April 1986 An official Journal of the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers 'n Amptelike Joernaal van die Suid Af rikaanse Instituut van Elektriese Ingenieurs South Africa's most concentrated form of energy. ' V1. .1 ' o " I can take time off with peace of mind because my friends work for me. Let me tell you about my 'SMART' friends - who are proud members of large families - there's... OVERLOAD POWER MONITOR, he's an inquisitive young chap with a family back ground dating back many generations. LEVEL CONTROL, a sensitive type who's strictly on the level. INFRA-RED LIGHT BEAM, a robust character who's straight to the point. I call him 'Cats Eyes' because he sees in the dark. TIMER, a punctual pal who never lets me down, but what a smooth operator. ^ PROXIMITY SENSOR, a bright stalwart you phone Rhomberg Electronics like I did." but occasionally difficult to get close to. Designers and Manufacturers And of course COUNTER, my accountant of Electronic Automation who enjoys saving me money. RHOMBERO Equipment The ancestral home of these 'FRIENDS' 8 Honeywell Road, Retreat, 7945, Cape Town. Telephone (021) 75-1114 believe that the customer is King and that Telex 52-6428 SA. electronics Johannesburg. Telephone (011)339-1956 service reliability and availability are goals Telex 42-4652 SA. to be constantly strived for. LASTING FRIENDS YOU CAN RELY ON elehtran An Official Journal of The South African Institute of Electrical Engineers 'n Amptelike Joemaal van die Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut van Elektriese Ingenieurs Head Office PO Box 61019 Marshalltown 2107 Transvaal Telephone: (011)832-2177/4 Telegraphic Address: FARAD elehtran SAIEE Office Bearers President: APRIL 1986 A. S. Meyer VOL 3 No. 4 Immediate Past President: VOL 3 nr. 4 H. D. Howe Vice-Presidents: J C. van Alphen W. B. Jackson CONTENTSINHOUD J. P. Reynders Hon Treasurer: L. H. James Comment 2 Editorial Board The Cover 2 Chairman: Presidential Address: A perspective on the South African electrical J. D. van Wyk manufacturing industry H.J. Duncan S. Folgosa by A S Meyer 3 H. D. Howe (ex offi cio) Medical engineering - a critical and personal view A. S. Meyer (ex offi cio) J. B. Quail byHWallman 12 J. P. Reynders D R Sloan (ex officio) Are sealed transformers an explosion hazard A. H. Waters (ex officio) by J C van Alphen and C R Hatch 16 Cape Western Centre: Hon Sec P. J. Wilson 37 Forest Drive, FSPE News: Award for services to the Engineering Profession 19 Pinelands Engineering & Industrial News 22 7405 Cape Town 8000 Mikroelektronikategnologie 26 Tel: (021) 53-1946 Dr Hendrik van der Bijl and the Vacuum Tube Hon Sec Mrs G. Nortier PO Box 2408, Durban 4000 by D J Vermeulen and G D Walker 30 Tel: (Home: Afternoons) Products/Processes 37 (031)52-5312 Forum 40 Consulting Editor: J, P. Reynders Technical Editor: D R Sloan Institute News 40 General Editor: A. H, Waters Advertisers'Index 24 Printed by: Ultra Litho, PO Box 38092, Booysens 2016, Johannesburg Advertising Representative: Laurine Brown Tel: (Oil) 880-1243/60 Published by: Kelvin Publications (Pty) Ltd 13th Floor, London House, Lovcday Street, Johannesburg 2001 PO Box 2988, Johannesburg 2000 Tel: (011)8364918 Telegraphic Address: KELVIC Copyright in all material appearing in this publication may vest in the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without permission in writing from the Institute. Notwithstanding the Price per copy: Members R4.00 per additional copy. Non-members R5.00 per copy (R50.00 per annum). foregoing permission is not required to make abstracts on condition The S.A. Institute of Electrical Engineers and the Editors of Elektron are not responsible for the statements mat that a full reference to the source is shown. Single copies of any of the opinions expressed in this Journal. material in which the Institute holds copyright may be made for Die Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut van Elektriese Ingenieurs en die Redakteurs van Elektron is nie verantwoordelik \ research or private purposes without reference to the Institute. die stellings wat in hierdie tydskrif gemaak word of die menings wat daarin uitgespreek word nie. Kopiereg oor al die materiaal wat in hierdie tydskrif verskyn mag by die Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut van Elektriese Ingenieurs berus. Alle regte word voorbehou. Geen deel van hierdie publikasie mag geproduseer word, in 'n herkrygingstelsel bewaar word of in enige vorm of enige wyse versprei word nie, hetsy elektronies, met magnetiese bande, meganies, gefotoknpieer, deur 'n opname of andersins sonder die skriftelike toestemming van die Instituut. Ondanks die voorafgaande is toestemming nie noodsaaklik indien uiltrcksels gemaak word nie, tnits 'n voile verwysing na die bron aangedui word. Enkel afskrifte mag vir navorsings of private doeleindes