This dissertation has been 65—13,247 microfilmed exactly as received JOHNSTON, Donald Earl, 1934- COMPARATIVE STUDIES ON THE MOUTH-PARTS OF THE MITES OF THE SUBORDER ACARIDEI (ACARI). The Ohio State University, Ph.D., 1965 Zoology University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan COMPARATIVE STUDIES ON THE MOUTH-PARTS OF THE MITES OF THE SUBORDER ACARIDEI (ACARI) DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Donald Earl Johnston, B.S,, M.S* ****** The Ohio State University 1965 Approved by Adviser Department of Zoology and Entomology PLEASE NOTE: Figure pages are not original copy and several have stained backgrounds. Filmed as received. Several figure pages are wavy and these ’waves” cast shadows on these pages. Filmed in the best possible way. UNIVERSITY MICROFILMS, INC. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Much of the material on which this study is based was made avail­ able through the cooperation of acarological colleagues* Dr* M* Andre, Laboratoire d*Acarologie, Paris; Dr* E* W* Baker, U. S. National Museum, Washington; Dr* G. 0* Evans, British Museum (Nat* Hist*), London; Prof* A* Fain, Institut de Medecine Tropic ale, Antwerp; Dr* L* van der fiammen, Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden; and the late Prof* A* Melis, Stazione di Entomologia Agraria, Florence, gave free access to the collections in their care and provided many kindnesses during my stay at their institutions. Dr s. A* M. Hughes, T* E* Hughes, M. M* J. Lavoipierre, and C* L, Xunker contributed or loaned valuable material* Appreciation is expressed to all of these colleagues* The following personnel of the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Sta­ tion, Wooster, have provided valuable assistance: Mrs* M* Lange11 prepared histological sections and aided in the care of collections; Messrs* G. Berkey and C. Robey provided photographic services; and Dr* C* R. Weaver provided statistical services, Mr* W. A* Bruce, Department of Zoology and Entomology, The Ohio State University, assisted in the collection and examination of birds for feather mites during the summer of 196U* Miss F* Switzer, Secretary of the Institute of Acarology, Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, has typed this thesis with care and patience* ii Prof. G. W, Wharton has given thoughtful advice and patient en­ couragement in the preparation of this thesis. Research contributing to this study was aided by National Science Foundation Grant G-19325. iii VITA November 8, 193U Born - Windsor, Ontario, Canada 1 9 5 7 ......... B.S., Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan 1957-1960 . Teaching Assistant, Department of Zoology, Uni­ versity of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 1960-1961 . Curator, Institute of Acarology, Department of Zoology, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 196l ...... M.S., University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 1961-present . • Curator, Institute of Acarology, and Instructor, Department of Zoology and Entomology, Ohio Agri­ cultural Experiment Station, Wooster, and The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio PUBLICATIONS Johnston, Donald E., G. E. Johnston, and D. L. DeQuisti. 1957. Obser­ vations on Mlcromegistus baksri Tragardh, I9U8 (Acarina : Mesostig- mata : ParantennulidaeyT"an antennophoroid mite occurring on Scar- ites beetles. Joum. Farasit. U3(5-2):35. ________________ . 1959. On the status of Casey’s species of Procu- lus (Passalidae). Coleop. Bull. 1111:12^-126, Baker, E. W. and D. E. Johnston. 1959. Laelaptonyssus phytoseiodes, a new species of laelaptonyssid mite from Hemiptera (Acarina, Mesostigmata). Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 6l(6):275-277. Johnston, D. E. I960. Laelaptid mites associated with hermit crabs (Paguridea) • The genera Aspidilaelaps and Cyclothorax (Acarina - Mesostigmata) • Acarologia II(U):lih2-lih6. • I960. Some new synonymy in the Haemogamasidae, Lae- laptidae and Diplogyniidae indicated by an examination of Banks’ types of Mesostigmata (Acarina). Psyche 66(U):60-62. iv Johnston, D. E« 1961. A review of the lower uropodoid mites (former Thinozerconoidea, Protodinychoidea and Trachytoidea) with notes on the classification of the Uropodina (Acarina). Acarologia III(U):522-5U5. and D. L. DeGuisti. 1961. Ecological and systematic notes on some chigger-mites of the genera Gahrliepia, Trombicula, and Euschongastia (Acarina : Trombiculidae) in Michigan and Ontario. Journ. Parasit. 1;7(1):11-12. _____________ . 