THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF STRUMPSHAW PARISH COUNCIL held at Strumpshaw Village Hall at 8.45 pm on Monday, 18th January 2016. Present Alison Peart, Chairman Steve Hearnden Pauline Kinmond Oliver Nicholson David Varley Malcolm Whittaker In attendance: Pauline James, Parish Clerk. Two residents were present. 1. Apologies for absence Andrew Pinder, Vice Chairman PCSO Russell Oldham Andrew Proctor – District and County Councillor 2. Declarations of interest in items on the agenda It was noted that some of the Parish Councillors had been working on the proposal for a Community Centre for some time. Alison Peart, David Varley and Steve Hearnden are on the Community Centre Committee. 3. Minutes The minutes of the meetings held on 5th October, 17th November and 9th December 2015 were agreed to be correct, and were signed by Alison Peart as Chairman of the Parish Council. 4. Matters arising from the minutes 4.1 Alison Peart was unable to attend the Local Council Cluster Meeting on 14th January. The meeting was cancelled and a new date needs to be chosen. 4.2 The Police reported that they are aware of speeding issues along Norwich Road/Long Lane and will carry out site visits if time permits. 4.3 The Royal British Legion sent a note of thanks for the recent donation. 4.4 The Broadland District Council planning officer confirmed that the existing outline application for the land to the west of St Peter’s Church was still in force despite the S.106 agreement not having been complied with. A resident sent a copy of a letter from the Department for Communities and Local Government which states, “where a planning application conflicts with a neighbourhood plan…planning permission should not normally be given.” 18.01.2016 1 4.5 Norfolk County Council has agreed to monitor carriageway damage in Church Road, Hassingham and Hemblington Road, Strumpshaw. Action is being taken for the removal of the sleepers from the Highways verge at Pond Farm 5. Police Report PCSO Russell Oldham sent a report of two recorded crimes since the last meeting. 6. Public Participation The meeting was suspended to allow comments from residents: 6.1 A resident expressed concerns about the drainage of the site for the Community Hall and ten dwellings on Mill Hill. 7. Tree warden’s report – see below 8. Buckenham Wood Two sets of steps need replacement Entrance is too wide Dog bin needs new lid 4 trees need safety work There was some discussion about the way to improve the area by the steps. It was suggested that Blofield and District Conservation Group (BADCOG) be contacted to see if they can help. Malcolm Whitaker offered to inspect the dog bin to see if a new lid could be fitted or if the fittings have been damaged. The tree warden has offered to carry out some of this work. It was agreed to contact the Council’s insurance to check that he would be insured to do the work. 9. Community Room and Allotments Alison Peart gave a report; the planning application has been submitted for the community room and allotments, plus an outline application for ten houses. This has been advertised on all the noticeboards, with a copy of the plans available at the village shop. 10. Correspondence 10.1 The Audit Commission ceased to exist on 1st April 2015. A new company, Smaller Authorities’ Audit Appointments Ltd, has been created to take over the appointment of external auditors and the setting of audit fees from 2017. Parish councils will be automatically absorbed into this regime unless they opt out. It was agreed to join this new company. 10.2 Details of Broadland District Council’s Handyperson+ service were noted. 10.3 South Norfolk Council sent details of the adoption of their Local Plan Documents. 18.01.2016 2 10.4 Broadland District Council sent the December Parish Pages. It was noted that Strumpshaw was not included in the list of parish plans. The clerk has asked for this to be remedied in the next edition. 10.5 Small changes to Bridleway no: 20 were noted. 10.6 The timetable for the mobile library was noted and will be advertised. 11. Highways 11.1 Highways Flooding. There has been severe flooding near to The Huntsman on Norwich Road. It was reported that the fire service attended the site, to pump out the water. The clerk was asked to contact NCC Highways to find out what they plan to do about the repeated flooding. 