van enige materiaal gemaak word waaroor die Instituut die kopiereg besit, sonder dat daar na die Instituut verwys word. Elektron April 1986 Comment Furthering the Institute's objectives Some time ago a questionnaire was sent out to canvass opinion of members on apparent general loss of interest in the Institute. A strong viewpoint emerged that the Institute had lost standing to the South African Council for Professional Engineers since registration now seemed to be more meaningful than corporate membership of the Institute. At the same time it was felt thatthe Institute should increase its general membership and further the advance ment of electrical engineering by admitting anyone with an interest in electrical engineering. A sub-committee was then appointed to study the Institute's qualification requirements and related issues and the recommendations of this sub-committee have now been approved by Council. In broad principle the more important amendments to the qualifications for membership will be as follows: (1)As the Institute is a recognised Professional Society the minimum requirement for corporate membership shall in future be SACPE's standard for the registration of professional engineers. In addition the Institute requires three years of engineering experience at a responsible level which is higher than SACPE's requirement. (2)A prime objective of the Institute is to advance the science of electrical engineering as a 'learned' society and therefore any person with a genuine interest in electrical engineering may be admitted to some grade of membership. To preserve the standard and reputation of the Institute however, a minimal requirement of one year's technical study above matriculation level shall apply to the Associate grade. (3)A new grade Associate Member shall be created for members who have engineering qualifications which are not yet adequate for full corporate membership. This grade will include engineering graduates, holders of other degrees in science or engineering which are not yet registerable, and those who are registerable as technologists. The present grade of graduate will then fall away. The concept is that all associate members should be in a position to become full corporate members by completing additional courses at university level now becoming available as alternative routes to registration, or in the case of graduates, by obtaining sufficient responsible experience. (4)Council, the governing body of the Institute will continue to be made up only of corporate members but in future non-corporate members will be able by means of a separate ballot to elect two corporate members to Council. (5)i he way is also open for further new grades to be created in agreement with other groups within the electrical engineering profession. (6)Existing members will not be affected in any way except graduates who will automatically be regraded as Associate Members. It is believed the new gradings will assist the Institute to achieve the objectives mentioned and also that they will be in line with proposals to amend the engineering professions legislation. ? JBQ Elektron April 1986 Presidential Address A perspective on the South African Electrical Manufacturing Industry A S Meyer* The association that I have had with this Outline this industry came to its present state of Institute over the years has resulted in my development and share with you some listening to many addresses given by the From reading these earlier papers and thoughts on the future, dealing with the incoming Presidents so I was very aware of from my own experiences in the industry, changes that may be necessary for its the very high standard that I had to achieve I arrived at certain aspects of our in ongoing prosperity. when I perceived that my activities in this Institute were leading me to the time when I dustrial development I feel would be of Finally, I wish to join with the many myself would have to stand before this interest for us to consider this evening. I commentators on the industrial trends in learned body and deliver my own decided on three main topics. the present world by giving a view of dissertation. Firstly, the reading of the early papers where the present age of automation is I trust that I will be able to live up to the showed in a very fascinating manner leading us and in particular what it holds standard set by these eminent Presidents that, in the thoughts of the Past Presi for those populations of the third world not only in my talk this evening but also in dents of this Institute we find not only an who have not yet met up with industriali my helping to guide the activities of the account of the industrial history of the sation. Institute of Electrical Engineers during the country as a whole which is of tremen following year.
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