100S. Idea that Papke Is a snap this time, and he thinks he has a good chance to STARS RETURN TO i PENNANT-WTNNFR- BASEBALL LEAGUE FOUR CITIES ONLY win back the championship. VANCOUVER. B. 0.. S OF NOT?THWF.STF.RN San Francisco sportdom is Interested In the benefits that are being arranged for the mother and sister for the late I "Bob" Smyth, who died a week ago. WAS H N GTO N TEAM FOR COAST LEAGUE Smyth was for many years sporting editor of the Call and one of the best-know- n and best-like- d men in the busi- ness. He was sick for some nine weeks before his death and aa he had not i been well for two years previous, left - little or nothing for his immediate - t Bantz, Babcock and Jarvis Rumored Agreement With the family, who were dependent on him. f The sporting world showed Its gener- v - Raise Hope of Champion- Circuit Fixes Next ous spirit by Jumping to the front. A State theatrical benefit will be given Octo- u ship at Seattle. ber 22 and will be followed by a box- J Year's Circuit. ing show on October 27. Benny Sells, manager of Joe Gans. was named as V the head of a finance committee and has already received in ' subscriptions $1010. It is fully expected that at least STRONG WHITW0RTH TEAM $6000 will be raised and handed over - i LOS ANGELES WILL HOWL tp the family. vt r LS9 Favorable Keports Come From According to Report. Coasters Have Pullman and Moscow, While Ore-eo- n Had Enough War and AVill and Corvallls Are Rounding; Withdraw From frjira-meiit- o IXTERSCHOIASTIC TEAMS PITT Into Form. McCredie Sore. IN HARD PRACTICE. BT RBFERBB. Season Begins With Game Between Washington's football prospects, B. which looked so dismal a week ago, BY HARRY SMITH. Fast Side and Portland Academy. v SAX FRANCISCO, Oct. 17. The base- t it , have assumed a rosy hue, and the feel- Dope on the Teams. ing of gloom that hung over the campua ball problem, or what Is going to hap- at Seattle has given way to a spirit pen to the Pacific Coast League. Is the of confidence and a determination to question Is interesting the fans winning fight championship that season will jt . make a for Just at present. Nobody seems to know The Interscholastlo football honors. The cause of all this Joy is which way the cat Is going to jump, open Wednesday, October H, when the the return of Baxwell Bants, Frank H. nd with Cal Ewtng and Henry Berry East Side High School football team will V Babcock and Paul Jarvis to the game. In the East, where they attended the line up against the Portland Academy These big veteran linemen have been in world's series and will remain to be eleven. The Academy boys are working college since the opening of the pres- in attendance at the meeting of the hard under the coaching of Professors ent semester, but not until last Monday minor leagues, there la very little Thorne and Mackie. and will doubtless did they decide to don their moleskin chance to get a correct line on tho put a team on the field that will give suits and fight for the honor of tho subject. their opponents a hard fight for the cham- purple and gold. Academy boys de- r To say that the presence of these According to the best information, pionship honors. The not the Coasters have had enough' of war feated the Pacific University team last men will help Washington does tune 4 to 0. half express the situation. They have with the State League and have made Thursday to the of The in- feature of the game was a field goal that brought order out of chaos; have a partial compact by which the State fused new life Into the squad, and have League will go Into organized baseball was kicked from the line by Cobb, enough material for as which won the game for the Academy. given Coach Doble and act a feeder for the Coast are practicing every a heavy forward line. In brief, these League. In exchange, so it is said, The East Slders Harry E. J. O'leary, Erlckson, . Flannlgan, ef. Ma hem, . men have pulled Washington up from League to with- night, and axe getting down to some sem- Hyatt, rf. Hall, DelL p. Dr. J. W. Brett, Dnker, and the Coast has agreed team will be BtockJaoMer. Secretary. stocltliolder. the bottom of the football ladder draw from Sacramento and will allow blance of team work. The p. p. placed her at the top. lighter than last season's bunch, but a. Nordyke, lbcapt. A. R. Dickson, Sucden, e. Franklla, . Paddock, the State League to