- UNCLASSIFIED Department of Defense Office for the Administrative Review of the Detention of Enemy Combatants at U.S.NavalBase Guantanamo Bay, Cuba 27 January2007 To: NORI, MULLAH NORULLAH A SUBJECT UNCLASSIFIED SUMMARY OF EVIDENCE FOR ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW BOARD INTHE CASE OF NOORI MULLAH NORULLAH 1. An AdministrativeReview Boardwill be convenedto review your case to determineifyour continueddetentionis necessary. 2. The AdministrativeReviewBoardwill conducta comprehensivereview ofallreasonably availableandrelevant regardingyour case. At the conclusionofthis reviewthe Boardwillmakea recommendationto: ( 1) releaseyou to your homestate; (2) transferyou to your home state, withconditionsagreeduponby the UnitedStatesand your home state; or ( 3 ) continueyour detentionunderUnitedStatescontrol. 3. The followingprimaryfactors favor continueddetention: a . Commitment 1. In September1995 the detainee fought alongsideal Qaida as a Talibanmilitary , against the Alliance. The detaineewas responsiblefor the line nearMughab, Afghanistaninthe vicinityofHerat, Afghanistan. 2. The detainee claimed he joined the Taliban in 1999. Heworked for the of Jalalabad ,Afghanistan December 1999. InFebruary 2000 the detainee in Mazar-e Sharif, Afghanistan . 3. The detaineebeganworkingforthe Talibangovernmentas one of eight assistantsto the GovernorofMazar- e -Sharif, Afghanistan. 4. The detaineeeventuallybecamethe ofthe BalkhProvince, Afghanistanas hewas one ofa very few tribalmemberswho couldread andwrite. The detaineeheldthis positionfor about eightto tenmonths. The detaineereceivedthe title ofMullahdue to hiseducationand politicalposition. 5. The detainee was fightingon the front lines at Mazar- e-Sharif, Afghanistan as a Talibanfighter. As the front linesinMazar- e - Sharif Afghanistanfell the detainee moved with a majorityoftheremainingfighters to Kunduz Afghanistan to reestablish the front lines. 6. Whiletraveling Mazar- e -Sharif, Afghanistan to Zabol Province, Afghanistan, the detainee agreed to negotiate withDotsum's forces regarding surrender ofTaliban forces. DMOExhibit01 Page 1 of3 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED SUBJECT: UNCLASSIFIEDSUMMARY OF EVIDENCEFORADMINISTRATIVE REVIEWBOARD INTHE CASE OF NORI, MULLAHNORULLAHA b. Training The detainee'sjob requiredhimto standguard duty, armed with a Kalashnikov, at buildings. The detaineedenied ever receivinganytrainingfor this position. The detaineestated that he neverlearnedhowto take the weaponapart, but heknewhowto useit. Connections/Associations 1. The detainee was identified as the Taliban leader in charge of Mazar Bal, Afghanistan The detainee's name appears on a list of key Taliban personalities. 3. The detaineeis a closeassociateofa high-rankingTalibanleader 4. The detaineehostedal Qaidacommanders The detaineeheld a meetingwiththe head ofthe IslamicmovementofUzbekistan, who discussedjihadin Uzbekistan 6. While serving as the governor ofBalkh province in Mazar - e Sharif, Afghanistan the detainee met a subordinate of Usamabin Laden to pass a message from the Taliban supreme leader. d . Intent As oflate July 2003, Taliban leaders close to the detaineewere leadingefforts in Zabol province, Afghanistan to destabilize the Afghan transitional administration . 2. As of early November 2003 , while he was the Taliban zone chief, the detainee provided assistance to a friend who was using profits from the ofnarcotics to provide material support to the Taliban and al Qaida. The detainee had given him money and provided him with a money exchange shop . 3. A group of individuals , including a Taliban member , continue to work to support the detainee e. Other RelevantData The detaineewas in chargeof about 150 combattroopsandone helicopter. 4. The followingprimary factors favor release or transfer: Page 2 of3 UNCLASSIFIED 9 UNCLASSIFIED SUBJECT UNCLASSIFIEDSUMMARYOF EVIDENCEFORADMINISTRATIVE REVIEWBOARDINTHE CASEOFNORI, MULLAHNORULLAHA . The detainee does not consider himself an enemy ofthe United States. The detainee has never believed that the United States is an enemy ofAfghanistan. The detainee reiterated thathe never fought with or shot a gun at anyone. b. The detainee advised that he did not know much about Usama bin Laden and had only heard of him on the radio The detainee has never seen Usama bin Laden . c. The detaineesaidthat he isnotagainst the UnitedStatesin any way. Ifthe detaineewere allowedto returnhome, he wouldattemptto obtaina positionin the new withthe hope of beingableto providefor his family. The detaineewould holdnothingagainstthe United States andwouldnotgivesupportto anyonewho was againstthe United States. 5. Youwillbeaffordeda meaningfulopportunityto be heardandto presentinformationto the Board; this includesan opportunityto be physicallypresentat the proceeding. The Assisting MilitaryOfficer(AMO) will assistyouinreviewingallrelevantandreasonablyavailable unclassifiedinformationregardingyour case. The AMO isnotan advocateforor against continueddetention, normaythe AMO form a confidentialrelationshipwithyou or represent youin any other matter Page3 of 3 UNCLASSIFIED 10.
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