UM inches Douglas stars closer to in 'Wonder NCAA bid Tys' *-u> fcftjj SPORTS page 73 ACCENT - THE MIII Coral Gables, Florida HiiiMMSince 192 7 Volume 77, Number 36 VZWW.HURRICANE.MIAMI.EDU February 25,2000 Clark sheds new light on UM diversity MSA Director speaks of past By Fawad M. Siddiqui me Staff m For Steve Clark, director ot Multicultural Student Affairs al the University of Miami, the road toward becoming one of the key figures in promoting UM's cultural diversity was not alwavs pointed in this direc­ tion, and also not free of its share of obstacles. \t one of the most diverse insti STEVE CLARK tutions in the United Slates, and our Director ot Student Affairs diversity helps us in many ways," said . Clark last Tuesdav yhin tor eight years, he said. "Diversitv is our bread and butter BILL MAY/ ^ the Start 1 at UM, I've seen the other side of it LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION; Cameramen Lars Sknder and John Scolaro watch as UMTV Anchor Ed Federico inter­ OF UNITY if****"" I've seen what a lack of diversitv can views SG President llean Espinosa live outside the Whitten Learning Center. ot lebruarys md I've seen what the presence of Black History itv ,an do. Diversity pron m Month, during which it helps the United mmtrnmummmtmsmmrmmUMmmes '•"" "' »•««•. «U-,o in the mat ion about the month-long series 3 different cultures and it helps toe/lini events inate some ol tbe prob The MSA provides on-campus sup­ within our university con port services for African/black. said Clark. UMTV starts Hispanics, Asian and Native American Born in l%4 and a native of inner students, who make up fiftv percent 3 i itv Wtsl Side Chuago, Clark grew up the University population in a single parent, working class tarn new student- This in stark contrast to the low ilv, raised "entirely by women"— minority enrollment at the predomi namely his mother, grandmother and run morning nantly white University of Central great grandmother—and was the Michigan, where Clark presivumslv See CLARK • Page 2~ show d as assistant director ot Minoritv H\ K'SSK.I MsVill newdarcia said that it all goes u planned, the Universitv would welcome a prograsm Showtime Assistant News I (illnl starting next week thev will ! like this" WHAT: UMTV This lor thf first time in the University's his- I hursdav and fnd.iv mornings and, by 1 he main obiective ot the show,acvord Morning r WHERE: Live from tnr\ IMT\ has a compk'tfi\ student run. the end of the semester, thev hope to be ing tu both darcia and Roumelis, is in me Whitten Ml minute morning shim s.illed UMT\ location, three davs a keep a finger on the pulse of the Learning Center Senate passes vhkh Sophomore Al Not onh that, but darcia said hy next I'niversitv and promote activities around Patio executive producer ot the show, fall thev hope to be on live tftt davs .1 wimpus WHEN: Friday mornings at 9 a m comperes to Tht ,'• .<nlv"s ollege We'ck its, by the end ol the ON TV: The style" I'rotesMir and I'M IV advisor StUM show, to sav three things' darcia said'We University's hurricane bill fhe show is bfotafcM live on Indav Roumelis said she and darcia spoke about want them to sav thev were iafcrmct, Channel 24 mornings from the Whitten learning crating tht show last November. svhiie having fun,ihey learned something ON THE INTERNET The shows can be I enter Patio beginning at V a.m "It was Al's idea," she said "He thought new and that they are now a more well 3 A bill was passed bv S<1 Wednesdav accessed on the Bill allows for 24- rounded student" Internet following to extend shuttle services to Sunset A normal show would include a news their TV broadcast Place through the end 3 finals, starting nt relating to situations on campus, by going to hour grace period with the spring sem www miami edu/ ,her report, student athl, SG President Ileana Espinosa said com/UMTV/videos t.unmeut Mil possibly even i profile ol i htm following storm i semester the so I'niversity ilub, Garcia said. on Ihanksgiving break and did not lor example, Roumelis said if there is a By Jessica McNeill resume until the start ofthe new semes band placing at the Lniversitv I ter, and that services would stop before I'alio, L'MTV will try to have them on the Although hurricanes are unpre­ the end ol sshool in Mav morning show for a short time ta show dictable. Student Government passed a i ol the time during reading people who they are and where they are bill Wednesday, now going to the tmals is wh, going to be. administration, to give students and dents want to go to Sunset Place to get Wi are hasuallva platform lor student lacultv an appropriate amount ol time gifts M souvenirs t spmosa said "It activities