![Grosse Pointe News 1990](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Residents make the news zn• the Pointes • By Ronald J Bernas zn 1990 Staff Wnter Shores council could revIse Its master plan board named Edward Shine, former deputy After many more tWlbts and turns, the whIch wal'> last updated 1111956. The pailt yedr could be called the yenr of buperlntendent, to fill Whl'ltner's spot "tory wlll end, for good 01' fOl bad, on Feb 4 The Groil..,e POll1te War Memonal Assocla. grasb rootil Heilldent concems and com- In other school news, the board decIded to - the date set by the board for a bond Issue tlOn announced plans to build a new cable plamts cauiled boardil and city counclls to abk the people of the Pomte.., to fund a pro_ electIOn ..,tudlO on the groundil of the War Memonal re thll1k theIr actlOnil and bow to the wlll of posed $7 1 mllhon hbrary on the !,'1'ounds of The cIty of Detroit began repldcmg the The Glosse POinte Farmb councIl approved the people A ilhOl t I ecap of the year's Brownell Middle School The lIbrary and Its bndge <;pannmg Fox Creek The new bndge eventi> follow., It, then resIdents started complaining ups and downs were a ,>tory that dommated clo..,ed Wmdmlll POinte Dnve at Alter Hoad PACE -- the Program for AcademIc and the news all year January Cleatlve EducatlOn - was to be gIven a The plan called for a new lIbrary, and for February one year overhaul, because then-Supel'ln. the administratIOn to move Its ofIices to the [t stal ted off with a freeze - on new con tendent John Whntner said It wasn't work- current Central Library, and then for the The schoo,,", once d~am took top bl!hng structlOn m GlOs'3e Pomte Shores, plohlblt Ing Parents complained, saYing Whntner's current adminIstratIOn buJldmg to be bold when a .study ploposed a major restructur- mg the Issuance of all permits for constl uc ploposal came becduse he was leaving for a Grosse POinte City offiCIals complained Il1g of the mIddle school pnl!,'1'am The pro tlOn thloughout the Village The new Job In a few months Eventually, the about the plan, because they were con posal mcluded movmg to a seven-hour moratorium also prevented property ownerb school board approved leaving It In place, cemed over Itb pOSSIble futUle useb, and and developprs from subdlvldmg propertlCs but at the same tIme work toward develop- wdnted the land to be restncted to ,>m~le Into lots BuJldmg was stopped so the m~ a new pro!,'1'am Shortly aftel ward, the famlly homes See 1990, page lOA Grosse Pointe News 1990 Vol. 51, No. 52 34 pages Grosse Pointe, Michigan 50~ December 27,1990 2' Inside Middle McNamara proposes pay freeze .....3A school Say ~tIsn't so, Bo ....... 6A changes Prune Tune . '" .. 8A approved Farms couple donates land lOA By Ronald J Bernas Staff Wnter Obltuanes l1A Sweeplllg change" Intended not only to educate mIddle school Sports' students but also to make them Lookzng back ..... 12A mOle \\ell lounded \Iele ap pI 0\ ed bj the "choo] boar d on Del 10 Autos. ... 