Weather Disfribi/tion l «. Wtir foetoy Mfc tt mBANK **r », tow Unlfht It 4k. 20,025 nonew, rain, no chant* ia tem- perature. Sunday falraad mild. See weather, page ]. DM! SH 1-0010 VOL. 85, NO. .8 tntty. •MOMI QUI FcntFcntttt RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1962 MdUMDMSalllu OOOO1CM1 . 7c PER COPY PAGEdNE Hughes Warns Educators ATLANTIC OTY (AP) - GOT. "When this report Is made avail- which la a most powerful weapon Richard J. Hughes will warn the able I look for a great state de- In persuasion," Hughe* said. N. J, Education Association tonight bate—Informed and civillied-on He said school officials and Navy to Begin Check to go easy In its all-out drive lor the facts of our resources, our teachers will have to show that a big increase In *Ute taxes to needs and the alternatives avail- added funds will be well used, increase state 'aid (or education able to bring the two into harmo- for such things as improved lan- In a. speech prepared for the ny," the governor said. guage facility among children, *acher organization's annual con- But he said the NJEA stems both in English and foreign lan- vention, Hughes said professional to have anticipated the tax poli- guages: and better teaching of the group* such M the NJEA "must cy commission report by a call culturally deprived, those of lim- maintain' a proper balance be* In September for an-all-out drive ited ability and of exceptional Of Ships Leaving Cuba ween thaAterests o( their mem- for increased state aid when the ability. «rs and The common good." report is Issued. The public" will scrutinize the claim that inadequate salaries WASHINGTpN (AP) - U. S. Navy warships steamed Into The NJEA has been the spear- • "As you prepare for your all- position today for a rendezvous with Soviet vessels and on- are responsible tor any mediocre iead of a three-year drive for in-out drive,", the governor told the the-spot proof they are hauling Red missiles from Cuba. teachers in New Jersey schools. creasing state aid to education by teachers, "It would be well to re- The at-sea check is expected to' go 'smoothly. Soviet co- "If, In fact, 'inadequate' sala- about $100 to $150 million a year. member that there are some who operation is taken for granted and the Pentagon indicated ries have resulted in the recruit- Present school aid totals* about will interpret your interest yesterday that the American ships would do their checking 1100 million a year. The NJEA self-serving only. • ' ment of mediocre teachers, what by sidling up alongside the Russian vessels. assurance" does -the public have supports a salej or personnel In- Cites Public Interest . However, a spokesman would not rule out the possibility that better salaries will bring an wme tax, neither of which is lev- "It is very possible that pub- that the Russian ships would be boarded If such action is elevation in quality, rather than a '•d In New Jersey. ' • • lic understanding and respect for deemed necessary. further subsidization of the medi- Crucial Decision teachers-a goal of their associ- In proclaiming at a Moscow news conference Wednesday ocre?" Hughes asked. Hughes said the crucial dec! ations — will suffer by actions that the Red missiles "probably are on their way" home, So- Hughes cautioned the teachers on on state aid must await the which, to many,, seem not Is the viet Premier Khrushchev mentioned a figure of 40. That's ; -port of the State Tax Policy public interest, and to that ex- that a major tax revision will be the minimum amount the Navy will be looking for, the Pen- ; 'omroisslon, due in December. tent lacking in the objectivity a prolonged process. tagon said. NAVY'S MISSION ' The Navy's mission is to confirm what the Defense De- partment says aerial reconnaissance photographs indicate— Ultimatum For Inspector "that medium-range ballistic missile and intermediate-range ballistic missile.equipment is being removed from Cuba." an assistant or another man or A letter was received from the . UNION BEACH - Unless The Pentagon announcement also said the photographs In- Harris Gardens Improvement ulldlng inspector Howard remove Mm." Heated "all known MRBM and IRBM missile bases in Cuba. Association commending Mayor Smith changes his night for Is- In other business, council de- 'iave been dismantled." and Council for obtaining the suing permits within two weeks, cided to request another Civil Three Russian ships—presumably carrying missiles—were more than $100,000 in federal aid Borough Council will attempt to Service exan? tor police patrol- "•ighted outbound from Cuba yesterday. They probably will replace him or remove him from men. There are three vacancies this year for borough improve- •je the first contacted by U. S. warships. office. in the department. Only two ment projects. THE BIG