DOC ID: Otorohanga District Council AGENDA 15 November 2016 10.00am A presentation will be made to Council at 11am by Mr Jim Watson, Assistant Prison Director and Mr Kevin Smith in regards to the Waikeria Prison. The Mayor will conduct a Citizenship Ceremony at 12 noon Members of the Otorohanga District Council Mr MM Baxter (Mayor) Mrs K Christison Mr RM Johnson Mrs RA Klos Mr P McConnell Mr KM Philllips Mrs DM Pilkington Mrs AJ Williams Meeting Secretary: Mr CA Tutty (Governance Supervisor) OTOROHANGA DISTRICT COUNCIL – AGENDA – 15 NOVEMBER 2016 PAGE | 1 OTOROHANGA DISTRICT COUNCIL 15 NOVEMBER 2016 Notice is hereby given that the Ordinary meeting of the Otorohanga District Council will be held in the Council Chambers, 17 Maniapoto Street, Otorohanga on 15 November 2016 commencing at 10am. 8 November 2016 DC Clibbery CHIEF EXECUTIVE AGENDA ORDER OF BUSINESS: ITEM PRECIS PAGE PRESENT 3 IN ATTENDANCE 3 APOLOGIES 3 OPENING PRAYER 3 ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED IN GENERAL BUSINESS 3 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES – Otorohanga District Council -18 October 2016 3 – Otorohanga Community Board – 20 October 2016 – Kawhia Community Board – 21 October 2016 DECLARATION OF INTEREST 3 REPORTS ITEM 15 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER/LIQUOR LICENSING INSPECTOR’S 3 REPORT FOR JULY – SEPTEMBER 2016 ITEM 16 ROUTINE ENGINEERING REPORT AUGUST TO OCTOBER 2016 6 ITEM 17 CARRYOVERS 2015/16/17 14 ITEM 18 OTOROHANGA DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT BOARD ANNUAL REPORT 16 ITEM 19 CIVIL DEFENCE EMERGENCY PLANNING REPORT FOR JULY TO 20 SEPTEMBER 2016 ITEM 20 CIVIL DEFENCE AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PRESENTATION 23 ITEM 21 MATTERS REFERRED FROM 20 SEPTEMBER 2016 24 GENERAL 24 MOTION TO EXCLUDE THE PUBLIC 25 OTOROHANGA DISTRICT COUNCIL – AGENDA – 15 NOVEMBER 2016 PAGE | 2 PRESENT IN ATTENDANCE APOLOGIES OPENING PRAYER ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED IN GENERAL BUSINESS CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES – Otorohanga District Council -18 October 2016 – Otorohanga Community Board – 20 October 2016 – Kawhia Community Board – 21 October 2016 DECLARATION OF INTEREST REPORTS ITEM 15 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER/LIQUOR LICENSING INSPECTOR’S REPORT FOR JULY- SEPTEMBER 2016 To: His Worship the Mayor and Councillors Otorohanga District Council From: Environmental Health Officer / Licensing Inspector Date: 15 November 2016 Relevant Community Outcomes The Otorohanga District is a safe place to live Ensure services and facilities meet the needs of the Community Promote the local economy and opportunities for sustainable economic development Manage the natural and physical environment in a sustainable manner Executive Summary The Environmental Health Officer and Licensing Inspector’s report for the period July to September 2016. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that: The Environmental Health Officer and Licensing Inspector’s report for July to September 2016 be received. Report Discussion Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 OTOROHANGA DISTRICT COUNCIL – AGENDA – 15 NOVEMBER 2016 PAGE | 3 The Otorohanga District Local Alcohol Policy (LAP) became effective on 22 August 2016. When the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 was enacted it permitted territorial authorities to develop a local alcohol policy for their district provided it met its object. “The sale, supply and consumption of alcohol should be undertaken safely and responsibly; and the harm caused by the excessive or inappropriate consumption of alcohol should be minimised.’ The Act defines what policies can be included, matters a local authority must have regard to and cannot be more restrictive than the relevant district plan. The LAP is intended to set a clear framework to all applications and to assist the Otorohanga District Licensing Committee in their determinations. The LAP has been applied to all applications since this date and is available on Otorohanga District Council’s website for referral. A quarterly collaboration meeting took place between Otorohanga District Council, Waitomo District Council, NZ Police, NZ Fire and Waikato District Health Board on 24 August 2016 at Te Kuiti Hospital. This meeting satisfies the requirements of s.295 Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 under which agencies have a duty to collaborate. Discussions included issues around enforcement, clarification of requirements and interpretation of the Act. Neither the police nor the health board raised any concerns regarding licenced premises operating in the Otorohanga District. On 12 August 2016 a midnight inspection of all licensed premises in the CBD was undertaken by the Otorohanga police and myself to determine compliance with the license conditions. There were no issues found at this time. There have been no complaints this quarter regarding alcohol licensed premises. Liquor Licensing Statistics On Licences New 1 Renewals 0 Off Licences New 0 Renewals 0 Club Licences New 0 Renewals 0 Managers certificates New 3 Renewals 5 Special licences 14 Temporary Licences 0 The