11.2 Councillors commented that the roads around the village need to be swept. 11.3 Potholes were reported in Hemblington Lane. 12. Planning 12.1 An application for a premises licence for Strumpshaw Park was withdrawn before it could be considered. 12.2 Mr & Mrs Adams, 1 The Loke, Strumpshaw – sub-division of plot and erection of one dwelling (outline). There were no objections to the plans. 12.3 Mr Benson, The Water Meadows, 1a Long Lane, Strumpshaw – single storey rear extension including attached garage, front porch extension. There were no objections to the plans. 12.4 Mr & Mrs Pull, The Willows, Hemblington Road, Strumpshaw – proposed front and rear extensions and associated works. There were no objections to the plans. 12.5 A, J & R Smith, Land at Lane connecting Norwich Road and Buckenham – hybrid application for 1) residential development comprising of 10 detached dwellings (outline) and 2) new community hall, allotments, associated parking and new access (full) (20151659). The councillors supported the plans. (It was noted that the Parish Council has been involved in the drawing up of the plans for the community hall.) 12.6 Decisions by Broadland District Council: i) Crossing Cottage, Pack Lane, Strumpshaw – alterations and extensions to permit the occupation of the annexe as a separate dwelling (20151353) - approved. ii) The Water Meadows, Long Lane, Strumpshaw – to allow unrestricted occupancy (20151392) – approved. 18.01.2016 3 iii) Land to the rear of The Old Forge, Hemblington Road, Strumpshaw – erection of dwelling (20151718) – approved. iv) Glebe House, 12 Norwich Road, Strumpshaw – sub-division of plot and erection of detached chalet bungalow (20151736) – approved. v) The Winter Yard, Buckenham Road, Strumpshaw – single storey side extension to detached garage to form annexe – approved. vi) Oak Tree Lodge, 4 Long Lane, Strumpshaw – dining room extension (20151765) – approved. vii) Four Acres, 8 Long Lane, Strumpshaw – use of outbuilding for ancillary residential accommodation and extension of dwelling to form enlarged kitchen (20151917) – approved. The application for a replacement shed was also approved. 12.4 The planning enforcement lists were noted. 13. Finance 13.1 Financial report: Receipts Transfer from savings 1,100.00 Payments: Pauline James Expenses, incl. domain name 107.54 Acle PC Share of expenses 54.41 Came & Co Insurance 326.57 HMRC Income tax January 48.60 HMRC Income tax February 48.40 S&HPCC Room hire 72.00 Buck & Hass Social Club Room hire 10.00 Pauline James Salary January s.o. 193.96 Pauline James Salary February s.o. 193.96 Balance c/f at 18.1.2016 193.60 Savings Account 2nd half precept received £2,604.00 11,801.02 National Savings 774.84 Total monies 12,769.46 13.2 The above payments were authorised. 13.3 Budget and Precept: The results for the 9 months to 31st December and estimated accounts to 31st March 2016 were presented, together with the previously budgeted figures. The clerk presented a budget for the year ending 31st March 2017, which showed an estimated deficit of £822. After some discussion it was agreed to increase 18.01.2016 4 the precept by 2%, to £5,312 which represents an average of £22.04 for a Band D home, for the year. The clerk’s salary increases by 1 scale point to SCP 25; £11.5447 per hour for 5 hours per week. 13.4 Earmarked reserves. It was agreed to transfer £10,000 to earmarked reserves for capital works around the village, including the new community hall. 13.5 Charitable donations. It was agreed to give £25 to East Anglian Air Ambulance. (S.137 LGA donation). 13.6 The insurance schedule was copied to each councillor. 14. Administration 14.1 The clerk’s contract was adopted and signed by the clerk and by Alison Peart, on behalf of the Council. 15. Items for the Next Meeting: Defibrillators – the local first responders will attend a future meeting It was agreed that the clerk should set up a Facebook page It was also agreed that the clerk should set up a free website as provided free of charge by the Norfolk Association of Local Councils, to be used to advertise Council activities and local events. 16. The date of the next meeting will be on Wednesday, 16th March 2016 at 8 pm in the Parish Room, Strumpshaw. There being no further business the meeting closed at 10.00 pm Signed:………………………………. Dated: 16th March 2016 Chairman 18.01.2016 5 .
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