Turnham, Margaret H. (2012) Roman Catholic revivalism: a study of the area that became the diocese of Middlesbrough 1779-1992. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham. Access from the University of Nottingham repository: http://eprints.nottingham.ac.uk/12539/1/Roman_Catholic_Revivalism- _A_Study_of_the_area_that_became_the_diocese_of_Middlesbrough_1779-1992.pdf Copyright and reuse: The Nottingham ePrints service makes this work by researchers of the University of Nottingham available open access under the following conditions. · Copyright and all moral rights to the version of the paper presented here belong to the individual author(s) and/or other copyright owners. · To the extent reasonable and practicable the material made available in Nottingham ePrints has been checked for eligibility before being made available. · Copies of full items can be used for personal research or study, educational, or not- for-profit purposes without prior permission or charge provided that the authors, title and full bibliographic details are credited, a hyperlink and/or URL is given for the original metadata page and the content is not changed in any way. · Quotations or similar reproductions must be sufficiently acknowledged. Please see our full end user licence at: http://eprints.nottingham.ac.uk/end_user_agreement.pdf A note on versions: The version presented here may differ from the published version or from the version of record. If you wish to cite this item you are advised to consult the publisher’s version. Please see the repository url above for details on accessing the published version and note that access may require a subscription. For more information, please contact [email protected] Roman Catholic Revivalism: A study of the area that became the Diocese of Middlesbrough 1779-1992 Margaret H. Turnham, B.Ed., M.Th. Thesis submitted to the University of Nottingham for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. July 2012 i Abstract This thesis seeks to provide a grassroots study of the diocese of Middlesbrough (1779-1992), in order to contribute to the history of the English Catholic community since it emerged from the Penal Times. Secondly, it is an examination of the manifestation of revivalism and renewal in Catholic devotional practice. The geographical extent of the study covers an area of Yorkshire with a strong recusant history, and that period has been well-served in Catholic historiography. However, writing on the period following the easing of the Penal Laws on Catholics and into the nineteenth and twentieth centuries is remarkable for the paucity of references to the diocese and the area that it covers. Therefore this study sheds light upon a particular Catholic community that has been largely invisible to historians. Although the Catholic community itself might appear to be invisible, the devotional practice within it offers many insights, such as the extent to which the social culture influenced the practice of faith. Therefore it teases out and examines the changing nature of devotional practice, and compares it to aspects of Evangelical revivalism that provided the surrounding religious culture. It also examines the influences that came to bear upon the community itself, assessing their importance in the revival and renewal of faith of the people within it. By examining the history of Catholic devotional practice in this area of Yorkshire, it comes to the conclusion that revivalism and renewal are integral elements in Catholic devotion and as a result Catholics and Evangelicals have more in common with each other than their adherents have been ready to acknowledge. ii Acknowledgements There are many people who have helped and supported me over the past few years without whom this doctoral study would not have been completed. First and foremost my thanks go to my supervisor, Dr Frances Knight, who has guided me throughout with patience and humour as well as understanding when family affairs intruded upon my time. Attempting a Ph.D. by studying part time and living at a distance from the University requires a supervisor with a lot of patience and some ingenuity in solving the inevitable difficulties that arise. Frances provided both and I am humbled by the fact that her confidence in me never wavered. I must thank also the Rt. Rev. Terence Drainey, Bishop of Middlesbrough for his support and encouragement and in giving his blessing for me to ask the 2009 Lourdes Pilgrims and the diocesan priests for their help. Thank you to those priests of the diocese who kindly helped me in the survey of 2009. So often, such requests are filed in the litter bin; therefore I am truly grateful for the excellent response to my request for help. Thanks must also go to the 2009 Lourdes Pilgrims who responded to my request to take part in the survey and to