remain Intact. If Sayder, Sb. Eagle, Mgr. Is so. and begins to look very considerably faster. The boys defeated Prea't and Babcock Is Star Guard. this it Vancouver High School last Sat- Qolgler, Sb. Abrosast, e. much as If It Is the proper dope, there the DoBoraa, If. Mundorff, ss. W. Cutler, mascot. Babcock will be remembered as the seems nothing of Coast urday in a practice game by the score ahead the of 26 to 0. big guard who tore holes through the League but a four-tea- m affair. If they Jones, who played a star game at Oregon line three years ago and who drop Sacramento, they cannot give Academy made It possible for the Evergreen Los Angeles continuous baseball, and quarter for the Portland men to tie Oregon's score In the famous team last season, has Joined the East something inside base- slides Into the base while he is pulling once more there will be a howl. up taught his men of It down. game at Seattle. He weighs Side team and is putting a great ball In two year's time. 215 pounds returns to the game af- half-Coa- Tommy Evers, one a second and McCredie Feels Sore. game at right Dopesters at the start of the Pacific GOSSIP OF DIAMOND time ter an absence of two years. Although Rader is highly elated over TAKES HEADWORK League season handed out the baseman on the Washington club and Babcock McCTedle Is extremely sore Coast tn who is an not In the best of condition, Walter the showing the boys are making and opinion without reservation that should a swell one his time, will be In good playing form when because the Coast League did not go expects to develop a winning team. Portland once gain the top McCredie's uncle of the Chicago candy kid, Johnny Washington lines up against O. A. C. at after four cities In the Northwest and The team will line up In the opening men would never be headed. Yet Port- Evers, says that Street has all the mo- Seattle on October 31. undoubtedly he represents his uncle's game as follows: TO WIN PENNANTS land gained the top before the Fourth tions and the same kind of a throw- Bantz has played guard on the sentiments In the matter. He doesn't Hale and Balzee. ends: Fanis and of July, but could not hold it simply be- ing arm as had Buck Ewlng. Washington varsity for three seasons, talk about kicking over the traces, the Leader brothers, tackles: Houch cause Walter McCredie lacked ability to Stories of Baseball Favorites When the St. Louis champions were and Is a most consistent performer. but feels that Ewtng has not done the and Flaherty, guards: Moreland cen- attain "inside" baseball. This defect ' sweeping everything before them, says He strips at 190 and has plenty of right thing. I had a long talk with ter: Connell, quarterback: Everst and has cost Portland numberless games. Known on Coast. Mr. Evers, and running crazy on the speed. Jarvis did not play last year, Walter the other day, and this is the Jones, halves; Stanard and Cason, full- Detroit's loss of the world's champion- bases, beating the backstops to It at but during the seasons of 1905 and 1908 gist of what he said: backs. ship, and McCredie's loss of the Paciao every point, they blew into New York he was one of the team's mainstays. "Ewtng made a bad mistake when he Among the new men Houston, a for- of Suc- Coast League pennant, should prove les- with the Idea of making' Buck Ewlng He plays at either guard or tackle and refused to go after the cities in the mer Pendleton High School star, is That Is the Secret the sons to both managers. look as foolish as they had the other weighs 185 pounds. Northwest. The Judge has decided showing up well at end, and bids fair catchers on the circuit. All of these men have weight, speed under views and feels that an eight-tea- m to make the team. cess of Chicago National DAVIDSON ENDS FIGHT ' GAME HAL CHASE AND WAITER The first man up for the St Louis and experience, and the skillful league with the rivalry of California The second Interscholastic game will club was Arlie Latham, the third base- training of Coach Doble they will add 24. be- man champion base purlolner of great strength to the Washington against the Northwest would be the be played Saturday, October League Team. and a good ma- thing. I agree with him. Los Angeles tween Hill Military Academy and the Wisconsin's Reform Governor Takes his day.
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