14A The change ... \11'1I' apploved af tel neal Iy t\\ 0 \ I'm s of study and dlscus"lOn bj mIddle school Hosp~ce teamwork .... 1B teachel s. admlnJ!>1l ators, parents ,md dlst1'lct offiCials q ..... Wedd~ngs . _L Thl hH~gE'..,t change IS gOlIlg II om a "IX pellOd da) to a seven . Engagements 3B pellOd da). accOidmg to Dr AI. r. wda FI o~t, as"lstant supenn tendent fOl Clllliculum Elegant Eatzng SA . The ,,1'\ en pellOd day wll! Photo b, Rosh SJila" benefit the students because Travel 6B the\ \\ ill have mOl e opportunIty Ted Zberanowsky. who lives at 1350 Yorkshire. transformed his house into this delectable to take mOl I' classes In 0101 e val' confection. It took him three weeks of working in his basement to create the display and he said led <:ubJects " Frost saId Gingerbread thaI before he was finished. the entire basement floor was covered with material. Zberanowsky • Homes . .7B Hand III hand \\ Ith the seven who has been in the display business all of his life. created the Christmas decoration for his and pellOd day I" an InCI ease In sev house wife De Shaheen's eight children and 18 grandchildren in time for ThanksgiVing. when some of 1'1al mIddle !>chool IequlI ements them visited. ClaSSIfied ads . .....l1B • In the sl ...th grade, a yeal of '1CIl'nce 1\III be IeqUlred IIlstead of the CUll ent "eme!>tel, explora to!, COUIses III art and keyboard • mg \\ III be added to the current p Grosse Pointe Cable pays 1I"t of requlIed exploratOly o 1 n t e r caul "e" III Itfeskllls, technology and fOlelgn languages, and stu of Interest dent" \\ III have to take eIther a its first dividends to cities genel al musIc class or an Il1stru mental class By John MinniS Kenneth J. Van Dellen Asslstanl Edllor Grosse Pointe Cable • In the se\ enth gr'ade, SkJlIs tOi Adole"cenh. a caUl se which FOi t)l(' fil..,t t1l11C 111 a decade ownership /1990 dividends By Laura Phllhps deals \\ Ith teen lso,lleS of copmg, plO hfe movement and hi'" faIth of opel cltlOn GI'O""e POll1te Cable SpeCial Writer h P,I\ I11g dl\ Idend.., thh veal decI"lOn makmg and family rela - to better othel" ,h II ell ,h PCI h,lp" Kenneth .J Van Del tlOn.,hlp"', \\ III be requll ed, and himself Tlw ,11lnouncement of the pay len got hI', mnel "plllt and en thl' mlhlcal stllngs course WIll The Grosse POlllte Park Ie"l 111t'1lh corne.., after Comca."t Ca elj,'\ flom hI'" fathel a countly he mCIelhed flom a "emester to dent CI edIts some of hIS traits to h]1' 1111'lOrnpam " techl1lcal op doctOl \\ ho at 8:1 "tIll made Comeast 25% tl \ Cdl genes 11,ltOI .tnd ,I ..,hdl eholdel, backed hOlhC 1.111.., $66,750 • In the eIghth 1,'1 ade, a health .I 1-,'1.1('''''' the\ 11111111 the j,lIl1 Ollt 01 d S25 mllhon ofTel to bll\ Pel hdlh It came flom hI'" 1\Ife (Ol\1 "e 1\111be added to the ltst of Ih a little bit. he ",]\.., I 1ll thl' othcl thl ee ollhtandmg Pl'.lrl Ilho tedlhe.., ..,tudenh \Ilth I equlIl'c1 cour..,e.., and the stlmgs, ,h Ill'" of Gl 0..,..,1' POlnte Cahll' leal