the people of the parish of Stokesley who took part in the pilot run of the survey. Especially warm thanks go to Liz Hoggett, who came to the rescue and collated and numbered the blank survey booklets whilst I was in the grip of shock and grief due to the untimely death of my sister. Without her help at that time, the survey would not have happened. A special thank you must go to Jane Harpin. Little did she know what she was starting when, in 2003 she challenged me to start using my brain and I nervously embarked upon a Master’s degree in Church History. Her continuing support, encouragement and friendship have been essential. Finally and most importantly my thanks go to my husband and children. Without their unfailing love, support and encouragement I would not have started, never mind finished this thesis. My husband Derek especially has read and commented on every page, debated with me, calmed me down, fed me and at times reminded me to sleep, ably supported by the others. It is to Derek, Michael, Helen and Philip that I dedicate this work with my love and gratitude for being such a fantastic family. Thank you. iii Abbreviations AA Ampleforth Archives BIUY Borthwick Institute, University of York CWL Catholic Women’s League DVDP Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul ERRAS East Riding Record and Archive Service FCJ Faithful Companions of Jesus HCM Hull Catholic Magazine JEH Journal of Ecclesiastical History LDA Leeds Diocesan Archives MDA Middlesbrough Diocesan Archives NEDG North Eastern Daily Gazette RICA Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults SC Sacrosanctum Concilium iv Contents Acknowledgements……………………………………..……………………….ii Abbreviations…………………………………………………………………….iii List of Maps……………………………………………………………………....vi List of Figures and Photographs ………………………………………..….viii Introduction…………………………………………………………………….….1 Part One: The Diocese of Middlesbrough 1992 and beyond 1.1: An introduction to the diocese..............................................................................16 1.2: Pastoral organization of the diocese…………………………………………….22 1.3: Spiritual and liturgical life within the diocese…………………………………..29 1.4: Lay Life and Apostolic Action………………………………………………….37 1.5: The Religious Climate in 1992…………………………………………………40 1.6: Conclusion………………………………………………………………………42 Part Two: The Emergent Church 1779-1879 2.1: The Protestant Climate of North and East Yorkshire 1779-1829……………….43 2.2: The Emergence of Public Congregations ………………………………………52 2.3: A Century of Religious Orders 1779-1878…..………………………………….72 2.4: Revolutions 1800-1850………………………………………………………….89 2.5: Towards a new Diocese 1850-1879……………………………………………122 2.6: The diocese of Middlesbrough 1879…………………………………………..144 Part Three: The Native Church 1879-1929 3.1: Into the Twentieth Century 1879-1918………………………………………. 157 3.2: The priorities of Bishop Lacy………………………………………………….170 3.3: The Contribution of the Religious……………………………………………..189 v 3.4: New Ways……………………………………………………………………...200 3.5: The Transitional Years 1918-1929…………………………………………….223 Part Four: An Irish Church 1929-1963 4:1: The Irish Picture……………………………………………………………….238 4.2: The Building Blocks…………………………………………………………...251 4.3: Devotional Practice 1929-1955……………………………………………..…270 4.4: Mission and pilgrimage 1931-1955…………………………………………....282 4.5: The Ebbing Tide 1956-1963…………………………………………………...295 Part Five: A Changing Church 1964-1992 5.1: A New Reformation 1963-1978…………………………………………….…311 5.2: The Changed Church 1978-1992………………………………………………340 Conclusions…………………………………………………………………….. 357 Bibliography…………………………………………………………………….365 vi List of Maps 1. Catholic Dioceses in England and Wales….…………………………………19 2. Parishes of the Diocese of Middlesbrough 1992……………………………..25 3. Parishes in Hull 1992..………………………………………………………..25 4. Parishes in Middlesbrough 1992…………………...…………………………27 5. The geography of the North and East Ridings of Yorkshire in the Nineteenth century……………………………………………………………44 6. The 1851 Religious Census: Places of worship in the North and East Ridings (excluding Hull and York)…………………………………47 7. The 1851 Religious Census. Places of worship in Hull………………………48 8. The 1851 Religious Census. Places of worship in the city of York…………..48 9. The physical geography of the mission field…………………………………62 10. The distribution and density of the Catholic Population of the North and East Ridings in 1780……………………………………………………..62 11. Missions and centres of Population within the North and East Ridings of Yorkshire at the end of the Eighteenth Century……………………...........63 12. ‘Ampleforth Country’ showing Missions and Mass stations of the Benedictine Community in 1993…………………………………………….79 13. Missions in 1851……………………………………………………………...92 14. 1851 census showing Catholic population…………………………………....93
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