment, the whistle tube holes are wishing to learn to play the Uilleann Pipes are discouraged disposed in the same relation to one another as with an from doing So by their price and availability, which range Uilleann Pipe chanter and each hole is of a predetermined from between S2,000 and S6,500 and between 2 and 6 years 45 diameter that allows notes played by the practice chanter to obtain a new Set. As a result, there has been a need for with a given fingering pattern to correspond to notes pro “practice” sets of Uilleann Pipes that are readily available duced by the Uilleann Pipe chanter played with the same and reasonably priced. fingering pattern. In the preferred embodiment, the flexible airtube is manufactured from a clear Vinyl tubing to allow a Currently, there are a number of practice Sets of Uilleann player to monitor buildup of water vapor within the tube. In Pipes on the market that include a reeded chanter a bellows 50 and bag, but do not include drone pipes. These Sets allow a one embodiment of the invention, each of the holes is of a player to practice the coordination between bellows and bag predetermined diameter and is disposed at a predetermined and to practice the fingering of the chanter. However, the location Such that the practice chanter playS in a B flat key cost of these “practice” pipes is still between S700 and and in another embodiment in a key of A.
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