1962. Ixodorhynchine mite ectoparasites of snakes. I. Descriptions of a new genus and three new species from the Nearc tic region (Acarina-Mesostigmata). Bull. Ann. Soc. Royale Ent. Belgique 98(11):235-239. Fain, A. and D* E. Johnston. I96U. Notes sur le genre Psoralges Trouessart, I896 avec description d'une espece nouvelle. Bull. Ann. Soc. Royale Ent. Belgique 100(31;) :U53-U6l. Johnston, D. E. I96U. Psorergates bos, a new mite parasite of domestic cattle (Acari-Psorergatidae). Ohio Agr. Expt. Sta. Res. Circular 129:1-7. I96U. Discovery of a new mite parasite of cattle in the United States. Pesticide News XVII(k):120, 122. I96U. The principles of numerical taxonomy and their application to the systematics of Acari. Proc. First Int. Conf* on Acarology. Acarologia Vl(h.s.):117-126. 1961;. Review of "Advances in Acarology," Vol. I (J. Naegele, Ed.), Bull. Ent. Soc. Amer. 10(3):203. _______________ and A. Fain. 196U. Ophiocelaeno sellnicki, a new genus and species of Diplogyniidae associated with snakes (Acari- Mesostigmata). Bull. Ann. Soc. Royale Ent. Belgique 100(6): 79-91. , W. Knulle, G. W. Wharton, C* R. Outright, H. T. Forsythe, R. B. Neiswander, and R. W. Rings. 1961;. Comment on: Boudreaux, H. B. and G. Dosse. 1963. Request for Acarus telarius Linne, 1758, Trombldium tiliarium Joh. Hermann, l8oU, Tetranychus urticae Koch, 1836, to be placed on the Official List (Arachnida, Acarina). Z.N.(S.) 1561;. Bull. Zool. Nomencl. 20(5)-.363-366. Bull. Zool. Nomencl. 21(2):107. v Johnston, D. E. 196$. A catalog of the determined species of Acari (excl. Ixodides) in the collections of the Institute of Acarology. Ohio Agr. Expt. Sta. Dept, of Zool. and Ent. Publ. Series 29: i-v, 1-66. FIELDS OF STUDY Major Field: Zoology Adviser: Professor G. W. Wharton TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .............................................. ii VITA ........................................................ iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................ vii LIST OF TABLES .............................................. ix LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ...................................... x INTRODUCTION ................................................ 1 HISTORICAL ASPECTS ........................................... 9 MATERIALS, METHODS, AND TERMINOLOGY.......................... Ik MATERIALS ................................................ H METHODS ................................................. 29 TERMINOLOGY.............................................. 31 THE MOUTH-PARTS OF CALOGLYPHUS BERIESEI (OUDEMANS) (ACARIDAE) .. 32 THE GNATHQSQMA OF THE HQMEGMORPHIC STASES ................ 33 THE GNATHOSQMA OF THE HETERQMORPHIC DEUTONYMPH............ 1*0 COMPARATIVE STUDIES .......................................... k2 THE RELATION OF THE GNATHOSQMA AND IDIOSOMA............... 1*2 THE CHELICERAE ......................................... h2 THE SUBCAPITULUM.... ...................................... h9 THE PALPS ............................................... 55 THE GNATHOSGMAL STRUCTURES OF THE HETERGMORPHIC DEUTONYMPHS ............................................ 58 vii Page DISCUSSION .................................................. 61 INTERPRETATION OF THE ANATOMY OF THE GNATHOSQMA AND COM­ PARISON OF ITS STRUCTURE WITH THAT OF OTHER ACARIFORM MITES ................................................. 61 INTERPRETATION OF THE COMPARATIVE STUDIES ................ 6? SUMMARY ..................................................... 76 APPENDIX I: THE MOUTH-PARTS OF PARALYCUS WOMERSLEY ( = FEDICULOCHELUS LAVOIPIERRE) (PEDICU- LOCHELIDAE) ..................................... 79 APPENDIX II: GLOSSARY OF SOME TERMS PERTAINING TO THE MOUTH- PARTS OF THE ACARIDEI AND OTHER ACARIFORM MITES .. 83 APPENDIX III: LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED IN FIGURE LABELS ..... 87 FIGURES ............................... 90 REFERENCES CITED ............................................. 18? viii LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1 Synonymy of some terms pertaining to the gnathosoma of Acaridei....................................... 12 2 Allometric constants for idiosomal length (X) and cheliceral length (Y) in 3 species of Falculi- feridae ........................................... U8 ±x LEST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1 Caloglyphus berlesei (Michael) (ACARIDAE). Anterior region of body of protonymph; l a t e r a l............... 90 2 Caloglyphus berlesei. Chelicera of male; paraxial ..... 92 3 Caloglyphus berlesei. Chelicera of male; antiaxial .... 92 U Caloglyphus berlesei. Chelicera of male, showing musculature; antiaxial ............................ 92 5 Caloglyphus berlesei. Subcapitulum of female; dorsal ... 9h 6 Caloglyphus berlesei. Subcapitulum of female; ventral .. 96 7 Caloglyphus berlesei. Cheliceral dentition of male; antiaxial ............................ 96 8 Caloglyphus berlesei. En face view of distal portion of subcapitulum of female ...................... 100 9 Caloglyphus berlesei. Labrum and phaiynx of female; sagittal section .............................. 102 10 Caloglyphus berlesei. Lateral lips and pseudorutella; transverse section .................................
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