20—MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, June 13, 1990 GOOD THINGS H o useh old v in e g a r Is an LEGAL NOTICE effective and Inexpensive I CARS TRUCKS/VANS TODAY IS a good day to TOWN OF BOLTON I LAWN CARE I TO EAT ploce an ad In classified to fabric softner when added FOR SALE I FOR SALE At a re g u l» mrotino of the Bolton Inland Wbtlande Commis­ ♦o the final laundry rinse. sell those idle Items sion on 5/30700 issued the foNowing permits: What's News YARD MAINTENACE STRAWBERRIES- Pick you’ve been storing. A UNLIM ITED- Low Classified Is the effective CADILLAC 1974 Coupe F O R D 150 1980. Needs your own. Chaponis quick call to 643-2711 will Rotes. Please coll R.D. and Inexpensive wav to Devllle, Original b o d y w o rk . $1000. 646- i brothers on Clark put vour ad In print. difoh from Vbmon Thursday find a cash buyer for owner 88K. Must sell Hd. to Bolton Lake, with oonditione: M o ln v llle at 643-2315. Street, Sooth Windsor. 5477. J household Items you no $2500. 649-0472. Free containers. Open lo n ge r use. 643-2711. CHEVY C60 1965. 5V2 yard Cut laundry costs by de­ 8 a m -8 p m ca ll 528-5741 TOYOTA- 1986 Auto­ dump body many new INVITATION TO BID # 7 j ^ to Roy L. Crocker of 20 Ukeside Ln. to excavate in matic. Long bed, extra buffer for a foundation and reroute drainage to the lake; creasing the omount of tor latest picking Infor­ parts. Excellent condl- The Manchester Public ■ New filing VP. Page. 9 detergent used. Reduce mation. Opening Satur­ cab . 57,000 m ile s. $5900. tlon. Call Bill 649-2384. Schools solicits bids for MILK by one-third ond see day June 9th. C a ll 646-6873. __________ for the 1000-91 school year. ^ in®*®'*® o* Shodcy MiH Rd. to ■ Schiavone in Manchester. CHEVROLET 1975 Step- deposit 100 cu. yd. of fill within the 50' buffer a re ? with condi­ whether you notice a dif­ I TAG SALE VOLKSWAGON 1985 Van 350 Aluminum Sealed bids will be received tions. Page 9 ference In the appearance Jetta sedan. 5 speed, body, new parts. Rns until June 21. 1990, 2.-00 p.m„ of your wosh. Add extra CHURCH TAG SALE- air, great condition. g o o d . $2800. C a ll 649- at which time they will be ■ DiRosa accepts hauler con­ dollars to your budget by PETS AND F r ld a y , J u n e 15th, 9-1. $3800 ca ll 646-6388. 6232.____________________ publicly opened. The right is Wayne Shoray selling "don't needs " with Saturday, I6th, 9-12. reserved to reject any and all Chairman tract. Page 9 I SUPPLIES O R D 19 6 5 TOYOTA- 1986 Auto­ Thursday, June 14,1990 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm a low-cost ad In Classi­ Community Baptist bids. Specifications arxi bid Stephen Lowreyjowrey Newsstand Price: 35 Cents THUNDERBIRD- hard matic. Long bed, extra fied. 643-2711. C h u rc h , 585 E a s t C e n ­ forms may be secured at the Clerk ■ ROTC grads look to future. PUPPIES free to a good top. 88,000 miles, char­ cob . 57,000 m ile s. $5900 031-06 h o m e . C a ll 643-8030. ter St, Manchester. Business Office, 45 North coal g re y , 390 V .8 , a ir, C a ll 646-6873. S^ool Street, Manchester, TOWN OF MANCHESTER Page 9 full power, one owner, " s : I c e l PAINTING/ CT. LEGAL NOTICE CARS excellent condition. p l a y e r P IA N O S ore In ■ Aparo trial goes to jury. u 13 0 1 PAPERING At its meeting of J u r » 4, 1990 the Planning and Zoning $5800/best offer. 643- demand. If you have one 027-06 Commission maide the follov^g decisions: I MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 8703 e ve n in g s. you do not use, why not \ Page 10 A R E Y O U LOOKING Bolton vote exchange it for cash with FOR ME? New phone FOR SALE D O D G E - 1986. '150', 318 N o w Is the tim e to ru n an a w a n t od. T h is Is a good time to find ROBERT D. MURDOCK - Zone Change RC to B-11 -1 004 number. Painting 8, CID, automatic, bed EDITORIAL ad In classified to sell thot a cash buyer for that East MIddIa TOm pIke (M -141) - Denied without prejudfoe toe paper hanging, same liner, tool box, 50K, request to change the zoning district dassinci camero you no longer typewriter no one uses. from ■ Town manager acted ir­ quality service. Call END ROLLS $5500. 742-8669. Residence C to Business II at the above address. use. WANTED TO Use a low-cost ad In B o b M o rto n 646-6597. 