Food Act 2014 The new Food Act 2014 came into effect on 1 March 2016. It is risk based and will depend on the function of the operator as to where the fit into the regime. The fundamental difference is that the operator must maintain through record keeping demonstrating they are compliant. All operators in the district will be transitioned to the new requirements by 2019. OTOROHANGA DISTRICT COUNCIL – AGENDA – 15 NOVEMBER 2016 PAGE | 4 The first types of business to transition are food operators with on-licences and early education centres that serve meals. The majority of these businesses have made contact and have registered their food control plans with the council. Other business types can remain under the Food Hygiene Regulations 1974 until it is their time to transition. Copies of the plans are provided at the time of application. There were two complaints received this quarter regarding cleanliness issues around equipment provided at two cafes. One café replaced while the other thoroughly cleaned the equipment in question. Resource Management Act 2016 All noise complaints undertaken by First Direct and Otorohanga District Council’s noise control officer are reviewed and where there appears to be recidivist behaviour a graduated response follows. Letters to two premises has been sent advising them about the effect of noise and how to be a good neighbour. To date both have reacted positively. There has been no equipment seizure this quarter. The Health Act 1956 A section 27 abatement notice was served on a business who, despite requests by the complainant and notification by me, continually caused a smoke nuisance to a neighbouring dwelling. There has been no reported breeches of the notice to date. Mary Fernandez ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER / LICENSING INSPECTOR OTOROHANGA DISTRICT COUNCIL – AGENDA – 15 NOVEMBER 2016 PAGE | 5 ITEM 16 ROUTINE ENGINEERING REPORT AUGUST TO OCTOBER 2016 To: His Worship the Mayor & Councillors Otorohanga District Council From: Engineering Manager Date: 15 November 2016 Relevant Community Outcomes The Otorohanga District is a safe place to live Ensure services and facilities meet the needs of the Community Executive Summary This is a routine report on engineer matters for the period August to October 2016. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that report be received. Report Discussion ROADING Contract 963 - Roads Maintenance (Inframax Construction) Considering the amount of rain in the last three months, roads in general are in a very good condition. Unsealed roads have performed well through this winter, with very few pot holes or failures. Maintenance grading has been undertaken on some roads but again, we have to be conscious of the weather to avoid turning roads into a sea of mud. Some failures appeared on Kaimango Road (prior to the Clubman Rally) which have been patched. This road will, over the next few months, be subject to heavy logging traffic as the block of pines at route position 9500 are to be logged starting in December – January. The three roads treated with KOBM back in July have produced some interesting data. All three sites were tested on a weekly basis following the treatment for the first six weeks and since then we have tested on a monthly basis. With the two weeks of rain in July, totally some 217mm, our treated area’s lost so much strength it appeared as though we might lose the effect of the treatment. But once the weather improved all three sections hardened up well. They have not reached the same strength as the road outside of the treated areas as yet but we are anticipating that they will this summer. It has also been interesting to note that the road outside of the treated areas also reduces in strength with the wet weather, by around 30%. The number of surface corrugations on these sections of road is significantly less than would have previously been experienced so all indications are that the KOBM trial has been a success and further stretches of road subject to corrugations will be treated shortly. Over the last three months we have had a major focus on culvert inlets and outlets, as well as roadside drainage and shoulder work. This work will alleviate problems with water laying in water tables and drains causing road pavements to become saturated and leading to seal failures. There has also been a focus on spraying of roadside drainage channels and drains to achieve the same result. There have been a few problem culverts around in need of clearing due to the amount and intensity of the rain we’ve been having causing them to block up. OTOROHANGA DISTRICT COUNCIL – AGENDA – 15 NOVEMBER 2016 PAGE | 6 Problem trees have been removed from Puketawai, Old Te Kuiti, Waitomo Valley, Tahaia, Hewer and Bush Roads. These have predominantly been Black Wattle and Macrocarpra growing on road side batters and banks, which tend to become unstable as the trees grow older and bigger. Roadside mowing for the season began on 16 October. The first round will, as usual, be a normal cut as per our specification and the second round will be a heavy cut, as we have done in the last two years.
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