nmg dl-"lhll1tlh .It L.lke\ 11'1' k IIld of people OIlC'ntcd I j.,'ue..,,, I band and cho1! coulse~ \\111 be cnlO\ \\ 01 kl11g \Ilth ppople. help publll "Ihool" 111 St Clan 1)1l' dl\ Idend dmollnt" to leni-,rt!ll'nec1 flom a "eme"ter to a II1g people' Grosse POinte City 3 8% ShOi e" SGG 7iO Ill'l "h.11C' $10.01250 \ 1'011 01 m,l\ IX' It" hl~ fdlth 111 Van Dellen 1', 111 hi'" 26th \ (.11 (,Ilh"l POillte Cahle 1', 1I11lqlle BOdl d membel ~ e"pre"sed con of teachlllg .It :\lau)]l1h COlll11l1l1l Grosse Pomte Farms 6 8% Chi ht hh 10mnlltment to educd III th,lt It h 75 pell.ent ol\ned h\ CPIn th,1t the ne\\ I equll ement.., $18.02250 t Ion hI', hlo <iaughtel" It\ College \\hele he ",1\" hI I' th, LOll1l11l1nltlC"It "PI\e" " PIen't foclhed enough on aca . the \\ holl' geolog', dep 11 t ll11'nt V,m Dl'Jlen 53 find" a \\.1\ to Of tIll' wmpal1\ ..,fO\ll common Grosse Pomte Woods 11 2% d1'1l111"hut F10<;t dlsai,'1 ee" HI eal ncd a balhelO1 " e!1'j.,'1CI'\11 $30.03750 U"( hi" l11dl\ Idll,lht, - hI ... Intel "holil" onc 1" 0\\ ned b\ Com SCll me 1'0 dladell1lc. and I blOlo/-,'\ at C'clh 111 Collpg( In e"t 111 g('OlOi,'\ cducat Ion the l d,t ,lI1d thlee ,II I' contlOlled In Ihll1h I I\ould "'UppOit the pI em 1958 \\11', cont1l1gent on th~;u.7---I;;;;;-&~~t-;;"i)(> P<~I'- t h( \\ ,II ,\ll'mOlI.1J A",,,,oclfltwn hC th,lt ,lit ,md mU,>IC 31 e aca Later, he completpc] d Ill,ht( I " cOl1lpam debt bemg patd ofT In Octohel \'(>1non I\ Albhel 01 t he non pi ofit a""oclatlOn ... dl'I11IC "he ..,ald 'The \\ holl' degH'e at :'vllchlgan State I'nl He <;ald no\\ It I.., pO'iSlbl(> th,lt 111,111,I 111l'1llbl'l of the Gro..,..,e Ihl(( "hdle" 1 1 2 die split conll'pt of t he adolescent III t hI' \ el "It\ 111 1Il\ ertrbl ,He IOO]O/-.,\ \\ lth the ne"t pl1l1clpal pa\ n1l'nt POll1t(' Cabll' ,](1\ 1',01.. boat d and Imollg tl1(' Cltll''' of GIO~"e middle "chool 1<;that he be e" That" the ..,tud\ of ,]l1lllla], \\ Ith the Il1tel comp,lm debt. \\ hlch IIll' Pal k" md\ OJ pi 0 tem I I' Prllnll CIt\ Fal nh Pm k and pl)',('d to all aI (>as no backbone". \\ hlch 1" Ill,l' hI 1\,1'0 a.., high ,b S2 ~ millIOn \\ III pOIted th.lt Comc,ht \\ Ithdl e\\ \\ ooe!" 1l1d 1/,11pll Wood" \nothel change mcludE''' add 1\h\ I don t e.lt t h,lt "t un h( hI' c]o'oe to flU 0 TI1l' 1I11( I C0111 ,m Ofl'l'l to pa\ SL"j lllIlllOn fOi Il1g d 22 I11Il111tepellOd every d,l\' ",ud l'lUghlllg I pi (fE'1 to I II p,lIl\ <i('bt \lib 0\1('c! to Come,ht th( thlll "h,IH'" umtlolled h\ [Ill ('IlIlt\ c,lch IIt\ h'h lI1 hn(l\\ 11 ,I', thl' ad\ I"'PI ad\'I..,ep \ elt('\ll,Ite.., It o1Plw,lI.., \\ I' m ( nm\ 111 I t h( \\' aI ,\11'1ll011,11 t hi 1 J 2 ,,11,llp" b d( tel mll1ed pl(lh'ldl1l Each ..,tudent \\111 bl' \ft('1 11l' l)('g,1I1 tl.lchmg II h\ Ih( II1l00ll1t of 1('\ l'I1UI' w'nel pO"lt 1\ I' pO"lt 1011 11l' ",ud Rickel "Illd Comc,l"t Inlt lated ,1"Ig-IJed onl' tpachel \\ lth \\ hom \1('C he I'dl ned ,I '('UlI1d 111,1' RlcJ,,('1 founekd GIlh'l' POintl.
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