going on around campus." to recovei trom possible storm damage, makes sense to keep at least one bus (tttxit saul 'Vv; wanl to increase the said lius Gerenstein, Eaton senator running through finals." awareness ol students through television' uling to Gerenstein, the • lunior lenmfer Geer was ratified as dm. ia also said ihev can be an advo Universitv should alktw at least a 24- the new associate msticc after th sate to students who wanl to get their hour grace period betore reinstating ol Antoinette l.halloub BILL MAY/ message out classes after an evacuation order has Wednesil.iv VIEW: UMTV This Morning co-executive director Jon Harper been lifted, if there is an evacuation Geer had been appointed lo the posi­ monitors the various feeds from the LC Patio cameras See UMTV • Page 2 order and a cancellation ot slasses tion ot Jerk ol court three weeks ago, "We want commuters to be able to and said she enioved that fob a great get to their homes and assess the dam deal age," Gerenstein said Sometimes thai "I liked bfmg the clerk of court, but is hard when classes are reinstated the when I saw ihe assouate msiise spot day after the hurricane • open I knew I wanted to do that," she SAFAC requires workshop attendance Gerenstein said another problem said. "I'm very interested in the with not waiting a day after a hurricane supreme ( ourt and how it runs" Workshop* provide cedures regarding funding that's bemgused for next vear'sbudget lunior (ie < hapel, a member of is that students and facultv do nol havt lun un Senator Theresa Thenlus has i,ling to Heather kcllct " The workshops will also help the SAFAI time to clean up worked with i and said she for organizations lecretary,OM person trom e,is.h orga organizations learn how to pi "The budgei workshops will help Although the administration has M) was wy impressed by her work ethics nizatlOJ | the treasurer, was register iheir budget n isiuers ul ihe ditfeient organi­ days to review the bill and make a deci she is veiv dedicated and I think By Ben Enfield required to attend al least I me 14 the 20 said zations tu better understand the new sion. derenstein said thai the faailtv she would be extremely useful on the workshops offered, starling February All materials needed for the budget guidelines."!.hapel said seems to support the bill. sourt," I herilus said. The Student Act iv it \ 14, in order lo submit the 201 I were given to the atti ding in /anecla l>avei "I'm nol sure what the admimstra I ieer is also involved in several other Allocation I .ommittee held budget ,iev\ In SAFAC Budgets during the meeting. tant dire,tor ol Student Aetivities and lion thinks," derenstein said, 'however, I sdinpus activities including Phi Alpha workshops on the second tloor ofthe IN due to SAM bv Maah 10 v liaisons were made available I easier ship Programs, the new lormal do know that some 3 the facultv agrees Delta, Phi Sigma Pi, and the Honor University Center, ending today, in Kellet said the budget workshops lo assist thetreasiiieisiil the dil is designed to make it easier tor the with the bill because it gives them t day So, letv order to Inform I mversiiv of Miami art dssigmil in give student organiza student organizations in preparing organizations to understand SAFAC's uperate." There is now a position open for student organi/ations on lis n tions inlorniat ion on the new tormat and submitting their budge' ptillS !, In othei si. Newt clerk ot court Friday, February 26, 2QOO NEWS I MSA serves student needs Ne^sEpefs m LIBRARY HOLDS RESEARCH SKILLS COURSES Several basic skills classes, open to all University students, faculty and staff, From CLARK * Page 1 will be held in the upcoming weeks in the Provin Room at the Otto 6 Richter "You don't receive a whole lot of praise...but you receive intrinsic rewards."librar y The one-hour classes, teaching skills such as finding books using the IBISWEB catalog or using databases such as InfoTrac's Expanded Academic first member ol his family to attend Steve Clark, Director of Multicultural Student Affairs ASAP or EBSCOhost's Academic Search Elite, start today at 1 00 p.m and go and graduate from college, he s.nd through the first week of April Different one-hour classes, which focus on learn He noted his upbringing as being a ing how to search LEXIS NEXIS and other databases, start tomorrow at noon and , onstant molding force on his outlook Clark had originally planned on going to law school, and instead received his week you would hear of a racial out go through the first week of March After each class a 30-minute question and and on the goals he set for the future.
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