27V4" width — 50C HONDA CIVIC-1986 Im­ Classified for quick re­ responsibly. Page 4 BUY/TRAOE Edward J. LAZARIN - SHa Plan Modllkretlon - Phaabig 13" width — 2 for 50« maculate condition 4 1981 PONTIAC sults. 643-2711. upheld today Plan - 405 Net^ Slats Road (L-S9) - Approved wHh a oondT Newsprint end rolls can be door, blue 73,000 miles, FIREBIRD- excellent CASH PAID for old cars lion and a modfibation the proposed phasing plan for develop­ FURNITURE picked up at the Manchester standard transmission condition. Asking In good condition. Coll ment of toe above address. Representatives of both The Neglected Herald O NLY before 11 a.m, g o o d stereo $3900. C all $2200. C a ll 649-2811. Cheney bids are opened N a n y tim e 646-6388. By Donna O’Leary Monday through Thursday. Ta;^ayer8 (TNT) group and the Citizen’s SOFA- Excellent condi­ 646-9513. MERCURY 1984 Capri. Manchester Herald tion, gold 8i green HAVW OOD pool filter- 1 A copy of this decision has been fifed in the Town Clerk's of­ Alliance for School Excellence (CASE) B M W 325 E - 1984 sh o w ­ Low mileage, 1 owner. We buy clean, late model a d s are worth fice •Jf Members of the Cheney Hall Foundation Inc. floral pattern. With 3 H P motor. Canvas room condition. Red C le a n . A s k in g $2000. used cars rnd trucks. Top ooking Into when you're indicated that they were upset over the cushions, on wheels. will meet at 7 tonight in the Lincoln Center hearing awning with all support with every available C a ll C a ro l,649-5862. prices paid. poking for a place to BOLTON — A mandatory recount A s k in g $100. C a ll 647- Ptanninig arxi Zoning Commission missing votes, but as of this morning had room to open bid proposals from contractors vying hardware. Picture win­ option. BMW/Blau- Mr. Duff • Carter Ctwvrolat live...whether it's a home, this morning of Monday’s budget 0007 If no a n s w e r ca ll d o w , 45" X 100*. 646- Marion Taggart, Secretary not indicated what, if any actions they Dunkt sound sys­ MUSTANG -1979 Must 1229 MalnStraat an apartment or a mobile for the job to renovate the interior of Cheney Hall. 742-8187. 6268. hom e. referendum vote conBrmed the original might take. te m .$9850 call 644-8331. sell. Best offer 282-1028. Manchaater, CT During an informal meeting on We^esday, 032-06 tally which defeated passage of the TNT’s position was supported by the 6464464 municipal budget. But town registrars foundation members said they anticipate that about vote this week. But the missing 24 votes 10 contractors will offer bids for the projecL which also say the recount has discovered that could have either further buttressed its LEGAL NOTICE 24 votes are missing. may cost anywhere from $1.2 million to $25 mil­ NOTICE OF ESTABUSHMENT B. All Town of Manchaater Authorized Sanitary Sowar Ser- posititm, or could have swung the issue TOWN OF ANDOVER OF A SCHEDULE OF RATES, CHARGES AND FEES vlco Areas Registrars said this morning that a lion. PLANNING A ZONING COMMISSION the other way, giving proponents enough MANCHESTER SEWER DIVISION For aH retail, commercial arxi $2000 per acre of land recount has verified the 947-to-944 vote >7 TllV i The bids will be reviewed by project architects PUBLIC HEARINGS industrial buildings IW02 T1IW 3H1 On Jun® 5 1990 the Board of Directors of toe Town of (i.e. she, o ^ space, etc.) votes to ^prove the budget. Malmfeldt Associates, who should be able to Pl^nm g & Zoning Commission of Andover. Connecticut which defeated the proposed $9,014 mil­ ^ c h O T t e r , in its capacity as the Wbter Pollution Control approved for development However, the issue is expected to be recommend a contractor in about 10 days, said w illto holdng Public Hearings on Monday, Juno 18, 1990 at i BUY HERE-PAY HERE lion budget. The recount was mandatory Authonty, e s ^ te h e d and revised fees and charges for toe calculated to the nearest brought up this evening during a special 7:30 p.m. in toe Andover Elementary School Music Room on under state law, which says that in any Cheney Hall Raimdation President Dcmald Kuehl. ®®*^ toe use of toe sewerage system. On June 1/10 of an acre.
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