QUESTION men qualified as a result of the It was announced that council That was the decision of Although Washington fully expects Khrushchev to live up last exam. • ' Mayor William F. Rodgerj and will apply for state aid, on a to his missiles withdrawal commitment/the Pentagon announce- 'he governing body last night. These men wHl still be eligible matching-fund basis, for installa- ment carefully avoided a flat declaration that all Soviet mis- tion of a flood gate in the Brook ' The Inspector, is under Civil for appointment, but, the. mayor siles were on their way out of Cuba. explained, council wants more Ave. area. Service. He issues permits on Thus the question remains: • * applicants "In order to have a $55t CMorinator Did the Russians bring into Cuba more missiles than were Tuesday nights. wider selection." The Zoning Board of Adjust- Councilman Leonard A. Colog- detected by U. S. surveillance? ' LEADERS CONFER AT RECEPTION — Ana stu Mikoyan; (eft, Soviet finf deputy pre- At the same time, it was re- ne reported that the new milllon- Last night. Assistant Secretary of State Edwin M. Martin ment meets the third Tuesday ol vealed that because of shortage mier, talks with Cuban Premier Fidel Castro at reception in Havana Wednesday gaildn-a-day water well will be acknowledged in a radio interview that Inspection of depart- each month, and the Planning of police regulars, there are sev- Board the second Tuesday. In operation "within a few ing ships at sea "would not necessarily tell us what was left given by the Soviet- embassy in Cuba. In center is Soviet writer Tijmenev who eral periods a week during which behind." The Zoning Board has taken there is DO police protection ex- weeks." He said a chbrinator served as interpreter. This picture was received in NewYfrk yesterday, by Cuban At the United Nations, Informed sources reported that cept for a man behind the desk is being purchased, at a cost of the stand that it is Imperative Russia has told the United States all Soviet missiles will be government broadcast. Occasion was celebration marking 45th anniversary of Bol- in headquarters. $500, for the well.. • the Inspector attend board meet- out of Cuba by Monday and there will be no need for U. S. shevik revolution. (AP Wir«photo) ings, for consultation an advice. Slaee July The state Department of Health ordered the borough to naval inspection of outbound Russian ships after that date. Council backs the board in this This has been the case since The inclination in Washington was to view this as informative, stand. July. Mayor Rogers reported use the device. Mr. Cologna announced that he rather than an attempt to set a deadline for when at-sea in- Mr. Rodgers explained' last that he learned of the condition Railroad Car will be at the water works build- spection should cease. light that council has written only yesterday, and said it Term Tax Suit ing Saturday morning to answer This morning, the Washington Post said it had learned at Mr. Smith two letters asking him would be corrected In the near questions regarding water bills. the United Nations that Khrushchev sent a private letter to to change his permit night, with- future, by drawing new (work Is Stranded The borough received a- traf- Kennedy Tuesday as part of a continuing process of keeping 4 r mt receiving « reply. schedules or using more special channels open between Washington and Moscow. officers. flce safety citation . from the A Novel:€ase VISUAL INSPECTION . I Strikes and Oat? •When this Is corrected. It state Department of Law and At Station Although the .contents of the brief note were not disclosed, HOUMDEL— Lawrence A. Car- An outgrowth of the decision THemayordlrectedthata^rdhad better not _ ever .tappe. **£*?& ELBERON — A Pennsylvania again," he warned, "or someone and promoting measures for traf- the Post said, the supposition is that it dealt with visual in- ton, Jr., township attorney, has was (to revaluation programs •tier be written and said if no spection of homeward-bound Soviet ships. Railroad train arrived here at started by most all communities espouse is received within • two will have to answer for it In nofic safety during 1)61.", termed a recently filed tax suit The newspaper said there were reports at the United Na- In the'state tq comply with the eeks "we will have to appoint uncertain terms." Commends Poue» 6:05 p.m. last night. When it left here "a novel case." tions Khrushchev wrote he was unable to make further con- the atate, a coupling broke, low- court.drder. ' Mr. Rodgers commended the cessions In the Cuban affair.. This was denied by Kennedy Tte suit b*« been fllerf by 13 Theodor* t>. Parsons, Red police department tor Its role in administration sources, the Post added.
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